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Dream of Me

Page 26

by Magenta Phoenix

  “You’ve done well. Finally we have the key; now we can finally destroy the veil that imprisons us.” Moving past Rurik toward his raised throne seat, Zyaid snatched up a jeweled goblet from a fearful servant. Waving the servant away, he raised his cup to his lips. Savoring his drink, Zyaid slowly lowered his goblet to glare accusingly at Rurik. “However, things have changed now.”

  Elena watched as Rurik’s welcoming demeanor vanished with Zyaid’s cold tone. “We had a deal!” he snarled out, his free hand squeezing into a tight fist.

  Looking down at his empty goblet, Zyaid suddenly flung it toward the cage. Gasping in surprise, Elena ducked and covered her head as the goblet shattered against the bars. Lowering her hands, she raised her eyes to study Zyaid’s averted face. If he was angry at Rurik, he didn’t show it. His face was completely blank as if he were in deep thought. Slowly his eyes began to glow red as they settled on her completely. Pressing his lips together, he slowly turned back to face Rurik.

  “We had a deal,” Zyaid acknowledged. “However, now it has changed.”

  Rushing forward in a fit of anger, Rurik shouted, “That’s not what you promised me!” Barely having let the words leave his lips, Zyaid rushed forward in a blur of movement. His hand wrapped around Rurik’s throat before slamming him onto his back against the stairs of the raised platform.

  “You listen to me, you spoiled whelp. I. Am. King. Anything you were promised is a gift from me and I decide when you will receive it. For instance the air you breathe now is a gift of my mercy; remember who you are dealing with.”

  Slamming Rurik’s head punishingly against the golden step beneath him, Zyaid released him. As Rurik began to climb to his feet, he paced away from Zyaid while warily watching him. Not bothering to look at him, Zyaid busied himself with straightening his robes as he spoke in a dark voice.

  “You realize of course, Garmorian, that I just spared your life. Most that would come at me as you did would be bleeding out on the floor. But, I am a kind master and I am willing to overlook it.” As Rurik narrowed his eyes in anger, he nodded in understanding as he held his rage to his face once more.

  Shooting him a toothy grin, Zyaid added, “Know your place.” Pointing at Rurik’s wounded face with a long thin finger, he took a step forward. “I see you have injured yourself. Allow me to help you heal.”

  Without hesitation, Rurik inclined his head in agreement. “Thank you, my king.”

  Chuckling low in his throat, Zyaid turned to two of his guards stationed on either side of Elena’s cage. “Heal him,” he ordered.

  Smirking in unison, the guards moved toward Rurik as he took a wary step back. Roughly one guard grabbed him by his arms from behind and forcibly shoved him to his knees as the other one approached.

  “What is the meaning of this?!” Rurik yelled as he fought the Kelithian that held him. His eyes widened in fear as the second Kelithian that approached him held up his hand. Immediately the Kelithians tan skin began to darken and glow like heated iron.

  “Did you not know, Garmorian? Unlike your kind that can only heal your mates, we can heal ourselves at will — through fire. Relax and accept my gift to you.”

  Elena’s eyes widened as the Kelithian moved closer to Rurik blocking her view. Not a second later the sound of Rurik screaming in pain echoed off the walls around them. Covering her nose and mouth, she fought to block out the smell of burning flesh floated on the air. Gasping at Zyaid’s cruelty, she turned away from the sight. She jumped as she saw Zyaid suddenly in front of her cage with a knowing smile on his face.

  “Fear not, human. If I wanted to harm you I would have done it already.”

  “You will have to forgive me if I don’t believe a word you say,” she bit out.

  His shoulders shrugged uncaringly. “I apologize in the manner at which you were brought here; however I did extend my invitation to you twice before. I’m sure you will forgive me once you understand that I had no choice in the matter.”

  Backing away from the bars in front of her as he drew closer, she eyed him with mistrust. “Save it. I don’t care about your fake apology. Why am I here?” she demanded in a firm tone.

  “You’re here to help me of course,” he said with a smile as he held his hands out to his sides.

  A single red brow arched at his fake, sickly-sweet tone. “To do what exactly?” she huffed out with suspicion.

  “To destroy all the Garmorians, then you will help me take possession of your world.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Storming down the dark corridor of the stronghold, Kieran and Dajran made their way to the throne chamber. After Zyaid’s surprise visit and request, he had no doubt that Cian would be pulling all their resources to discover what the false king was truly after. What he had to say would be for the ears of both his Gu’an and Li’r. Without their help he had no chance of reclaiming his mate.

  As they neared the guarded doors of the throne chamber, Kieran snarled as the guards tightened their hands on their weapons at their hips. Once they realized that he wasn’t about to stop until he charged through the doors, the guards moved to block his path.

  “You cannot enter,” the first guard said holding up a staying hand. “The Gu’an is with the high council and ordered not to be disturbed.” Still Kieran approached with a firm conviction. Two palace guards wouldn’t sway him from his task.

  Narrowing his eyes at Kieran, the guard flashed a hard look to his companion in silence as they both reached for their swords. Before their strong arms could free their swords from their scabbards, the first guard found Dajran’s sword thrusted under his jaw. Freezing, the guard dropped his hand from his weapon as Dajran shoved him away from the door. The second guard watched helplessly as Dajran shoved the first guard against the wall with the deadly edge of his blade against his throat.

  “Step aside,” Kieran whispered in a deadly tone that only a fool would ignore. Feeling the weight of Kieran’s glare, slowly the second guard lifted his hand from his sword before stepping out of his way.

  “It’s your head if you do this. No one disturbs the Gu’an when he is with the council. It is the law.”

  “Not today it isn’t,” Kieran snarled as he moved forward to shove both the doors wide open. Shoving the guard aside, Dajran followed behind him, not bothering to sheath his sword. It was one thing to risk your head by coming before the Gu’an uninvited and unannounced but it was suicide to do so while openly armed.

  The moment the doors flew open at least twelve heads turned toward him with surprise and displeasure. Sitting upon his throne with a grim expression, Cian turned his head as Kieran and Dajran moved into the room. Beside the throne stood Arlen with his arms crossed over his wide chest, a look of extreme displeasure painted his expression upon seeing them. It was then that the high lords of the council made their discontentment loudly known.

  “What is the meaning of this?!” One lord boldly shouted, waving his hand toward Kieran’s entry. “How dare you enter these chambers?!”

  Another finely dressed lord stepped forward only to turn his anger on Cian, “You call us here to speak of the protection of this kingdom and you cannot even control your own warriors!”

  Arlen tensed at the lord’s outburst, taking a step forward he moved to defend Cian only to stop when Cian held up a staying hand. Ignoring the crushing weight of the eyes of his commander, Kieran shoved past the group of lords to stand in front of the raised platform of Cian’s throne. Lowering himself down onto one knee, he bowed his head in respect. This caused Cian to smirk with the irony of the situation. The only one showing respect to him in that moment was the one that had just broken the ancient law.

  “Rise,” Cian’s heavy voice uttered as his eyes fell on Dajran and his unsheathed sword.

  Cian wasn’t the only one to notice the armed warrior amongst them. Promptly another lord stepped forward, upon rising to his full height Kieran recognized him as Lord Rameir — Rurik’s sire. From reputation he was known to be just as sn
eaky as his son.

  “Warrior, you will disarm yourself in the presence of the council and the Gu’an,” Lord Rameir ordered as if he was the Gu’an himself. At least Kieran could see where his son got his stupidity and arrogance from.

  Sneering, Dajran swung his sword toward Lord Rameir as he approached him. The egotistical lord jumped back with fear but not until after Dajran’s sword sliced through the decorative sleeve of his robes. Before the strip of red torais silk touched the floor, Lord Rameir found Dajran’s sword now barely an inch from his face.

  “No one commands me but the Gu’an. Step back,” Dajran growled. For a moment, it seemed that Lord Rameir would argue. Casting his eyes to the hard gaze of the Gu’an, Lord Rameir smirked before lifting his hands in surrender and taking a step back with the rest of the displeased lords.

  “You better have a good excuse for this, Kieran,” Arlen said with a dark tone.

  Not bothering to respond, Kieran turned his attention to Cian, who had patiently been watching the exchange of all around him. “My lord, I regret that I have dishonored you and the law, but this couldn’t wait.”

  “Speak then, what else do you have to lose?” Cian said, resting his open palm against the side of his face.

  “My mate,” Kieran answered.

  Cian’s eyes widened before his hand dropped to the arm of his throne. “What are you talking about?”

  “My mate has been taken by the Kelithians and they weren’t alone,” he replied accusingly as his eyes flicked toward Lord Rameir.

  Following Kieran’s gaze, Cian nodded grimly. Rising from his seat, his voice raised with authority, “Clear the room.” As the other lords began to argue with raised voices, for the first time in his life, Cian allowed his other form to take over. With eyes glowing dangerously, he snarled at the lords. “Now!” As every mouth snapped shut the lords turned with their snobbish noses in the air.

  After his beastly form regressed, Cian called out, “Lord Rameir.” The lord froze just as he was about to exit the throne chamber, his eyes looking warily at Cian.


  Not looking at him, Cian stepped down from his throne. “Stay. I may have words for you.”

  Stiffening, Lord Rameir scoffed, “I doubt I can be of much help in this, my lord.”

  Smirking, Arlen stepped forward. “Regardless, your Gu’an has given you his command. Beside Lord Rameir, there are two armed warrior’s here that look very agitated and I don’t think they like you very much.”

  Looking between Dajran and Kieran, Lord Rameir nodded with a tense jerking motion. His lips pressed together with anger as he moved back toward the center of the room. All the while, Lord Rameir kept space between himself and Dajran who still held his sword at the ready.

  Slamming the doors closed, Arlen strode back to the group with a stormy expression. “Now,” he began, turning his attention on his two best warriors. “What is this all about? How could you allow the enemy to get your mate?”

  “We were attacked by Dihmas.”

  Cian’s head jerked with surprise as he turned toward Kieran with a bewildered expression. Before he could answer, Lord Rameir scoffed before laughing, “You expect us to believe that Zyaid spawned such monsters simply to acquire your measly human mate?” Turning to Cian, he continued. “My lord don’t you see what is going on here? It is obvious that your warrior here is such a warmonger that he would endanger his chosen mate simply to insight panic to coerce you into attacking Zyaid. It is beyond absurd! King Zyaid has been nothing but peaceful these last hundred years!”

  Holding up a silencing hand, Cian stepped away from Lord Rameir without paying any heed to his words. “Explain, Kieran. How many Dihmas attacked you and how many Kelithians?”

  “I took Elena away from the stronghold once I knew Zyaid was here inquiring about her. I took her near the black cliffs to the cave of lights; it was there that two Dihmas attacked us.”

  “How convenient that you survived such an attack,” the lord sneered with disbelief. The swish of Dajran’s blade through the air followed his comment as Lord Rameir found the sharp blade pressed against the underside of his jaw.

  “Hold your tongue before I cut it out.” Jerking his sword back, Dajran turned toward Cian. “It’s true, Gu’an. I came upon both of them just as one of the creatures was about to kill Kieran’s female. Luckily I was able to kill the beast before it got the chance.”

  “How many Kelithian were there?” Arlen asked, crossing his arms in front of him.

  “We never saw any,” Kieran answered. Casting Lord Rameir a dark glare as he scoffed in response, he continued, “Dajran wasn’t the only one to give ‘assistance’. As soon as both beasts were dead, Rurik showed up saying that more of the creatures were on the way.” Kieran wasn’t surprised when Lord Rameir grew quiet.

  “Rurik? Isn’t he one of the personal guards of the Gu’an?” Arlen asked with disbelief. “Why in the world was he there?”

  “I thought it strange also, but fearing for my mate’s safety and the safety of Garmorian people should such monsters come upon them, I ordered Rurik to bring Elena safely here and to return with reinforcements. Elena didn’t trust him and I should have listened to her. Dajran and I went to seek out the other Dihmas in hopes of preventing them of reaching the villages.”

  “Did you?” Arlen asked.

  He shook his head, “No and more importantly there was no sign of more of them being spawned at all. It was then that I felt Elena’s fear. Rushing back to the cave, I found this.” Holding out the bloodstained femra, Kieran passed it over to Arlen as he stepped forward. “It’s Elena’s.”

  Bringing the jeweled ornament to his nose, Arlen flinched back from the scent, “This is Garmorian blood. Why would your mate use this on a Garmorian?”

  “It is obvious! They must have helped her attack my son when he only meant to help. This must be part of their plan to force war between us and the Kelithians! These are all lies! I demand that they be held accountable for the attack of my son! They have shown you the proof!” Lord Rameir exclaimed as he pointed accusingly at Dajran and Kieran.

  Ignoring Lord Rameir’s outburst, Dajran stepped toward Cian beseechingly, “Hear me, Gu’an. What Kieran has told you is the truth. Li’r can even tell you that Rurik was already suspected of killing the Kelithian prisoner but a day ago. There have been whispers of traitors within our own ranks. I believe that Rurik has been aiding Zyaid—”

  “Lies! If you refuse to listen, Gu’an, then I will—” Lord Rameir’s words were cut off as Arlen struck out at him with a quick thrust of his black wing. The strike caused the lord to be thrown off his feet and land against the unforgiving stone floor. Striding over to him, Arlen picked the lord up by his throat to hold him an inch above the floor.

  “For years I have watched you steal from the people that you have sworn to care for. It is no surprise that your son is just like you. If another word falls from your mouth that I even suspect of being a lie again, I will execute you right here,” Arlen hissed out close to the lord’s face. Tossing the lord aside, Arlen kept him in his sights as he climbed back to his feet.

  “Kieran,” Cian said with a pause. “Are you saying that you believe that Rurik had something to do with this attack on your mate?”

  “I believe that he only sought to win her only to hand her over to our enemy. Regardless what others want you to believe, my lord, we are not waiting for a war with Zyaid. We already are at war with him. He stole Elena for a reason. What that reason is, I do not know and I do not care. I only want to get my mate back and I cannot do that without your help,” Kieran beseeched.

  “I know why he took her,” a soft voice echoed from above them a moment before a figure of white fell from the rafters. Stepping from the shadows, Kieran relaxed as he saw Sera approach.

  “Speak if you must, Priestess,” Arlen said, cutting through the silence.


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