CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4)

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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4) Page 9

by Yumoyori Wilson

  My body is clearly doing the talking.

  Odion hesitantly glanced my way, his cheeks still red. "You… don't mind?" he whispered.

  "No," I replied.

  If only my body was a cheerleading squad. They would be doing flips and tricks to show their immense joy at the unspoken confirmation of him staying.

  "Okay..." He slowly swam to where I was relaxing against the wall of the bath fountain. After settling next to me, we sat there in an awkward silence at first.

  Deciding to distract myself, I stared at Momo who was still asleep. Her little white unicorn float was now drifting towards us.

  I reached out to stop her float from going too far, bringing it to stay in front of us.

  Odion reached out to stroke Momo's head, but she remained asleep. "Did she use another spell?"

  "She summoned Arielle," I replied.

  "Huh?" Odion glanced around looking for my familiar. "Where?"

  "She's with Esme at the moment. I said I was worried about Arielle and she did that whole teleporting thing and completely vanished. When she came back, Arielle fell through the ceiling. Well… a portal in the ceiling. We made up and she gave me a bit of intel on what's happening on the surface. She's staying the night with us before going back."

  "Interesting..." Odion looked deep in thought.

  "Is that weird?" I asked, noticing a small smile form on his lips.

  "No. It's just Momo doesn't usually bond very quickly with people. She's very apprehensive about everything. It took her months to get used to me, and a good year before she'd stopped purposely scaring Aaron. She bonded really fast with you. That's why I'm intrigued that she was able to locate your familiar and bring her here."

  "What's a Null familiar?" I asked. "Arielle was able to talk to Momo with no issues, but I assumed that was impossible."

  "A Null familiar is one who can shift into any creature. She has no original form. When they're born, they're a little circular ball and whatever familiar that is around at the time, they take on that shape temporarily. It would make sense why Momo was able to teleport Arielle easily since her birth family was phoenix familiars," Odion explained.

  "I was meaning to ask, but why is Momo… how do I say it?" I pondered, trying not to sound insulting.

  "Why is Momo still a child?" Odion clarified.

  I nodded. "It doesn't make sense to me. You and Orion are older than me by a year. If Momo came to the Dark World before you, even by a year, she'd be 27, which is older than Arielle, but she acts like she's two to four familiar years."

  "Momo’s growth is stuck," Odion mumbled.

  "Stuck?" I questioned.

  "In order for Null familiars to grow, it's different from the regular age way," Odion revealed.

  "What happens?" I asked.

  "Null familiars grow by receiving love from other familiars. Even if I take care of her as her Master, and give her as much love as I can, it won't contribute to her growth."

  "But… why didn't she grow to begin with when she was with her family? Or did she stumble upon this place before that?"

  "Momo… hmm. I'm only assuming some of this from the memories I've seen in her mind after we bonded, but when Momo was born, the familiars of her family didn't like her. They thought something was wrong with her. Null familiars are super rare, as in less than 0.5% chance. It took a long time before we even knew what she was."

  "0.5%? I never heard about Null familiars or read about them in books."

  "The percentile is so small, they aren't worth mentioning unless you really go back into the history books. Esme knew about it because of her previous position on the High Council, but it's impossible to really find them when they adapt to whatever familiar they're around."

  "So, her family didn't like her," I concluded.

  "Yes. They thought she was weird and familiars are rather judging creatures. They don't like different. They like everything to be the same as their peers, or the family is looked down upon. Even a difference in say feathers or power level can invite hate."

  "I know a bit of that from Arielle's memories. I just didn't think familiars would be picky to their family," I whispered.

  "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn’t seen it through Momo's memories," Odion admitted, looking deep in thought.

  "I guess that means she stopped growing?"

  "Yes. She wasn't receiving pure love from her family and no matter what she did, they mocked her and insulted her parents. Essentially, they didn't want anything to do with her," Odion grumbled. I noticed the hint of anger in his eyes and he took a deep breath.

  "Then Dark birds began to appear and take down nests. The phoenix familiars of her nest decided if they offered the birds a gift, they would leave their nest alone."

  My heart dropped as my mind already began to put the pieces together of what possibly could have happened. "Don't tell me..."

  "They took Momo in the middle of the night and tied her to a post. She was their offering in exchange for peace. Momo, being the age she was, had no clue what was happening. She just thought she was in trouble or something. She cried and cried, which only brought attention to her, and the Dark Birds arrived… and… you can guess what happened next."

  "No..." I whispered and blinked back tears. "How could they be so cruel? Momo is so adorable."

  "Familiars are no different from humans. When their life is at risk, they'll do whatever it takes to prolong it or avoid being killed. Momo was attacked by the birds, but she didn't die right away. The Dark birds carried her to their nest in the forest, which was tainted. Instead of turning into a Forsaken when she finally passed, she went through the trial of the Dark World. Esme was the one to find her and nursed her back to health."

  "Momo..." My voice was tiny as a tear rolled down my cheek.

  Odion was quietly staring at me and he reached out to wipe the tear from my left cheek.

  "She's happier now, but you can tell that she's anxious about her appearance. To others, she looks scary, especially with her swirling eyes. I could change her into anything… but… her form is comforting to me," he admitted.


  I could tell that topic was related to his upbringing, and as curious as I was, I didn't want to bring it up.

  "As long as it’s comforting to you and Momo loves it, that's all that matters. I think Momo is adorable and even though she's still little, she likes to help and comfort others."

  "Hmm," Odion replied and we were both quiet. It wasn't awkward like before, which made me a little happy. I remembered what Arielle said about Orion and decided to share.

  "Orion isn't at Aslan," I casually announced.

  "I'm aware," Odion replied. I glanced at him with a relieved look on my face.

  "He's okay?" I asked.

  "Yes. He needs space."

  That didn't sound very comforting to me. Odion noticed my frown and continued.

  "Brother has a slow reaction to things. Some things don't hit him right away. He'll take care of whatever needs to be worked on in the time of trouble and then when everything sinks in, that is when he reacts. If a cat dies, for example, he'll do everything to mourn the cat and bury it. He won't actually cry about it until after the cat's last needs are taken care of."

  "How… do you know that?" I questioned.

  "I stalk him sometimes." Odion shrugged. "It's entertaining."

  "He did mention that he thought you stalked him," I mumbled more to myself than Odion who shrugged.

  "Looking from afar is always safer," he whispered. He pushed away from the wall and began to move to the stairs. "I'm getting out first."


  He paused, and I noticed the light scars on his back. I bit my lip, not wanting to make it obvious that I'd seen them when he glanced over his shoulder.

  "You know… Orion… he didn't know," I whispered, knowing my eyes gave me up. I didn't want to mention what we'd discovered in the library. As loving as Odion had been the last couple of days, I didn't t
hink our 'friendship' was there yet to address a topic as dark as his past.

  "I'm aware," he mumbled and turned around. He walked out of the water and I got a glimpse of his lower back and ass, noticing larger scars that made my heart clench in agony.

  A cloak appeared on his shoulders, covering his backside. "You shouldn't stay too long in the water. I'm going to get some clothes. I'll be outside the bathroom when you're done."

  Without waiting for my reply, he walked out of the room.

  "Odion..." I whispered.

  How deep is the pain you carry so effortlessly?

  Arielle? Did you arrive safely?

  "Yes, Bru! I'm so happy I can reach you, Bru!"

  Me too. Keep me posted on everything once you've explained to the others what Esme shared. I don't think we have a lot of time to waste. The sooner we bring the Council down, the higher the chance is of us stopping the spread of Forsaken.

  "Yes, Bru! I'm on it… love you."

  Love you too, Arielle.

  I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair. I'm glad she's okay. Hopefully, the others will be patient for me to return.

  As for Orion...


  I lowered my head and saw Momo tugging at the simple black dress I wore. With a smile, I crouched down to be at her level and noticed she was holding the hair tie Hunter had given her.

  "You want me to put it in your hair?" I asked.

  She shook her head and pointed to my hair. "BiBo."

  "You want me to use it?"

  "Bibibibi," she replied, jumping up and down. I grinned and pet her head gently.

  "Alright." I took the hair tie from her hand and gathered my hair up into a ponytail, leaving a few purple-pink strands on the left side of my face. I ended up putting my hair into a bun and making sure the feathers of the hair tie were visible.

  "How do I look?" I asked Momo as I lowered my hands back to my knees and stared into her swirling eyes.

  "BiBo!" She cheered and reached out for my hand. She tugged my hand with her right hand and pointed down the hall.

  "You want to go somewhere?" I asked.


  "Okay." I rose and kept my hand in hers as she began to waddle ahead, tugging me along down the dark hall. When we reached a staircase, Momo let go of my hand and started to hop up each platform.

  I followed her up the stairs and she reached out for my hand again.

  Once I held it, she began to waddle to the left, and I noticed the hint of purple light that came from one of the rooms that had its door open.

  Reaching the door, Momo stopped, and I peered into the room. My gaze landed on Odion who was sitting on a black platform by the window, the rainbow fidget spinner on his right index finger.

  His lilac eyes weren't on the spinner but stared outside in a lost gaze.

  I bit my lip, noticing the exhaustion in his face and his dark circles again.

  When is the last time he slept?

  I glanced around the room, observing the simplistic nature of the furniture that still followed the black and purple theme and odd shaped format.

  He was very neat, which reminded me of his brother, and I saw a doll sitting next to his bed.

  Mini Momo?

  "BiBo!" Momo let go of my hand and waddled over to the bed.

  She climbed onto it and crawled across the black sheets to reach the other side. Once there, she dropped back onto the black wood floor and waddled to Odion who was still in his deep gaze.

  "Odion?" I whispered, wondering what he was thinking about.

  He didn't reply, his eyes still focused on the blackness of the outside. He must have been lost in his thoughts for him not to hear Momo and me at all. Momo patted her hands on his legs.


  Odion blinked a few times and lowered his gaze to Momo. "Oh. Hi, Momo."

  "BIBO!" she replied and lifted her arms up.

  He paused the spinner and leaned forward to lift her up. She gave him a hug and began to sing, and he closed his eyes, holding her tightly in his arms.

  Odion… is something troubling him? He looks so sad.

  I walked up to the bed and got a better look at the doll sitting on the nightstand. It looked like Momo, but it was all rainbow-like.

  The eyes had swirly lines that spiraled into the middle, and the doll wore a rainbow dress. The string hair was made up of different colors and it looked like it was smiling.

  I could tell it was old, but it was really taken care of.

  Is that where he got Momo’s inspiration from?

  "Odion? Is this where you got your inspiration for Momo?" I asked.

  He opened his eyes to meet my curious gaze as I pointed to the doll.

  He looked a bit shocked that I was standing there, making me wonder if he even heard me say his name the first time.

  "When did you get here?" he asked.

  "Same time as Momo," I replied and lowered my hand to my side.

  He pouted his lip and got up. Once he placed Momo back on the ground, he walked over to where I stood and picked the doll off the nightstand.

  "She's mine. You can't have her," he defended.

  I needed a second to understand his sudden defensiveness.

  Does he think I'm going to take it?

  "I know it's yours, Odion. I'm not taking it," I reassured him, speaking calmly.

  There has to be something going on.

  Could the doll be something therapeutic for him?

  He nodded, tightening his hold around the doll and looked to the floor.

  "Why are you here?"

  "Momo brought me here. I was downstairs in the hall waiting for you," I replied.

  "Can you… leave?" he whispered. I opened my mouth to speak but paused, needing to think this out.

  I should have asked before walking in, hmm.

  "Sure. I'll wait in the hall, okay?"

  He simply nodded, and Momo climbed onto the bed and began to jump up and down.

  "BiBo!" She sounded upset, staring at Odion whose eyes darkened.

  "I never asked you," he mumbled.

  Momo paused in her jumping and I knew just from her trembling nature she was on the verge of crying.


  She turned her head toward me and I smiled.

  "Why don't I braid your hair while Odion's getting ready?" I suggested. Odion was just wearing black pants, his top half still shirtless.

  It was the perfect excuse to keep her from crying.

  She blinked a few times and her eyes lit up.

  "BIBOOO!" She looked back at Odion who was still holding the doll in his hand. Momo stuck her tongue out at him. "Bo!"

  She turned around and waddled to the other side of the bed, climbing down to the floor and waddling over to me.

  "Bibibibibi," she sang and lifted her hands up.

  I picked her up and noticed Odion's stare. I gave him a small smile and nodded my head.

  "We'll be waiting outside down the hall, alright? Take your time and sorry for intruding," I apologized.

  Turning around, I walked out of the room and walked down the hall until we were near the stairs.

  Sitting down on the top step, I placed Momo on my lap and began to work on her hair, gathering the string strands to make one nice braid.

  "Boooooo." Momo began to sob quietly, and I paused in braiding her hair to look to the side to see her tears.

  "It's okay, Momo. I'm sure Odion didn't mean it," I consoled, lifting her up to turn her to the side and placing her on my lap again.

  "BiBo!" She pouted her lips and looked at me. "Boooo."

  "His room is important to him?" I asked.

  "Bi." She nodded.

  "Maybe he was worried I'd take his doll away. It's very important to him, just like how you're important to him. He wouldn't make you in the image of that doll otherwise," I explained, putting together what I thought was going on.

  "Odion dealt with physical and sexual abuse..."

's words echoed in my head, making me realize I must have stepped into what Odion considered safe territory.

  He did look tired too. I don't know if he slept last night...

  "BiBo." Momo began to lift her legs up and down playfully, clearly moving on from her previous worries.



  "Did Odion sleep last night?"

  "Bibo." She shook her head and lifted her hands.

  "BOBOOBOBO." She made a weird noise, almost like a growl and her eyes were narrowed.

  "Nightmare?" I translated.

  "BiBo!" She nodded again and turned to kick her legs up and down like nothing was wrong.

  I nodded and lifted her up to place her back on my lap facing forward so I could finish her hair. When I finished, I hummed in approval. "Momo, I'm done."

  She was quiet, and I leaned in to notice she'd fallen asleep.

  Aww. She must be tired.

  I slowly lifted her up and held her against me, her head resting on my right shoulder before I stood. Taking a step back up onto the top step, I waited patiently.

  Could the doll be what he holds at night? But he doesn't sleep… maybe Esme would be able to share something.

  The topic was far too new to me and I didn't want to do something stupid. Sure, I'd experienced bullying from peers, but that was different.

  Physical abuse from someone who was supposed to take care of you left a deep wound, and anything sexual… that was far too much for me to wrap my head around.

  I honestly had never heard of it happening to anyone else.

  That's why I have to tread carefully. Anything could be a trigger, right? Like those scars on his back and butt… oh Odion.

  I had to try not to cry just thinking about it. His whole life turned upside down when he was taken away, all because he was different. The same way that the people of Darkness were looked down upon and eventually outcasted.

  History was repeating itself, and I'd yet to figure out how I could stop it. There wasn't much time, and I was scared we'd run out of it.

  I heard quiet footsteps and turned my head to see Odion walking down the hall towards us. He wore a black shirt and black jeans. His long locks were left down, and he completed the look with black shoes.

  His expression was blank, making me wonder if he was really okay. He noticed me holding Momo in my arms who was still sleeping quietly.


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