CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4)

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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4) Page 10

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "I think she fell asleep from me braiding her hair," I stated with a gentle smile.

  He nodded in understanding. We stood there in silence and I continued to smile.

  "Let's go downstairs," I suggested, knowing he wouldn't answer me.

  Maybe if we go outside and get some fresh air, he'll feel better? Hmm, do they have air here? Well of course they do but like breeze? Hmm...

  Something wrapped around my waist, pulling me back before I could take the first step. "Huh?"

  Arms tightened around my waist and I realized Odion was hugging me from behind. His head rested on my left side of my shoulder and I could feel the slight tremble of his body against mine. Odion?

  "Sorry," he whispered, his voice so low and filled with fear. My heart sank. "Don't… go."

  "Odion… you didn't do anything wrong. It was my fault. I should have announced my arrival louder."

  He still continued to hold me tightly, my answer not doing enough to ease him.

  "Odion. I'm not leaving without you. Just going downstairs with you and Momo. You didn't offend me." I spoke in a soft but firm voice, hoping it would pass through whatever was running through his head.

  "Promise." The simple word held immense heartbreak, like a child begging his mother not to abandon him.

  "I promise, Odion," I whispered.

  He was quiet for a long moment, and I felt his soft lips press against the flesh of my shoulder. It was an unexpected move, but I stayed still and relaxed, doing my best not to react in the wrong way.

  If he apologized back then… would he have to reward his Master with affection? Is that how it worked?

  Odion pulled away and I turned to look at him, noticing his eyes were glossy. Holding Momo in one hand, I reached out and pressed my hand softly against his cheek while staring into his eyes.

  "See? I'm not going anywhere without you, understood?"

  He slowly nodded, lifting his hand to rest it on top of my mine.


  I smiled, and once he removed his hand, I lowered mine. "Do you have a plan of where we're going?"

  I wasn't really sure what the plan for today was. I'd woken up to Esme bringing me breakfast and telling me to dress up because Odion wanted to check something out.

  "We're going to see my brother real quick."

  "We are?" I asked. "Um… is that safe?"

  Seeing how Arielle stressed about me staying far away until things were figured out, I couldn't risk getting Orion in trouble or make him a target.

  "You won't necessarily be you. You'll look… kind of like a shadow?"

  "You mean… like the time in the forest when Finn and Magnor arrived?"

  "Kinda… less scary."

  "Wasn't that you?" I inquired.


  "Kinda?" I repeated.

  "Confusing to explain," he replied and shrugged. "We won't go close unless we have to. Just want to check if he's okay."

  "You care a lot about Orion," I commented with a grin.

  His cheeks grew red and he glanced away. "Let's go."

  I giggled quietly at his shyness and made my way down the stairs with Odion close behind. When we reached the bottom, I let Odion take the lead, but he reached back to slip his hand into my free hand and squeezed it gently.

  "Thank you, Celestia," he mumbled, and the world shifted around us as a cloak of darkness wrapped around the two of us into a sphere.

  I hope he'll let me in one day.

  "BiBo!" Momo began running around the dark forest, looking at random black leaves.

  "Won't she be tainted if she touches those?" I asked Odion as we walked hand in hand through the forest.

  We were back on the other side but landed deep within a dark forest. I wasn't sure exactly where we were, whether it be near Aslan or in some different area entirely, but Odion looked like he knew where he was going.

  "No. We're a different type of darkness, but the element is the same. It won't harm you either because you've survived the Dark World. I may have to give you a little boost from time to time because you're a unicorn shifter. Light will always be the strongest element, but a little darkness won't affect you in a harmful manner anymore."

  "So… like the darkness that was hiding inside my body through the wound on my thigh. If it was after this occurrence, it wouldn't have had that weird effect on me?" I concluded.



  I stopped for a second, tugging him to stop too. He turned his gaze to me and I whispered, "Do you really like me?"

  He was quiet, staring into my mismatched eyes. I decided to elaborate.

  "You know with the bond you made… you can't be with anyone else? You're stuck with me," I stressed, needing it to be nice and clear.

  He simply nodded, and I frowned.

  "Odion," I said again. "What if someone else comes along that catches your interest?"

  "No one will come," he mumbled.

  "That's not true. You don't know that," I argued. He looked away, and I took two steps to stand right in front of him, demanding his attention. "Odion."

  He closed his eyes for a moment and when they opened, they were pure black, leaving me speechless as my eyes widened.

  His arm slipped around my waist and without warning, his lips landed on mine.

  I didn't dare move, my eyes still locked on his calm gaze. I couldn't ignore the tenderness of the kiss and allowed my eyes to close as I melted against him.

  I kissed him back, and he lowered his hands to my ass, gripping it gently and making me moan. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I allowed my hands to rest against his chest, gripping the cotton material of his shirt.


  With a final kiss, we both pulled back and looked down to see Momo eyeing us curiously.

  "BIBO!" She lifted her hands with a happiness.

  Odion sighed. "Yes… we made up," he grumbled.

  "Bibibibibi." Momo began to sing and ran away to play with more leaves.

  I needed a second to catch my breath and hesitantly looked back at Odion, his pure black eyes slowly turning back to their usual light lilac eyes.

  "I know what I want. I won't change my mind," he whispered and pulled away to turn around.

  "Odion… are there two sides to you?" I questioned.

  Now I was really curious because of the shift in his personalities. When we'd first met, he was dominating and had a big ego.

  However, the time I'd met him in Theo's place, he was as he was now, kind-hearted and sweet. He was especially shy in this side versus the other side that showed immense confidence.

  He was silent, and I walked around him to see his bright red face.

  "Not really… it's complicated," he muttered, and I slid my hands into his, noticing the slight tremble in them.

  "Do you mind telling me?" I asked. "If you trust me with the information that is. You don't have to tell me."

  He lifted his gaze to stare into my eyes. "Sometimes, the Darkness influences my actions. It's… impulsive. When I first met you, it wasn't the time in the forest during your Trial. It was in Omako Forest… during your exam."

  "You… were there?" I asked.

  "I sensed something was off there and wanted to investigate. I only knew a bit of Esme's past with the Council and was wary of them. Especially because they knew what Orion was. There were a few Forsaken prowling around, which was what irritated the Rhinroy. I defeated two of the four of them, but two slipped out of my grasp. By the time I tracked them down, you guys were already fighting them, and I couldn't interfere," he revealed.

  I stood there speechless.

  Shit, there were more of them back then?! He… protected us.

  "I figured the Council was trying to hurt you. Now that we know the backstory, it makes more sense. A Forsaken incident had happened before like that, so I assumed they were plotting the same thing to occur and they could blame it on some miscalculation or something. The only reason why you got pr
aised was thanks to that Othello dude. When the Magnor guy came after you'd vanquished the Forsaken, Othello arrived shortly after. He spoke to Martz and was furious that a Forsaken was even in the area. I think that's the reason he's not on the Council anymore, because he can't be manipulated," Odion explained.

  He took a step forward and pressed me against him.


  "I watched you battle the Forsaken… and saw you when you changed into a unicorn," he confessed.

  "You did?" I mumbled, resting the right side of my head against his chest, hearing the rapid beat of his heart.

  "Yes. You… were so beautiful. I'd never seen beauty like that," he whispered. "I didn't want to look like a bad person originally, but I had no idea how to approach you. The longer I watched from afar… the angrier I got. The Darkness inside me is what helps me appear more confident I guess, but we were sad that you were being loved by everyone but us."


  "It got to the point where I decided it was best to try and take you away. To claim you as my own. I didn't think it was fair that my brother got to live a decent life and now fall in love with a woman so pure. It's not like I knew what my brother had experienced in my absence, but he didn't know about me either. Yet, he was enjoying love… and I was left in the shadows craving the same affection. The darkness inside me just hated it, and I thought if I took you away from Orion, then no one wins. I didn't want to intentionally hurt him… or you, for that matter. I just couldn't help feeling spiteful. I wanted to be loved too… but no one ever gives Darkness a chance."

  I glanced up as he shyly looked away and sighed.

  "I work differently than other people. It's just how Darkness works. I’d rather do what I can in the shadows, because that's generally how I've lived my life. When I'm confronted about it… I get shy and it's hard to explain. I like you, Celestia. A lot… it's just difficult for me… because… I don't want to be misinterpreted. I don't know what love really is. I know how to please a person… in a physical way. I just..." He trailed off and bit his lip.

  I could see the hurt in his eyes and knew he was thinking about his past. I wouldn't let him say anymore.

  He doesn't need to defend himself.

  I pulled back and wrapped my arms around his neck, knowing in the back of my mind that it was a safe spot, and pulled him down for a deep kiss. He responded immediately, kissing me back as his hands trailed down the sides of my body and stopped at my hips.

  This kiss was different. It was slower and more passionate than the previous one that was more dominant and demanding. I pulled back and whispered against his lips.

  "I understand. You don't need to say anymore."

  "You don't… think I'm weird?" he said quietly as he lowered his head. "I bet the others would think that."

  "No one would think you’re weird. The Darkness is your element. It's a part of you. There's nothing wrong with that." I hugged him tightly.

  He hugged me back and whispered, "Can I always trust you, Celestia?"

  "You can. I won't go against my word, Odion. I'm not going anywhere," I murmured, and I meant what I said. I knew the context in which he was referring to. If I'd suddenly leave and never return to his side.

  "I'm sorry for earlier."

  "You already apologized, Odion. It's in the past," I assured him.

  "I… the doll… it was a gift from Orion to keep me company when I was sent away to be trained. We'd won it at a fair and shared it, but when I had to go away, Orion didn't want me to be lonely and told me to keep it. I held onto it… and it helped when things were hard. I knew you weren't going to take it, but sometimes my brain… I see myself like when I was little… and I thought..." He trailed off and took a shaky breath.

  "It means a lot to me. It was the only thing I was able to save from the fire… and I just panicked. Sorry..."

  I hugged him tightly and leaned back to give him a soft kiss. "It's okay, Odion."

  He nodded slightly, and I felt something bump into my leg. We looked down at Momo who held up two necklaces made up of leaves.

  "BIBO!" She cheered happily.

  I smiled and let go of Odion to crouch down. "Did you make that for us?"

  "Bibibibi." She nodded and sang, offering me one.

  I took it and leaned in to give her a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you, Momo."

  She stood there with her mouth wide open before she began to wiggle side to side. "BIBIBIBIBI!"

  I rose back up and noticed Odion's smile and he leaned down to pick Momo up.


  "Sorry for earlier," he whispered and hugged her.

  "BiBo!" Momo replied and snuggled against Odion as she rubbed her cheek against his.

  I smiled and put the necklace around my neck. "I'll be fine with wearing this then."

  Odion nodded. "I think it'll help tone down your light magic. Just remember to take it off when we get back. Also, remind me to regenerate your dark energy."

  "Alright," I replied.

  "BiBo!" Momo exclaimed and threw the necklace in Odion's face by accident. "Bo?"

  I snickered and Odion blinked, looking unamused but he sighed. "Nice try, Momo, but you missed."

  "BiBo!" Momo tried again and hit his face once more. Now I was giggling, which morphed to laughter when she tried again and again, each time only hitting Odion's face.

  "Alright, let Celestia help, Momo," Odion concluded after the tenth face hit. I reached out to assist Momo in putting it around Odion's neck and he smiled. "Much better."

  "BiBo!" Momo rejoiced and wiggled in Odion's hold. He lowered her back down to the ground and she reached for my right hand. "Bi!"

  She then looked at Orion and lifted her little right hand, staring up to him with hopeful eyes.

  He looked at me and grinned, giving him a slight nod in encouragement. He reached out to hold Momo's hand and she began to sing happily.

  "Let's go see my brother," Odion whispered. I could see the hint of happiness in his eyes and I knew it would take some time, but he'd come around.

  Baby steps...

  "There's Orion." I pointed to the familiar figure standing in a meadow of flowers.

  Odion nodded, and his gaze turned to me. "Is Momo still asleep?"

  I took a peek at Momo who was fast asleep in my arms.

  After giving us our leaf necklaces, she enjoyed thirty minutes of singing and using our hands like a swing.

  It almost reminded me of when I was really young, one of the few memories I had of holding Mother’s and Orlando's hands.

  They would lift my body and swing me back and forth. It always made our walks delightful, and even after all these years, I still cherished that time.

  After learning about Momo's past, I really had a soft side for her. I wished the love we had for her would contribute to her growth, but at least she knew we cared and loved her, just the way she was.

  "She's still asleep," I replied.

  Odion nodded and lifted his hands, offering to take her.

  I passed her over and Momo snuggled against Odion. He took an appreciative second to rub her back.

  After a minute, her body began to glow a soft white and she was gone.

  "Where did she go?" I inquired.

  "She's home in her bed. She sleeps in Esme’s room the majority of the time since Esme spoils her with lullabies." Odion shrugged and I smirked.

  "You won't sing her lullabies?"

  "I sometimes do. It depends on how I feel."

  "Am I ever going hear that singing voice of yours?" I inquired, my smirk growing into a grin.


  "Aww, c'mon," I groaned.

  He smiled then and reached out to move the strands I'd left on my left side behind my ear. "One day."

  I beamed at his reply.

  I wonder if Odion's a really good singer?


  We turned our attention to Orion who was closer now, but it was as if he wasn't sure if we were there.

… he can't see this form, but something else?" I confirmed.

  "He'll see me just fine. I'm keeping you hidden for now, but if he wants to speak to you for a few moments, I have an alternate plan we can do without giving you away," Odion explained.

  "Can't he hear you talking to me?"

  "If I allow it." He walked out of the dark forest to enter the meadow. "Long time, brother."

  "Can't you appear like normal people?" Orion asked with a sigh.

  "That would make me boring," Odion replied with a shrug. "Opposite of my personality."

  "I still have to wonder where all the confidence comes from," Orion said with a sigh.

  Odion was quiet, looking like he was debating about something before he responded with a question.

  "Why are you here? It holds no memories."

  I scrunched my face in confusion, unsure what Odion meant. It was Orion's turn to be silent, and he looked to the floor.

  "You should go back to Aslan. These parts are dangerous. You're also worrying those friends of yours. Especially the pixie boy. I don't want to have to come and save you from Forsaken again," Odion mumbled, sliding his hands into his pockets.

  He turned around, hiding his hurt-filled eyes that met my surprised ones.

  He doesn't want Orion to see his shy, open side? Does he think it makes him vulnerable or something?

  "And if you're wondering, Celestia is fine. I assumed you're caught up on what's going on. I give us up to a month. That's the maximum amount of time we have to get everything planned and attack the Council head on before they attempt to arrest Celestia for something she hasn't committed. I'm leaving now."

  I frowned, wondering why Odion was worried about being his normal self around Orion.

  He took a step forward but paused mid-step. I leaned over to see what stopped him and noticed Orion's hand on Odion's right arm.

  "Why aren't you angry with me?"

  Odion was silent, but he couldn't hide the confusion in his eyes that I witnessed.

  "With what?" Odion countered.

  "Everything," Orion answered.

  "Why would I possibly be angry with my younger brother about events he can't control? If this is your way to see Celestia or something, it's not-"


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