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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 4)

Page 11

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "How long are you going to put up a front around me, Odion?!"

  I flinched at Orion's loud voice. I could sense the frustration in his tone, and he lifted his head to reveal his tear-filled eyes. Odion remained in place, unable to see what I saw, yet I noticed his lilac eyes that were filled with hurt. He still went on with his facade.

  "What front? There is none. Are we done? Last time I checked, neither of us should be in this area. In fact, I still don't understand why you're here at this old barn site. It wasn't where you were forced to stay, locked in chains every day and night. Why would you come here? To tick me off."

  "I wanted to see the place."

  "The remaining spot of the barn that hasn't been taken over by trees? Well, you’re here. Now you can go back and start worrying people who actually care for you."

  "I cared for you," Orion whispered.

  "Indeed, you did. So did Mom and Dad and Sis. Yet, look how I turned out," Odion snapped.

  "We didn't know! The Council didn't tell us a single thing!"

  Odion turned around then, staring his brother directly in the eyes. "I'm not stupid, Orion. I know. I've known for years."

  Orion looked shocked and then confused. "If you knew… why didn't you say something?"

  "What is there to say, Brother?!" Odion yelled. "Oh hello, my sweet little brother who's felt guilty all these years that we've been apart. I just wanted to let you know my absence was because of a sick man who chained me to a barn every day and night, whipped me to his heart’s content, and then requested for me to do horrible things for his satisfaction to get him not whip me for the rest of the night. Can't forget the other things he loved to do to my ass and how he'd tell me what a failure of a person I'd always be. Oh yes, my sweet brother who had a life way better than me, even though our parents and sister are gone, never fear. For we can just rekindle our brotherly bond after 20 years. We can go back to the innocent boys who knew nothing about the cruel world. We can hold hands and tell each other stories about how strong and noble we'll be as alicorn and dark rider and we'll never let bad people rule."

  I swallowed hard and held back the sob that wanted to escape me. Orion look devastated, and the tears that had been lingering in his eyes fell at his brother’s words. Odion huffed and chuckled.

  "This world doesn't care about people like me, Orion. No one cares about damaged shifters who've been used and abused. I was left to die, and even death spared me. I'm not fucking angry with you! The one damn person who still cared. You think I couldn't feel your worry in here?!" he asked, patting his chest.

  "We're twins! Every night I cried or had nightmares, I held that doll you gave me like it was fucking oxygen. I told myself, 'one day I'll go back to my brother and we’ll be happy siblings again.' It took 20 years to finally get back, and when I saw your happy face when you got your acceptance letter to Aslan, I couldn't move. There's no way I could be selfish and stop you from doing something that brought such happiness to your face. So I said what I had to say and left. I watched you from afar because I wanted to make sure this world that hates anything different didn’t hit my little brother. That you didn't get beat or fucked in the ass because you were an alicorn, just like those other shifters caged on this very soil. I don't care what others perceive me as anymore. They'll assume the worst just like they always have in the past. Darkness can never do good. Dark Riders are the evilest and will only taint the world. The complaints can go on and on. If I can lurk in the shadows so that you have a future, I'll do it with no questions asked. If the past wants to repeat itself and leave me behind while you love the woman who lightens up your whole being, let it. At least I'll leave this world one day knowing I did good, even if no one else acknowledges it. At least… I will know that the one person who still remembered me… even when I was considered nothing… lived a better life." Odion choked on his last words and tugged his arm away.

  They stood in silence and I couldn't help the urge growing inside. The burning desire to heal the broken cracks in their bond. It was like their brotherly bond had once been thick and powerful, and now it was held by the last strand of rope.

  My eyes came to a close as the lock inside me clicked open, my body shifting to all fours. I had no idea what I looked like on the outside, especially with Odion's hidden disguise, but I felt different.


  My usual fluorescent clear vision was altered, almost like everything was kind of x-ray like in black and white, and I noticed the heaviness on my back. I had the itching urge to stretch my back out and I did, allowing me to understand the added weight.


  If I was in my human form, it would have bothered me, but in my unicorn form, or whatever I currently was, I couldn’t care less. I shook my head and stomped my front right foot a few times before walking over to the two.

  Orion and Odion were completely speechless; both stared with wide eyes and opened mouths.

  "That..." Orion began but trailed off.

  "How is she a Dark Rider?" Odion asked.

  I didn't understand what the shock was about. My purpose was to unite them and get rid of the harbored negativity and hurt feelings they held deep within their hearts.

  They loved each other.

  They would always see their younger selves and the times they shared as kids. They wouldn't let the world destroy their bond, but those unspoken words and feelings would eat them alive if not removed.

  "Celestia?" Odion asked hesitantly, reaching out to stroke the side of my face.

  "How… wait… won't Lucian sense her?" Orion questioned with a hint of worry on his face. He did take a step forward and reached out to pet me gently.

  "Neigh!" I shook my head slightly, causing the both of them to pause their petting of me.

  Normally, I'd be fine with it, but I felt impatient and bothered with their extra affection.

  "As a Dark Rider, no. He'll feel the darkness but assume it's a Forsaken. He's looking for light magic. So is the High Council," Odion replied and lowered his hand. "Celestia, why did you shift."

  "Neigh," I huffed and moved so my head was between the two of them; Odion was to my right and Orion to my left.

  Neither of them could back away, as my wings curled around the two, stopping them from chickening out. I needed them to face one another.

  Odion sighed. "She wants us to let go of the pain we harbor."

  "How do you know that?"

  "I'm a Dark Rider. Many believe we instill darkness, but it's the opposite. We remove darkness from people's hearts or growing emotions that can plant a seed of darkness within the body and absorb it into ourselves."

  Orion blinked, looking completely taken aback by the definition. In this form, I understood Odion's description, feeling the darkness inside me and the urge to remove the negativity from both of them.

  "You're saying that the definition for Dark Riders is completely wrong," Orion concluded.

  "Essentially. Now, knowing the Council's true colors, it makes sense. They wanted chaos to spread so we'd all attack one another. They wouldn't allow Dark Riders to do their duties to rid darkness from people. We use our bodies as hosts of the energy and have ways to turn it into power, but it doesn't defy our own strength. It's a temporary boost. I didn't figure it out until I entered the Dark World and Esme explained it. I was never evil. The people were just influenced by the Council and the adults that spoke poorly of me. They knew where I was being sent off to. It was all a setup. Just like they left Esme to die in the forest or allowed that Rhinroy to send Celestia flying through the barrier and just inches away from the dark forest. If I hadn't used a wind spell, she would have died from the impact, and she definitely wouldn't have landed where she did," Odion explained casually.

  That was something new, piquing my interest enough for me to nudge my head on his arm playfully.

  "Neigh!" I thanked.

  "Yes, I… protected you. You're welcome," Odion mumbled as he began to blush.

  "Why can't
you show that side?" Orion whispered.

  Odion looked at Orion who appeared defeated.

  "Why are you afraid to show the world that you're really good. Countless times you've saved us. You were in the forest during our exam. You were lurking in the chaotic halls when the Forsaken outbreak happened and you led me straight to the girl's washroom where Celestia was. You gave blood to Theo when his own peers abandoned him to die. You've helped us countless times, all behind the scenes as if you don't matter. I'm upset because I want you to realize you DO matter, brother. Why are you afraid of revealing the truth and taking the credit you deserve?" Orion pleaded.

  "Opening yourself to the world only makes breathing hurt more." Odion's voice was cold and his eyes went black. "What has kindness and righteousness done for me when we were kids? He's a know it all. He'll cause trouble and problems. He'll be a leader but bring his teammates down. It didn't matter what good I did. Whether I saved kids who were seconds away from being attacked by Forsaken or times when they got bullied by other kids. Everyone was kind when they needed help, but the moment I turned my back, they talked poorly about me and forgot the gestures I'd done for them. Why show a weak… pathetic side to people who will use it against you?"

  "You know I wouldn't use it against you. Neither would the others," Orion stated confidently. "This isn't like back when we were kids, and I couldn't defend you. I saw what they did. I heard the mean words they would say and spread across town. Father sent you to be trained so you'd learn the greatness in yourself and not be brought down by the rumors of the shifters around us. We… none of us knew what was really happening… and I can't say I’m sorry enough. Nothing I can do and say will erase the lingering wounds. I know you still carry the pain from those days and the days after living in the Dark World. I know you are still doing your duties as a Dark Rider to help lower the growing chaos brewing day by day. I'm not telling you to change or get rid of the confident side of you, Odion. I'm not telling you to remove the walls you put on the surface. I'm asking you as your brother… let me in. Even if the rest of the world won't learn to understand you… I will. The others are just as open-minded, and once they hear the truth, they'll defend you too."

  The thick blackness in his eyes faded slightly as Odion stared intently into Orion’s eyes.

  "The past will just repeat itself… and then I'll be left a fool," Odion defended.

  "The past will NOT repeat itself. If we are the reincarnation of the past Princes, I won't let you be cast as the enemy. We may be weaker in power due to our immaturity compared the past where we had years of training and experience, but you and I are brothers, made from the same cloth. No one will be able to manipulate our judgment of you, and once the High Council is out of the way, we'll work together to make laws. We’ll fix the damage and reveal the truth, not to just the professors or a secluded set of adults. Everyone far and wide will know that Dark Riders are good and eventually we'll figure out a way to see the difference between the darkness that Mother Nature created to test us, and those who are just created in their own unique ways. Give us a chance, Odion. You can feel the truth in my words. Please… let me back into your life."

  Odion looked down at his feet, and my gaze caught the first set of tears that left his eyes.

  "Why… do you always have to talk like a smarty pants..." He sniffed, and I lifted my head to nudge lightly against his face.

  "I'm technically the smart twin." Orion chuckled, his voice thick with tears.

  "Neigh!" I stomped my foot and lowered my head.

  "What does she want us to do?" Orion asked.

  "Uh… she wants us to place our hands on her horn? Celestia… that's a tad sensitive," Odion pointed out.

  I let out a stream of smoke from my nostrils, and the two of them didn't delay, placing their hands around my horn that didn't feel like its usual shape.

  It felt more linear or like a zig-zag almost, but I brushed the thought away and shivered at their touch.

  Ignoring how uncomfortable I was, I spread my wings out and let my body absorb the negativity within their hearts.

  It felt weird to take it in, but as I absorbed each negative strand, a warmer part inside me would conquer it with light.

  By the time all the negative thoughts and energy were removed from both of them, there was none left in me to hold onto. I moved back.

  Moving back from both of them I stretched out my wings and let them retract back to my sides. I turned away and began to walk but Orion called out to me.

  "Celestia, hold on."

  I paused and turned my head toward him, watching him walk towards me with Odion not far behind.


  "She's asking what you want, she's tired."

  "Is that really how she said it?" Orion asked.

  "Dark Riders have a different attitude than unicorns or alicorns. We don't like wasting time," Odion explained with a shrug.

  Orion nodded and stopped in front of me.

  He gently pressed his hands against the side of my face, and I looked at him and saw the gratitude in his eyes.

  "Thank you, my Blessed Love," Orion whispered, pressing a kiss to my nose.

  I remained still, liking the warmth that entered my body through the simple kiss. It made the warm part inside me brighten a little more, while the dark energy wrapped around it protectively. I understood why, not wanting our alibi to fade away and risking anyone with evil intentions to locate us and put my men in danger.

  He pressed his forehead against mine and I pressed slightly back so he knew I missed him, even though I couldn't be as affectionate.

  "Be safe for me. We're making a plan. It's just going to take us a bit, but not long. Make sure you rest and restore as much energy as you can from today forward. I love you, Blessed Love," he whispered.

  "Neigh neigh." I nudged his face and licked his cheek, causing him to chuckle.

  "She said she loves you too, and make sure the others get along and don't break anything. Also, make sure Arielle doesn't burn any of her sweatpants," Odion translated.

  "I still don't get how two neighs equivalent to all of that."

  "You're an alicorn."

  "We don't talk like that."

  "You're not in your form long enough." Odion shook his head.

  I left them to their bickering, moved away from Orion, and began to walk away. I was sleepy and didn't care about alicorn language.

  "And there she goes," Orion pointed out.

  "She's gonna shift back soon. I don't think she meant to shift into a Dark Rider." I heard Odion admit. "I'll… um… see you around," he mumbled.

  I stopped for a second to turn my head and stare at the two; Orion moved forward to give Odion a tight hug. Odion was a bit tense at first, but he relaxed and hugged him back.

  "I forgave you Orion, whatever hatred I had left is gone and without me even realizing it. Don't apologize anymore. We'll just start over."

  "That sounds good to me," Orion replied. "Thank you for everything you've done to protect my friends and the woman we love."


  "Are you going to act like I didn't notice what's on her left thigh?"

  "I hid it."

  "For the average shifter not to notice."

  "Hmph. Whatever."

  "You hate admitting stuff."

  "So do you," Odion argued.

  "So… you did keep the doll. Makes sense now.”


  “Is Momo a representation of it? She looks exactly like it."

  "When did you even meet Momo?"

  "When she randomly dropped in during our meeting with everyone and kidnapped Arielle."

  "Oh… ya. My bad. She does that."

  "She's cute."

  "NEIGH!!" I called out and stretched out my wings.

  I'll just leave them.

  "Ah. Wait, Celestia," Odion called out, but I began to move.

  I heard him curse. "Bye Orion! I'll protect her. Do your part and go home! Pixie boy is annoying
when he’s all emotional and shit."

  "Will do," Orion replied.

  I was already in the forest when Odion caught up and stood in front of me to stop me. "Easy, Celestia."


  "Sorry, I took so long. You're tired," Odion whispered and wrapped his arms around my neck to hug me.

  Even though I wanted to move, I stayed in place. Odion showing his gratitude felt nice, and even if I was exhausted, I'd savor every second of his affection.

  "Let's go back," Odion encouraged.

  I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder, staying in place.

  "Want to shift back?"


  "You'll be fine. I've put the barrier ba-"

  I began to shift before he finished his sentence.

  The shift from unicorn to human always left me drained and very naked, which was rather annoying, but the heaviness on my back was what was bothering me now, contributing to my loss of balance.

  "I got you," Odion whispered, catching me in his arms and allowing my body to rest against his.

  He lowered us to the ground, and I felt a cloak wrap around my body.

  Letting out a weak moan, I needed to concentrate long and hard before I retracted my wings that had lingered after my shift, retreating into my back cooperatively.

  I sighed in relief and felt myself being lifted up.

  "Thank you, my Queen."

  I felt tender lips press against mine helping me relax as my consciousness began to sink in a comfortable darkness.

  Thank you for helping my brother understand me… the real me.


  * * *


  "Momo? Where are you running off to?" I asked as I climbed up the last step of the stairs and looked down the hall to see Momo's waddling body enter the last room down the hall.

  I bet she's jumping on Odion's bed again.

  With a sigh, I walked down the hall and when I reached Odion's doorway, there was Momo jumping up and down on the bed.


  "You must miss Odion, huh," I commented and entered his room.

  Momo kept on singing and bouncing up and down the bed, having the time of her life.


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