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Relentless Desire (Relentless Romances Book 1)

Page 9

by Amber Burns

  “It’s fucking beautiful.”

  And I could see that believed me.

  I passed the sopping digit up her belly, enjoying the soft pudginess around her middle, and encompassed her breasts. I roused her nipples, circled the areolas, and noticed that it took only a couple rounds to pucker the sensitive flesh.

  “Amos, don’t.” She tossed her head away from me, exposing the shoulder with my love bite.

  “Are you planning to stop me?” I asked. Her put-upon sigh earned my chuckle. “Okay, I’ll stop. But only if you come here,” I tapped my chest, “and kiss me.”

  Vanna rolled over and climbed on me. I let her do it of her own volition. It took her longer than if I had pulled her down on to me, but it was hot as hell to feel her struggle with my length as she slowly sank me into her.

  “That’s not kissing me,” I said and dropped my head back onto the floor. She rolled her eyes at my obvious comment and let out an exasperated breath that fluffed up the long dark strands over her face.

  Her slow ministrations didn’t last long. We were quickly back to hard and fast fucking. I enjoyed each rock of her hips and timed my thrusts to maximize the force of each entry into her soaking heat. It wouldn’t be long before I was climaxing in her again.

  Anticipating my thoughts, Vanna widened her legs and struggled to sit up by using my chest as a launching point. I trapped her palms by the wrists and leaned up to bring our faces closer. “Glad you want to fuck me, too. I want you so bad, Vanna sweetheart.”

  “Amos, I… I…” she struggled with the rest, unable to complete the thought. She was instead concentrating on the slight slides of her hips.

  It was getting harder to focus. My mind was zeroing in on her squeezing muscles that cuffed me so beautifully. I barely noted the tremble in my peripheral vision, instead focusing on the feeling of Vanna’s walls wrapped around me and the moaned words she was finally able to get out.

  “I w-want you, too,” she finally said as I felt her crushing orgasm grip my cock. I answered her with a long kiss as she milked me of every drop of cum I had left in me. My head was swimming. Between Vanna’s admission, and my still ebbing orgasm, I barely saw the shadow of the crumbling tower of boxes in time.


  I moved Vanna off of me and shielded her under me as the boxes tumbled down. Only one box smacked against me before sliding off to my side. The second box was lying further past us, its contents half spilled onto the floor. The third box stood resolutely on the floor, unaffected.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, looking down at my girl.

  With a doe-like expression, Vanna nodded readily. “What about you?”

  Despite rolling us around from girl-on-top to missionary, I was still inside her. I noticed when I shifted and felt her clenched walls grip my length. I slid myself from her and sat back onto my knees.

  “Fine,” I said with a grin, enjoying the splayed view now in front of me.

  “Are you sure?” she asked, not seeming to notice, or maybe care, that she was on display to me.

  “I’m fine, really. This is nothing compared to the desert.” She looked stricken, so I toned down the sarcasm. “Sorry. I mean, yeah, I’m good. Thanks”

  Vanna realized her prone position and began to close up. She was up and sitting in a flash, her legs to her chest and arms around her knees. In just a moment she had gone from being on full display to completely covered.

  The mood was ebbing, and I could tell that any attempt at further seduction would cause her to retreat behind the walls she had erected before I’d met her. Even though I wanted more, I wasn’t going to push her away and ruin five days of work. She was opening up to me, letting me in, and I intended to keep it that way.

  So I did the right thing and let her have her space.

  “What a mess,” I tried to change the subject. “I spent all afternoon up here and barely made a dent…”

  Vanna was quiet. Was she ignoring me?

  We were both sitting up, the passion and connection having drained from the room. I kicked a box away and watched Vanna come up to her knees. Her hand and arm were shielding the view of her swaying breasts. She rushed to fetch her clothing out from under the boxes, and with the unoccupied hand, started dressing herself slowly. I drew my knees up, comfortable in my nudity, and watched.

  “Please tell me you’re dressing to only undress again,” I teased.

  “Why would I do that?” she asked and pinned me with a glare. “Up. We have to get out of here.”

  “Why?” I groaned

  “Wes and Violet could be up here any time.”

  “Oh,” was all I said.

  We had been up here, alone together, for quite some time now. Between that and the boxes crashing down it was a good possibility Vanna was right. I looked around for my clothes and saw a pant leg sticking out from under one of the boxes that had fallen. I reached over for my discarded garments when a knock at the door froze me in place.

  “Hey, Vanna?” Violet’s hesitance pierced the closed door. “Is Amos in there with you?”

  Vanna was quick to assuage her sister’s worries.

  “We’ll be down soon.” Vanna struggled for a moment with the ‘we’. The noise and the locked door were probably pretty clear giveaway of our activities.

  Violet’s retreating steps were her only reply, her heels clacked down the stairs at a fast pace. She was probably rushing down to share the juicy gossip with Wes. My assumption was all but validated by Vanna’s obvious discomfort. Her complexion was pale, save for the splotches of color over their usual place on her cheeks creeping down to her throat.

  “Vanna, stop it,” I said while pulling on my pants and then reaching down for my shirt.

  “No.” She sighed. “I can’t believe… They’re never going to let me live this down.” Vanna frowned. “Hurry up, you should have been dressed by now.”

  I stood straight with my shirt in my hands as I tried to get it right side out. I glanced up and caught Vanna staring at my abs. I grinned as I stretched more than necessary to pull my shirt over my head, and then I used my hand to smooth the fabric over the muscles she was still fawning over.

  “It’s hot in here, right? Crazy stuffy now with the window closed.” I tugged my shirt up a bit, giving just a hint of skin. “I should probably take this back off, go without.”

  “N-No. We can’t.” Her lips were thinning and her hands folded over her chest.

  Vanna, you want me.

  I was waiting for her to make the next move. Teasing her was fun, but if she ignored her brother and sister and wanted to fuck me for another hour, I’d give in to her.

  She was moving towards me, and I tugged the shirt up a bit more, exposing the expanse of my abs. She must have already driven herself to the edge, and I just gave her a push off of it and right to me.

  “Vanna – ” I cooed at her as soon as she was within arm’s reach.

  Her face split into a widening smile, and a giggle was freed from her plump, pink lips. She paused just a few inches from me, and I wondered what her next move was. Slowly, her hand came up and then came over mine before she pulled the fabric back down, covering my torso.

  “Put your shirt on,” she said with a grin. “I can’t think.”

  I was far from angry at her command as it didn’t come out as one. It was more like she was acknowledging that I had the power to tempt her as much as she did me.

  Vanna closed the gap between us and wrapped her arms around me. She moved up on the balls of her heels to really get a grasp over my shoulders. My hands touched her back and concern stabbed my libido in the face as I was falling over myself to ask, “What’s up?”

  A little less than a week of knowing her and I was more than sure it was uncharacteristic of her to be so…randomly affectionate. I stared down at her pretty smile and went all gloopy in the head. And, as if she wanted to seriously blow my top, Vanna locked our lips in a quick but sexily wet kiss.

  “I totally deserved that stun
ner of a kiss, right?” I asked.

  “Yes. Yes, you certainly did. Want to know why?”

  “Are you trying to hold out on me, Vanna?” I grasped her sides and tickled her enough to startle her. I took advantage of her redirected attention and stole another kiss before I whispered, “Tell me.”

  She shuddered and stammered through the start of a response. “You gave me an idea. A private showing for a special client.”

  “Me?” I batted my eyelashes, and she laughed. “Did my strip tease amazed you that much?” I cut myself off to kiss her because it was too much to have her near and not crave more. “Mhm, Vanna,” I mumbled against her mouth, peppering it with kisses between every other word, “let me... amaze you... some more... then.”

  “N… no,” she stammered again. “Let me finish what I’m saying.”

  I relented, but my lips ached to touch her again as soon as I moved away and gave her my attention.

  “This special client wouldn’t be the curiously mercurial Mrs. Kingston, would it?” I asked.

  “You know?” Her brows shot up, and I smiled my affirmation. I was sure she would ask ‘how’, but she reconsidered and turned the conversation back to the idea I had unknowingly provoked in her as a muse.

  She went on, explaining her idea as I smiled and nodded my agreement. She finished her explanation with a smile and gleefully exclaimed, “Isn’t it perfect?”

  “Amazing,” I assured her and pulled her to me. I simply couldn’t resist the energy pouring from her. “Mrs. Kingston will fucking wet her granny panties.” Vanna gave me a funny look, and I threw one hand up. “Sorry, no cussing. I know.”

  With her eyes shining, Vanna nodded hard enough to unsettle a bunch of dark curls over her faces. After brushing them away, she practically sprung out from my embrace and headed toward the door. She nearly had the door unlocked before I could ask, “Where are you going?”

  “I have to tell Wes and Vi.”

  I wouldn’t have been able to stop her even if I wanted to. Vanna was out the door and practically sprinting down the stairs as I made sure I was properly dressed and presentable.

  Contrary to what I expected, Wes and Violet weren’t huddled in a corner, hushing themselves from the gossip about the goings on in the attic. Instead they had traded places from where I normally saw them. Violet was perched behind the desk, fiddling with her phone, while Wes was in the back room, loudly muttering complaints about this or that. Violet was opening her mouth, curiosity and - was that embarrassment? -dimmed her peppy mood.

  Our eyes met, and Violet looked back to Vanna much too quickly for it to be anything else. Yep, she was embarrassed.

  Before Violet could formulate anything to say, Vanna was already heading to the back room while calling back to her sister over her shoulder. “I have an idea Vi! But give me a sec, I have to grab Wes for this.” Vanna paused at the open doorway that separated the front from the back and searched for her brother. After a moment she disappeared past the doorway only to return a moment later with Wes grumbling, “Yes?”

  “What, what, what?” He divided his glare between all three of us. “This better not be the part where we break bad news to Wes.”

  “No bad news. Actually the opposite.” Vanna looked and sounded more like Violet than her meek and shy self. I had to look at the other girl to make sure I hadn’t mixed up the two women in front of me.

  Vanna explained her idea to handle Mrs. Kingston to her siblings. They both listened intently, but were stone-faced through the whole thing. When Vanna finished explaining her idea she stood beaming, just as she had done after explaining it to me. The room stood eerily silent for a few beats before Violet began to nod.

  “I think it could work,” Violet said as she added a smile to her nod. “So long as I don’t make the call and take her RSVP.”

  “I can do that,” Wes supplied. “I hate myself for saying that… but I can do it. I’ll call Mrs. Kingston.”

  Violet and Wes’ stares clashed in an unsaid understanding that only siblings had. Violet’s eyes broke away first, and her attention turned to her vibrating phone.

  “Okay then,” she said to her brother. “I’ll be in the back, keeping as far away from her as I can, but on hand to help with the display.” Violet then stood and gestured to the vibrating phone. “I have to take this call though. Ken’s calling. Excuse me.”

  “Who’s Ken?” I asked once Violet had stepped past me to make her way to the back room. I noted the huge smile on her face.

  “Kenji. He’s her Japanese boyfriend,” Wes said and rounded the desk, taking up his normal post.

  “They met in Tokyo while she went to school,” Vanna filled in. “The significant time difference makes it hard for them to talk very often.”

  I couldn’t imagine being that far from Vanna; more than half a day parting us. My heart sunk at even the thought of being apart from her... my Vanna.

  Right then I made a vow to never let that happen.

  Suddenly needing to be nearer to my girl, I came up behind her, secured my arm around her waist, and drew her to my side. Vanna turned around from Wes, mid-response to whatever they were talking about, and I brought her to my chest. My other arm wrapped around her back and I hugged her tightly.

  After a moment, she pulled away from my impromptu embrace and we were staring at each other in a long silence that wasn’t broken until I heard Wes say, “I guess I’ll just make a late coffee run since there’s no room in my own damn store.” I also narrowly caught his warning over the jingling of the bell that sat over the door, “No sex on my flooring!”

  I was still thinking about being away from Vanna. And even though I had no plans to be away from her, the thought of it had me in a sudden funk. Thoughts were rushing through my head and I felt like had I so much to say, yet I couldn’t find the means to form the smallest of words.

  Vanna must have sensed my mood as she tiptoed up and touched my lips with hers. The spark between us drew my attention, and the kiss deepening gradually. After her soft touch restored me to a better mood, my mouth broke away, and I secured my teeth over her lower lip. I gave her lip a slight tug and absorbed the sensual vibrations that moved from her mouth and down through her limbs.

  “Can we continue this?” I asked, reluctantly releasing my hold on her lip. I gestured between the two of us. “Continue… us?”

  I wanted to see the dawn with her. I yearned to fuck her until the early red-glow of morning and then wake up midday to once again hear my name cried from her.

  I whisper that new fantasy to Vanna and her arms went soft about my neck while her fingers laced together at the back of my head. Her next kiss was feather-soft, just a brush, yet it was an opening to a promise.

  “Yes,” she purred. “We can do… us.”

  That was all I needed to hear from her.


  “Look what the sleet and thunder dragged in,” Wes said, not even looking up. He had his eyes glued to the computer screen, mouse in one hand and a mug in the other. My nostrils flared and my stomach grumbled at the smell of eggs and coffee wafting through the lobby of Sterling Outfits.

  I had my coffee covered, and I bought an extra muffin because Vanna wanted our breakfast to go. But I didn’t have any eggs, or protein for that matter, and a man needs his protein. I pined briefly over Wes’ breakfast before a tug from Vanna brought me back to the moment.

  Vanna’s hand was in mine. We’d been like that since we left her apartment where we might as well have been holed up for two days. We didn’t screw the whole time. We took breaks for food – which I saw as sustenance for more sex – and I even surprised her with dinner out last night. But we then made up for the extra time spent outside with more fucking, a bit of talking, and then fucking into the early hours.

  Vanna covered a yawn, and I grinned. I knew I was the cause of her sluggish mood. I pulled her through the store’s entrance while playing a balancing act with our tray of caffeine and muffins.

  “How di
d it go?” Vanna asked, completely ignores Wes’ comment.

  “Swell,” Wes replied with a glance up from his screen. “You’d know that if you hadn’t, um…” Wes broke out in a feigned coughing attack as his eyes flicked between us and his grin became ever wider. “We survived, if that’s what you want to know. No bulldozers on their way to clear the space for some pop-up store.”

  “You mean another pop-up store?” I chimed in, intent to push the oldest Sterling’s buttons.

  “So funny.” Wes rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. It was a clear indication that last evening’s appointment with Mrs. Kingston went swimmingly and the success was acting as a blocker for Wes’ usual bitchy mood.


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