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Relentless Desire (Relentless Romances Book 1)

Page 18

by Amber Burns

  “I tried. I really tried. It made my parents and everyone so happy... The wedding, I mean.”

  She raised one hand to brush under her eyes, catching a tear mid-trek over her cheek. As much as I wanted to kiss the liquid pain away, I knew it would stop her train of thought. She needed to release all the pent-up emotion. She needed to think with her head and not her easily swayed heart.

  “It just snowballed like crazy; the next thing I know my aunt Tilda – she owns the house – is surprising me with a makeover and a party. She was inviting people from my old high school, and neighbors, and her own friends. I didn’t… I didn’t want any of this.”

  The tears were welling up again, so I stroked her hair and waited for her to continue.

  “It was supposed to be quiet. Mom and dad promised it would just be a little thing.” She sighed. “I didn’t even want Wes and Violet to know, in case they tried to talk me out of it.”

  “Which would be a bad thing?” I wanted to keep quiet, but she broke my restraint with that last comment.

  Vanna turned in my arms and peered up at me. Her lips were quivering, signaling the coming waterworks.

  “You hate me, don’t you?” She laughed a nervous laugh and Tabby raised her little fists at the sound. We spent a moment in silence until the little hand slowly fell back down to her side. “I b-break up with you and then I’m getting married… You think I’m totally nuts.”

  “No,” I said. “Besides, it was me that ran out on you last.”

  I looked down to find Vanna gazing up at me. Her eyes were sparkling with the tears that were threatening to fall, but they also held something more. She was asking me to be there for her, to love her. My lips came down onto hers and I found Vanna’s mouth was soft and yielding. She opened up to me and one arm snaked backwards to hook around my shaved head and bring me down into a deeper kiss.

  “Vanna,” I sighed and brushed our noses in the sexiest Eskimo kiss ever.

  “Amos.” She stretched my name out in a mewling moan combo.

  I had one of her tits in my hands, the heavy, full flesh was the best thing I’d ever held. I pinched her nipple, rousing another moan. Her back arched from me, yet somehow brought her closer.

  “The door’s locked,” I told her. “I thought we could use the privacy.”

  Love, clear as mud, was charged between us.

  “Vanna, I –”

  A perfectly timed knock stopped us cold. I rose to answer and Vanna followed closely behind. She was scared – scared to face the world beyond our bubble, our safe haven, our love – but she still followed.

  “Who locked this door?” Tilda slurred from the other side. “Open up. Vanna, are you in there? You better not be doing the nasty with that man on my bed, and with your poor baby cousin in there. Young lady, open this door!

  I looked to Vanna for a sign. She nodded, and I let her aunt in as she yelled threats to call Vanna’s daddy and knock down the door. Vanna was glued to my side, arms wrapped around my middle, when her aunt barged in. Tilda looked between us, mouth open and eyes wide.

  “Vanna Sterling, have you lost your ever loving mind?” She pointed a finger at me then. “And you! Get the heck out of my house this instant before I get around to calling the police!”

  “And you have a right to call yourself her aunt?” My voice was cold, and my glare had to match because she withered. I saw River hovering in the hall, caught up by a younger female who was failing to get more than a cursory glance, despite her tits being on nearly full display. “Took the words right out of my mouth, though.” I dropped a hand over Vanna’s shoulder and moved us forward. “Let’s go.”

  I repeated as much to River when I reached him.

  Aunt Tilda was scurrying out of our way down the hall, knocking the tiara she wore askew in her rush. “I’ve already called your father,” she hollered at us to the quiet whispering guests. “He’s on his way, Vanna, and so is that husband of yours.”

  “He can’t be her husband as she’s not married to him,” I corrected.

  A part of me wanted to linger and see if her aunt was telling the truth. I kind of wanted to meet both this bastard and Vanna’s father face-to-face, just to knock them onto their punk asses and whoop them.

  Tilda, who now realized that she wasn’t going to sway Vanna or stop me from walking out her front door, picked up a bottle and threw it at us. I quickly pulled Vanna out of the trajectory and turned to glimpse River ducking to save his own head. He did so, by just a couple inches, and the bottle smashed onto the carpet, stretching broken glass out into the hall.

  “Fucking nut,” I hissed and was followed out by a string of curse words from dear aunt Tilda. Vanna, who – as I had already learned - had no ear for cursing, winced at her aunt’s language.

  “Not sure about you, but it looks like we’re outstaying our welcome,” River said while dodging bottle number two.

  “You think,” I snapped, just about ready to restrain Vanna’s crazy-ass aunt.

  We stopped only long enough to find our shoes; Vanna taking a little longer to rummage her kitten heels from the pile of ladies’ footwear.

  “Vanna, if you leave then you’re dead to me, your parents, and everyone you know,” Tilda called out from behind us.

  Vanna didn’t seem fazed by her aunt’s threats, and she hurried through the door and out to my car with us. I glanced over my shoulder after securing Vanna in the passenger seat just in time to catch one last glare before Tilda slammed the door.

  “Good riddance,” I mumbled and shut Vanna’s door before climbing in the driver side.

  Giving up his seat for my girl, River leaned in from the back, his jacket on once more. “She said the dad was on his way, right?”

  “Yeah.” I started the car and backed out so I had room to maneuver around the pickup parked in front of me. “But we won’t be here when he arrives.”

  I looked to Vanna, and she nodded. Decisiveness never looked sexier on a woman.

  And not any woman.

  My woman.


  “This is where I split.” River stretched and moved towards the door.

  Vanna stood next to me, still looking a little shook from our adventure. After driving all evening from Rosebay, we’d settled into a hotel for the night. I again offered River a room at my expense, it was the least I could do for bringing him out here as my backup, but he shook his head like he had done the other three times I’d asked earlier.

  “Iris is going to kill me,” I said, holding the door of the room open so he could leave.

  “No, she isn’t.” he grinned. “I told her everything. At least, everything I knew up to that hen party.” He shrugged at my confused look. “I said I’d entertain the ladies, but I also made sure to reply to my fiancée and let her know exactly where I was, with whom, and why.”

  “Honest son of a bitch,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Amos.” Vanna’s scolding earned the opposite reaction than she intended from me; I was grinning because my girl was by my side again, and we were acting like normal.

  “Anyways, I’m not wearing this suit for fun.” He tugged the sleeves of his dress coat. “And since I didn’t bring a change of clothes, I’d like out of it ASAP.”

  I realized that in all my planning and worry about Vanna, I had never asked what the polished look was for. “Why are you wearing the suit?”

  “I just got out of a school play.”


  River smiled the smile of a proud dad. “Yeah. She’s finally getting her act together. It’s good to see her laughing and happy and getting involved again. She used to love this stuff, y’know.” He scratched his shaved jaw, which reminded me of my beard.

  I was happy for him. From what I knew, River went through an emotional and financial ringer when divorcing his first wife. His now teenage daughter, Rochelle, had pulled away from him and got mixed up with the wrong crowd. She had a messed up boyfriend and, like most teens crying out for attenti
on, made all sorts of trouble for her parents, school staff, and most authorities.

  Recently River had Rochelle move in with him, and that had worked out for them. I knew bits and pieces from Iris, and even though the whole picture was elusive to me, I still wished the best for him and for my baby sister. I made a mental note to call Iris once I got Vanna back to my place in Atlanta.

  “I figure the next time I’ll see you is my walk down the aisle,” River said.

  “Getting cold feet?”

  He laughed. “Just the opposite. Iris has got me running around too much to worry about cold feet. Between her and Rochelle, I’m wearing out all my shoes.”

  “Well, you look content.” And he did. He had the glow that I wanted. The glow of family fulfillment radiating off of me for others to notice, the way I noticed it in River.

  “Not complaining. Take care, A-man.”

  We bumped fists, and he nodded his farewell to Vanna before heading out.

  “A-man?” she echoed when River cleared earshot.

  I shrugged and a silly grin pulled my lips. My hands reached out to haul her into my arms, and I kissed Vanna before dipping her back. Our mouths were mashing, all teeth and tongue and mess, but Vanna clung to my neck and opened up for me. It was the most beautiful thing we’d made yet.

  “Mhm, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I mumbled around her throat.

  My biting nips led me across her collar, then back up her throat to her chin and into another searing kiss. Our lips danced for a few moments before I broke our latest lip-lock and swept Vanna off her feet. I swept my gaze down the country dress then gave Vanna a questioning look.

  “My aunt chose it for me,” she said sheepishly. “She wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  I chuckled. “I can imagine.”

  I kissed a trail that started at her ankles and worked up her calf. I stuck my head under the white tutu-skirt thing before pausing and groaning.

  “Vanna, you’re going to kill me.” She pulled her skirt up and found my eyes. “A fucking thong? Really? Your aunt?”

  She immediately blushed and nodded furiously, trying to push the blame for the skimpy underwear off of herself, before she released the skirt and left me to stare her lower half.

  I pressed my lips to her mound, straight through the black triangle of fabric. She yelped and her hips thrusted forward at my contact. Already the panting I loved was floating down to me.

  “Amos, ohh….” Her hands were searching out my head, and she was rubbing my scalp in encouraging circles. “That’s, ahh, w-wonderful…”

  I had had enough. I wanted to taste her, not feel the hard press of her swollen clit though a piece of fabric. I wanted at her.

  I extracted myself from under her skirt and moved back on my haunches to help her remove it. With the ugly white skirt gone, the thong came next. I hooked it around my fingers and slowly lifted the fabric away from her sex.

  “I’m buying more of these, and you’re going to model for me. But right now…” I tossed them aside and leaned in front of her pretty pussy. “Right now I’m going to feast on you, baby.”

  I inhaled her and my nose brushed her clit before my tongue stroked across the special bundle of nerves. When I add two fingers, her hips began to rock rhythmically against my slow insertions. I was enjoying the slow pace and had plans to work her into a slow, deliberate orgasm, but the quick breaths turned moans told me she was already on the edge. A moment later her thighs were quivering around me as her release pulsed against my fingers.

  I let her ride out the aftershocks of pleasure before I moved myself away. I licked my fingers clean and came away with a devilish smile. Vanna met my eyes, and a satisfied smile crept across her lips.

  By now, I was painfully hard. I freed myself of my clothes before realizing I wasn’t packing a condom. I began searching the nearby hotel drawers before Vanna chimed in, “It’s okay. I said I’m on the pill.”

  “Right.” With a sigh of relief that my momentary panic was unwarranted, I looked down, cock in hand, and angled my head to her opening. Poised to plunge in raw, I paused with a thought I just couldn’t keep bottled up. “By the way, I’d love nothing more than to fill you up and see you pregnant with my kid. Just saying.”

  I didn’t wait for a response before I sheathed myself within her. As such, I wasn’t sure which action earned me that delightful gasp, my cock or my long-secreted confession.

  Even though it had only been a week since our last time together, it felt like it had been much longer. Apparently my cock also agreed, as I was on edge after just a few long, deliberate pumps.

  “Amos!” she wailed my name when I released.

  The feeling of her around me as I came sent me bursting out of my body and spiraling down into a hard embrace. My thrusting slowed and then stopped all together once I was spent. With both of us satisfied, I rolled over and carried Vanna with me, turning us around so I didn’t crush her.

  That’s when I noticed that she was still half-dressed.

  I chuckled and pulled her close as the events of the day caught up to me and my eyes began drooping.

  When I woke a couple hours later, I found that Vanna was also sleeping. Her head rested on my chest, with her hair spread out and her lips pressed to the edge of one of my wing tats. I smoothed the hair from her face and watched her make a weird - but exceptionally cute - face. I fell back asleep while keeping vigil over her.

  The next time I woke, this time with morning light filtering into the room, it was my turn to be surprised by Vanna. Her dark eyes were on me and a single, soft finger was tracing my lips. Once she saw I was also awake, she replaced her digit with her lips. I groaned and pulled her closer to deepen our kiss.

  With Vanna practically on top of me now, I realized her nipples were hard and bared to me as she rubbed herself across my chest in a delectable, cock-twitching way.

  “When did you?” I murmured around her seeking, demanding mouth.

  “When you were asleep,” she whispered back before kissing me silent.

  She had me inside of her before I even came up for air. She broke our kiss and rose up over me while riding my cock like a fucking sex queen. Her hips swayed with an expertise that came naturally, and Vanna brought me to climax right before she reached her own release. It was the closest we’d been to coming together yet.

  My arms were ready to catch her as she came down, and I snuggled her in against my side. Her hands massaged my pecs while her head buried into the pillow beside me.

  “Why were you in the desert?” she asked quietly.

  “For AD.” I felt her confusion and remembered through my lust haze who I was talking to. Dropping the leatherneck lingo, I said, “Active duty.”

  She rose up slightly. “You’re a soldier?”

  “Ex-Marine, actually, and yes.” I was smiling. “Does that make me ineligible?”

  “No.” Vanna swatted me then dropped back down to the pillow. “It’s just… I realized that I know so little about you. Even something as important as you being a former Marine...”

  Her despondence was staring me in the face, causing me to sober up pretty quickly. She sensed the change too, and I knew I had to act quickly to keep things under control. I don’t want either of us running, ever again.

  “Ditto, babe.” I kissed the V between her brows and was glad to see the knot there loosen. “But, you know, we have all our lives to learn about each other.”

  “I don’t… I guess,” she said, her gaze still holding me.

  Vanna bit her lip, and I was waiting for the blow. I was going through possible scenarios and damage control when Vanna nearly sent me into shock.

  “I skipped my morning pill.”

  I blinked, processing what she had said. It was the best promise she could give me.

  “Let’s start with today then,” I said.

  “Today,” she murmured.

  I leaned in and Vanna accepted my kiss before making it her own.

Today, today was the start of something great.

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  “I want more,” she breathed and she was arching up onto her tiptoes to kiss me again.


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