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Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)

Page 4

by Mayer, Dale

"Oh, is that what you mean?" he drawled. He nodded as if he believed her, but his cheeky grin said otherwise. She rolled her eyes at him. He shook his head. "He's a good man. Driven. Stands for the victims and their families, and bulldogs through to see they get justice. Doesn't think much of politics, politicians, or any superior for that matter. Made himself a few enemies because of that. A loner, too, just like you. He doesn't talk much about his past." Scott thought about it for a moment. "Come to think of it, rumors have it he's a bit odd himself."

  "Odd how?"

  "He gets things done. No one questions him too much, because they like the results."

  That could mean anything. Not that it mattered to her. She didn't want to know the detective's methods, or his secrets, for that matter. He meant nothing to her and that was how she wanted to keep it.

  "The energy around you two fair crackles. Be a shame to waste it fighting."

  "What?" She rounded on him, caught his grin, and smacked him on his shoulder. She held her hand up to stave off any more comments. "Don't even go there. I've got enough problems to deal with, thank you."

  "Can't ignore it, though. Almost made me want to offer me van for a couple of hours."

  He couldn't go unpunished for that one. She raised her hand and smacked him lightly on his shoulder again.

  A great shout of laughter was her reward.

  "You damn well better be joking," she muttered.

  "About the van? Maybe. About the crackling of energy going on around you two? No way."

  Alexis shot him a dirty look. "He pisses me off."

  "That's passion, too."

  "Not the kind that matters." She definitely needed to change this subject. Once Scott got going on her non-existent love life there'd be no stopping him.

  "There's only one kind. How you use it is what matters."

  Alexis turned and strode back to the gardens, her face warming in irritation. "Don't hold your breath. It won't happen."

  "Never say never, Alexis." Scott's voice floated behind her.

  "Like hell," she muttered to herself. "Not in a million years."


  "Not in a million years, huh?" Kevin didn't know if he was amused or miffed at her offhand rejection. He'd taken a circular path and had ended up close enough to hear their conversation. Standing under a huge spruce tree, he'd stopped to watch Scott and Alexis. They were an odd pair. Yet an obviously strong bond held the two together. Interesting. Bonds like that usually developed over a seriously long time, or through shared hardship. According to his records, Alexis had worked for the city for just under five years. Scott, on the other hand, had been here for close to twenty.

  Alexis intrigued him. Strong cheekbones, pert nose, slim to the point of being thin, with an abrasive personality that would turn most men off. And that hair… Long flyaway and blond. Yet according to a couple of people he'd spoken to, she was a softie inside.

  Now her boss… He had a different tale to tell. Rick didn't appear to be a fan in any way. Some hidden story there.

  Suddenly, Kevin's mind filled with erotic images of Alexis. Heat, pounding hearts, skin slick with sweat and…satisfaction. He couldn't breathe, his heart blasted away against his ribs.

  Just as quickly, the movie trailer was gone. Leaving him stunned and more than a little aroused. Visions were a rare occurrence for him, but he knew better than to dismiss them. They'd never been wrong before. He grinned and headed to his car. Who knew the twists and turns life could take?


  Work dominated the next day for Alexis, even though rain continued to pour. The wet weather had eased some, but just when the sun started to poke through, the skies opened up and soaked everything all over again. The soggy weather didn't stop the work on the sewer line, although it commenced further away from the grave.

  By quitting time, Alexis's energy had crashed. She'd worked hard these last few days, finding it easier to exhaust herself with weeding and plant care, rather than leave any energy available for worrying. Her muscles screamed as she loaded the last of the shovels into the back of Scott's truck. She stripped off her raincoat and carried it over her arm. She hated wearing the damn thing. All coats – raincoats, evening coats, it didn't matter – suffocated her.

  Alexis rubbed her sore back and yawned. She walked toward her truck. A vehicle drove in and parked beside her. Detective Sutherland, in an unmarked police car. She stopped and frowned. What was he doing here?

  "Where are you off to?" Detective Sutherland slammed the car door closed before striding around her truck.

  "Home." Tired, she turned her back on him and unlocked her truck. She didn't want to care what he did. Not wanting to care didn't stop the curiosity though. Resolutely, she tossed her raincoat into the back seat and tried to ignore him.

  Scott came up behind the two of them, carrying several large shovels. "Hey, Kevin, how's it going? Back to the scene of the crime, eh?"

  The two men greeted each other with such a friendly rapport that Alexis turned to watch. She shook her head. She'd forgotten to ask Scott how he knew Kevin.

  "Just going to walk around some." Kevin motioned to the gardens. "Get the lay of the land, as it were."

  "Have fun. Right, I'm off. Alexis, I'll see you in the morning." Scott turned his bright blue eyes on her. "You're okay, right?"

  Alexis smiled. "I'm fine. Looking forward to a hot shower, food and a good night's rest."

  Her friend nodded. "Sounds like a plan." The truck door creaked open. He hopped in, backed out, and took off, gravel spitting out behind him.

  Alexis turned to get into her truck, but Detective Sutherland stood at the front of the grill, motioning for her to join him. She frowned at him.

  He pointed to the right side of her truck. "You have a flat tire."

  "What?" She slammed her door shut and walked around the front end. "Shit." He was right.

  She didn't need this right now. A few large drops hit her head. Alexis looked up at a sky ready to explode again. "Lousy timing."

  "Do you have a spare?" He squatted down to take a look. "It's not totally flat yet, but it's too low to drive on."

  "Yes, but I have a can of inflating stuff, which should get me to the closest garage." She checked her toolbox in the pickup box. She'd bought it just a couple of months ago. "Aha, here it is." She pulled it out, a big grin on her face.

  The detective bent down and unscrewed the cap on the tire. "Here, pass it to me."

  Within minutes, the tire started to re-inflate.

  Alexis laughed." Just like magic. I love that stuff."

  "I've never used it before. Good idea for emergencies." They stood watching the tire return to normal. Once it was fully inflated, he popped off the can and replaced the valve.

  "I'll head to the garage now while the tire's still holding air." Alexis accepted the empty can, hopped into the driver's seat, and shut the door. "Thanks, Detective."



  He walked to the driver's side. "Call me Kevin."

  Alexis nodded, tongue-tied. What the hell was she supposed to say now?

  "You're Alexis, aren't you?"

  Alexis flushed. Stupid. She couldn't even engage in a normal conversation with him. "Yes."

  "So, Alexis, what are you hiding about those bones?"

  Her eyes widened. Alarm whipped through her. "What? Nothing?" This couldn't be good. She turned slightly away so she didn't have to look him in the eye.

  He lowered his head to the open window. His gaze pierced her to the core. Slowly, he said, "I notice things. Sense things." He narrowed his eyes. "And one of those things is that you're not telling me everything."

  Heat washed across her neck and face.

  Kevin's gaze deepened, as if searching her thoughts. "Unfortunately, I don't know what you could be holding back."

  Thank God for small miracles. Alexis planted her hands on the steering wheel, tossing back her long ponytail. With a confidence she didn't feel, she snapped, "Ho
w nice for you. Make a lot of friends that way, do you?" She looked through the windows at the deserted park. How did she get out of this conversation?

  Then it happened.

  Something brushed the back of her neck. A gentle caress, a stroke of smooth fingers. Alexis twisted her head. "What…was that?" she asked. Her hand crept up to cover her nape.

  She hadn't imagined it. She couldn't have. The sensation still burned. Could a touch of her hair feel that way? She shook her ponytail experimentally. No. Not even close.

  Twisting, she confirmed that the back of her truck was empty, so was the front of the cab. She searched through the windshield. Everything appeared normal. She glanced carefully up at Kevin. If the sensation hadn't been so creepy, it might have felt soothing.

  "What's wrong?" Kevin asked. He straightened, shooting her a curious look. "What happened?"

  "Something touched me, I swear it. Did you see anything?" She looked over at Kevin, more than a little unnerved. He stared at her – an odd look on his face.

  Unconsciously, she rubbed the back of her neck. The weird feeling was gone, leaving uncertainty and more than a little fear behind.

  "What? I'm not crazy, I really did feel something." The defensive tone rang loudly in her own ears.

  "You're just tired. I'm sure it's nothing."

  Goose bumps rose on her arms in the warm evening air. Alexis rubbed the chill from her arms. "I need to get to the garage and get my tire fixed." And get the hell away from him. But she kept that thought to herself. "Thank you for your help. It's late, and I've got to run," she babbled, feeling like a fool. She started the engine, then gently reversed out of the spot.

  Kevin called out, "You can run, but you can't hide."

  He looked so eerily sure of himself, her nerves couldn`t take any more. She slammed her gearshift into drive and raced off.


  Long shadows fell on the empty parking lot as Alexis escaped.

  "Well, well, well," he whispered to the empty parking lot. That was a first. Occasionally a probe made someone feel odd, uncertain even, but that was after he'd had a good chance to check their energy out. Alexis was unique. He'd barely opened his senses, barely sent out a smidge of his consciousness before she'd noticed the shift in energy. As a physical touch.

  Then she'd panicked.

  Kevin considered some of the things he'd heard about her. Scott had said she was well-liked but a loner with a spitfire temper. That she wasn't afraid to call a spade a spade, a great friend to have on your side...

  Whereas her boss said the exact opposite. Rick's comments had been caustic, and basically said, 'Alexis is walking trouble, with an attitude.'

  Mostly, she was an enigma. One he had no intention of walking away from, and for more than one reason. Psychic intuition had supplied the knowledge of an upcoming relationship – an intuition that had yet to fail him – and his imagination had filled in the rest. Images so vivid, they'd driven him half-mad last night. Which, considering she wasn't even close to enjoying a night in his bed, had frustrated him beyond sleep.

  Thank God, she hadn't been able to hide her response to him. He'd take some solace in that.

  He grinned. He could expect one hell of a fight getting her into his bed.

  That was all right. It would make the victory all the sweeter.

  For both of them.


  Alexis shuddered in relief when she finally turned off the truck's engine at her apartment. Not the most pleasant trip to the garage and then home. She couldn't explain the continued sense of unease. It lived under her skin these days. She ran to the front entrance.

  "Hey, Alexis."

  She raced past her neighbor with a fast wave and headed for the stairs, knowing she still had to navigate the hallway. Afraid nerves would overtake her if she slowed down, she ran up the three flights to her floor. The door to her hallway stood on her right but fear of a repeat of yesterday's hallway vision made her hand hesitate, hover over the handle...

  Irritated by her lack of control, she forced herself to pull the door open.

  So far, so good. It looked normal. With a confidence she didn't feel, she strode down the length to her apartment. Just as she unlocked the door, a faint voice reached out to her.


  Alexis pivoted in surprise. "Who's there?"

  A small, rippling mirage wavered in front of her. Transparent and wispy, the outline of a child slowly appeared. Alexis reared back. It was the child from the ditch.

  Help me, the voice intoned. Please…Help free me…

  Trembling and weak, Alexis shook her head in denial. Her mind screamed even as she reached for a semblance of control.

  "Who are you?" she whispered to the miniature apparition, so clear and yet so transparent. "What do you want?" She wiped her hands on her jeans.

  Huge, expressive eyes beckoned to Alex, drawing her closer. She noticed the odd-brownish tint first, only to realize it was a dingy carpet showing through. The child's eyes were empty windows to an old soul.

  "Dai…sy. Help me…" The voice trailed off as the image rippled then faded into nothingness in front of her.

  "Oh God, oh God, oh God." Alexis couldn't stop her frantic litany of prayer any more than she could control the mad trembling that prevented her fingers from opening the door…

  Finally, she made it inside. Alexis leaned against the locked and chained door, taking in deep gulps of air.

  Talk about déjà vu. Adapting to ghosts was so not on her agenda. And helping them… She shuddered at the thought.

  When she finally peeled herself off the door, she couldn't stop pacing. Nervous energy sent her storming around the tiny apartment. Her nerves couldn't take much more. Chills iced their way down her spine, sending her in search of a heavy sweater. She pulled it tightly around her. A cup of tea would be wonderful right now, but she was too scared to go into the kitchen in case Lissa was there. She didn't think she could stand to see her sister's ghost too. She'd loved her sister dearly, but seeing Lissa in ghostly form hadn't exactly been the warm bonding experience she'd so foolishly dreamed it would be.

  But it could be.

  "Who said that?" Alexis spun around as panic started to course through her. She was alone – wasn't she? "Help. Please someone, help me," Alex called out. Tears coursed down her cheeks. She brushed them away.

  She had to talk to a doctor before she lost it altogether.

  The phone rang, startling her with its piercing demand. Alexis crossed the room to stare down it warily. She picked it up. "Hello?"

  "What's wrong?"

  "Huh?" Heavy traffic noises filled her ear.

  "Damn it, answer me, Alex! What's wrong?"

  "Kevin?" God, she was so rattled she'd actually called him by his first name.

  "Who the hell were you expecting?" He snapped. "You've been calling for help out on the ethers for the last ten minutes."

  She was? On the ethers? Oh God. Alexis closed her eyes in disbelief. What was he talking about?

  "I'm less than two minutes away. Stay calm and I'll be right there."

  The phone went dead.

  How did he know where she lived? Duh. She'd given her statement to the police after the garden incident. Of course they had it on file now.

  Heavy pounding broke through her musings.

  She unlocked the door but never had a chance to open it.

  Kevin barged in. "Why the hell did you unbolt the door when you didn't know who was on the other side?" he roared, storming past her.

  The raging maniac in her living room was a little hard to understand, but his meaning was clear. Her back bristled. "And to think I actually let you in," she snapped at him, only to back up at his hard look.

  "You couldn't have kept me out. Now what the hell is going on?"

  Cold and deadly, this was a new cop persona she had hadn't met. She'd only seen him a few times and each time, he'd seemed different. His changeability had stopped her from finding a level of comfort wit
h him. "What makes you think something is going on?"

  She moved around the living room, straightening up magazines that didn't need it. She wrapped her arms tight about her chest.

  "No more games."

  Startled, she turned to face him. "I'm not playing games."

  "Like hell you're not. I'd almost made it home when you started crying out in my head." He glared at her.

  She blinked. This conversation was beyond bizarre.

  "Let me get this straight, you came here because you thought I might be in trouble," she said slowly, watching him. He straightened as if preparing for something. And it had damn well better be to provide an explanation. She had no clue what was going on. And she needed to understand.

  "Sometimes, I hear things." He shrugged. "I've learned to listen." He studied her carefully. "That means there was something going on." He looked around at the tiny apartment. "Although what, I can't imagine." His gaze swept her from head to toe and back up again.

  "You appear to be fine physically and no one…" He swept his arm around the tiny space. "No one appears to be attacking you, so…" Again, his irritated voice trailed off. He ran his fingers through his hair instead. "I can't explain how I know, but you were afraid. I could feel it."

  That he understood she'd been afraid was comforting in a way. It disturbed her to think that he could pick up her thoughts, and from miles away. The silence stretched between them as she considered his admission.

  "I was upset."

  He sighed in disgust.

  She shrugged. Okay, so he already knew that. She chewed on her bottom lip as she considered what to tell him. Given what he'd just said, maybe he would understand. It was either that or book in with the doctor. And maybe both.

  "I don't know what's happening to me."

  "Explain." His voice was curt, clipped, and all cop.

  Alexis paced the small dingy room. She couldn't bear to see the look of disapproval on his face, nor could she get the words out. Alexis changed direction and marched into the kitchen, not caring if he followed or not. She bustled around, making a pot of coffee. She needed a clear head for what was coming.

  When she surreptitiously checked on him, she found him sitting down at the old kitchen table looking around at his surroundings with interest.


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