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Hidden in Smoke

Page 11

by Harper Wylde

  Undecided, I pushed her thoughts to the rest of the group.

  Fuck. Killian swore.

  Theo sat down on the section and dropped his head in his hands. We should probably take it slower with her. Ease her into this relationship we want. Looking up, he made eye contact with each and every one of us, taking on an air of authority. I think it’s quite obvious given everyone’s level of attraction and attentiveness to Nix, but let me ask this now. Is there anyone who doesn’t want to take our relationship with Nix to the next level, and I’m not talking sexually. He cast eyes at Hiro and Ryder, knowing their wild imaginations had been spurring us all on earlier in the evening.

  I’m very serious about her. Hiro stated, stepping forward. So is my Kitsune. We both want her, and it’s much deeper than anything a physical level with her will add.

  I want her, and I haven’t even had her in any kind of sexual way yet. Ryder affirmed, then quietly added, I’ve never felt this way before.

  Killian grunted. You know I’m in. The connection to her is… He trailed off, not one for words. Instead, Kill pushed a bit of how he felt about Nix to me, and I projected it to everyone else. The same deep pull tugged at him as it did for me.

  Tapping into everyone’s feelings, I pulled them together and pushed them through each one of us.

  If anyone had any questions regarding anyone else’s devotion, the power of our feelings for Nix that were zinging through the connection shut them down. There was no doubt that we were on the same page with where we were heading.

  I’m interested in anything she will offer me. I told the group.

  The pull to her is strong—stronger than what is considered normal. It’s just a theory, but we’re a group of five strong mythologicals. I think her power calls to us the way she does. She’s strong enough to handle all of us and our alters, and we’re all strong enough to handle her and hers. Theo smirked as images of her in the water with his Kraken ran through his mind. That train of thought alone was a tell for Theo. He’d never found anyone he remotely wanted to show his Kraken to.

  I don’t know that we need to slow down. I countered back to Theo and gained everyone’s attention. Leaning back against one of the living room walls, I crossed my arms over my chest, still catching wisps of Nix’s thoughts as she readied herself for bed. She cares about us, more than she lets on. She doesn’t want to jeopardize her friendship with us, but she does have romantic feelings. I know she feels the pull to each of us. I think we need to spend quality time with her, one on one. We all need the ability to deepen our relationships with her. I actually think slowing down even more could be a problem for her. She’s already majorly attracted to us, has kissed several of us, and has seen that—at least in Hiro and Ryder’s case—they’re attracted to each other. If we back off, she’s going to worry that we’re not interested. I’m not saying we jump into bed with her. I’m saying let things move physically at their own pace.

  Yeah, I like the sound of that. I want that one on one time with her… like a date. Ryder rubbed his hands together as he started thinking.

  Exactly. We need to date her.

  A courtship. Theo nodded in affirmation, placing his glasses on his nose as he pulled out his phone and started taking notes. We can each take turns, pick a day. Let’s take the night and come up with ideas. With Michael still on the loose, we’ll need to vet our ideas and make sure we all feel safe with where we want to take her. Hopefully, he won’t be an issue much longer.

  The threat in his mental voice didn’t go unnoticed. We all wanted to get our hands that bastard. More than anything, I wanted Nix to have the answers she needed. I hoped that closure from that part of her life would ease her fears and help her move more confidently into this next phase of her life. A phase we all desperately wanted to be a part of.



  My phone vibrated on the nightstand next to me, and I startled awake—taking a moment to figure out where I was and what was happening. White walls stared back at me as I woke up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and stretching before my plans came rushing back to me. I hopped out of bed, feeling well rested and excited. I had set my alarm early so that I could beat Damien to the kitchen, deciding to make breakfast for everyone. I hadn’t gotten to cook on my own yet, and I wanted to surprise them with a full spread of their favorite things. I had spent the last few days randomly asking questions until I knew all of the guys’ favorite breakfast foods.

  Hiro loved eggs and rice for breakfast; Theo would eat almost anything but loved waffles; Damien—my health nut—loved protein smoothies and eggs with sausage for breakfast; Killian would eat anything you put in front of him, and Ryder loved anything sweet—preferably cereal or donuts. For a guy who was studying to be a doctor, he sure loved his sugary carbs.

  Luckily I had showered the night before, so I grabbed my clothing and tiptoed to the bathroom as quietly as I could. I worked my ass off to keep my mental wall up so Damien wouldn’t hear my scheming. I’d kept my thoughts away from my plans anytime he was around in hopes that I could finally best him. He was too good at reading me. As I brushed my teeth, I wondered what it would be like to know what everyone around me was thinking. The look Hiro and Ryder had given me last night, and the way the guys seemed to carry on their own mental conversations—excluding me on purpose I was sure—made me widely curious about what was going on in their brains. It was a little irksome to be out of the know sometimes.

  After I slipped into a pair of black leggings and oversized grey sweater, I put my hair up in a messy bun and raced down the stairs on quiet feet. The house was still dark, dim lighting from the entryway casting a soft, warm glow. Making my way to the kitchen, I started gathering ingredients. Luckily, I had planned ahead and had procured the necessary breakfast items I needed by way of Damien’s grocery list. I had snagged it right after he turned it over to Theo—whose turn it had been to go do the shopping.

  As I worked on autopilot, I let my mind wander. The night before had been a blast, and I had been hesitant to go to bed, but I also knew if I had stayed downstairs I’d have ended up initiating something I wasn’t sure I was ready to start. The guys had all stood around the living room watching me climb the stairs, and I’d given them a little wave goodnight. Playing twister had been a great idea, but with our bodies twinning and thrumming around each other, I wasn’t sure how much more I could take before I’d have self-combusted on the spot. Watching Hiro bite Ryder had made me wish I was sandwiched in between them—that they were biting my neck. Having Theo’s body moving so fluidly around mine had given me a serious case of want. Killian, on the other hand, had surprised the fuck out of me with the way he could maneuver his large form. I had expected him to lose right away, but he had proven me wrong. To be fair, I was pretty sure I would have beaten him in the first round if Hiro hadn’t teased me to the edge of distraction. The cheater. I’d get him back for that.

  Then there was Damien. The way he watched me had heated my blood, and my Phoenix had happily spent the night sending naughty images of each of the guys through my mind.

  Sighing, I double checked the long list of items I was preparing to make this morning. I was terrified of losing my friendships if I let things progress into relationship territory, but I also knew we were already heading in that direction. I also wasn’t sure that I’d actually be able to follow through, not knowing how I would handle intimate touching with the triggers I had. All my attempts in the past had failed miserably. If I couldn’t handle the sexual aspect of a relationship, would that be a dealbreaker for them? I had been asking myself that question all night.

  There was no question in my mind that my Phoenix and I liked them. We both felt drawn to them and their creatures. I couldn’t explain it. I knew Rini had told me that our biology helped us to pick out compatible mates, but I wasn’t sure that explained the intense draw I felt toward all of them. A pull I was sure they were feeling as well. I wondered if that connection would help me with my triggers
when our relationship grew more intense, just like it seemed to help me now with all the casual touching. Holy shit, I was seriously considering a relationship with five men. I must be mental.

  I needed to call Rini, and I wondered if her bears would let her off house arrest long enough to come hang out with me. It seemed that they followed her everywhere she went these days, especially if I was involved. While I understood their concern, it was getting annoying. I craved the day when things would go back to the way things were before the attack.

  Mixing up a dozen eggs, I prepared to make a massive amount of cheesy scrambled eggs. Opening the drawer to the left of the stove, I found a spatula. As the pan heated on the stove and I started cooking, I reveled in the feeling of home. Knowing where the majority of things were was nice, and the room I was staying in—while sparse—was starting to feel like mine. The truth was, even though I felt the overprotection was being taken to the extreme and I was feeling cooped up, I enjoyed living here. It was comfortable—much nicer than anything I was used to—and I loved feeling like a part of the family. A family I wanted to make out with. I scoffed at myself as I moved the eggs around the pan, mixing in a blend of cheeses. Yeah… that sounded dirty as fuck. I rolled my eyes at myself.

  As soon as the eggs were done, I covered them and stuck them in the microwave to keep them warm while I moved on to making waffles. Luckily, the boys had their own waffle maker, and I pulled out my phone so I could mix up the homemade recipe I had found online. I hoped Theo liked it! I also knew that Ryder would most likely down a ton of sugary, syrup covered waffles, so I made sure to double the recipe. Holy shit could guys eat!

  As soon as they were prepped and on the griddle, I set aside all the fruit and protein powder I’d need for Damien’s smoothie. I had to save that for last because I knew the noise was a sure way to wake everyone in the house up. I’d learned that the hard way. Rotating the waffles routinely, I cooked the sausage links and set them aside. The smell made my mouth water. Stretching my hands above my head, I pulled my phone out again and set some music playing—dancing around and singing quietly while I worked. I was holding a large metal bowl in my arms as I whipped together filling for the crepes I planned to make next and dancing around the kitchen like an idiot, when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Pausing, I looked up with wide eyes and took in Hiro’s face. The fox was trying not to laugh, but his eyes were bright with mirth on my behalf. He had his arm crossed over his upper abdomen, the elbow of his other arm resting there while he covered his mouth with a hand.

  “You fucker! You should have… like… announced your presence!” I scolded him, animatedly waving the whisk in my hand. Cream cheese filling splattered on the floor, some of it landing on my breastbone.

  Moving with precision, Hiro ended up in front of me while he replied to my earlier outrage, “I could have, but what fun would that have been? I was enjoying the show. You’re a good dancer, Nix. I can’t wait to get you on a dancefloor with me.” His eyes were molten as he stepped into my personal space. I stood there like the statue of liberty, holding the damn whisk, while the amazing smell of him surrounded me—woods and earth, and a spice that was distinctly Hiro’s.

  “In the meantime…” his eyes didn’t break contact with mine until the very last second as he leaned down and sucked the blob of sweet batter off of my body. I let out a breathy sigh as he flicked his tongue over the sensitive spot where my neck, shoulder, and collarbone all met, the heat of his mouth contrasting with the cool pressure of his tongue ring sliding across my heated skin. Grazing his nose up my neck, he placed little kisses and nips along my skin as he made his way to my jaw bone. “I like this shirt on you. Such easy access,” he whispered and skimmed his fingertips over my shoulder where the sweater had slipped off to one side, bearing my skin to the world. Nuzzling behind my ear, he tongued a spot behind it that I would never have guessed would turn me on. Instead, I felt jolts of pleasure shoot straight to my pussy as I clenched around nothing. The kindling he had started was now a roaring fire, and I wanted nothing more than to abandon all my food prep and throw myself at Hiro.

  “Looks like you started without me.” The deep timber of Damien startled me, and I jumped backward, splattering more filling. Glancing around Hiro, I spotted the Gargoyle running a hand through his wet hair as he took in the scene we were creating. Walking into the kitchen he stepped up next to Hiro, and I squirmed under two sets of fathomless eyes.

  “What’d I miss?” Standing just slightly taller than the Kitsune, Damien angled his head toward Hiro’s as he spoke.

  I narrowed my eyes at Hiro as he chuckled and gave me away. “She was dancing around the kitchen while she prepared breakfast.”

  “Damn.” Damien glanced around the kitchen taking in the mess.

  “I’m sorry! I’ll make sure it’s spic and span when I’m done with it. I just wanted to make you all breakfast. I didn’t think about the fact that I may be encroaching on your domain.” I looked around at the mass of dirty bowls piled in the sink and winced, deflating as I started second guessing my plans this morning. Maybe I should have asked if he’d mind? I know men could get territorial about things.

  “Sweetheart,” the gentleness of Damien’s voice and the way he’d used my nickname instead of my actual name, set me at ease as I forced myself to make eye contact. “You’re welcome in my kitchen anytime, whether you’re watching me cook and keeping me company or cooking yourself. I know you like to create in the kitchen just like I do. It’s one of the things I love about you. I don’t know what we did to deserve the massive spread you seem to be preparing, but I for one am excited to taste absolutely everything you’ve made.” The way his eyes heated when he raked them over me made it hard to hold still. His gaze seemed to land on something and stick.

  “It’s almost as sweet as she is. Go ahead, get a taste D.” Hiro commanded as he crossed his arms over his chest, watching me intently.

  My heart tattooed in my chest as Damien stepped close, towering over me before he bent his head. I tracked his progress and realized that I had another dab of cream cheese on the swell of breast that rose over the dipping neckline of my sweater. I momentarily debated stepping back to clean myself off, but quickly changed my mind. This was Damien, and I wanted to feel his tongue on me just like I had felt Hiro’s. The fact that Hiro was watching, hell the fact that he had demanded and dared Damien into action, only made me hotter. The sheer naughtiness of their intent did wicked things to my body, and when Damien’s lips parted and sucked my skin into his mouth, I felt myself growing wet with desire. What this said about me, I wasn’t ready to analyze.

  “So delicious.” He spoke into my skin and nipped lightly, causing me to gasp. “Want another taste, Hiro?” He offered as he slowly slid his hand along my arm and took the whisk from my fingers. Lifting his head, he used the whisk to add more filling along my neck, adding it to the other side as well. “One side for each of us.” Damien’s eyes were full of heat, and I clenched my thighs together, adding sweet friction where I needed it.

  “See that.” The low murmur was all Hiro as he crowded against my other side. “We’ve got her all hot and bothered, just like she had us last night.” A growl rumbled out of Damien as he lowered his head and licked a trail up the right side of my neck at the same time Hiro gently sucked the sweet confection off of my neck on the left. I couldn’t help but wonder what their mouths would feel like on other areas of my body… Damien’s mouth was softer and hotter, his teeth grazing my skin. Hiro used more pressure, flicks of his tongue glancing across my skin, the ring rubbing where he sucked. Not knowing what to do with my hands, I placed a hand on each chest and gripped their shirts, holding them in place as the sensations they were causing bombarded me.

  Every single pound in my chest echoed in my ears as their ministrations continued, and when I clenched my thighs together a second time, they groaned in unison.

  A noise infiltrated my passion fueled haze, and I opened my eyes to find Ryd
er standing at the bottom of the steps, gaze locked on the show in the kitchen. I wasn’t sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I thought I saw a flash of hurt or jealousy in his eyes, which one I couldn’t be sure. All I knew was that I didn’t want him to ever feel either emotion, and I cleared my throat and worked to step back from the two eager creatures tasting me. The dazed look in their eyes told me they hadn’t heard Ryder come downstairs. I couldn’t explain why I felt guilty for the kisses with Hiro and Damien, but I felt insecure now that I’d been caught by Ryder. So far, none of them had had an issue when they caught me kissing any of the others. Last night had been so fun. Ryder had only egged us all on; but in the light of day, I suddenly questioned everything I knew. What if he didn’t want me? What if he only wanted Hiro? Was Ryder upset that Hiro had been kissing me? I knew he knew about the kiss between Hiro and me at the campus, but if it had bothered him, he’d hidden it well. Doubts plagued me, and my heart beat fast for a different reason now; anxiety.


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