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Hidden in Smoke

Page 13

by Harper Wylde

  “She’s new to the area.” Hiro inserted, coming to my defense and trying to throw the old man off his scent.

  “Ah, and which community does she hail from?” I heard a soft rustling and thought someone may have taken a seat.

  I didn’t want Damien or the others to have to lie for me. Especially to a close family member. Lowering my wall, I sighed. Just tell him. If I’m going to be found out, I’d rather do it on our terms.

  I didn’t know what to expect from the Council, but the last thing I wanted was several dangerous mythological shifters to show up and drag me away from the guys. No, if I was going to be outed, I was going to take control of the situation myself.

  We can cover you. You don’t need to expose yourself yet. Hiro pushed gently in my direction. I felt his nervousness over being heard by the other psychic.

  I shut down the link, trying my best to block them all out. I turned around, trying to gather my courage and calm my racing heart. I was sure Ryder could hear it, but he kept his ear to the door, listening to the conversation downstairs. I studied his room, trying to focus on the small things to distract myself and lower my heart rate. The last thing I needed to do was to walk down the stairs all keyed up. The walls of the room around me were a light gray with a stylish maroon, white, and gray comforter adorning the bed. The dark cherry furniture was modern and sleek, just like Ryder himself. An expensive space-age looking clock sat on one nightstand, while the other was stacked with books. I wondered what he liked to read and resolved that I would make sure I had time to get to know him better. I wouldn’t let the Council take me from the life I was carving out for myself. Turning back toward Ryder, I caught sight of neatly lined rows of shoes through the partially opened closet door, and I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. I loved that everything was neat and tidy, stylish yet fun. Just like my crazy Ceraptor. All fun and games but serious and studious underneath. I knew you didn’t study to become a doctor without serious dedication and hard work. Taking stock of myself, I realized the thrumming in my chest had steadied.

  Pulling myself from my reverie, I met Ryder’s eyes. He was still trying to listen to what was happening downstairs. Placing my hands on his chest, Ryder’s shocked eyes met mine as I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  Leaning around him, I opened the door and slipped into the hallway as Ryder chastised me. “Bloody hell woman. Are you sure about this?” He rushed after me, trying to halt my progress by beating me to the stairs. He planted himself on the first step that led down.

  “I’m not going to get in the way of Damien’s family. The Council was going to find out about me one way or another. Might as well be now and on my terms.” I shrugged, my mind made up as I ducked under the Ceraptor’s arm and headed downstairs. I walked into a disagreement, about me I was sure.

  “Hello,” I announced to the room, and four pairs of startled eyes met mine.

  “Nix! Go back upstairs,” Theo demanded.

  Damien looked so torn, and my heart ached over the position I’d put him in.

  “Hello dear, it’s nice to meet you. Nix, is it?” The old man moved toward me and held out his hand. I hesitated only a moment before taking it and allowing him to pull it to his lips. He pressed a chaste kiss to the back of my hand before releasing me and introducing himself. “I’m Damien’s grandfather, Gaspard Lacroix.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I nodded my head in his direction, trying to show the respect I knew his age and his previous position in the shifter world probably required. When my head tipped back up, I knew I had made the right judgment call by the twinkle in the old man’s eyes as well as the small smiles from all the guys in the room. They seemed resigned to my fate now, but I knew they would be here with me every step of the way. It had never been fair to ask them to keep me a secret, although I was grateful for the time I’d had to assimilate to the idea of shifters before being thrust into their world.

  “Come sit! Come sit.” He motioned me over to the couch with little fanfare, acting like the house was his instead of the guys. Going along with it, I sat on one side of the sectional while he sat on the other, pivoting to face me. “Now then, pray tell, what type of shifter are you?”

  Glancing at all the guys, I saw their faces harden, some going as far as to widen their feet and cross their arms as they stood like statues around the room. I knew they wouldn’t like it—hell I didn’t either—but I had already outed myself and decided to see it through. Sitting up straight, I locked eyes with the stranger and put on my bravest face. “I’m a phoenix shifter.”

  The man’s jaw popped open and he stared at me, open-mouthed. “A phoenix shifter? Damien,” He turned to his grandson, “is she shitting me?” I almost laughed at his outright curse. He didn’t seem the type. I smothered the reaction, trying to school my face, but I knew there was light in my eyes as Damien confirmed my declaration. “Young lady, there hasn’t been one of your kind in a long while.” He looked away as he spoke, taking in the room around him.

  “So I’ve been told.” I waited for him to continue the conversation, not wanting to share any extra details about myself.

  When he brought his attention back to me, he continued, “May I see you shift? I’d like to confirm what you and the boys here are saying.” His voice was awed but also held a note of something I could not place. Did he not believe me?

  “No. I’m not comfortable with that. You’ll have to take my word and scent at face value.” I made sure I was projecting confidence as I kept my posture strong.

  “Gumption, this one. Strong. A true shifter female.” He pointed at me with a thumb as he looked to his grandson. “I like her.”

  “So do I.” I warmed from my Gargoyle’s avowal.

  “Well, young lady, I have to infer from the lack of information that the boys here have shared with me and the fact that I haven’t heard of a documented phoenix shifter in recent years that you’ve grown up out of the fold. Undocumented, we would call it.”

  “That’s none of your business…” Ryder leapt to my defense, moving closer to my spot on the couch. I held up my hand to quiet him. In for a penny…

  “That’s correct. I didn’t know about the shifter world until I moved to Alaska to attend college.” His grandfather was all ears as he prodded for answers, but I remained as vague as possible.

  “You know you boys could be in a lot of trouble for keeping her away from the Council.” His voice was hard, professional.

  Low growls reverberated through the open space.

  “It was my idea. I asked for more time.” I’d be a monkey’s grandmother before I let my men take the blame for something I’d asked them to do. Something I’d needed.

  “Alright, boys. I know you all had the best intentions, but you know what happens now. Be prepared to meet with the Council tomorrow… all of you.” He made sure to look directly at each one of us, the days he served as a Councilman serving him well as he scolded us.

  My stomach dropped as the news that I’d have to go before the Council settled on my shoulders. The weight of it made me nauseous. Would I have any say in the outcome of my life? I didn’t want to be held prisoner just for existing as a rare shifter.

  As the men talked around me, I sank into myself, my bravado deflating as Gaspard stood to leave. I stood on autopilot and walked behind the group to the door.

  “Nix.” My name drew me back into the conversation.


  “I wish we had met under better circumstances, dear. Any woman who’s caught Damien’s attention must be some woman indeed.” He tipped his old hat at me as he walked out the door. I decided right then and there that while I liked Gaspard Lacroix, Damien’s grandfather, I wasn’t keen on Gaspard Lacroix, Councilman.



  The morning had been a complete waste of time. I was so frustrated that I planned to go home and head straight for the basement to take my growing aggression out on the punching bag. The fact that Nix was
left to worry about a potential threat to her safety made me feel like I had failed her. Where the hell could that fucker be? The muscle in my jaw ticked as I clenched my teeth.

  I pulled into the driveway, stepped down from the Hummer, and headed for the front door. As I slid the key in the lock, I caught a scent in the air that I knew, but hoped to hell I was wrong about.

  Inside I found Ryder pacing across the living room, Hiro sitting next to Nix holding her hand while Damien sat on the floor in front of our girl.

  The scent I caught outdoors was stronger indoors, and I knew Gaspard had been here. This did not bode well for any of us.

  Theo was sorting stacks of papers on the table. I had no idea what he was doing, but I headed in his direction, prepared to grill him for the information I needed. Although, I was pretty damn sure I already knew the answer. “Did he see her?” I didn't need to elaborate.

  “Unfortunately, yes. She waltzed right into the room and introduced herself.”


  Nix looked up and saw me standing near the dining room table. Her eyes, which looked burdened, lit up for a moment as she looked me over. I was sure she was looking for any signs of a scuffle. When she was content that I was fine, she spoke. “That’s not the whole story.” I was surprised she could hear us talking over in our corner of the room. We hadn’t been speaking loudly. Damn, I wondered if some of her other senses were developing, strengthening. I tabled the observation for now, but I hoped they were.

  “Why in God’s name would you out yourself to another shifter when you’re supposed to be staying away from them?” What the hell had she been thinking? My voice came out harder than I had planned, and I watched as Nix flinched. Damnit. Clearing my throat, I moved into the living room, eyeing my brothers as I passed them on my way to our girl.

  “Let me try that again.” I started over, keeping my voice more even-keeled. “What happened? Why would you out yourself to Gaspard?”

  “He could smell me—which is gross by the way.” She pointed toward Damien. “Please tell me he's just a nice old man and not a pervert?”

  I laughed as the others chuckled along, breaking the tension in the room. “Gaspard? A pervert? Nah, he’s one of the kindest most chivalrous men I know. When we started to look for mates he sat us all down to warn us that if we didn’t treat a female correctly, we’d be dragged before him and it wouldn’t end well. Damn, seriously, what the hell did I miss?” I was eager for the full story and hoping that they would get on with the tale of what had obviously been a very active morning.

  “Nix made breakfast.” Hiro strutted forward, hands shoved into the pockets of his low slung jeans. That explained why it smelled so good in here. “As we were eating, Gaspard showed up.”

  “We got Nix out of the way, but that old coot’s sniffer is still more powerful than most. He could scent her all over the house. Then, like a crazy person, she flew down the stairs and outed herself.” Ryder waved his hands animatedly as he talked.

  “I turned myself over to him because he already knew I was here. Damien was trying to cover for me, but he was lying, and I didn’t want to be what came between him and his family. He shouldn't have to choose between protecting me or being honest with them. It was only a matter of time until they knew I was here, anyway.” The frustration went right out of me. I totally respected what she did, but I was fucking terrified of the Council taking her away from us.

  We all are. Damien opened the connection, but I figured he was keeping Nix separate. She gave me one last strained smile before turning her attention back to Damien.

  I rubbed my fingertips into my eyes, trying to ease the headache I felt forming. We need to prepare her as much as possible.

  Agreed. Hiro seconded my idea.

  Damien was just getting ready to give her the rundown of the Council and how their meetings work. Ryder, why don’t you cover etiquette and the proper way she’ll need to conduct herself during the meeting. Hiro, you’re the best at calming her down and soothing her and her creature. Stay close to her today. I’ve already started pulling resources for her in regards to the differing mythologicals she’ll have contact with. I think she will feel more empowered by knowing exactly who she’s going to face tomorrow. Theo dished out our marching orders.

  What about me? I asked, feeling useless.

  Make sure we have everything we’re going to need to take with us. Gaspard is putting the order in with the Council. We see them tomorrow.

  “The Council is made up of seven members, all strong and powerful mythologicals. Councilman Khan, a cuelebre; Councilman Maldonado, a manananggal; Councilman Rahal, an aqrabuamelu; Councilman Lacroix, my father, also a gargoyle; Councilman Williams, a basilisk; Councilman Stepanov, a koschei; and Councilman Ishida, a kitsune.” Damien ticked the names off on his fingers.

  Nix cocked her head and wrinkled her nose. “I think the only words I understood out of that entire sentence were councilman, father, gargoyle, basilisk, and kitsune.” Ryder snickered from his position next to her, reaching out to tangle his fingers in her hair, giving her a light tug so she smiled.

  “Here.” Theo handed a large stack of papers over to Nix who just stared at him. “I figured Damien could give you a brief overview of the various shifters but thought you might like more detailed information on what they are and what kind of powers they have. Some of this is just lore and history, other parts are verified with my own experience with the Council. I know you don’t have time to review it just yet, but I wanted you to have the details.” He shrugged, pushing his glasses back up his nose, suddenly looking a little unsure. I felt his sudden flare of self-consciousness.

  Her grin was shaky, but there. “Thank you, Theo. I’ll start studying as soon as we're done here. I'll come to you if I have any other questions.” She hugged the stack of reports to her chest, almost using them as a shield against the unknown that was lurking in the room.

  Theo grinned, running his fingers through his hair. “You’re always welcome. I’m going to dive into more research, see if there’s any procedural history for withholding a shifter from the Council due to health or safety reasons. It could help us plead our case.” He meandered into the kitchen—I assumed to fill up that damn kraken mug—muttering to himself. Nix gave a small laugh, stroking her fingers over the paper.

  “Alright, so what the hell are all those creatures you just named?” She sat up straighter.

  "Most of the Council’s alternate forms are close to creatures you probably know. A Cuelebre is similar to what you know as a dragon. They’re like a winged serpent with powers that are mainly poison based.”

  She tensed. “Geez, this is like a Harry Potter book.” She murmured. “I’m going up against a dragon and a basilisk? Weren’t those two separate books?”

  Ryder snickered. “Nix, you’re letting your muggle show. We haven’t even broken the top off here!”

  “Alright, alright. So, your father, I assume his powers are similar to yours?” She asked Damien, wary of his answer.

  “Yes, exactly. Most of the men in my family have the common gargoyle powers. My father’s psychic skills are incredibly powerful. I know you’ve been working on your wall as well. We can practice your mental barriers today, as well as some different reinforcement techniques.”

  “You sort of know Councilman Ishida, in a roundabout way.” Hiro’s tone was dry as he stroked his hand down her arm, playing with her fingers before taking her hand.

  “He is a celestial kitsune and erects many of our barriers and protection wards. Unfortunately, you know his daughter.” Damien glanced around the room at us before he turned back to Nix with a tight look on his face. “Ahmya is his daughter.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Nix yelled from her seat on the couch, and I watched as Hiro winced. Damien had left the line open and as I focused on that line of connection, I could feel his conflicting emotions. He was ashamed of his previous involvement with the conniving bitch, but only because he didn’t realize how ma
nipulative she was at the time. That hussy had been doing everything in her power to break up our team from the second she was of age to mate, only wanting Ryder, Damien, and Hiro. Sadly for her, we had decided long ago that we weren’t going to let a pretty face come between our bond as brothers. Other than a short stint where she’d pulled the wool over Hiro’s eyes by offering herself up as the answer to all his sexual fantasies, she’d failed. Once Hiro learned of her true nature, we were all in agreement, none of us wanted anything to do with her.

  I watched, rooted to my spot, as Nix tore her hand from Hiro’s, and pain lanced my chest. Was she pulling away from us? It felt like we were losing her, if not now, then tomorrow. Panic raced through my veins as adrenaline released, making me heady.

  Calm down, Kill. She’s not pulling away. She’s just feeling the weight of the situation we are in. Goddamn, but I was happy that D had a connection to our girl. I didn’t know how men survived without knowing what a woman was thinking or feeling. They were so fucking complicated to understand.

  Yeah, well, so am I. I rubbed a hand over my chest, trying to ease the emotional and physical reaction I was having to the stress.

  “He’s bound to hate me right away,” Nix mumbled through her hands as her body went rigid. I wanted to help her to relax somehow, but I knew that she needed to get all this information more than she needed to calm down. Going before the Council was no fucking joke. There was a reason why everyone underneath them tried their best to tow the line, myself included. While I didn’t care for their leadership—not that I’d ever say that out loud—I knew there was justification for the fear shifters felt toward their rulers.

  “I’ve always known him to be honorable, but there’s always the possibility that Ahmya has been in his ear.”

  I growled at Damien. I knew he wanted to be honest with Nix, but he wasn’t doing a good job to ease her concerns. “She lives here at school and has no idea you’re undocumented. If she did, that bitch would have caused tidal waves of trouble by now. Don’t worry about her. She’s not worth the brain power we’re wasting.” I crossed my arms over my chest. Move on to the other Council members. Let’s get this over with.


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