Book Read Free

Hidden in Smoke

Page 15

by Harper Wylde

  “Are you going to be ok, Nix?” Ryder turned serious, looking into my eyes in earnest, trying to gauge where my head and heart were.

  “As long as they don’t try to micromanage my life, or lock me up or something, then I’m sure we can come to some agreement on how to move forward. I’m hoping that if I’m as rare as you say and they want me to be a member of their community, then they’ll try to work with me? I mean, I’m not going to be ok if they tell me I can’t stay with you. I mean, shit, I’m already having issues with the school.” I let my volume decrease as I finished talking, unsure if I should bring up the weird meeting I’d had with the counselor.

  “What issues?” Killian asked as he came to stand in front of me, along with Ryder and Damien. He crossed my arms in his typical stance, angling his head down to stare at me. He was always so intense. I stared right back at him.

  “Your friend, Ahmya, has a big mouth and doesn’t seem to like that I’m staying with you all.”

  “Fuck, she reported you?”

  I nodded, raising an eyebrow. “Seems she’s jealous. Sucks for her because green’s not her color. I’m not worried about one little fox; I can take her on if I need to. It’s more having to deal with the aftermath. I don’t want to anger her father.” I shrugged. “First I need to worry about convincing the Council to let me live my own life and then I can worry about the school. They can’t dictate I spend every night in the dorm room. If it wasn’t for the complaint, I doubt they’d have noticed or cared.”

  “We should talk to Hiro about this. With his RA job, he could probably shed some light.” I knew the RA position was wearing on Hiro. He wanted to be home with Nix. He’d been able to get someone to cover him while he stayed with Nix during the rebirth and subsequent healing process, but the last few days he’d been back and forth to the dorms in between his classes.

  “Later. Let’s just get through tomorrow.” I gently built my mental layer in place and pasted a smile on my face, hoping they bought it. Waving to them, I turned to go back inside, ready for that bath. I needed to soak in very hot water and let it wash away my stress. The truth was that the school issue might not matter anymore, anyway.



  A soft knock on my door would have alerted me to Nix’s presence, but I was already so attuned to her that I knew when she left her room and headed toward mine. My Kraken could feel the low hum of power from her Phoenix, and he rolled—basking in it.

  “Theo.” The feminine sound was like music to my ears, and I turned to face the door to my room. She was centered in the thin rims of my glasses as I pulled them off, running a hand through my hair as I called out to her.

  “Come in.” She was welcome in my domain anytime. My Kraken rumbled in agreement.

  “Hey.” She stepped into my room, and her power sparked with mine. I watched as she jerked slightly, unprepared for the intensity of our power’s dance. Each day I felt it growing stronger. Could she feel that as well? The whole sensation differed from what we’d been taught to expect our whole life. I wanted to run some tests, try to prove a theory I had about the phenomenon, but there was too much else going on right now to focus on taking on one more project, despite my deep desire to do so.

  “Hi.” It felt like a lame response, but I didn’t have Ryder’s humor nor Hiro’s smooth way with words. Having Nix alone, her golden skin standing in stark relief against the dark teal color of my walls, made me nervous in that schoolboy crush kind of way. She was like sunshine, and I was drawn to her warmth. My Kraken surged forward, wanting to show her what the sun looked like from under the water. She reminded him of it even now; that golden light piercing through the water, always out of focus and unobtainable. I prayed with my whole being that she was obtainable to my brothers and me.

  Even now, I could feel their stress and concern over the fact that the Council may take control over Nix’s life. We didn’t want to worry her, but she needed to know the probability of their reaction to her existence, as well as their reaction to what could be seen as our betrayal. We had kept her from them, but even if I could go back and redo it, I wouldn’t change our actions.

  “I’ve been studying up on the information you gave me on mythologicals that make up the Council. Thank you, by the way. Also, holy shit, those guys sound creepy as fuck and intimidating as hell.” She played the string on her hooded jacket nervously. I knew she was nervous about tomorrow, but I also knew this was her first time alone with one of us in one of our rooms.

  “I know they sound scary, but they won’t harm you. Did Damien answer all your questions about the Councilmen and their creatures?”

  She hummed her affirmation. “I was wondering if you had any more specific information on phoenix. I haven’t found much in any of the books you’ve loaned me, but I want to learn as much as I can.”

  I grinned at her. “You’ve come to the right place. While there isn’t much information documented, I think I have enough to keep you busy for a little while as I hunt down more.” I slid my glasses on and rummaged through my desk contents for the file I had on Nix. I had printed some things out of the Council’s library base that she might be interested in. I wondered if the Council had any further documentation that hadn’t been digitized yet. I’d have to talk with my brothers about looking into that possibility.

  I felt her heat on my back as she moved closer. A quick glance told me she was looking around, wanting to investigate, but trying not to be rude. I smirked. “Make yourself at home.”

  I watched as she scanned my dresser, looking at the various framed pictures sitting on top of it. “Oh my God!” She gasped in excitement, and I turned my full attention to her.

  My position in my desk chair put my face at her waist level, and I took my time letting my eyes wander over her curvy body. I wanted to grab onto those hips and kiss my way down her soft stomach. I blushed slightly as I recalled the dreams that invaded my sleep every night. Nix with her hands fisted in my sheets as I feasted on her, her screams of pleasure waking the house, letting the other guys know how much she loved my tongue. I shifted in my seat, thinking as many unsexy thoughts as I could, trying calm my reaction to her. I didn’t want to scare her off on her first venture into one of our rooms!

  “Is this you and Rini as children?” Her eyes were sparkling in the lamplight of my room as she showed off one of my favorite pictures. I laughed.

  “Yeah! That’s us at the aquarium. Rini always got a kick out of my ability to make the fish do tricks. I had to be careful whenever we visited because she would beg me at every exhibit.” I smiled fondly at the memory.

  “I’d kill to see that!” She carefully placed the photo back on the wooden top of my oak dresser.

  “I’ll take you.” It was a promise as much as it was a declaration. I wanted to take Nix everywhere, experience the world with her. “Have you ever been to an aquarium? I imagine they have a nice one in Orlando.”

  “Once, in middle school. I had to forge Michael’s name to go. He’d never sign off on school trips. It was one of the best days of my life.” Her chocolate eyes found mine. “Aquariums are a favorite of mine, and that quickly morphed into a love of the ocean. I was always fascinated by the endlessness of it; by the vastness and how small I felt when I saw it for the first time. It was like all my problems faded away, lost to the majesty of it. I’ve only been twice in my whole life.” She propped her hip against my dresser as she spoke, her eyes unfocused as she lost herself to memory. The poetic way she spoke surprised me. I loved getting to see this side of Nix.

  “I had to save up and hide the money in order to buy myself bus fare to Daytona Beach. I can still feel the sand between my toes and the cold water lapping at my legs as I stepped into the Atlantic for the first time. Theo, you’re so lucky to get to be a part of that. The freedom the ocean must afford you…” She trailed off with a dreamy sigh.

  “It’s been hard to feel that way since we moved here,” I admitted the words quietly. I had never
admitted this out loud before. “On land, I mostly feel useless. My creature is rarely needed for anything that requires his strengths. I miss the ocean.”

  “I’ve yet to meet your creature Theo, but I know that the ocean is part of you. It runs in your veins. You might not be able to shift on land, but your creature lends you his power in other ways. You’re far from useless.” She stepped closer and I reached for her, holding her hips and pulling her near as I rested my forehead on her stomach. The words she spoke, they felt like a lifeline. “You’re the leader of your team. The brains behind every operation. The logic to the chaos that occurs daily. Don’t ever let your doubt blind you to all you do for your family every day. As for your Kraken, well we’ll have to get him in the water soon and let him stretch. I have a feeling you’ve been bottling him up for too long.”

  My Kraken roared in triumph at the woman in my hands, effectively claiming her as ours. You’ll have to share her, and not just with me. I directed my remarks to the beast within. I wanted to laugh when I felt the sea monster’s version of a shrug in response. He didn’t mind sharing. Good. Neither did I. A picture of Nix round with child seared my brain, and my grip on her hips tightened. Call it biology or whatever you want, but the image felt right even though it was way too soon to want such things with her. I couldn’t stop the possessive kiss I placed on her stomach or the longing that ran through me as I kept myself from kissing my way down her body.

  She drove her hands into my hair, and I held on tight as she kissed the top of my head. Her soft caresses sent warmth through me. “Come here.” I beckoned her forward, pulling her down to sit sideways in my lap. I hadn’t gotten to fully kiss her yet, the small peck the other morning not nearly enough to sate my need for her. I groaned as she leaned down and pressed her lips softly against mine, holding still and letting her lead. I didn’t want to trigger her as I had earlier in the day.

  Slowly, I deepened the kiss, tilting my head to the side and sliding my lips over hers. When she let out a small contented noise, I slipped my tongue past my lips to taste hers. She was naturally sweet, only enhanced by the sugary vanilla chapstick she must have donned this morning. I was addicted and devoured her mouth one sweet kiss at a time until she finally parted her lips, and I swept inside, thrusting into her mouth to tangle our tongues together in a rhythmic dance. The fruity aroma that washed over me was tinged with the pleasurable smell of campfires, that hint of smoke and fire reminding me of her alternate form. Wiggling on my lap, I groaned as she pressed against my arousal, and I tightened my grip on her hips, holding her in place to still her movements. When I was sure she’d try to remain still, I moved a hand up and slid it into the ebony hair at the nape of her neck—still damp from bathing—angling her just right as I stroked into her mouth. Pulling back, I flicked the tip of my tongue quickly against hers, hoping she’d catch the naughty innuendo alluding to other things I’d like to do to her with my mouth. Cooling down with a few small kisses, I leaned back, looking up into her flushed face as she slowly opened her eyes. The heat I found in them took my breath away.

  “Now that was a kiss.” Her grin was infectious, and I smiled back. Leaning forward, her lips grazed my ear as she whispered, “I’ve been waiting for that.”

  “Me too. It was worth the wait.”

  She claimed my lips once more before she shifted back. Tracing a finger along the top frame of my glasses, her eyes darted around my face. “I like you in glasses.”

  “I hated when I had to start wearing them to read, but they’re necessary to lessen the strain on my eyes from the hours of computer work I do all the time.”

  Without warning, she pulled them off my face and slid them up her nose, trying to get a feel for my prescription which I was sure would make her eyes cross. The second she looked at me with my frames on her face, I felt myself pulse against her bottom. She looked like a sexy librarian, and that was a fantasy I could get behind. I threw the image through the link, grinning in the knowledge that the image would tease the guys. It was what we all needed to lighten the mood that hung heavy in the house.

  Damn, she looks good. Killian was the first to respond, followed closely by Ryder.

  That’s it! I’m buying her glasses. Do you think the ones without lenses would have the same effect? Or should I buy… like… pseudo glasses?

  Non-prescription glasses all the way. Damien answered, and I felt his distraction over the picture.

  I want to see her look down at me through some sexy glasses while I bury my head between her thighs. Hiro shot through the link.

  You’ll have to beat me to her, and right now she’s sitting on my lap. I couldn’t help the taunt, knowing full well the Kitsune wouldn’t let a little good-natured teasing get between us. I had a certain affinity for going down on a woman, although it had been a long time since I had, and now my desire was all directed toward wanting to please Nix. She was special in a way no other woman had ever been before.

  Shaking my head, I watched as she scanned my desk. “Is this your dad?” She reached for the most important image of them all. My favorite one from before he had passed, all four of us together in front of the ocean. The trip to the beach had been impromptu, but it had been the best vacation I could remember.

  “Yeah. That’s dad, mom, Molly, and me.”

  “You look like him.” She ran a finger over the faces with care. My heart squeezed.

  “Someday I’ll tell you about him. He would have loved you. I know the rest of my family will.”

  “I get to meet your family?” Her voice had rung out a full octave higher.

  “I hope, someday, if you want to.” I stumbled over myself, wondering if I’d made a blunder by bringing it up. I knew when you brought a girl home to meet mom it usually meant that the relationship was getting serious. Things within the shifter world tended to move at a faster pace, the males looking to claim and be claimed by a female. Mating wasn’t uncommon among shifters our age. Distracting us, I turned and tried to gather the papers she wanted, printing off extra copies of the online documents that may be helpful.

  “I’d like that.” She put the photo down and my heart soared at her agreement. The idea of introducing her to mom and Molly made me smile. They’d love her sass and ability to keep us all in line. Bloody hell but this woman was an excellent fit for our group. She balanced each and every one of us.

  Suddenly, she reached out, pulling some papers off of the golden cuff bracelet I had honestly forgotten about until now. Bloody hell. I was supposed to have run tests on the metal! “Hey, have you tested this yet?” She asked reaching for the jewelry.

  I winced. “I haven’t. With everything going on, it slipped my mind. I’ll get it in testing first thing tomorrow.” I grabbed a yellow sticky note to make myself a reminder, sticking it to the monitor of my computer.

  Nix’s hiss drew my attention and she laughed nervously. “I guess my Phoenix still hates my fashion sense.” She tried to joke, but I could tell that she was legitimately concerned about her other half’s reaction to something that meant so much to her. With her convoluted past, though, it was possible that anything could be going on with the bracelet. Hopefully, I’d be able to provide some answers soon.

  Handing her the stack of papers, she gave me a hug and sauntered her way out of my room on a thank you. I watched her as she walked into her bedroom and realized, not for the first time, how well she fit here with us. There was no way we would lose her tomorrow; I wouldn’t allow it. Roars, growls, and hisses of accord joined mine in solidarity.



  The moment that Nix settled into the car, tiredness overtook her. I had claimed the seat next to her, choosing to stay close to try to keep her calm. I knew she hadn’t slept much last night despite her brave face as she bid us goodnight. She’d pressed her head against the chilled window and tried to take in the scenery during the drive. We’d barely made it ten minutes before her eyes closed. Gently I cradled her head, pulling her into me an
d repositioning her onto my shoulder and chest. Wrapping an arm around her, I effectively became her pillow. I knew she had been thoroughly fascinated that we were driving over two hours to get to the marina where our boat was, but even though Anchorage sat on Cook Inlet, it wasn’t the easiest waterway to manage given the changing water levels that went with the tides. The boat we owned was docked at a marina in Seward, Alaska. It was also the most direct place to launch from to get to the island we were headed for; home.

  The scent of Nix filled my lungs as I bent my head and nuzzled her hair. The city flew by, and soon we were on the scenic road headed toward our destination. The mountains rose on the left side of the two-lane road. Since Nix had come into my life, I’d begun to see things from her perspective. What had become commonplace in my life was all new for Nix, and the wonder in her eyes was contagious. I tried not to take my surroundings for granted anymore. She was good for me.

  “Hey, pull over at that lookout just up ahead,” I quietly instructed Killian, who was driving.

  “Are you sure we have time for this?” Theo checked his watch.

  “We’ll keep it brief. She’s never seen this before. You know she’ll be upset if we let her miss this view.”

  “Alright, but we can’t stop at every lookout.” Theo tapped his leg in a quick paced rhythm. I knew this deviation from the plan might rattle him—he was focused on getting us through this meeting. Reaching over, I clapped him on the shoulder, making sure to keep my movements small so I wouldn’t startle Nix awake.

  “Just this one. It’s one of my favorites.” The car veered to the right and slowed as it glided to a stop on the extended shoulder of the lookout.

  “Wake up, Nix.” I shook her gently and watched as her lashes fluttered and opened to reveal the rich chocolate color of her eyes. “Good girl.” I murmured softly as she stretched and sat up, looking out of the window sleepily. “Come on.”


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