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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 2

by Lee Morgan

He focused only on one place, Sarah’s womb.

  It took a moment to understand what he just saw and it made his smile grow.

  His excitement couldn’t be contained. Connor instantly jumped up and scooped Sarah into his arms. She began giggling as he twirled her in circles on the mattress. His laughter was genuine and his joy raised to a whole new level.

  “Sarah, we’re going to have twins!”

  He grinned and she grinned back even more. She easily adjusted herself from a cradling hold and into an intimate hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped them around her lower back. She looked up and her twinkling green eyes were joyous. “I know! I only figured it out last night. It’s been bothering me this whole time. They were so close together that we couldn’t see them properly. They looked like a blur, being so close together, but that was because they are actually twins. One was hidden behind the other.”

  He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her and she kissed him back just as passionately. Her scent of apples and strawberries made the kiss that much more amazing. They only drew away when they had to come back up for air. Then they kissed some more.

  After they finally laid down in bed again she asked “Back at the meeting, the baby’s shape looked slightly off. What does it look like now?”

  They have a better way of sharing information than talking. Connor sent her the mental image he just saw moments ago. Their children no longer looked like spherical eggs or an oddly shaped manatee, but more like a deformed, hairless rodent. There were tiny bones making a skeletal structure and the head has begun to form a skull. The most promising proof of their health was that they each had a heartbeat and they were strong. They looked like the fetus of a baby that was about eight to thirteen weeks old.

  Tears began spilling across Sarah’s cheeks, but before he could comfort her she spoke. “Those are our babies. They look so healthy.” She closed her eyes so she could continue to look at the mental images that he continued sending her. “They will both be so very beautiful…” Then her eyes shot wide open. “Great! Just Freaking Great!”

  She sat up quickly and rubbed the small bump that barely showed on her belly. Connor sat up and she had a disgruntled expression dominating her face. He could only tell she wasn’t upset about the twins. “Sarah, what is going on?”

  He touched the side of her face and she instinctively leaned in for more of the touch, but she realized what she did and jerked away. He pulled his arm back. What did I do wrong? Her green eyes narrowed on him soon after hearing his internal thought. “This is going to be all your fault!”

  “What is?”

  She pointed to her belly. “Not only are your children going to be big, but since I’m now carrying twins…” She shook her head while biting her bottom lip. “I’m going to be huge!” Sarah finally looked down at her stomach. “You hear that girls, Daddy is going to turn your Mother into a beach ball.” She sighed and looked at him. She finally smiled. “It will be worth it though.”

  Connor sighed in relief. “I thought something happened to you.” Before falling back down on the bed he saw that the outside world was beginning to brighten.

  Sarah crawled over to him and changed how she sat. She tossed a leg over him and sat directly on his stomach. She felt as light as a feather. “Can I tell you an interesting fact?” He smiled and nodded while rubbing her soft and luscious legs. “In the entire history of Balancer’s, only seven women have ever given birth to twins…well I’ll be the eighth actually.” At a stray thought a smile crossed his lips and Sarah caught it, now that she could see better. “What was that for?”

  “I just wondered what Jillian will have to say?”

  Sarah became completely still at hearing this. He entered her frantic mind as she guessed what her mother would do when she heard the news. Every scenario she came up with made her mother act the same way. Then she thought about her father and he acted the same way. Then came thoughts of Kara…

  Sarah stopped thinking when Connor’s laughter broke her concentrating. She then joined him in a laugh. Sarah then leaned down and kissed him tenderly. She pulled her head back by only an inch as she said seductively “We’ll see their reactions soon enough. Now what can we do to pass the time…?” She then slowly began leaning closer and their lips began to brush each other.

  The mood was disturbed by someone knocking on the front door. Sarah’s head dropped lifelessly onto his chest. “Why now of all times?” She whispered in annoyance. She then sat back up and shouted “We’ll be there in a minute!” Sarah then looked at him and rolled her eyes.

  She lifted herself off his form and walked over to her dresser. She took his shirt off and became fully dressed in fresh clothes within three or four seconds. She quickly brushed her waist length brown hair to make herself somewhat presentable. He took the hint as she walked through the door of their room and walked down the hallway to the front door. Connor quickly slid his black pants on within a second and strung his belt at the same speed.

  Connor left the room and shut the door behind him before walking down the hall.

  Leaving Connor in their bedroom really annoyed her. He just learned they were going to increase their family by one more and were about to celebrate in the mind-blowing way. He wasn’t in her mind so she could think privately. This person had better have a good excuse for making me get out of bed…

  Walking through the silent hallway, Sarah passed the bathroom and power room to her right and to the left is where her study room and Connor’s workshop resided. The hardwood flooring felt cool and comforting on her bare feet.

  Entering the kitchen, dining room and living room, Sarah had to turn the lights on because it is still very dark in here. Luckily everything remained in its place so she didn’t accidently stub her toes. Once the lights were on, the room was in order except for their packs that they left by the empty fireplace. Connor and Sarah didn’t have time to put them away after they had to wash all of the clothes and the house. The only thing they had time to put up was the painting that Kara made for them. It was a picture of Sarah’s mate and her flying during the final dance two days ago. His costume was the Greek God Pan, where as hers was a Wood Nymph. They put it on the wall behind the sofa.

  Everything looked in order as she made her way to the front door. Sarah unlocked the deadbolt and the doorknob and sighed. She opened the door.

  Their early morning visitor was none other than Connor’s mother, Jenny. She was wide eyed and very awake at this early hour. Her dark brown eyes scanned Sarah and her smile seemed pleasant. Jenny had her golden hair hanging loose and down by her shoulders and she looked stunning as she stood calmly on the entryway. She wore a red top and light blue jeans. She was also carrying what looked like a picnic wicker basket. Jenny was taller than her, but not by too much.

  “Jenny, what is it? Is something wrong?” Sarah asked in a light tone. What she really wanted to ask was ‘What are you doing at my home so early in the morning without any warning?’

  She smiled brighter. “I’m sorry for the intrusion and for being so early, but I’ve had much to deal with.” She sighed. “I had a lot on my mind yesterday and I didn’t get any sleep, honestly.”

  “I know what you mean. It was a lot to take in, but Connor wouldn’t have allowed us to tell you if he didn’t think you could handle it…”

  Jenny’s eyes widened and she shook her free hand. “No, no, no. It wasn’t that, it was about something completely else entirely.” Sarah calmly waited for her to continue, because she didn’t make any sense at the moment. “It wasn’t about your secrets, but it is about you.”

  Her brow furrowed and Sarah felt self-conscious. “Me? What did I do?”

  Jenny smiled and asked “May I come in?” Jenny’s eyes shifted behind Sarah and she had a strange motherly look that made her smile genuine. She had a look of relief of a burden that has finally been lifted after such a long time.

  “Sure.” A deep and strong voice said from behind me. “What’s
the occasion for your visit, Mom. Do you have more questions you need answered?”

  Sarah looked back as Connor walked up behind her wearing a pair of black pants and his hair was brushed back. His godly chest, visible to all. It would have been a great morning… Sarah thought and sighed on the inside.

  Jenny retorted with “Yes, I do have more questions, but my visit is a little more specific at the moment.”

  Connor and Sarah stepped back as Jenny entered their cottage. She walked straight up to the empty dining room table, put the basket on the table and turned around after Sarah shut the door. She walked to Connor’s side as he looked down at his mother from several feet away. Jenny looked strangely at Sarah for a moment, but they waited patiently for her to start.

  “Yesterday was a real eye opener for me and my parents.” She started with a calm body language, but she swallowed thickly. “I never realized such things could be possible let alone thrive right underneath my nose... Connor, I know you heard me say that I couldn’t sleep last night,” He then began smiling knowingly. Sarah knew her mate had already figured out Jenny’s real reason for the arrival without reading her mind. “The things you can do will take me some time to get used to, but that wasn’t my problem. The problem is, how could you make me a Grandma?” She almost pleaded for a moment. “How could I be a grandma when I still look this good?”

  Connor’s lips pressed together and his back muscles were shaking. He was trying his best not to laugh. Sarah took a half step forward. “Wait a moment, Jenny. Let me get this straight, you’re more worried about becoming a grandmother rather than knowing that your son isn’t exactly human anymore?”

  Jenny looked at her with an innocent expression. “Well wouldn’t you?”

  The young Harmonizer couldn’t hold himself back any longer as he began laughing, almost hysterically. Sarah joined him and soon after Jenny began giggling. Sarah had to wipe a tear from her eye, once the laughter began to subside. Then pregnancy senses kicked in as she smelled something.

  It smelled something very appetizing.

  “What did you bring, Jenny?”

  Her mother-in-law looked away from Sarah and to her basket. “Actually I brought a few things over for you, Sarah. Since I couldn’t sleep, I’ve been busy.

  “After Kara and Mark brought us home yesterday, they stayed over for a few hours and Kara explained about Harmonizers and certain things. They didn’t leave until close to midnight. You know their transformation almost made me nauseous. Not their forms per say, but when they rearrange their skeletal structure…” Jenny visibly shivered. “Kara said it wasn’t painful, but being able to break their bones on command is a little disconcerting to listen to. I’d be afraid to make the bone splinter and perforate a vital organ or an artery.” Jenny realized she was going off topic and she caught herself. “Sorry for rambling on. Well after they left and my parents left too, I was too awake to sleep at all. Then I couldn’t stop thinking about you, Sarah.” Jenny gave her a sly smile.

  Sarah leaned into Connor’s chest as Jenny continued. “I don’t know anything about you Balancer’s, but I do know about medicine.”

  Of course you would. You’re the head nurse at the hospital. Connor rubbed Sarah’s shoulder and he heard what was said within her mind.

  “Well I left the house last night and went to work and picked you up a few things. Hold on…” Jenny turned around and opened the basket, sending the aroma of fresh baked blueberry muffins into the room. Sarah’s stomach began to instantly begin to rumble and rumble. Jenny continued digging as she grabbed something that made a crackling sound, like plastic. She turned around and said “Here. I thought these might help.” Sarah reached out and took what she offered. In her hand sat a packet of pills. “Those are pre-natal vitamins. They should help make sure the baby is healthy.”

  “Babies.” Sarah corrected automatically while looking at the strange pills.

  The room became eerily silent and Sarah realized her mistake. She looked up to see Jenny’s jaw hanging. Her heart began to race as she didn’t move. Jenny’s voice broke just above a whisper. “Sarah…twins…?” A minute later she finally spoke again. “Well there goes my social life… Who am I kidding? This is better than my boring life. This is awesome…” Sarah sighed in relief as did Connor. One family member down… “Wait a minute. When did you go and get a sonogram?”

  “Right here.” Connor said tapping his temple.

  “No seriously.”

  “I’m serious, Mom.” He looked down at Sarah and she read what he wanted to do in his mind. She nodded and he returned his eyes to his mother. “This might freak you out, but I’ll show you how we know.” Jenny looked confused and Connor’s power rose. Sarah then began feeling Connor use his sonar again and everything in the room in front of her began brightening and being bathed in a rapidly oscillating white light. Jenny went completely still as she looked into her son’s eyes. While he used his ability he said “This is how we could see without going to a doctor and getting a sonogram.” His power stopped and the room dimmed again. Jenny remained speechless.

  “Jenny,” Her stunned attention turned to Sarah’s pleasant tone. “I know that things are difficult to explain, but would you like to see a mental picture of your grandchildren?”

  It took a minute before she opened her mouth, but Connor spoke first. “Mom, you look like you need to sit down.” She did look off center and she took the offer, but they didn’t dare move.

  Jenny pulled a chair back from the table and sat down, facing them. She slowed her breathing and eventually looked at her daughter-in-law that was far older than she. “I would like to see it, but what do I need to do?”

  Sarah said “Close your eyes and try not to jump.” And she did it began.

  The human mind is much weaker than a Balancer’s and Connor brought Sarah even higher than to ever be considered a Balancer. Sarah had to weaken her mental strength to not completely overwhelm Jenny’s mind. She found the images Connor gave her not too long ago and pushed them gently into Jenny’s mind. Once Jenny saw it she gasped, but she focused on not moving. As the image fixed in her mind Sarah saw and heard what she was thinking. My word… these pictures are remarkably detailed. No technology could give such precise images. Oh, they are so adorable. The two of you are going to be troublemakers if you take anything after your father…

  Sarah stopped the images as she began laughing. Jenny’s eyes shot open and she realized that her mind was being read. She smiled knowingly.

  “Alright, who’s going to tell me what’s going on between you two?” Jenny and Sarah turned their attention to him. His large arms were crossed over his chest and his predatory hazel eyes studied them intently.

  “That is a secret between us women.” Jenny stated. “Don’t even think of finding out.” Jenny and Sarah looked at each other and nodded simultaneously. It was between them and it would stay that way. Then Jenny looked at Sarah’s hand. “Oh you need…” Jenny stood up and was on a mission. She walked around the table and into the kitchen. Connor asked what she was up to and she said “Sarah needs to take those vitamins and I’m getting her some water.”

  “Should you tell her or should I?” Connor asked Sarah evenly.

  Jenny stopped short as she turned to them from the kitchen. She looked confused or worried, it was hard to distinguish. Sarah sighed and lifted the packet of vitamins and spoke in a calming and reassuring tone. “Jenny, I’m grateful that you are caring so much for me and I wish this didn’t sound so ungrateful, but I do not require these pre-natal’s. You see our children don’t require nutrients from the mother because they feed off our energy. There is a big difference between a human child and a Balancer’s. I’m so sorry, Jenny.”

  “You’re serious.” She seemed surprised. “Then if they feed on energy how do they live? Don’t they require nutrients and hormones like humans? I mean how do you live?”

  “Mom,” Connor came to his wife’s rescue, like always. “Balancers only live off wat
er and energy. When our children are born and their links are severed from Sarah, they will need to eat. When we eat we convert our food into pure energy that we can store and harness at will. We have very little waste after the food has been altered and stored. Kara and Mark on the other hand eat for the nutrition in their food so they can manipulate their physical characteristics. Balancers only require energy to survive.”

  Jenny’s eyes narrowed on the two of them. She quickly grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. She walked around the table again and held the glass out to Sarah. “If what you say is true then taking the vitamins couldn’t hurt if you’ll change them into energy. Humor me anyway.” Her expression and eyes gave little option.

  “Just take them. She won’t quit pushing until you do. There isn’t anyone on the planet who is as stubborn as my mom, not even me.”

  Connor spoke telepathically from her right, but Sarah kept her eyes on his mother. She sighed loudly, ripped the packet and grabbed the glass. “Bottom’s up!” She dumped the contents of the packet in her mouth and flushed them down with the cool water.

  “That’s a good girl.” Jenny turned around as she drank the rest of the water. Her back remained exposed to Sarah as she continued working in the basket. Sarah leaned to her side and saw what she was doing. She started sitting out the fresh bagels, muffins and a few fruits. She leaned up after finishing placing the food in three sections. “I thought we could eat together. While we eat I have a few questions, if you don’t mind answering them.”

  Sarah looked at the food on the table and thought, that amount wouldn’t even scratch the surface of my hunger.

  “I’m already on it.”

  Connor was already rounding the table. He went into the pantry and pulled out six family size boxes of instant pancake mix along with a bag of Golden Delicious apples. Sarah’s stomach was already rumbling. Jenny watched in confusion as Connor started pulling out a large mixing bowl and a skillet. “Connor, what are you doing? I’ve brought you guys some food. You don’t need to cook.”


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