Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 3

by Lee Morgan

  “Mom, you need to see how much we need to eat for breakfast.” Then Connor looked at his mate. “Princess, go ahead and take a shower. I’ll take one after we eat.” She nodded and glanced at Jenny to see her looking dumbfounded, before taking a shower.

  While showering Sarah felt Connor’s energy. He was probably cooking the food a little quicker and more thoroughly with his control of Fire.

  When she left the shower and reentered the front room, everything was ready. On two large trays were two mounds of hot pancakes. Jenny sat still, dumbfounded at the quantities, but she was now at the table being silent. Connor sat on the other side and it was hard to see him from behind the mountain of food. Sarah saw Connor lean to the side and when he saw her, his emotions changed. He made her feel really sexy through their bond, even if all she wore is the usual sleeveless top and shorts.

  She then walked around to sit with him and began eating.

  Jenny became full after only five minutes of eating one bagel and a muffin. She watched on in amazement as they continued eating. Her eyes were still in denial, but she asked general knowledge questions about Balancers and what they were capable of. She kept wanting to learn more of their world and they gave her the details she could understand. She continued asking Connor what a Harmonizer is and what it was like to be one.

  They continued talking for almost another hour after they finished their breakfast meal and Jenny only balked a few times when they had to give her a simple demonstration of their abilities. Despite her fear she wanted to know more.

  “Connor, go ahead and take a shower. I want to tell Mother of the new development.” He understood Sarah’s anxiousness to tell everyone so he left them to take a quick shower.

  While Sarah washed the syrup and butter from the dishes Jenny asked “Isn’t it a little weird having a mother who looks exactly the same age as you?”

  “Not really. After a few hundred years you don’t think about it anymore. The only time its difficult is when we are out in public and we have to address ourselves as sisters. Also there is my Father to consider.” She began speaking in a lecturing tone without knowing exactly why. “In my parents era it was common to see an older man with a much younger looking woman, but now it’s somewhat frowned upon. It’s a little hard for them because I share many features with my mother and if she were to be seen in an intimate way with Father then…”

  “Then it would be seen like incest.” Jenny finished the thoughts perfectly. “Now I finally understand the parental difficulties they’ve been under. Here’s a hypothetical question, could they be seen in public if you weren’t so close?”

  Sarah finished the dishes and turned her full attention to Jenny as she sat at the table. “Yes. Most of my kind do things like that as long as their children find mates and leave. One day they can do just that as they please, but right now my mother has some abandonment issues and even if I was cruel and left with Connor I wouldn’t have the heart to separate her from her grandchildren, plus I still need guidance because I’m going to be a first time mother.”

  They were quiet for a short time until Connor came out. He wore his sleeveless black shirt and pants. His hair was brushed back, showing all of his powerful features. His strong jaw and calm demeanor masked his strength, but his eyes showed just how dangerous and powerful he truly is. He had the eyes of a predator and if he looks at anyone, he seems to see into their very soul. He can penetrate anything until he finds the unmistakable truth. His authority around others is undeniable and he is mine.

  He simply looked at Sarah and her pulse began thrumming behind her ear and goose bumps were showing all over her body. “After we tell everyone the good news we have to start returning to normal. I’ll get my business restarted and you can inform the school that you’re back from the trip.”

  “Sounds good to me. A little work is just what we need to fit in again.”

  He grinned. “Alright then. Mom?” She also stood. “Would you like to accompany us to Jillian’s? … Alright, but don’t tell anyone the news until we tell everyone.” She agreed with a grin.

  Jenny picked up her basket as Connor and Sarah put on their shoes.

  They left the cottage together and slowly made their way through the woods.

  While slowly moving through the natural greenery that separated the cottage and the rest of his family’s homes, his mom remained too silent. Sarah moved by his side with a fluid grace that could only be achieved from her skill and advanced age. She only made the most subtle of steps where as his are almost completely silent. Jenny walked on Sarah’s other side while carrying the empty basket that she brought. Connor saw through his mom’s true intentions for the early visit, even if she didn’t realize it herself. The trip she made was for herself and not for Sarah, as she claimed. Jenny tested herself to see if she could handle being close to them and seeing if they had truly changed. They hadn’t, just her perception. He could see within his mom’s brown eyes it was successful.

  Handling the situation wouldn’t be too difficult.

  Sarah broke the silence about five minutes into their fifteen minute walk. “You’re being awfully quiet, Jenny. What’s on your mind?”

  His mom startled at the end of the silence and stumbled a step before composing herself. “You’re a mind reader. Can’t you tell what I’m thinking?”

  Sarah’s hand sought Connor’s and their fingers automatically wove together. “I could if I wanted to, but the mind is a sacred place and I usually try to ask for permission first. Trampling on personal secrets can only lead to a discord among two peoples relationship. Connor is the same way. We usually only enter someone’s mind without permission if there is danger to us and we need immediate answers, but my parents are a little different; especially Mother. She likes to eavesdrop, so try not to leave out too many details. Normal people cannot tell that someone is in their mind.” His beautiful mate gently squeezed his hand knowingly.

  Jenny sighed. “Thanks for the warning.”

  His mom and mate continued talking about trivial things as they continued walking. The sun was already up and around nine thirty in the morning by this time. The birds began making their morning music and seemingly greeting them at the same time. Small animals were busy scurrying around the forest floor, rattling their surroundings as they moved with a simple minded purpose.

  Nature isn’t overly complicated and that’s the way things should be in life.

  Ten minutes later they arrived at the next destination. After exiting the tree line they stood in the backyard of her in-laws property. Their home is made of logs and still has the same blood red paint coat. They’ve only been home for a little more than two days so the yard and flowerbed need tending to. Across the road stood his mom’s house. Jenny kept it in good condition because the grass had been cut a few days ago. The house remained off-white and the front door stood contrast with blue paint. Then there were things that were out of place.

  Besides Jenny’s silver Honda, that remained parked in the open garage, was his grandfather’s red truck in the driveway. Parked on the side of the road was Mark’s jeep. It seems like everyone arrived here for the morning.

  Connor suspected as much, it’s been only a few hours since the reveal and everything seemed new, exciting and fresh on the mind. Things had changed in both of Connor’s families and it would be foolish to think that they could forget what they saw yesterday.

  “Where to first?” Jenny asked her son.

  “How about we go to the house and see who’s in there. Then we can go tell Jillian and Jack.”

  They agreed and walked with him across the street. Walking over to the house Connor could distinctly hear several voices from inside the living room. Jenny said the door was already open so Connor twisted the handle and pushed. Once the door opened, the talking inside ceased. The three of them took off their dirty shoes and entered the house. They entered the living room to see it had been rearranged in a conversational circle. Everyone he loved was already here.r />
  His grandparents sat together on the couch. David’s faded blue eyes studied the three as they entered. He had his long, wavy gray hair brushed back with gel and he had freshly shaved. His tan and wrinkled skin belied his youthful craftiness and strong mind. He wore a red and black plaid shirt and blue jeans. Rhoda looked perpetually giddy and excited as ever as she wore a pink checkered top and lime green spandex pants.

  Across from them sat Jillian and Jack. They each sat together in a recliner that had been moved to sit in front of the sofa. Connor’s father-in-law had his long silver hair pulled back by a string and his azure eyes were as calculating as ever. He wore a simple blue shirt and black jeans. Jillian had her dark brown hair loose and draped across her shoulders and her golden eyes were showing restrained alertness and overexcitement, like usual. She wore a tight red blouse along with a white miniskirt, a classy and revealing kind.

  Beside the recliners sat Connor’s sister and his best friend. They had taken the kitchen chairs and brought them in. Both of their silver eyes were silently locked on the new arrivals. Mark had his black hair cut into its usual short spiky style. He also wore a silver shirt and jeans. Kara wore a tight pink shirt and white pants. They were polar opposites and it is effortless to tell. Mark’s eyes were calm and composed where as Kara’s were wide and hyperactive.

  Jenny brought him back to reality when she asked “How long has everyone been waiting here?”

  Jillian spoke for everyone and her voice remained excited. “Not long, Jenny. Jack and I have only been here for about ten minutes, but the other four have been here for almost an hour. By the way where did you go last night?” Apparently everyone seemed surprised at Jillian’s innocent question. She had seen Jenny leaving in the early hours, but everyone else was in the dark.

  Jenny told her the truth. “I went out to pick up some food to have breakfast with Connor and Sarah this morning. I also went by my job…”

  “What for?” Jillian interrupted. “Why would you need to go by the hospital so late at night? Did something happen?”

  Jenny sighed. “The reason I went there was to pick up some pre-natal vitamins for Sarah. They are for…”

  Jillian’s golden eyes widened and then started laughing. Sarah and Connor knew it would happen just like this. They looked at each other and sighed as one. They also knew would come next. Besides Jillian’s laugh Connor could hear Jack chuckling quietly. When his mother-in-law finished joking she wiped a tear from her eye. “Jenny, I’m sorry for laughing like that. Didn’t Connor and Sarah explain what the differences between our children are? We do not require things like that. Just simple food that is turned into energy is all that we require. Hell, Sarah was born before penicillin and all the drugs mankind has recently created.”

  Jenny looked at Sarah with a calm and even expression. “It still doesn’t matter. Nevertheless, you’ll still take them just incase. Balancer or human, I’m still a professional and it is just a simple precaution.”

  Sarah sighed. “Alright, alright already. If it makes you feel better I’ll do it.”

  Sarah made the right choice. When his mom gets like this its best just to placate her. Despite the age difference, when it comes to someone’s health, his mom will always win the argument.

  “So what’s on today’s agenda, kids?” Rhoda asked to change the mood of the room.

  Sarah’s head came up and she looked at Connor. He smiled for her to take the lead since she figured the whole situation out before he did. She smiled shyly and turned to everyone. “We actually have something that we must tell all of you.”

  When Sarah bit her lip Jack said “Just spit it out, Sweetie.”

  Jack knew Sarah hated endearments and it got the desired effect, irritation. Sarah leveled her eyes on her father and evened her voice. She lifted her hand and displayed her extended index and middle finger.

  “Father, you’re going to be a grandfather of two. I’m carrying twins!”

  Suppress and Liberate

  The suspense of her words left total and complete silence. Everyone was stunned for only a moment after hearing the developing news. Jillian was the first to shakily stand, almost as if the world no longer felt stable. Her eyes were wide and in shock. Her breath became shallow and choked. She made her way up to her daughter and Connor stepped to the side to give them some room. “Sarah… Did you just say you’re having…twins?”

  “Yes I did, Mother.” Sarah stated proudly.

  Jillian’s shocked expression vanished as she squeaked and wrapped her arms around Sarah. The mother and daughter smiled at each other in pure joy. Jillian dropped to her knees not soon after and used her sonar. She could only brighten her eyes for a second or two, but she saw two new members of the family and she jumped up joyously. “It’s true. Sarah is going to have twins…” His mother-in-law shouted for everyone to hear. “Oh Sarah, I’m so happy for you.”

  Connor’s little sister jumped up from her chair. Her eyes were overjoyed and too playful. “Congratulations Sarah. Now you’ll be twice a hug…”

  Before she could finish that thought, Connor ran to her and put a hand over her mouth. She saw him move, but she couldn’t react fast enough. The room wasn’t large, but he had to use his advanced speed to save his own life.

  Kara’s too if Sarah took it the wrong way.

  Behind him Connor heard a gasp. He wheeled around to the sound of his grandmother’s voice. “Connor, where…” she was looking where he stood. She then started searching around for him and she found him still clamping his sister’s mouth closed. “How… you were…”

  “Sorry about that I…ouch!” While he was talking, Kara bit his hand. Knowing her jaw strength he drew it away before she had a chance to do any damage. Luckily she didn’t draw blood.

  “Next time I’ll take off your hand.” Kara said playfully and everyone knew she was just being her usually annoying self.

  For the next few hours they all sat around and talked. Jillian had taken full control over Sarah and they sat together in the recliner. Connor brought out another chair from the kitchen and sat between Mark and Jack while Jenny sat next to her spirited mother. They all talked pleasantly and eventually the conversations leaded back to Changers, Balancers and Harmonizers. No one really asked about Keepers and Connor suspect that they want to speak to Veronica or Sorono again. They laughed and joked about themselves. Not once did any topics create an awkward situations and everyone was pleasantly surprised.

  The families were boding closer together.

  Then Mark stood up and looked at Connor “I have to work at the diner in an hour. Gerry did a good job running the restaurant in my stead, but I need to just make sure things are in order. I was wondering what you were going to do for the rest of the day.”

  “Well Sarah and I have some running around to do. I need to get our cell phones reactivated so I can tell our patrons that we are back in town. Plus Sarah wants to go to the school and get back to work. There are a few other things that I need to do around the house too. Why?”

  “Well it’s only Tuesday and I was just wondering. I’ll see you Friday morning, Connor.” He turned to everyone and flashed them a smile. “I’ll see all of you later.” Then he looked at Kara. “Sweetheart, are you going to stay here or would you like a ride home?” She grinned up at him and that was answer enough. “Alright, have fun everyone.”

  Before he left Connor and Mark punched their fists together.

  David began talking with Jack about him coming over later to the farm, but something subtle caught Connor’s attention. Jenny, Sarah, Jillian and Kara were all talking about something, but his attention turned towards his grandmother. She was being too quiet. That is never a good sign. She was leaning back against the sofa and looking at something. Rhoda didn’t look malicious at all, she looked excited and calculating. Connor followed her line of sight to find her staring at Sarah’s belly. He could see she began planning something that concerned Sarah’s pregnancy. While his focus remained on his
grandmother, Connor thought what could those looks mean. In a few seconds he had figured out exactly what his grandmother was planning, without delving into her mind.

  When he cracked a smile, Rhoda noticed and looked at him. Connor tapped his temple covertly, so that it seemed natural, and it took a few moments for her to understand the gesture. She nodded. “I know what you’re up to, Grandma. It isn’t that hard for me to figure out.”

  “Do you think it would be a good idea?”

  “Yes, but keep it simple. Sarah doesn’t like extravagant events.”

  She nodded and Connor stood up. Everyone stopped talking and watched his movement. He looked over to his mate and she smiled. “Princess, we need to get going before it gets too late.”

  She moved instantly to his side and it took a moment for the humans to realize where Sarah disappeared to. “Alright. Where to first?”

  They said their goodbye’s and stepped outside. After shutting the door Connor’s acute hearing eavesdropped on his grandmother telling everyone her plan and Jillian was in before she had the chance to finish articulating her thoughts. He grinned knowing just how subtle his grandmother really is. Sarah was in for it.

  They went and reactivated the cell phones first and then headed for the school. Sarah was Connor’s history teacher when they initially met and she’s seen things that the history books didn’t even know about or got wrong over the passage of time. Connor always loved hearing her stories of the past and she loved telling him and recounting her life story.

  When they pulled into the school parking lot, it was currently in session. They pulled into a visitor’s parking spot and she told him to stay while she went in. While she slipped inside Connor contacted the local paper and they guaranteed to reprint his ad once again, for tomorrow’s paper. Then he contacted some of his old patrons. He dialed a familiar number and pushed send. It rang twice and a deep voice answered.


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