Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 4

by Lee Morgan

  “Hello?” The voice asked and he retorted “Manny? It’s Connor.”

  The line went silent for a few moments and then the voice became excited “Connor? You’re finally back? How did your trip go?”

  “Things are great, Manny. My trip was wonderful. I was wondering if you were still interested in another seminar?”

  “You bet! Will it be Friday again? … Alright we’ll be there as usual.”

  After they hung up, Manny seemed a little too excited.

  When Sarah came back to the truck almost an hour later, Connor had gotten everyone to come that was part of the first seminar. Janet and Ray actually decided to come along after all this time and Jim and his family also wanted to see Connor because it has been a long time.

  On the way to the hardware store Sarah explained what happened back at the school. “Since it’s mid-April and school’s almost out again, I will have to be a substitute until the start of the next school year in august. The principal said he will keep me busy as a sub until I can start teaching history after summer break.” She kept explaining her new duties that she was given.

  It seemed as if everything was returning back to normal

  Before they went home he stopped by the hardware store because he had a new project that had to be done. Some things just need to be done ahead of time.

  Friday morning quickly arrived and Connor had already left to go to work. Sarah made up a small breakfast of a dozen eggs and a loaf of buttered bread. She laid on the sofa after eating. Connor allowed her to sleep in and it felt good to do so. While rubbing the bump on her belly she thought about the past two days.

  While no one was around and black as pitch, Connor used his power over pressure to bring some building supplies home. He flew them over the trees and put the supplies beside the cottage. The entire day he closed himself off inside his workshop and yesterday he began doing measurements outside the cottage. He didn’t have to tell her what he was up to. It’s self-explanatory.

  They both knew with the twin’s arrival that their confined cottage would be much too small with their increasing family. He was making an addition to their home specifically for their children to reside. He didn’t have time to start the construction yet because he had to work this weekend.

  Jenny came by yesterday and brought over a nine month supply of prenatal vitamins. Sarah had already taken today’s packet. It seemed annoying to take something that her body doesn’t require, but it felt comforting in a way. It let her know that Jenny still cared for her. Jenny is one highly stubborn woman, but what mother isn’t when it concerns the health of children.

  Jenny comes by the cottage regularly around this time because she took the hint about coming over too early. And she hasn’t brought over anymore food. It feels reassuring to know that she had been accepted in Jenny’s life nonetheless.

  The cell phone started ringing, ending the calm morning silence, on the table in front of the sofa. Sarah easily reached over and pressed accept. “Hello?”

  “Good morning, Sarah.” It was Jenny and she sounded pleasant.

  “It’s almost afternoon, but good morning to you too. I got worried when you didn’t come by today, I thought your coming over was becoming a habit.” Sarah joked and Jenny laughed.

  “Sorry to disappoint… Listen, can you come over to my house? I need some advice on a few things. Can you give me a hand?”

  “Sure, I’ll be there in a minute. Oh and Jenny, I mean that literally.” Sarah hung up the phone.

  Sarah slid on her shoes and left the house. It only took only a few seconds to run through the woods. It felt good to stretch her legs and run again. Just before the tree line came within in sight she slowed down to a walk. She crossed her mother’s property and the street. Jenny’s car waited in the garage as she walked along the path and onto the entryway. Sarah knocked twice on the front door and eased the door open. She then stepped into the silent house.

  “SURPRISE!!!” Several voices shouted simultaneously.

  Sarah froze in the doorway as multicolored confetti flew in her direction. Her heart seemed to skip a few times before getting back on track and she had to stop her muscles from ripping the door from its hinges. She didn’t know what is going on nor did she know how to react. Why did they say surprise? What is going on around here? Her mind continued racing, looking for a rational conclusion. Before her instincts could think about fleeing Sarah waited to see what is going on. She had to slow her mind down and wait to see the surroundings.

  Jenny’s living room looked different.

  On the coffee table stood a small mountain of wrapped boxes, in a variety of colors. Along the walls were boarders lined in pink ribbons and the floor was coated in flower petals and by the smell, were roses. She also catalogued the smell of a variety of foods, but there weren’t any in this room. Then there were the four figures in front of her.

  Jenny stood tall, proud and calm and she wore a fashionable sundress. Kara grinned from ear to ear and wore a pink halter-top and beige shorts. Jillian smiled a not so innocent smile along with wearing a luscious red dress. Then finally stood Rhoda, wearing something uncharacteristic and frightening. She was wearing a plaid shirt and jean shorts. She looked odd without her vibrant style.

  Before Sarah could bolt for freedom, Jillian’s arms were wrapped around her. “Welcome to your baby shower!” Her mother announced and then drew back. “Or should it be better said as Babies?” Jillian’s excited eyes were all encompassing and then she giggled a little more. “Come in, Sarah. You look like a deer caught in the headlights of a semi.”

  Before she could say anything there came the screeching sound of metal. Sarah looked down to her left hand and realized that the doorknob remained in her grasp and it deformed from her immense strength. With her hand free, it now hovered above the metal. She used her skills over metal to return it to its rightful state. “Sorry about that.” She said, looking at Jenny and she only smiled.

  “Sarah, Come On!” Kara said in an annoyed way. She passed Jillian and took Sarah’s hand. Kara led her inside that decorated and torturous room and Jillian shut the door to seal the escape route. Sarah’s overzealous sister-in-law dragged her to the couch. She felt almost in a daze as she sat down and looked at the presents that consumed the entirety of her vision.

  She spoke in an exasperated voice. “What…what is all this, Kara?”

  “It’s your worst nightmare. It’s a party!” She exclaimed while grinning.

  Rhoda gained their undivided attention once her mouth opened. “Actually this party was my idea. You see this is a shower for you and my future great grandbabies. Since you’re going to be a first time mother, it was only right that us other mothers do something special.” Sarah looked around and everyone nodded in agreement. “Plus Connor said it would be alright if we threw one for you.” Sarah’s eyes narrowed on the eccentric older looking woman.

  Oh just wait until you get home. Connor is going to get it.

  Under Rhoda’s and Jillian’s unstoppable insisting, Sarah grabbed the first present from the top. It was a box filled with baby powder and wipes. Soon after, Sarah really got in the mood of opening the presents. It was actually becoming fun.

  After finishing opening the last package an hour later and hearing all the awe’s, oh’s and oh how cute, did Sarah end up with everything a new and expecting mother would need. She was given several packages of diapers, bottles, formula, breast pumps, stuffed toys, several sets of one-zees and many baby blankets. And there were some of the cutest booties around. She wasn’t sure if they would be useful, but there were some baby monitors.

  Then Rhoda announced “Jenny explained how much you eat and I made something special for everyone. Sweetie, please follow me.” Sarah didn’t need to be told twice where food is involved. She walked around the sofa and recliner as Rhoda led the way into the bright kitchen.

  Sarah’s stomach started growling the moment she looked in the room. Food sat everywhere. The dining table was la
yered in an array of finger sandwiches and diced fruit. On the counters were heaps of muffins, cooked turkeys and pheasants, and most of all; cake. Sarah’s mouth began salivating and preparing itself for an onslaught of flavors.

  Before she had taken another step Rhoda stated “I haven’t cooked this much food since retiring. It sounds strange, but I thoroughly enjoyed cooking so much again. Go ahead and dig in.”

  “Be careful with your words, Rhoda.” Jillian warned, but Sarah was already on the prowl.

  She grabbed two tiers of the sandwiches and the top tier of a chocolate cake. Sarah then used her power over pressure to lift the turkey and brought it with her into the living room. Rhoda and Jenny balked, they thought it was moving and floating on its own. “Don’t worry. I’m using my ability over Pressure to lift the tray.”

  Sarah made it into the living room and dug in.

  Sarah was sleeping so soundly that he didn’t have the heart to wake her up and tell her that it was time for him to head out earlier. Connor slid out of bed and made himself a quick breakfast of granola bars and bananas. His hiking pack was prepared before they even went to sleep. He had an idea so he put in a few empty soda cans in the pack for the next lesson. Connor grabbed Tool and slid it in his belt loop. Everything was set for his weekend job. Before he left there was one last thing that needed to be seen to. He looked at the wall of the kitchen again.

  A thirty eight inch piece of unused wall separated the corner of the front wall with that of the kitchen. He spent the last two days figuring just how to make an addition to their home and this area seemed the most likely location. He made the figures and they would work, but it doesn’t hurt to look over a project once more before it is initiated. The cottage, as it is, is too small for their growing family and future needs. The twins would need their own room and they would have one very soon.

  After locking the front door and trekking through the woods, Mark already waited by the truck. On the ground rested his pack and he was leaning against the side of the green truck. He calmly stared up at the fading stars in the sky. Connor intentionally stepped on a stick so Mark wouldn’t be too surprised at his arrival. He noticed and greeted Connor with a calm smile afterwards. “Morning, Buddy. The weather looks to be perfect for the weekend. Even the forecast said it would be dry.”

  “That’s a fortunate surprise.”

  Connor unlocked the bed of the truck and they tossed their packs inside before making their way to the park. The truck started without any problems and it as silent as ever.

  Once at the park they made it to the usual pavilion nineteen and waited for the customers to arrive. During the wait the park ranger showed up and Bill stopped by. Mark and Connor had to tell Bill about their vacation and it felt too easy to lie to him. Connor hated lying, but their secrets need to be protected at all costs. It’s not just for their safety, but for the safety of those who know what they are. Knowledge is like a double edged sword. One way it could help you understand your connection with the person and the other side could come back and kill you. Bill then left just as the first vehicle arrived.

  Mark and Connor walked to the parked car. Mark spoke first “Janet, Ray! It’s been a very long time since we’ve seen you. How have things been?”

  Ray stood at six foot two and Janet was two inches taller than he. Her blue eyes and his brown looked at each of them joyfully. Janet’s blond hair had been cut shorter since their last encounter and Ray’s remained cropped. Ray finally walked up to Mark any Connor and he said happily “It is good to see you guys again. And the only thing that’s really changed is that Janet and I finally took the plunge.”

  Connor then noticed the gold band on each of their left hand ring fingers. He grinned and said “Congratulations you two. Welcome to the club.” Connor raised his left hand to show them his steel wedding ring.

  Janet walked bashfully up to her new husband. “Thank you. We’re happy to join. It’s been awhile since we’ve done this. What do you have planned for us this weekend?”

  They were both smiling as he told them the plan.

  The next family to arrive was Manny’s. It was then that Connor understood his enthusiasm over the phone. He and his entire family had lost a lot of weight. They were no longer husky and very overweight, they looked healthy now. Connor’s mouth moved before his head could filter the words. “Wow, just what have you guy’s been up to? All of you are looking better than ever.”

  “Thank you for the compliment.” Manny’s wife, Susan said gratefully. “We’ve all been on a diet for five months and we have begun to exercise regularly. When we couldn’t do this during the winter months we decided to drop some excess weight and show off the results. I’ve lost over thirty pounds, Manny’s lost fifty five and Terri and Troy have both lost about twenty.”

  It was true because the family of four looked to have lost about that much. He remembered Susan telling him that Troy and Terri were homeschooled and that information kept him from asking why they didn’t go to school today.

  By the time they all shook hands and greeted each other after all this time, the final family arrived. Connor’s back was turned to the parking lot as he continued talking with the patrons. Then his instinct told him of something approaching from behind. He wheeled around defensively just as two bodies wrapped their arms around each of his legs.

  “Connor!” Two childish voices said simultaneously. He looked down to see Tyler and Billy clutching each of his thighs. Billy was easily excited and distracted and Tyler usually went along with his little brother’s antics or initiated them if he became bored and had nothing better to do. Billy craned his neck back and spoke cheerfully. “It’s good to see you again Mr. Connor. Where have you been? Daddy said you went out on a vacation! Oh and Mommy told us that since we’ve been on such good behavior that Tyler and me could skip school for once. Isn’t it great! We can get to hang out with you again. Oh I’ve also been practicing the knots you’ve taught me!”

  “Come on boys. Give Connor some room to breathe.” Their mother Brittany chastised with a calm smile.

  They heeded her advice and released their hold on his legs. Before they could do anything else Connor grabbed his pack from the bench and pulled out a bundle of rope. He knelt in front of them and handed it to them. “I want to see how well the two of you are at making knots. Show me how much you’ve been practicing and their might be a reward if you do it right.”

  As they uncoiled the rope and began working, the boys were in fact a little taller and their features were sharpening into early adolescents. They were still great boys. I wonder if I’ll ever… then a new thought slammed into Connor’s conciseness. This was something he hadn’t considered before, but it could be possible? What if I could have… I didn’t have all the answers back then, but now that I know more? Maybe…just maybe…

  Connor left the entertained boys to do their thing as he moved over and greeted both Brittany and Jim. They hadn’t changed much since he last saw them and they were as pleasant as ever. They were both still in their late twenties to early thirties and they were good parents.

  “Ready to head out, Connor?” Mark asked and gained everyone’s attention.

  “Wait a moment…” Tyler said while he focused on the rope. “Almost… There!” He held one end of the rope while Billy held up the other end. “All done!”

  Connor knelt before the boys and they didn’t shrink away as he grasped for the rope. They had made several sturdy knots and he said “You have been practicing. These are very well done. I’m proud that you did such great work, boys.” Despite their hard work he easily undid the simple knots, but they were giddy from being praised. While coiling the rope he asked “Alright boys, what would you like to eat if we find something out here?”

  The brothers sounded like twins when they simultaneously demanded “SNAKE!!!”

  Everyone around began laughing because they fell in love with that meat.

  Connor had the first aid kit inside the wooden wagon and s
lid on his chest strap. While he strapped up, everyone started putting on their backpacks. Everyone knew the rules so no one brought any food because the forest would provide everything they would need.

  Mark tapped his shoulder and smiled. “Let’s get to work, Buddy!”

  They were going somewhere new this time and Connor knew they might enjoy the subtle change. He took the lead and everyone followed behind; except for Tyler and Billy. They walked to either side of Connor and aided him in his instructions. They really enjoyed the attention as everyone listened to them name the different plants and animal tracks they came across. They had to ask for help every now and then, but they remembered their lessons remarkably well.

  Since they were going somewhere new, he told them that it would take a little bit longer to arrive at their destination. While they were over halfway there Connor already felt that Sarah had awakened because her emotions were too alert to be calm and sleeping.

  He then felt her mood shift from a calm alert, to excited, but it only lasted for a minute. Then something happened and he could feel her fright. Her emotions then began to fluctuating from fright to curiosity. Then she was confused for a second. So Grandma and the other girls finally sprung the baby shower trap for Sarah.

  Suddenly all the hairs on the back of his neck stood at complete attention when Sarah’s emotion changed once again, but it was a feeling of annoyed spite. Connor knew Sarah began plotting her revenge and his instinct warned of danger.

  Connor glanced behind himself and the only one who noticed the change in his behavior was Mark. His body language remained undisrupted but that was a minor comfort. His silver eyes seemed to bore themselves in Connor, in an attempt for an answer. He wasn’t worried, but he was intently curious. When Connor resumed looking forward he entered Mark’s mind. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “What’s going on Connor? Even Kara seemed odd all this week. She didn’t tell me what she’s up to and it’s only the scariest thing on earth when my mate actually goes silent. When Kara is quiet, it means someone is going to be in some kind of imminent and life threatening danger. Tell me what is happening with her.” Despite his words Mark’s mind stayed calm and serene.


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