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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 8

by Lee Morgan

  “That means that I need to get out of bed and take a quick shower.”

  Sarah tossed her sheet off her and moved to her side of the bed. She then slowly stood up and began walking to the door. He watched as she moved. Despite the new addition, her body remained remarkably the same. Usually a pregnant woman gains a little more padding by the time the child arrives, but Sarah still has toned legs and her shapely hips haven’t changed. Despite her round belly, she’s most fond of her enlarged breasts. She swatted him once when he mentally caught her judging her size compared to her mother’s. They had a short laugh at that.

  Before she left the room she grabbed new clothes from her dresser.

  They ended up lucky that everyone would meet here because Jenny and Jillian would pitch a fit if Sarah attempted to traverse out to the training field. Even he would worry too much if Sarah had to leave the house for such a long period of time and remain out in the cold.

  Connor jumped out of bed and put on a long sleeved black shirt and jeans. He walked down the hall just as Sarah turned on the shower. He tossed in a few more logs into the fireplace and knew it would knock the chill out of the room. In the kitchen was where the next task laid. Neither of them had dinner last night and she would be hungry. The new size of her pregnancy meant that they were consuming more of her energy. He went in the pantry and started preparing breakfast for the both of them.

  He used his control over fire to keep the heat that the stove made from drifting into the room because the retained heat helped cook the food that much more efficiently. Soon he heard the shower cut off and then felt his mate using her energy. A minute later Sarah entered the room with dry hair; she used Liquid to pull the moisture from herself. Her nose lifted as she smelled the aroma of cooking food. Then her hands drifted to her belly and she started rubbing them with a motherly affection.

  Then there came a knock at the door. Sarah shrugged her shoulders and announced “Coming!” She walked to the door and opened it. She livened her voice to say “Good morning everyone! How are you today?”

  David’s booming voice was the first to be heard. “We are well, Sarah. How are my great-grandchildren doing today?”

  From the corner of his eye, Sarah’s hand rested on the top of her belly. She smiled expectantly. “They are kicking up a storm.”

  David laughed and he said “Good. That means they are going to be trouble. They are going to be great May’s.” Then he changed the subject but his tone remained playful and knowing. “So who are these old friends that Connor said have stopped in for a little while?”

  Sarah stepped back and said “Come inside first. It’s still chilly outside.”

  Rhoda’s voice came next. “Thank you. David, go inside.”

  The first to enter was Connor’s burly looking grandfather. He wore a plaid jacket and blue jeans. He then bent over and unlaced his boots. The next to enter was his grandma. She looked as eccentric as ever with a deep red checkered shirt and highlighter yellow pants. If one thing is certain in this world, those clothes were unmistakable, for you’d never lose her in a crowd. And last to enter was his mom. She wore thick sweatpants along with a classy sleeved shirt.

  After Sarah shut the door behind everyone, his grandmother walked right up to his wife and placed her hands on the belly. They smiled at each other in an almost comradely way.

  Then David turned his pale blue eyes on his grandson and grinned. His rugged handsomeness hadn’t waned from his age nor has his strength. “There you are, my boy! I see you are still in one piece.”

  Connor grinned back. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Well when your grandma carried Jenny, she was the most ruthless woman one would ever dare to meet.” By now everyone listened in to this conversation. “I cannot even count the number of times she struck me over the littlest of things, during her pregnancy. Most men blame their mood swings on the hormones, but she used it as an excuse just to do it whenever she wanted. I had a never healing welt until your mother finally graced us with her presence. You ended up remarkably well compared to me at that time…”

  Malice began growing in the room and Connor’s gaze shifted to his grandmother as she wore a one sided feral grin. It was unmistakable to see where Kara gets it from. As David kept ranting playfully he didn’t notice the danger he entered into. Rhoda glanced at Sarah for a moment and she nodded.

  Sarah called her energy and used Pressure to bring a metal ladle from the kitchen and to her waiting hand. David stopped talking and watched as she offered the ladle. “You asked for this.”

  Then David realized the situation he put himself in, but too late. Rhoda grabbed the cooking weapon from Sarah, and in one motion, she struck. The ladle made solid impact with David’s thick skull. Rhoda now grinned from ear to ear. “David, at the time it was my hormones, but that one was because you gave me a reason. Did you learn your lesson?”

  He stopped rubbing the top of his head and stood defiantly. “Never!” and the hands on his hips made him look like a victorious warrior or some comic book superhero.

  Then they all broke into laughter.

  Soon they all sat down together and ate. Even after several hundred times, his family still gawks at them when they eat so much. But his appetite changed. While eating, Jenny broke the awkward silence. “Kara called this morning before we came over and she said she’ll be over later today. She has a project that is due tomorrow evening and she said it requires her full attention for the next few hours. When it’s drying she’ll start on her way.”

  Connor nodded just as David spoke. “Speaking of, where are our old friends?” He grinned knowingly and it wasn’t hard to figure out anyways.

  Suddenly the hairs on the back of Connor’s neck began standing, a sensation that usually explained that someone approaches. He looked into his grandfather’s eyes and said “They will be here in a minute or so.”

  Everyone went silent, but only for a moment.

  David scrambled for the door and quickly slid on his boots. His wife of fifty two years wasn’t far behind. Jenny, Sarah and Connor watched in fascination on how jubilant they were too see them once again. Jenny stood up as they finally managed to open the door and get outside. “I’ll go outside and make sure that they don’t make fools out of themselves…too much.”

  As she left Sarah stood up and started collecting dishes. “Allow me to do that. You go outside and I’ll join shortly.” She smiled and handed him over the kitchen detail. Just her simple smile continues to make his heart race.

  She put on her jacket and shoes just as Sorono and Veronica’s weight landed within the clearing. She went outside just as his grandparents shouted “Sorono, Veronica!” She closed the door behind herself while smiling.

  While everyone greeted each other once again Connor could hear everything that had been said. They just introduced Shannon to everyone and everyone went silent for a moment and then Rhoda awed like a schoolgirl and introduced herself. He quickly finished the dishes and slid on his shoes and opened the door.

  Sorono and everyone else stood close to where the stream flowed. Sarah and his mom stood a way’s back while his grandparents were on their knees and were still introducing themselves. Sorono looked at Connor and he returned the look. Sorono greeted him with a nod and a smile. Veronica winked at him as they both stood behind Shannon. The three Keepers were already in his mind so he still listened to everyone’s talks.

  “You’re a beautiful young lady.” Rhoda commented.

  Connor walked right up behind Sarah and wrapped his arms around her while she leaned into him. They watched as Shannon’s inquisitive nature looked from his grandparents to his mom and to Sarah and himself. She tilted her head and a look crossed her eyes. He remembered that look, it is one of innocence, but also bordering on inappropriate. Then she looked back to Sorono and asked “Father, why do they all look so different?”

  His brow furrowed as he made a guess “Do you mean their facial identities? That is how they distingu
ish themselves from their brethren…”

  Shannon shook her head. “Not that Father. I’ve already figured that out. What I mean is their lines.” Connor instantly knew what she was talking about, but Sorono remained still slightly perplexed.

  “Shannon.” She and the others turned to look at him. “Are you asking about wrinkles?” She looked down and he entered her mind to see was she was doing. Shannon started going through every word she knew of while also trying to match an image to the word. She settled on a mental picture of wrinkled clothes. She returned her gaze to him and smiled in answer. “Why do you want to know why my grandparents are wrinkled?”

  “Because Aunt Sarah doesn’t have a single sign of wrinkles and her face is all smooth-like. The person to your left with the golden hair has faint wrinkles, but your grandparents??? have all these lines covering their faces.”

  “I get it now!” David stated while Rhoda stood up and chuckled. His granddaddy placed a hand on the child’s shoulder and it didn’t frighten her. “Shannon, you’re still very new and young to this world. What you need to know is that many species on this planet die from old age. We humans are among those who die from aging, unlike you. You see, in human lives, we age continually. The signs of our age are represented in wrinkles. The older you get, the more defined your wrinkles become. Then our time will end and we’ll cease caring about the world. In time, you’ll see how humans age and it will help you to understand.”

  Everyone remained quiet and patient as David lectured Shannon in the human lifecycle. She was shocked to hear how short they lived and she wished that they would stay alive longer.

  The discussion was getting long and Jenny finally said “Connor, can you bring out the chairs. We all need to sit down.” She was speaking pointedly at Sarah because she is always worried that something might happen.

  While bringing out the chairs Jenny introduced herself to the child.

  Soon every chair in the cottage was brought outside; except for Sarah’s rocking chair. Connor positioned them in a half circle while Sorono made a fire that sat in the center of the group. He and Veronica completed the circle. Shannon sat in her mother’s lap, looking as excited as she did yesterday. The only things missing were the four empty seats that haven’t been filled.

  An hour into another discussion Sorono and Connor looked at each other simultaneously when they felt two presences coming in their immediate direction. They were the only two who were alerted to the change. His back was to them and Sorono nodded. He would watch whoever was coming up from behind. Sorono watched the tree line with his peripheral vision while speaking with Jenny.

  “Welcome back, you two!” Jillian said and finally arrived.

  She and Jack had entered the clearing after a brisk walk. Then they both walked right up to all of them.

  Jillian had let her dark brown hair grow out and it now hung just below her shoulder blades and it stayed loose. She wore a tight red cashmere sweater and almost matching pants. Her golden eyes were almost the exact same shade as Veronica’s but their personalities were different. Veronica is proud and spoke wisdom where as Jillian remained eternally excited and impulsive.

  Jack had cut his pure white hair up to where his shoulders reached his neck. His calm and collective azure eyes took everything in. He wore a sky blue jacket and denim jeans. He immediately saw Shannon and he softened up instantly.

  “Well who do we have here?” Jack asked and Jillian saw what he did.

  Jillian shriek “You’re finally here!” She moved quickly over to greet Shannon. She picked up Shannon from Veronica’s lap and pulled the child into a hug. Shannon was stunned stiff as Jillian pressed her face into her breasts.

  After everything had calmed down and everyone took their seats, did Connor notice Shannon’s inquisitive eyes. She continued looked at each of them oddly and swiftly. He couldn’t see what she kept looking at specifically so it was hard to understand the look. She wanted to say something, but he stayed quiet until she asked her question.

  Sorono and Connor looked straight up into the sky three hours later. Both Connor’s sister and best friend finally arrived, but not as they expected. They were in their Fwen forms and flying straight for the group. Kara took the form of a flying wolf with a sandy blonde coat and feathers while Mark looked similar, but his fur and feathers were all jet black.

  They pulled up to decelerate and they landed on the other end of the clearing. Once on the ground Kara tucked her wings to her side and charged into the group, on all fours. The only forms of clothing she wore were her leather chest covering and pants. Her pure silver eyes were glistening in excitement. “Veronica, you’re finally back! How’ve you been, Girlfriend!?” They all noticed Kara’s tail slightly wagging and Sarah did her best to not laugh musically.

  Veronica let out a chuckling hiss. “I’ve been well. It seems like you are still as lively as ever I see.” Kara watched as Veronica moved her hand to gesture to her newest addition. “Kara, I’d like for you to meet my daughter, Shannon.”

  Every one of the close family members saw the change Kara’s eyes and knew what it meant. Out of everyone present, she is the most impulsive.

  Kara ran up to Shannon and sniffed her with her muzzled nose. Shannon tried cowering for her mother’s protection, but Kara struck faster. Kara had absorbed her claws as she grabbed for Shannon. She used both of her hands and wrapped them around Shannon’s small waist. Kara lifted the helpless child in the air and barked a laugh while standing on her back legs. Shannon let out a reptilian whine for help, but Kara spoke in a richly feminine and animalistic voice because of her form. “Welcome to the family, little critter!” Then Kara clutched Shannon to her breast and began twisting her torso back and forth.

  Once Kara released the child, Shannon watched in marvel as Kara’s pupils lit up. They all heard bones snapping and soon Kara was back to her natural human form. She used her hands to brush off the fur from her body. From behind the cottage Connor could hear Mark changing back as well. His mom and grandparents have finally gotten used to his sister’s ability to alter her physical body.

  Then Shannon announced “So you are a Changer! You’re the first I’ve ever seen! What else can you do?” She looked overly excited and it only fed Kara’s limitless ego and narcissism for attention.

  “Quite a bit actually.” Mark stated as he came closer. He then calmly introduced himself. Shannon became thrilled.

  Shannon looked up to Sorono with an expectant expression. “Father, are all Changers like Kara and Mark?”

  “I wish that were so, dear one. Changers vary in personality and some are very dangerous. Many are polite as long as you show them respect and they will return it in kind, but if you inadvertently challenge them, they will always strike.” Mark and Connor glanced at each other and sometimes challenging them directly wasn’t always the case.

  After another hour of explaining about Balancers and Changers did Shannon finally figure out how to ask her question, linearly. Everyone sat attentively in their chairs and around the calm fire except for the Keepers. Shannon pointed to each of the women. “What do all you females call those squishy and bouncing bulges coming off your chests? They look weird.”

  Everyone looked at each other and David broke the silence with a wry grin. “Oh, these are called Fun Bags!”

  Connor had one better. Sarah’s green eyes narrowed as he leaned forward to look at the oldest looking man in the group. “No Granddaddy. They’re bounce houses!”

  David grinned at Rhoda and then to his grandson. “Your right. They are fun.”

  “You’re both wrong!” Jack stated with a playful grin of his own. “A more apt description would be Flotation Devices!”

  “Think again!” Mark added. “Their more like Thought Stoppers!”

  Then as one, there was nothing but pain for the men. Sarah smacked the back of Connor’s head at the exact same moment the other men were clocked on the back of their skulls by their respective mates.

after, everyone in the area started laughing or hissing hilariously.

  Not long after, Kara explained what breasts were for. Shannon couldn’t help asking how they attracted the males of their species or how they were a source of comfort and nutrition for newborn babies. Connor’s sister told her everything while speaking uninhibited and unabashed.

  For the rest of the time they all caught up on what they’ve been up to this past year and they all had a great time enjoying each other’s company.

  When it became close to night once again, Connor contacted Sorono telepathically. “Sorono,” he looked at his younger sibling with unwavering eyes. “Tomorrow, may we talk privately? There are things that I need to converse with you about.”

  His leathery lips quirked for a moment and he said “That will be fine with me. I actually have some things to speak on, things I must pass on to you as a brother Harmonizer. Plus there are a few things that I’d like to see you do. I can see your strength has stabilized and it is on par with mine. I would like to see your capabilities. Bring some steel with you tomorrow.”

  “I thought you’d ask something like that, sooner or later. And yes, I’ve felt stable for the last four months. I haven’t come across any new advancements since then. I’ll bring what you ask in the morning.”

  Sarah was watching him calmly and then Connor entered her mind privately. “Sorry about that. Sorono and I were just discussing about hanging out tomorrow.”

  “I don’t see why you shouldn’t have some male bonding with your brother. Veronica and the girls will keep me company anyways.” She smiled and then placed a hand on his thigh.

  Then Sorono stood up and said to all “It is getting late. We shall call it a night. Have a safe trip to your homes.”

  They all said goodbye and their strange family separated.

  Expecting and Arrival

  Sarah felt slightly nauseous as her eyes fluttered open. She was still wrapped up in her thick blankets while Connor slept close by and he didn’t have anything on his chest. It seemed strange how the elements didn’t affect him too strongly, only on very frigid nights or overheated days proved that he was still flesh and blood and not some god who captured her heart. As his chest rose and fell a smile began pulling at the corners of her lips. Yesterday he was being a little wily and his breast joke was the best out of the other men’s remarks. Mark’s comment ran a close second. Bounce houses and thought stoppers. That is the advantage women have over men, besides sex and food.


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