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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 31

by Lee Morgan

  She didn’t honestly mean what she thought. “Be careful.” What she really wanted to call him was an idiot, but she knew that this must be done.

  He then moved away without making a sound. Some people spotted his movement, but didn’t pay attention. He rounded a few tables and began walking toward the stage. As he jumped onto the stage while Sorono spoke, everyone began watching him advance to center stage.

  “…time is our enemy and we need to teach you how to properly defend yourselves.” Then Sorono stopped talking as he saw that Connor now stood twenty feet away from him. He held his stare, but spoke to everyone. “As you are well aware, Connor and I are very strong. To say anything on the contrary would be ignorant and foolish on your part. Not one of you have seen or even conceived of the strength that we possess. What we are about to demonstrate is how dangerous it would be for anyone to fight a Harmonizer head on!” Sorono then grinned. “Are you ready, Little Brother?”

  Connor raised a hand to halt for a moment. “Hold on. Maybe we should show them that we won’t be using any tricks.” Sorono blinked in confusion until he began taking off his shirt. Then he understood.

  Sorono withdrew his arms from the sleeves of his robe as Connor tossed his shirt off to the side. They had to show everyone that they were unarmed and didn’t wear any protective plating. Soon his chest stood bare as his brother’s and he tied the sleeves of his robe around his waist. Once it became secure he took a few steps back and took his battle stance.

  It was then that Connor knew his abilities would be pushed to the limit.

  Rigid and Fluid

  Before everyone, and especially Connor, stood an ancient veteran warrior. Sorono was the ultimate opponent that stood atop the entire world. Unfortunately and fortunately Connor stood as his opponent.

  Sorono’s battle stance was unique to his species, but still held a humanistic resemblance. He became slightly hunched forward which made the shadows over his enormous muscles look unnerving to everyone, Connor included. He had shaken off the top half of his robe, like Connor did, so everyone could see that they were unarmed in the defensive sense. Sorono’s long and highly developed arms were close to his side while he bent his elbows to resemble a pro boxer’s stance. Sorono didn’t have his fingers extended like he usually would in a fight because this sparing session was a demonstration and not like a life or death match. Each of his sharp back claws were tucked inside the palm of his hand while his thumb securely held the tops of his three fingers. He had balled his hands into a large and tight three fingered fist. He might have had only three fingers and a thumb, but the size of the reptilian fist was much larger than a person’s entire head. His large legs and clawed feet were crouched down, preparing for an instantaneous dash forward. His toe claws were actually gouging into the stone platform so that he could use the added friction from the ground to propel himself forward. Then there was his long, thick and whip-like tail. It swayed to and fro with a slow pace, but it was doing more than keeping his balance. It would be used both as a weapon and a distraction for any opponent. Then there were his unwavering eyes. Sorono focused only one target and all of his senses were geared towards that one purpose…Connor. But he wasn’t going for the kill. He wanted an honest and straight forward battle, but he was only going for the win nonetheless.

  Seeing this other side of Sorono sent a visible chill up Connor’s spine and throughout his body. When his body gave the slightest of tremors, Sorono noticed it and didn’t gloat. That sent Connor’s heartbeat racing even more and sent his instinct into overdrive. It began warning him that if he didn’t use everything he had, the simplest of mistakes could and would be the end of his existence.

  Suddenly there came a moment of clarity when he realized this. In the deepest part of his core something new began to flow through his veins. He still remained fearful, but this feeling was something he’s never experienced. It was a feeling of an honest challenge. He’s always been stronger than anyone and after gaining all of his latent powers he’s never once found a worthy opponent of his talents. This new sensation had done something to him, just as the fear had done.

  The fear he felt sharpened his senses to a razors edge while also making his thoughts increase in speed so that everything around him seemed to slow down to a crawl. This new sensation had become both a twin to the fear while also doing the opposite. This feeling supported his body talents while also relaxing them. He felt in complete control over everything his body could be capable of.

  While this was all happening inside his body, his eyes remained locked on Sorono. Apparently he could either see or his instinct told him of this change. His larger hazel eyes widened and he too shuddered. Connor realized then that he just felt the same fear that he just did. Another tell he had was that his tail had ceased to move as a distraction.

  Connor took a deep breath and slowly released it and it brought his focus even sharper than it had been a tenth of a second ago.

  Connor’s stance widened as his boots slid smoothly across the platform. His knees bent and each of his leg muscles bunched for an explosive move. He dropped his arms to the sides and balled his fist so tightly that they were screaming for action. He dropped his head and shoulders slightly while keeping the target in sight. As it is, Connor too was going for the win. Unfortunately he was unable to tell if this battle would be over within a moment, an hour or a week.

  It didn’t matter because he wanted this.

  Nothing was the initial trigger, but they moved almost as one. Together their legs released the explosive pressure that they were under.

  During the blinding dash Connor’s powerful brain instantly realized several key things about Sorono. Because of his enormous size he must weight somewhere between three and a half to four thousand pounds, but that was only half of the realiziation. Because of the greater size and weight he shouldn’t be able to instantly break the sound barrier within five feet of his dash, but it could be seen clearly. It looked like an explosive mist pulling apart all over his entire body.

  What was more astounding is that Connor too shattered the sound barrier at the exact same time.

  As they closed the distance to each other in milliseconds, Sorono propelled his left fist as a jab. As his fist aimed directly for Connor’s head he immediately reacted by sidestepping and countered by swinging his right arm around in a circle. His swinging forearm connected with Sorono’s wrist and knocked it clear away from his body. Connor planted his left foot solidly on the stone ground and kicked his right heel directly towards Sorono’s sternum. His foot didn’t make any contact as the ancient reptile twisted his torso and the entire body counterclockwise. In Connor’s peripheral vision he saw a long, horizontal object coming towards him. As he spun, he barely managed to duck before the tail landed solidly against the side of his face. As the tail missed his head, his right arm caught it. When both of his feet became solid on the ground again Connor was able to firmly hold Sorono’s tail before his greater rotation could be completed. Connor was also able to see the cross brand in the middle of his back that also marked him as a Harmonizer.

  Connor leaned back sharply and jerked the entire tail in one swift movement. He stopped Sorono’s spinning rotation and brought him into a single horizontal spin like a rock attached to the end of a string. Once there was sufficient centrifugal force, Connor leaned back and launched Sorono skyward.

  His eyes never wavered as he looked skyward, but he made a huge mistake. With the sharpened senses of battle Connor had thrown Sorono directly into the sun’s light. It was midday and he had been dumb enough to blind himself. The light stabbed directly at his eyes and became so painful that he had to shut his eyelids and cover them with the palms of his hands.

  Not even a second later a calm pressure pushed atop his head. Connor tried looking, but all that could be seen was a single bright spot. “That was a good fight, little brother. I’d wager if you hadn’t thrown me the way you did, I would have lost.”

  Even though he was
unable to see he smiled upward where his senses told him where Sorono stood. “That really doesn’t matter. You landed a blow that would have been critical if it had been a true fight. It is your win.”

  Then Connor felt Sorono calm himself from the battle. His mind became tranquil as he said “Thank you for giving a proper demonstration with me. Go and recover your sight.”

  Connor nodded and closed his lids and quit rubbing them. Since he couldn’t see with his eyes for the moment he began using sonar to move away.

  As he walked away his hearing registered nothing. Sonar explained the reason. Every single sentient creature within the vicinity were shaken to their core and were unmoving. Many had moved closer so that they could see the action at ringside, but were unprepared for what they saw or in many cases couldn’t see. If one thing was for certain, wherever he’s close to people they become astounded continually. Even the spaced out Elder Keepers who were also on the platform with them were as thunderstruck as the next person.

  Before heading off stage he retrieved his shirt and put it back on.

  As he approached the edge Sarah waited there along with Veronica, he assumed. Then she swayed a familiar way and it really was his first Keeper friend. Connor finally figured out how to distinguish a Keeper without staring directly into their eyes.

  His eyes were still shut as he dropped down before them. Sarah had heartfelt worry applied to her tone as she spoke. “Connor, what happened? I didn’t understand what happened after you threw Sorono straight up.” He pointed straight up and watched as she looked. He watched without color as her eyeballs looked away and the muscles in her eyelids closed instinctivly. “Never mind. I get it now. So can you see yet?”

  He stopped using sonar and opened the lids. “Kind of. You’re still very blurry, but I can just make out your shape.”

  “Then keep using your sonar until you can. Come and sit down with me and the others.” he nodded and made his way back to the crew.

  The first person to speak once he finally sat down was Jack. His tone seemed close to unnerving. “Connor, could you please explain to us about what happened. I’m being literal when I say that in one second that you disappeared from my sight and the next that Sorono appeared over a hundred feet in the air.”

  Before he could explain Sorono gained everyone’s attention. “As I can tell by looking around, not many could keep up with our movements. That is the problem you’ll face if you should happen to come in contact with Ranvan. If you cannot see us, you cannot defend yourself from him, if you fight head on. When we go to war, it would be best to pair up and take out a single opponent. What I would like for everyone to do is pair yourselves up with a single Keeper. Each and every one of my brethren are raised as skilled fighters. What I’d hope to accomplish is that you’ll learn to fight against us so you’ll be prepared when you come in contact against a stronger force. For this week I’d like everyone to get used to fighting bare handed so you will learn and understand how we move and handle ourselves. After this week is over you’ll learn the next step in preparing on encountering a homicidal Keeper.”

  His sonar showed him that Sorono had begun turning around slowly on the stage so that everyone could see him and vice versa. “Now there should be plenty of us to pair up with a single Balancer or Changer. I can guarantee that someone will get separated from their mate in the distant engagement so please spread apart and find an available Keeper to aid in your training.” Then he turned around and began looking pointedly at certain people in the crowd. “That goes for the Elders too. Please begin pairing up now.”

  After hearing this turn of events Sarah knew that she had to act quickly. Her largest and closest companion had remained over by the enormous ring and her mind entered hers. It took a moment to enter because she had to know who called. “Veronica, before anyone snags you, will you partner up with me?”

  She caught Veronica’s movement over in the crowd, turn around to look in her direction. Her expression remained calm and neutral. “I cannot see why not, but why did you choose me?”

  “Because you are the only one strong enough to be on equal ground with me. We are both mates to Harmonizers and as such we will be better matched. Plus I know that you have a lot that you could teach me.”

  Sarah couldn’t see her clearly in the crowd, but assumed that she smiled. “Point taken.”

  Since that was settled she tended to her mate. He had stopped using sonar and began attempting to open his eyes. He did so and then put his palm in front of his eyes. He was trying to regain his focus.

  During that explosive brawl she’d seen everything, even if most others couldn’t. During that brief period of time her heart beat furiously. Sarah could tell that they weren’t going all out, but worry for his safety couldn’t be faked. Even though Sorono held a size advantage, Connor also had his own advantages. Because of his smaller size, comparatively, Sorono had to try and hit a smaller target that is just as fast as himself. Her husband didn’t need to make as large of movements so he didn’t have to do as much. It still didn’t honestly matter because he made one single mistake. That is all it ever takes to lose. And she wasn’t the only one worried because Veronica was right by her side. She even gasped when Connor gained a hold of Sorono’s tail and threw him straight into the sky.

  It took about three or four more minutes for him to finally get his sight back. During that time everyone was on the move, trying to find an available partner. It took another fifteen minutes of chattering and moving around for almost everyone to find a companion. Jack and Jillian had disappeared into the crowd just like the rest of the family. Only Connor, Veronica, Shannon and the twins stayed with her. There were a few Balancers close by who didn’t get their own Keeper, but they would get first pick when more would eventually arrive. The only Keepers who didn’t have a partner were Xaon, Clarein and Firon. They still had a job and were still weak, energy wise.

  The crowd quieted when Sorono spoke again. “Good, now that you’ve partnered up, I’d like for you to take turns. Every pair may use only one square and once the fight ensures a victor, please move away and allow another pair their turn.” Sorono turned and began walking away. “You may all begin training yourselves. If you damage the ground, repair it and make it useable for the next group. And there is but one rule! There will be absolutely no killing or any bloodthirsty battles. That is all… Begin!”

  Sarah watched on as the temporarily paired immortals began approaching the platform. It was an amazing sight and one she’d never seen before, outside of her family. Other people were beginning to befriend Keepers, even if the circumstances weren’t the best.

  Sorono had found his way over to their group just as the Keepers and their partners began their hand to hand training. There were growling, battle cries, howling, snarling and mainly the sounds of swift battles. Their group went silent as they watched the cooperation between the species. It became easy to spot those with a lot of battle experience because the individual sparring lessons lasted much longer than those who had little to no training.

  Even from over here she saw Amphrite paired against another Elder and she had much experience because she was still fighting whereas over half of the other fights had already concluded. Amphrite’s movements were fluid and refined which also showed how skilled of a fighter she remained. Both she and her Keeper were fighting equally.

  Sarah attention was pulled away from the arena when Connor’s spoke. “… at that. Isn’t it obvious that I’ve asked this of you?”

  “Hmm, so how can we do this?” She turned to see Connor sitting on the bench to her left as he looked up at Sorono.

  “I know it’s a tradition for Keepers to be secretive about what they know, but this is an all or nothing fight. We should teach the Balancers different variations of their elements because they need to grow as quickly as possible. They need to have much more variety to their skills. Our opponents have had over a millennia of practice with their skill sets. Trust me, once they learn those sk
ills they will be more effective and will be able to adapt to a wider change of tactics our enemies might throw at us.”

  When Sorono went silent she asked “Connor, what are you talking about?”

  The corner of his lips quirked as he met her calm stare. “Actually I’m trying to persuade Sorono into teaching Balancers to see another’s aura and also teaching them about variations to their specific elements. Like teaching the Fire Balancers how to breathe fire or Liquid Balancers learning how to rip water straight from the blood of their enemies. They won’t be able to manipulate blood because of their limits, but they should theoretically be able to pull the moisture from another source besides humidity or from an aquifer or stream.”

  Her jaw locked because she didn’t have a response.

  Sorono finally broke the silence of our huddled group. “I cannot give you an answer right now, Connor. I understand where you are coming from because it is logical, but this will be a discussion that must be decided by all the Elder Keepers. This is a topic that we will need to discuss at length.”

  “Just don’t take too long.” Sorono only nodded in acknowledgement.

  Then Sorono turned his piercing gaze on Sarah and then on his mate who sat to the right. He smiled and said “Veronica, will you and Sarah go on up and have your turn?” it was obvious he wanted to speak to Connor, uninterrupted.

  Veronica’s golden eyes swept over Sarah. She smiled and then stood up from the bench. She turned around and looked down. “Shannon, I will return shortly.” The small child only smiled at her mother. Sarah too stood up, turned around and met the four eyes that were part hers and Connor’s. “Pear, Darrel?” They met her eyes and smiled like adorable cherubs. “I’ll be back too.”

  “Good luck, Mommy.” Darrel said and Pearl then added “Have fun.”

  Connor gave her a smile of approval. She leaned closer to him and stole a quick kiss. He chuckled silently as she began walking towards the arena with Veronica by her side.


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