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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 39

by Lee Morgan

  The guards looked from him to Sorono and back again. They were confused as to him giving them an order until a female Balancer stated “That must be the Harmonizer we saw over a year ago. The Head Elder’s younger brother.”

  “That would be me. Please lead the way. Time is of the essence.”

  They bowed as respectfully to him as they had did to Sorono. It only took a single look from his reptilian brother to make them understand Sorono’s standing with him.

  The forty led them down a long hallway. They walked slowly for five minutes, then they came upon a large door. Despite being underground and surrounded by ice it was relatively comfortable. They opened the door and it was loud inside.

  The cavern looked just like his sonar saw, but now there were beautiful colors. Whites and light blues dominated the landscape. There were lights in here as well and because of all the bodies in here it remained just as comfortable as it did in the tunnel, if not more.

  They walked straight and onto a crescent shaped stage that had three sets of stairs, leading down to the individual sections and two stairs going up for the Guard to patrol atop the dividing walls. The stage and ground itself had been made from solid ice, but on one spot was a stone where Sorono stood so that his unprotected feet didn’t stick to the ice.

  Sorono told Connor to wait here as five Keepers stood guard for them while the others began taking to their tasks of wrangling everyone to gather.

  Ten minutes had passed and during that time the entire dome had come alive with animated excitement. Many of the Guard that were on patrol had hurried to gather the prisoners while also keeping them at a comfortable distance. Many Guards came out from behind Connor because the Changer had done his duty and awakened the other ancient peacekeepers. They made a solid defensive wall to keep things safe and orderly.

  There were so many prisoners that it became hard to distinguish between the sea of moving heads. To the left held the Balancers and just about all of them were men without their female counterpart. To the right were the Changers as all of their silver eyes were moving over them and the male to female ratio seemed relatively even. Then directly ahead laid the reptilian prisoners who were all standing while trying to get a good look.

  Connor expected to see thousands of hostile eyes glaring at them, but there were less than predicted. The prisoners, who had been here for however many decades, seemed more curious than threatening. Some were impassive and others were interested at a change in their daily routine.

  Strangely, civilized order remained intact.

  Then the Changer Guard they saw in the cabin came out with two coats of different size. He handed both Connor and Sorono one. Connor slid it on after giving his thanks. His bare arms were grateful for the new sleeves and the warmth revived his spirits.

  Several minutes later the last guard came up and told Sorono that all have gathered. By Connor’s rough estimate she was correct.

  Sorono raised his large clawed hand high into the air and the dome called to order rapidly. There were still a few whispers, but the gathered were all able to hear a normal conversation quite well.

  It was remarkable to think about, but Connor has already done it himself. Sorono touched every mind in the room as he began talking to all. His stature held the authority and strength of his position and everyone could tell that this wasn’t a simple social call.

  “As all of you have recently felt, there has been an emergency summons. I have come here with a reasonable proposition for each and every one of you. Before that, you must hear what has been happening in the outside world.

  “Several months ago my brother Ranvan sent a tsunami that decimated South Amer…” Sorono then began explaining everything to the gathered. At certain points the prisoners were skeptical, but as the story continued they could hear the truth in his words. Sorono also introduced Connor and explained how he found him while explaining about his powers. A simple demonstration from himself was all that was needed to quell the skeptics. Then Sorono began telling the prisoners about the plan that Ranvan has for the human world and how they are doing everything conceivable to stop it. “… all that has been told, I have come here to give each one of you a choice.

  “You have heard what we face and all free immortals have come to do their part to protect lives. Not one has been selfish and chose to run away and be a coward. What I and my brother have come to grant you is your immediate freedom.”

  Every prisoner and guard either gasped or were too stunned to comprehend the meanings behind the words.

  Connor stepped forward and projected his mind to over seventy thousand others. “As Sorono has said, we will give you your freedom, but there is a condition that you must uphold. We will call all of your prison sentences completed if you fight with us in the defense of life. If you fight with us and we win, you may go wherever you want to after that. Your debt will have been settled. On a plus side, you may finally be with your mates who are all waiting at our camp.” Eyes lit up over the entire crowd. It seemed as if they would do anything just to be with those they love once again. If they chose correctly, they would. “Whatever you are in here for doesn’t matter anymore, just as long as you are with us completely.

  “You will be screened and you must mean to fight with us. You will not fight to the death with anyone until July fourth. We need numbers and you can give us a much larger chance at surviving this.” Every eye was now on Connor and hanging on his word as if it were freedom itself. “We will have your word and your bond that you will not fight against us or forsake our fight. It will be your decision to remain here, alone, in this ice fortress like a coward or fight for your freedom.

  Then he mentally yelled and shouted with his voice “WHAT SAY YOU!!!?”

  A deafening roar rose in the room instantly. Small ice flakes vibrated off the dome. Many were hopeful and some were even crying. It was strange because all he saw was happiness where he imagined only hardened criminals.

  Sorono touched his shoulder and smiled approvingly. Then he stood tall again and called order once again. “If you wish for your chance for freedom please line up to be screened by the Keeper Guards. If you honestly want to fight for us and are seen as trustworthy you may remain up here. If you are hoping to stay or as seen as traitorous you will all make your way into the Changer and Balancer quarters. Those who are worthy will stay within the Keeper area temporarily.

  “Once everyone has been seen to, you will all be given all of the rations in storage to make yourselves strong once again. Once the food is gone and all are strong enough for the journey, we will head directly for our campsite.

  “Remain patient and you will be seen to eventually. Please begin forming lines and begin the screening.”

  For the next two days each and every prisoner was tested for their dependability and honesty. Connor had also helped the other Keepers screen the inmates. What needed to be done was to enter their mind completely, without overwhelming them, and see every aspect of their memories and personality. Nothing could be hidden or overlooked. Unfortunately Connor saw more than was bargained for. The inmates were in here from things like exposing the secret to humans to mass murder. As long as they would honorably hold up their end of the bargain they would be released.

  At one point he met the three changers who tried killing Mark and his sister. They were unrecognizable until Connor read their mind. They didn’t realize it was him, but they would fight for them and he granted them their freedom without bias.

  By the end of the scanning all but one hundred and nine prisoners would be set free. Those who couldn’t be trusted would stay behind and alone. Sorono and Connor discussed leaving them only a single day’s rations and let them see if they could find a way to survive up here on their own. They would be left behind to fend for themselves and hope they find a way to live, but they knew the possibility of that happening and it was very low

  Two more days had passed and much of the food needed to be cooked and spread amongst the populous. Their
rations were now heaping. What they ate in an entire three months supply was given to them all at once. Everyone ate ravenously to regain their energies or nutrients. It was almost like a celebration in the cavern as there were cheers and jokes being spread everywhere. Not even a minor disagreement could be seen nor even be initiated because of the celebrations.

  Sorono, himself and all of the Immortal Guard made their way up to the surface. The blizzard had ended and the day became beautifully clear. Throughout the day the elevator was in use and brought every single inmate to the surface, to have their first tastes of liberty. Most of the growing crowd remained speechless, but some cried out in joy and others were laughing almost in a madding manner.

  It was difficult to tell the exact time, but the day had been bright. Now that the seventy thousand new troops were up and free, Sorono entered every mind to gain attention. “Now that you see that my offer is genuine and I’m proud that no one has tried leaving yet, we may go to our destination. Please, will the Keepers aid the Balancers and Changers who are not capable of flight? The sooner our journey begins the sooner you may warm up, find our mate and eat your fill.”

  Connor watched by Sorono’s side as Keepers dropped to all fours and began carrying up to four passengers. Those Changer’s who could manipulate wings, did. Within five minutes everyone was set.

  Sorono then announced “Follow me.”

  He brought his power forth and began flying. Connor flew right behind him. He glanced behind to see that the Immortal Guard made a solid phalanx behind their lead and behind them flew many Keepers, Changers and a handful of Pressure Balancers.

  They flew slowly so that everyone could stay together. When he looked down at the snow there was an enormous moving shadow in a clear sky.

  They continued flying for the next day and the temperature had gradually increased. They also encountered a situation. An airplane spotted their mass flight, but two Immortal Guard Keepers broke from the group and forced the plane to the ground. They made a large smokescreen and clogged the filters of the plane with debris. The pilot landed safely, but needed to be rescued at a later time and the mass would be long gone by that time.

  By the time they made it past the Canadian border they flew at tree level so as to avoid detection. No more problems were encountered that needed to be taken care of. They were closing in on home.

  The bond with Sarah kept relaxing Connor’s stress and her loving emotions raised his spirits through the roof.

  In the distance Connor saw many black dots hovering just above the horizon and were increasing in number. He was seeing an enormous welcoming committee. And leading them were none other than the Elders, Veronica and his princess.

  They were all flying together and the closer they got the louder the cheers came from the clearing and from behind.

  Connor could see green eyes of love and almost immediately they were in each other’s arms and just held each other in the air. He closed his eyes and took in her unforgettable scent of apples and strawberries.

  Their reunion was cut short as Sorono announced “Everyone may go down and rest. Your journey has been long and fruitful. Please take the day to do as you like. Remember what I’ve said as rules for the duration of our stay.”

  Sarah and Connor held each other and watched as the former prisoners landed. Mates quickly found each other and began reuniting with those they love. Those who had voluntarily given their bond up, had begun reestablishing it. There were so many tears and kissing that it put a smile on his face. This unforeseen event had raised every single person’s spirit. This is what was needed to bolster their will to fight a common enemy. This wasn’t only a fight for survival, but also a fight to keep their loved ones safe and alive.

  He had lost track of time before someone thought “Father,” Connor looked over to see Sorono and Veronica holding one another in an intimate embrace. He too looked up and towards Damian and the other Elders who were flying with them. Damian continued speaking with a curious mental tone. “there has been a unique situation arise since you and Connor left us to bring in our much needed reinforcements.”

  “What has happened, son?” Sorono now held the small of Veronica’s back and gave his attention to his thirty million year old child. “Explain the situation.”

  Damian smiled and showed all of his pure white and dagger-like teeth. He glanced over at Sarah and Connor and then back to his father. “The day you both left both Veronica and Sarah found and captured a spy.”

  Sorono and Connor looked at each other and immediately knew that their instincts were warning them of the danger in their midst. They didn’t find it, but the situation had been taken care of, without them.

  “Sarah?” she slowly looked up at her husband with a proud smile. “Tell me everything that happened. How did you take care of this spy? Did you get hurt? What was said? What did he or she want? Has anyone been hurt before you captured this person? How…”

  Sarah closed his lips with her delicate fingers and spoke so calmly like nothing had even happened. “It would be quicker if you read my thoughts.”

  “May I see as well?” Sorono asked while drifting towards them, with Veronica by his side.

  Sarah nodded in permission

  She allowed them access without shielding much. She showed everything that she saw, smelt, felt and even what she was thinking at the time. His wife showed every detail of what happened that night. By the end of her accounts Connor’s forehead rested atop hers.

  He clutched her to his breast and whispered “That was very foolish of you, but you did do the right thing. I’m glad your wits were leading you down the right path, but let’s just hope that there will never be a next time.”

  After a few moments of silence Sorono asked “Have there been any more instances with more spies?”

  “No Father.” Damian said calmly. “The prisoner is being secured in a hut that we made the very night she was found and brought before us. She had a bond so we had it removed because we need to keep our location a secret as best we can. Plus I and three other elders removed much of her energy. She has not been harmed or tortured as is the law, but she is very aggressive and tests even my patience.

  “As a precaution I also had every Keeper at the meeting checked for any physical anomalies and also did mind sweeps just to be on the safe side. We haven’t found any more luckily and our boarders are secure.”

  “Well done Damian. Now take me to this Agnes. We will be able to get some information out of her.” Sorono turned and met Connor’s stare. “Do I need to ask?”

  He shook his head slowly. “She tried to kill and eat Sarah. Of course I’m going with you.”

  Damian and the other elders flew down towards the jubilant crowd. They began parting as they landed in front of a heavily guarded hut. It was tall enough for a Keeper to enter, but wasn’t very spacious.

  Ten Keeper Guard’s moved away as they approached.

  Sarah tugged on his arm as Damian explained the things he’s learned to Sorono. She held the sleeve to his parka. “You didn’t leave with this. At this time of year I’d say you went further north than the previous meeting. How did it go?”

  “Let me show you.” She smiled as she read his mind about the ice prison.

  All of the elders moved to allow only Sorono, Veronica, Sarah and Connor to enter the growling and hissing hut.

  Once inside, the door shut behind them and Connor spotted the spy.

  Ascertain and Speculate

  The spy, Agnes, waited and securely chained in thick steel links that started from around her neck and continued to be wrapped around her entire body like a cocoon. She sat directly in the center of the room and her gray-white eyes were hard and angry as she followed everyone who entered in her holding area. The collar around her neck was tightly tethered by four more metal chains that were secured to four thick metallic poles set deep in the ground that would be difficult for even Connor to break. Then there was a steel bar between her back teeth and allowed the
realization that they didn’t want her to bite off her tongue in the attempt of suicide. All of her movements were locked away and she sat helpless, but still angry enough to growl and hiss.

  Agnes recognized Sorono first and then Connor. She barely moved her leathery lips to bar her hideous teeth that still couldn’t move. The metal chains rattled and clicked as she tried struggling, but they held secure. She couldn’t gain any leverage to free herself, that was the point. Then her eyes closed for a moment at realizing the futility of her efforts.

  Then Connor looked down at Sarah and was taken aback. Her green eyes were glaring, hard and unforgiving. Then there were her facial features, it was empty. She no longer cared if this creature lived another second. He felt her emotions and knew what they meant. This deformed Keeper almost took her precious life and that of her family. There wasn’t even a faint hope of forgiveness within his wife.

  Veronica also held the same unforgiving expression.

  Connor remained back and off to the side in the relatively small room as Sorono stepped forward. He stood between two of the thick chains and dropped to one knee to get a closer look. He rested both of his hands on the knee that bent up to show how at ease he felt. Then his mind touched only those in the room and it was serene while holding ultimate authority. “I have just been told about your recent actions and transgressions, Agnes, and I’m willing to offer you a simple choice. Either you tell me what I want to know and give every detail or I’ll penetrate the entirety of your mind and still get the answers I seek. It won’t be pleasant if you choose the latter nor will you be capable of surviving my full intrusion. If you choose to speak, remember you cannot lie because I’ll know if you do. Either way, you’ll tell me exactly what I want to know.”

  Silence reigned as Agnes deliberated her choices. Finally she thought hesitantly “I’ll talk.”

  Neither Sorono nor Connor were surprised at this outcome, but Sarah finally took a step closer to him and wound her fingers with his. She continually squeezed his hand, but it wasn’t for comfort. She was holding herself back, even though her left hand clutched the dark hilt of her dagger with white knuckles.


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