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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 41

by Lee Morgan

  When they made it to the clearing, things became a little tense when Sarah’s grandparents introduced themselves during the morning meal. They were terrified when Connor stood up and walked straight up to them with an expressionless mask. They apologized repeatedly while the rest of them just watched in amusement. They both just about fainted as Connor placed both of his hands on each of their shoulders. He smiled and said “I never really cared about what you called me, but to speak to your granddaughter, and my wife, like that was uncalled for. If she has accepted your apology, then so will I. As long as you are respectable then you may stay.” They sighed in relief and that made Sarah and Kara laugh together. It was worth it to see them sweat.

  The air around the crowd seemed to be renewed with all of the reinforcements that had come back. The fights were much livelier and there was more joy in every face. Things were less bleak and that lifted everyone’s spirits.

  Weeks passed and the approaching deadline began making everyone have some form of apprehension. The weapons were all made and being put to use in everyone’s daily sparring routine.

  There wasn’t any more spies or intruders and Connor’s instinct said so.

  Last week Sarah even won her first fight against Veronica. It was the same with Connor. With all the practical training they received from their friends, their experience grew by leaps and bounds. They had finally grown to be on equal ground with their gigantic partners. Even the other partners grew more adept at defending themselves.

  There were a few accidents, but none were life threatening. Plus there weren’t many fights that weren’t resolved quickly. Usually things became a little tense during the hotter midday hours, but a splash of water is usually all that was really needed to cool off the combatants. And in town things were still oblivious to the humans from what Sheriff Burrow reported a few days ago.

  Two days before the June thirtieth feast it was still early in the morning as Sorono made his way onto the stage. He gained everyone’s attention and they stopped working or doing whatever else that occupied their focus. “Attention everyone!” Once all eyes were on him he continued. “Each and every one of you have done more than could ever be asked, and for that I’m proud to call you all friend. We all know that our skills will be put to the final test in five days time. Our abilities are honed and your skills sharpened. We have all been working continuously for this cause. As such I have something to offer you all.” She saw Connor staring in confusion, just like everyone else. “It will do no good to work yourselves to death and a little break is just what we need. What I’m saying is, all of today’s training is cancelled. Go and spend time with your mate and those you love. Gain some perspective to remember just what we are fighting for. For the next two days, go and do whatever you want. Just come back here by noon on the thirtieth for the feast and party. Please enjoy yourselves and be safe.”

  After several seconds of realization, the crowd became more lively than usual. Some people began taking up the offer instantly after the roaring cheer began to subside. Both Changers and Keepers began flying over the trees to go wherever they wanted. Many Balancers began running through the forest, to get started on their reprieve.

  During all the excitement Connor whispered in her ear, which sent an electric shock coercing through her body “Where would you like to go?”

  Sarah turned to see him smiling her favorite smile. But before she could say anything Kara announced “Honey, let’s go back to our mountain!”

  Sarah’s gaze swept to the left as Mark and Kara were standing and facing each other. He had a quizzical look on his facial features as his liquid silver eyes studied his mate. “Our mountain?”

  “Yes, our mountain.” She said with a teasing smile. “You know, the one where I saw your wolf form for the very first time. You and brother fought off that grizzly bear together.”

  He knew the exact place she meant. He snapped his fingers and said “Gotcha. Alright, if that is where you want to go, do you want to fly or drive?”

  “Flying faster.” She grinned again and then looked over at them. “Brother, we’ll be seeing you in a few days. Have fun!” Kara is almost always in a rush, this time was no different.

  Her silver eyes began glowing at the pupil and her human form began altering. She wore her leather top and pants all the time, so she could transform at any given moment. As her body began changing into that of a wolf, she dropped to all fours. Between the shoulder-straps of her leather top, grew two beautiful wings covered in sandy blonde feathers. Then her body grew fur with the same colorings as her wings.

  Soon Mark took his Fwen form as well, only his fur and wings were as black as his hair.

  They said their goodbyes and soon flew off together.

  “Well?” Sarah turned around to see Connor waiting patiently. His rugged good looks made her memory go blank from his question. “Where are we going, Princess?”

  It really didn’t matter where she wanted to go so long as they were together. They could stay home, but it isn’t as romantic, having the kids so close.

  Then it hit her.

  She smiled and said happily “There is this one place we haven’t been to in a very long time.” He waited for more information and that made her shy smile widen. “I haven’t seen my birthday present in close to two years. I’d like to spend some time in there once again.”

  He grinned almost instantly. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  They said goodbye to the rest of the family as they scooped up the twin’s from her grandparents. Ryan and Laura were both talking about something with Jack and Jillian, but Sarah grew too excited to pay any real attention. Her plans for the next two days were to be with the one man in the world who makes her existence worth everything.

  They made their way to Jenny’s and she became worried that it was time for them to head out to fight. They explained what was going on and she relaxed. Jenny was as worried about this coming conflict as they were. She said she didn’t have work tonight so she’d care of her grandchildren the whole time while they went to go spend precious time together.

  Before they left on a two day getaway, they ran home to get a sleeping bag and cell phone, just in case of an emergency.

  Connor and Sarah decided to fly because it would be less conspicuous and faster. It didn’t take too long to find where Connor does his survival seminars. They flew to the ravine and it looked completely different than she remembered it from last time. The last time she came here was for her birthday and at the time winter gripped the land. The ground was covered in snow, but now everything was all so alive and green.

  They flew inside the ravine together and stopped once he found the large boulder that sealed away the birthday present from the world. He removed it from the side of the rock-wall and went in the dark tunnel first. Sarah held up the boulder with her power over Terra as he checked things out. He came back after making an orange glow in the room several minutes later. Everything remained just the way it had been left. She flew into the tunnel with him and replaced the boulder securely where it was once before.

  They walked hand in hand, down the tunnel and made their way into the dome. It was still as magical as it was the first time. The central firelight reflected off the dome that stood covered in tiny facets of melted glass. It gave the impression that it was made from diamonds as it shimmered and made the room come alive.

  On the ground by the fire lay the unrolled sleeping bag, ready to be used. It had been so long since they were truly alone and together that Sarah couldn’t contain herself. There were no children to overhear, no adults to crack jokes at her and no worries outside their personal world for the next two days.

  Connor just stood back and was watching her marvel at his work. Only this present was the third most beautiful thing that’s happened to her in her three hundred year old life. The second most beautiful were her babies. Then the most amazing person that stood before her was her mate. His windblown, sandy blonde hair was laid back to show his stro
ng and rugged features. His predatory hazel eyes were watching her with passion and it sped her heart rate to make her skin feel afire. Then there came the smile he only shares with her and all of her inhibitions went right out the window. He was all hers and her plans were simple.

  Sarah threw her arms around his neck and twined her fingers in his hair. Her lips met his and found the perfect rhythm to the mood. He felt the same thing. Without knowing how, her top and pants vanished and ended up on the other side of the room, she struggled to get off the chainmail, armguards and greaves, but they were eventually shed, finally freeing her flesh.

  Connor didn’t have as much trouble, but he was about to get in some.

  She smiled and threw herself playfully at him. She locked her legs around his waist, took him into herself and began making love with her mate.

  When it was all over they laid on their backs, panting heavily from the exquisite pleasure and exhaustion. Her skin remained hot and thick with sweat that was also blended with her husband’s. Her long hair spread in every direction which seemed to please him almost as much as he pleased her.

  All of his chiseled muscles were relaxed, but were still iron hard. His skin held his own sweat that glistened in the flickering light. He was stretched out, looking like the rested Greek God that he is. The only thing that was out of place were his kiss swollen lips that probably matched hers.

  “Wow.” She said heavily. “I feel like Jello!”

  “Ditto.” He said and laughed heavily.

  She rolled to her side and his dreamy glazed eyes looked at her. She grinned again. “Ready for round two?”

  His eyes widened. “Sarah, what’s going on? You’ve never been so ravenous before. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  She swallowed dryly and said “I want us to be together as much as we possibly can before we have to leave here.” She raised an eyebrow to emphasize a point. “We don’t know what will await us, but I want you with me until we finally go off to fight on two different battles.”

  His eyes stayed on her as she began tracing the X on his chest, that was still hot and covered in sweat. He finally said “If that is what you want, how can I say no.” He grinned playfully himself. “Now it’s your turn to get ready for round two.”

  Connor rolled himself and brought her to bliss, time and time again.

  The boulder dropped back so he could check the time of day it was and realized it to be late afternoon of the second day. Their time together was spent almost entirely of ecstasy. They had made love together so many times that all of his senses were almost too sensitive. He was completely aware of his entire body and it felt somewhat pleasant. Despite the lack of sleep she allowed, he was remarkably exhilarated and awake.

  “Is it time?” Sarah asked, coming up from behind. She then wrapped her arms around his abdomen and pressed her warm body against his back. Her soft and silky skin felt blissful against his flesh.

  “It is.” She heard the calmness of his voice.

  “Then we had better clean up. Our clothes shouldn’t need to be cleaned because they didn’t get worn at all since we got here.” She then giggled lightly and nuzzled against his back one last time.

  When her arms released him, he turned around. Her chin tilted up and he took it in his hand and brought his lips down on hers once again. When they stopped, she looked like his personal goddess of beauty and love once again.

  Then she smiled strangely. “Before we go, we need to rinse off all the hard work we did together.” She placed both of her hands on his chest and shoved him out of the tunnel with a force that would kill a normal man.

  Most everyone would panic from getting pushed out into a ravine without some sort of aid. Luckily he’s an exception.

  He flipped in the air as he dropped several stories down into the ravine. Without using any elemental skills he entered the cold water, feet first. The current was fast and strong, but it wasn’t anything an immortal couldn’t handle. He was just glad that his boxers didn’t ride up or mysteriously disappear in the rapids.

  Upon resurfacing, Sarah also jumped into the current wearing only her lacy black bra and matching panties.

  They laughed and splashed each other, just enjoying the moment.

  They eventually flew out of the water after the rinse. Not long after, they dried off and they attired armor and still clean clothes. Before Sarah extinguished the fire, she looked at her birthday present one last time. He knew she was burning all of the past two days into her memory, to get her through the next few days.

  When they managed to make it to Jenny’s to pick up the kids, there were visitors. Connor’s grandfather’s red truck was parked in the driveway. Sarah and Connor walked up on the entryway and she knocked on the door before he let himself in.

  Rhoda opened the door and said “Just the people we’ve been waiting for.”

  “Rhoda… I mean Grandma,” Sarah began and her emerald green eyes were already looking suspicious. “what are you cooking up?”

  Hid eccentric grandmother grinned and all of her laughing wrinkles were visible. “For starters, you and my grandson and both of my great grandbabies are coming over to my house, right now. I’ve been working on something for quite a while and it should help. This might be our last chance to spend some quality time together for awhile, as a family, and I’m not going to pass up an opportunity.”

  Then David came up from behind and placed a hand on Rhoda’s shoulder. His wryly smile was as contagious as ever. “Not to worry, we just want to have a family get-together. Sarah we’ve been racking our brains on how we can help out, but we are just human after all. We’ve come to the conclusion that the only support we can offer is food. We’ll be having a large dinner tonight.”

  Sarah blinked and finally asked “We would be delighted, but how much is this large meal you’ve prepared?”

  Rhoda grinned. “It will be enough.”

  Rhoda glanced at her wily husband and he nodded. He took a step around her and his faded blue eyes found Connor’s. “Come on, Son, we need to go across the street. We’re inviting everyone over tonight. Kara and Mark are already on board and are already at the farm finishing up.” He grabbed Connor’s wrist and began dragging him away from Sarah, but she began smiling so he didn’t object to his grandfather’s methods.

  As they began walking through the grass towards Jack’s, David’s voice grew thick. “Connor, I know you’ll be leaving on the first. I tricked Kara into telling me what’s been going on.” he smiled weakly to himself. “Well it wasn’t all that hard to trick her. She’s just like her grandmother when she was the same age.” Then he got down to the point. “I can only imagine what you and everyone else has to face. It is so very difficult to see my grandkids fighting something so big and all I’m capable of doing is throwing you guys a mediocre party…”

  “Granddaddy,” Connor placed a hand on his shoulder and David stopped at the edge of the road. “you’ve raised me into being a good man. Yes I’m strong, but I’m still as flesh and blood as you are. I have doubts and concerns about what I’m capable of when the time does come, but that won’t stop me from giving it my all. It is the same with you. You are and have always done your best in raising me, even when all those strange things happened around me.” David smiled knowingly. Connor’s childhood did have some strange events. “Even now you are being a supporting person in my life. You will give me sustenance and that, in turn, will help save many lives. Don’t think you are worthless just because you are a normal human.”

  As they began walking across the street again he started smiling approvingly. David was testing him again and apparently he passed.

  They stepped upon the entryway of his in-laws home. He knocked on the door and a surprising person opened the front door. “Boy’o, what are you doing here?” Sarah’s Irish grandfather stood before them. Ryan’s yellowish eyes scanned Connor over and then David. “Might I be able to help you gentlemen?”

  “Oh, so you must be the pain in the ass f
ather-in-law Jack spoke of. Good afternoon, I’m David. You must be Ryan?” David spoke in a teasing and gentle voice. He offered his right hand in greeting.

  Ryan wasn’t one for insults, except when he gives them, but he remained pleasant and shook the older looking gentleman’s hand. “That I am, Boy’o. So you must be the infamous David May. My daughter speaks very highly of you and your mate.”

  “Daughter? … Oh you mean Jillian. Sorry it still gets a little confusing seeing someone like yourself who looks so young yet be a great grandfather, like me.” David chuckled.

  “As opposed to someone looking like someone who looks exactly like a great-great-grandfather?” Ryan asked with a raised eyebrow.

  David burst into a fit of laughter and started patting Ryan on the shoulder. “So there is still someone around who can play word games.”

  The red haired and green eyed Laura walked up behind her mate and asked “Dear, what is going our here?”

  Before he could speak David interrupted. “Actually I’ve come to collect Jillian and Jack… are their anymore people in this house?”

  “Just Amber and Ben.” Jack said while coming to the door.

  “Alright get them too.” The three immortals were quite confused to David’s words. So he then invited them all to the dinner party. Laura and Ryan were hesitant until Jack told them how well of a cook Rhoda is. When Amber and Ben got up, they too accepted their hospitality.

  While they got themselves ready David and Connor began walking back across the street. Before they went inside he told Connor to invite Sorono and his family as well.

  By the time night had fallen, Sarah and Connor, along with Rhoda, David, Jenny, Kara, Mark, Darrel, Pearl, Jillian, Jack, Amber, Ben, Laura, Ryan, Veronica, Sorono and Shannon had all arrived at his grandparent’s farm for the party.

  David set up some floodlights behind the faded yellow house for everyone to see each other in the moonless night and be hidden from neighboring eyes. There was a large picnic table that easily sat all of them. Then there was a large table that David had made into a chair for Sorono and Veronica to sit together.


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