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BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset)

Page 67

by Parker, Kylee

  “You’re saying none of what that creep said was true?” She barely whispered the words, still refusing to turn and face him. After a long, fraught moment, he sighed. It was a rough breath that sawed out of his chest and it told her every thing she needed to know.

  “No. No, some of what he said was true. It just wasn’t the way I wanted you to find out. I wasn’t ready for it to–.” Adrien cut off abruptly and she couldn’t stop herself from asking. The words were out before she could stop them.

  “Wasn’t ready for it to what, Adrien?”

  “I wasn’t ready for it to end,” He said on another sigh, “I wasn’t ready for you to hate me, to look at me like you do now. Like I’m…Like I’m a monster.” The utter agony in his voice had her turning around before she could stop herself.

  “I don’t hate you, Adrien. I was scared and confused and heartbroken. How did you expect me to react to that bombshell? ‘oh, by the way, I’m half bear’, ‘well, that’s just great, honey’. I mean, give me a little credit for not checking myself into an insane asylum, okay? Because everything that happened that day was totally crazy!” She realized by the end of her speech that her voice was raised, echoing off the cinder block wall but she didn’t care. Morgan’s pulse was racing hard and fast in her chest and she was breathing heavily as she looked at him.

  “I know it’s a lot to process,” Morgan snorted at the understatement, but he just continued to speak, “Heck, I’m one of them and it still took me nearly twenty years to come to terms with who I am. With what I am. I never expected you to just be okay with it, but I was hoping, well, that your feelings for me, and mine for you would at least help you to be more understanding. At least give me a chance to explain. To show you.”

  “Understanding? Understanding!” Morgan planted her hands on her fist as her temper flared, “I think I’ve been more than understanding, Adrien. And yes, it is a hell of a lot to process, as you put it,” She snorted again, shaking her head, “I mean, what the hell were you even doing there tonight, Adrien?”

  “I don’t even know, honestly,” Adrien had to look away from the anger shining in her green eyed gaze. “Grant called about some girl he wanted to see and he needed a wingman. Which is a load of shit because Grant Fisher has never had any problems getting a lady once he’s set his eyes on her. But he said he…” His words trailed off and a look of surprised realization drew over his face. “That son of bitch.”

  “Who, you?” Morgan asked, sarcasm thick in her voice, but he just shook his head.

  “Grant. My friend, Grant. He set me up. Somehow he knew you were going to be there and he was tired of me moping around like some heartbroken cub and he set me up!”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter how you got there, Adrien. You shouldn’t have done what you did. Gone all macho he-man and punched that guy for no reason.”

  “No reason!” Adrien was on his feet and she took an involuntary step back as her breath hitched. He really was much too big. “There was plenty of reason!”

  “No, there wasn’t, Adrien. You had no right to do that.” Morgan tried to make her voice firm but every step closer he took had the fire in her veins ratcheting that much higher and the anger just fueled it on.

  “I know…I know words can’t make up for what I did. The way I acted back there. It was stupid and I should have known better. But I saw you with that guy and I just snapped, you know?” Adrien whispered the words and she turned on him with a sharp scowl.

  “We were just dancing, Adrien! And besides like you have any room to talk.” She tried to turn away, the pain of that night coming back to hit her hard but he wouldn’t let her. He was taking up too much room in the cell and there was nowhere for her to go, nowhere for her to run.

  “Look, that night at the bar you ran off before I could explain, again! That was Sera. She’s been hounding me since the beginning of the summer, but even more so since we got back from the cabin. She is Harris’ daughter,” Adrien looked at her as if that should mean something, but all it told her was that Adrien had bad taste in women. Because if that Sera chick was anything like her father, well, let’s just say she hoped the apple fell a long way away from the tree that time.

  “It’s complicated,” Adrien finally said after she didn’t respond, “It’s really complicated, but I’ll just say that I want no part of her, or anything to do with either of them. Harris has some idea that if I mate with his daughter then his position as leader of the clan with be safe.”

  “Wait a minute, that creep is your leader? You voted for him?” Morgan looked at him aghast and he shook his head firmly.

  “Harris is not my leader, and it doesn’t exactly work that way. Look, I told you, it’s complicated.” He sighed, trying to find the right words.

  “And I don’t care,” Morgan took a step towards him until they were toe to toe with each other, poking him in the chest with one finger, “I know what I saw. She was all over you! And you weren’t exactly pushing her away.”

  “You have it all wrong!” He growled the words as anger got the best of him and Morgan could feel it rumble through her, spiking her desire until it felt like a volcano about to explode inside her.

  “No, I don’t!”

  “Yes, you do! Just,” Adrien didn’t get any more words out before his mouth was hard on hers, wiping away all rational thought and anger, and leaving only raw, pulsing want as the volcano finally erupted.

  Chapter 9

  Morgan couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think. All she could do was feel, and oh boy, was there a lot of Adrien to feel as he pressed her roughly against the cool metal bars of the small cell. She tried to remember why she had been angry but Adrien’s mouth on hers obliterated all capacity for thought. All she could do was moan, pressing her body even closer to his.

  He took instant advantage, pressing his tongue against the seam of her mouth and swallowing her sigh as she melted against him. It felt so right to be there, bracketed by his large, hard body. More right than she had felt since that day she had fled him at the cabin.

  Morgan didn’t realize how much she had really missed him until that moment, until his body was pressed against hers, until she could feel him surrounding her like she had needed for all those past lonely nights. The anger that had been in her system transformed instantly into a passion so intense she felt like every nerve ending was on fire.

  Adrien’s lips moving aggressively over hers just added fuel to the conflagration already burning out of control inside her. She moaned against him, arching her back until her hips were pressed even more firmly against his and she could feel him through the material of his jeans, already rock hard and hot like a brand against her thigh.

  “Morgan, I–.” She didn’t let him finish whatever it was he had been about to say. She needed him, inside her, moving against her, and she needed it now. She did not need to hear him apologize again, or any thing he might say to break the fragile spell that had been cast around them. It was like, for this one moment, everything was perfect. Exactly what she wanted, what she so desperately needed. Adrien got the hint, his need just as real as hers and a second later his shirt was gone and the straps of the clingy dress she was wearing slid from her shoulders. Her breath hitched at the trembling she could feel in Adrien’s fingers and a flood of feminine power washed through her at the knowledge that she effected him so much.

  It was also good to know that she wasn’t the only one who was spinning out of control. Adrien cursed softly as he ripped one of the straps in his hurry to get the dress off of her but she didn’t care. Morgan ripped it even further as she grabbed the slinky material and drew it over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra as there was padding sewn in to the dress and she grinned at Adrien’s gasp. She looked up to see him staring at her with pure worship in his gaze and it hit her with the force of a tsunami. She was in love him. Even still. Even after everything. She still loved him, more than she even had before. And she needed him, right now.

  Morgan bit her lip as h
is hands roamed across her body and she could feel the reverence in his touch, but she couldn’t stand to wait another minute.

  “Adrien. Please. I need you now.” She whispered the words breathily and they seemed to hang in the humid air of the small cell.

  “Oh, baby,” The words seemed pulled from his chest and the next instant she was in his arms, being carried to the cot that sat against the other wall. She didn’t care that that she was still mad at him, or that they were in a jail cell. She just knew that if she didn’t have him inside her soon she was going to go up in flames. It was a desire so intense it was almost frightening, something she had never experienced before and it couldn’t be contained.

  Morgan writhed beneath him on the cot, begging him with her emerald eyes, her flushed body. They had no need for words anymore. As if she could have spoken anyways. His mouth was traveling down the sensitive curve of her neck and across her collarbone, stealing every last coherent thought from her head. All that was left was desire and the wetness growing more insistent between her thighs.

  She cried out as he kept moving even lower, his teeth grazing her nipples, teasing them until they tightened into sharp buds. Every touch had sparks shooting strait to her throbbing center and she couldn’t stay still beneath him. She needed to move. She needed to touch him as well.

  Morgan slid her hands up his defined back, reveling in the feel of his hot skin pressed against hers and then back again, making a small sound of disappointment as she reached the waistband of his jeans, blocking her from further exploration. She tried to tug them down to reveal more but Adrien was already moving further south, out of her reach.

  The feel of his hot breath on her inner thigh was her only warning before his tongue dipped out, lapping at the most sensitive part of her. She moaned out his name, not even aware of the words she was saying, urging him to move faster, to go deeper. Soon, a finger joined his tongue, sweeping her even higher, but not quite high enough. Every time she felt herself getting close to that golden edge he would pull back. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and she reached down, grasping at his shoulders.

  “Adrien!” She yelled as frustration and desire threatened to cripple her. Her entire body was tense from wanting her, her toes digging into the thin mattress of the cot but all she could feel was Adrien and the spot inside her she so desperately needed him. Finally, after what felt like hours of pure, mind numbing torture, Adrien slid back up her body, his now completely naked and fitted perfectly to hers. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms snaking across his shoulders and he sank into her, inch by hard inch, her nails dug into his back as pleasure swept through her.

  They rocked together in perfect harmony, each finding their perfect bliss in the other, the one they loved, their mate. It occurred to her then, on the crest of that rapturous wave, that just as she was his mate, he was hers. Morgan tightened her arms around him, the emotion of that rushing through her in a storm of tenderness that had her biting back tears.

  “Morgan, I love you.” His roughly spoken words were all she needed to have her body flying over the edge of orgasm as it hit her hard, sensation sweeping from her center, out through her limbs and back again.

  “I love you, too.” The words rushed out as another climax swept over her, hard on the tail of the last. It was almost too good for her to bear and she cried out as the exquisite feeling threatened to overwhelm her completely. Stars shattered behind her eyelids and she could feel Adrien tense above her as he came right along with her. Finally, they drifted back to earth to land in a boneless heap on the cot in the jail cell. Morgan let out a tiny laugh and Adrien smiled down at her, perfect understanding shining from his eyes as they both shared a smile. It was the closest to heaven she had ever been, maybe ever would be.

  Chapter 10

  “Alright, you kids, you’re free to go.” Sheriff Mayhew’s voice called him out of his sleep and he groggily blinked open his eyes. He looked up from the cot he was still laying on to the very same sheriff that had locked them up the night before, grinning down at him like a maniac. Adrien put a finger to his lips, gesturing for quiet as Morgan was still asleep beside him. He knew she was a deep sleeper but still, he wasn’t ready to wake her just yet. Wasn’t ready to go back to the way things had been the past terrible week.

  Carefully, he extricated himself from Morgan’s arm and padded over on bare feet until he reached the bars still keeping them enclosed.

  “Sheriff, what are you doing here?” He whispered the words as softly as he could, glancing back to make sure Morgan was still sleeping peacefully behind him. The officer took out the key ring, gently unlocking the metal lock that held the gate of the cell shut and nodded in Adrien’s direction.

  “You guys are free. I’m releasing you. Figure you’ve had enough time to work out whatever problems you had, and from what Grant said, there was plenty. But it looks like you’ve made some progress, eh?” He grinned again, looking from Adrien to Morgan and back again.

  “Wait a minute, Grant put you up to this?” Adrien asked quietly, but he couldn’t quite make himself be upset with his friend. He just shook his head ruefully as the sheriff turned away with a guilty shrug. “Thanks, Mayhew. I owe you one.”

  The sheriff just gave him one last grin before walking out of the otherwise empty office, leaving Adrien to shake his head in bewilderment. He didn’t know whether to be upset or not. He took one look back a the still sleeping Morgan, and decided he owed his friend a beer, or maybe several, for the incredible night they’d shared.

  “Adrien?” Morgan’s sleepy voice shivered through his body like warm honey melting over him.

  “Hey, I’m here, babe.” He slowly walked back over to the cot, drawing her up and into his arms, loving the feel as she leaned bonelessly against him, trusting him. Suddenly, she stiffened in his arms and he knew. He just knew that she was remembering everything that had happened and he wish he could take it all back, even though he knew he couldn’t.

  “Morgan, wait,” he said quickly when she tried to back away, but he held her tight in his arms. “Give me a chance. Please? Let me show you the truth. Let me show you who I really am. No lies. I promise.” She stared up at him with her big, gemstone colored eyes and he could barely breathe under the weight of that stare.

  “The truth?” She finally asked.

  “The whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Adrien mocked crossing his heart with a finger, drawing a small smile from her and he felt like he had just one a million dollars.

  “One chance.” Morgan said, and couldn’t hold back the smile of his own that spread across his face. Arm in arm, they headed out of the police office and out into the sweet late summer sunshine. Adrien felt a glimmer of hope for the first time since that awful day in the cabin.

  Neither of them noticed the tall, broad shouldered man staring after them from the shadows of the tree line. If they had, they would have felt a shiver of fear at the look of pure hate glowing in his eyes just before he seemed to shift and disappear into the woods leaving nothing behind but the tracks of a large bear.

  Harris growled deep and low in his throat, the sound eerily like an animal hunting down prey that just got away. Full of rage and desperation.

  “How the hell did this happen!” He grabbed the nearest thing, a silver plated cup that had belonged to the tribe for centuries, and hurled it across the room to hit against the wall with a sharp, metallic clank that rang through the space. Harris turned on Theo, advancing on the larger bear, his anger making him less cautious and more reckless than normal. “Explain it to me, cub!”

  Harris hurled the insult at his right hand man, his vision red at the knowledge that the little whore Morgan had weaseled her way back in with Adrien. Somehow, despite everything he had done to keep them apart, they had found their way back together again. His temper flared at the thought and he slammed his fist down on the surface of the wooden table, leaving behind a splintered ruin where his hand had connected.
  “Cub, Harris?” He didn’t even notice the emphasis Theo put on the word as he hissed it out between clenched teeth. His rambling thoughts were already tripping over themselves, trying to devise the next scheme that would keep him on his new throne and firmly in the position of power. He had heard the rumors beginning to be whispered amongst the tribe. That he was growing unstable. That he wasn’t strong enough to lead them, to keep them protected.

  “I am strong enough,” Harris whispered the words to himself, mumbling slightly.

  “What was that?” Theo asked, his face still red with suppressed anger but his voice deceptively mild. He would be patient, he would wait until the time was right, then he would strike. He was good at being patient.

  Harris finally took notice and turned toward his second in command. Suddenly it clicked, the idea powering into his brain like it was fate. Destiny. Meant to be.

  “Theo. It’s perfect.”

  “What is, Harris?” He didn’t even try and keep the disdain out of his voice as he spoke, but Harris didn’t hear. He was too far gone to notice much of anything unless it interfered with his plans. And Morgan had done more than that. Much more.

  “Theo, I need you to take care of our little problem.” Harris could barely keep the glee off of his face, his rage turning to joy frighteningly fast.

  “What problem is that?” Theo asked, his tone bored as he looked around.

  “That whore of Adrien’s. I want you to…deal with her.” Harris’ words had him perking up in interest and he turned to his leader.

  “Deal with her how?” Theo was practically licking his lips at the thoughts that were suddenly tumbling through the black spaces of his mind. Harris grinned then, and Theo grinned right along with him.

  “However you want. Just make sure she doesn’t come back this time.”


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