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Their Temporary Sub [The Doms of Club Mystique 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Mardi Maxwell

She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. It was probably better this way, she thought. She would have just embarrassed herself by running away if they had tried to fuck her. Sighing, she curled onto her side and hugged her knees to her chest. A few minutes later, she got up, locked the door, then grabbed her tote bag and carried it into the bathroom with her. She locked the bathroom door then found her father’s gun and wrapped it in a towel and put it within reach while she showered. After drying off she dressed in loose black pants and a black T-shirt then placed a pair of soft-soled shoes next to the bed. She placed the gun on the bedside table then grasped her father’s lethally sharp knife and slid her hand beneath her pillow.

  A few minutes later, she realized she was crying. She never, ever cried. Tears wouldn’t bring her dad back and they wouldn’t wipe out the memory of being raped. She traced the nick on the handle of the knife with her finger. It had been made by a bullet that would have killed him if it hadn’t hit the handle and ricocheted away from him. The knife had saved his life. When she held it she remembered him telling her that story and how much he had loved her. She should have loved him enough to keep the truth from him. If she had he would still be alive. She smothered her sobs in the pillow and cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  Two days later, Cassie knocked on the den door and waited until she heard a masculine voice give her permission to enter. She turned the knob then leaned in and looked around the room before committing herself to entering. Cade sat behind a desk with Addison perched on the corner. Her bare legs were crossed and one tiny foot swung back and forth as she smiled and waved hello. Cassie breathed a sigh of relief and stepped into the room as Jackson leaned around the edge of a large wingback chair and sent her a welcoming smile. Jenna got up from the matching chair, stepped over to him, and slid onto his lap.

  “Have a seat, Cassie.” Cade pointed to the chair Jenna had just vacated. “We were just talking about where Thor and I want to locate the new office building.”

  Cassie glanced around, relieved that Luc and Logan weren’t present, and perched on the edge of the chair. She smiled at Cade then Addison and finally Jackson and Jenna. “Have you heard from Thor?”

  “Yes. He said for you to e-mail him a list of the things you’ll need and he’ll bring them when he returns in a few days.”

  Cassie nodded and accepted that she wasn’t getting away from the Ramseys any time soon. “So, you’ve decided to build the new office here at the ranch?”

  “Yes. Somewhere between here and Club Mystique so we can combine the security of the ranch, the club, and the agency into one office,” Jackson said.

  “That’s a good idea,” Cassie said. “How many people are going to work at the new office and where are they going to live? Does Rendezvous have enough housing?”

  Jackson laughed. “Told you, big brother. This is why Thor wanted Cassie to stay. She pays attention to the details.”

  Cade glanced at Jackson and nodded then grabbed Addison’s foot and swiveled her around until she faced him. “I want you to make a list of contacts for Cassie.” He handed her a notebook and a pen then turned back to Cassie. “I need you to keep us organized and on track. Set up a way to keep track of the building project from architect to builder to interior designer up to the move-in date. Once we decide on the personnel, I’ll want you to hire a local real estate agent to help with housing.” He glanced at Addison and she wrote something on the paper then smiled at him. “If there isn’t enough housing in town then we’ll build some housing out by the new office. There’s plenty of land.”

  “It might be a better idea to go ahead and get that housing project started,” Jackson said. “I’d put the housing on the paved road that goes to the back of Harry’s Truck Stop on the interstate. That would put the staff close to the office and within three miles of the air field. It would also keep traffic off the main road from Rendezvous to the ranch and Club Mystique.”

  Jenna sat forward. “I think we should consider helping the new doctor in town build a better clinic between town and the ranch. After working with the contractors who are remodeling the old clinic I’ve decided it needs to be condemned.” She looked at Cade. “You’d have a nice state-of-the-art medical clinic with a trauma surgeon turned family practitioner right on your doorstep. What could be better?”

  “Not to mention an excellent emergency room nurse,” Addison said, smiling at Jenna then looking at Cade. “You said you wanted to develop that land on this side of Rendezvous. Start with a new clinic and other businesses will follow.”

  “Good idea, angel.” Jackson snuggled Jenna closer and kissed her forehead.

  “It’s a good idea.” Cade sat back, a frown on his face. “Jenna, invite the new doctor and his wife to dinner in three weeks so we can discuss it with him. Cassie, I want you to contact Jacob Daniels. His company does commercial and residential construction. Thor and I agreed he’s the best architect for this project and we trust him with the construction. Tell him I want to meet with him to discuss a new office building and a small housing development. I’ll handle the details.” He glared at Addison then hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her down onto his lap. “You will not speak to him, Addison. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Cassie looked down, avoiding Cade’s eyes. She had not only been present the night Mark and Sherry Carlisle had taken Addison to Club Elysium, she had shown her around the club so she could see first-hand what the D/s lifestyle was about. She had also been present when Mark Carlisle had arranged for Jacob Daniels and Vincent Vitale to give Addison her first erotic spanking. Apparently Cade was still pissed off about that. Looking up, she saw Cade’s eyes on her and knew he knew the part she had played that night. She blushed then paled, but quickly reminded herself that Cade had a reputation as a good Dom. If he was upset with her, he would have told her and given her a chance to earn his forgiveness.

  “There’s a small office next to this one,” Cade said. “It was supposed to be Addison’s but she’s decided she prefers to invade mine so you can use it. You should find everything you need in there. The phone and computer systems are secure. If you need anything else, let me know.”

  “Okay, thank you, Cade.” Cassie stood up, eager to escape as she headed for the door and freedom.


  Turning back, she recognized the serious expression on Cade’s face and lowered her eyes, knowing she wasn’t going to like whatever he had to say. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Thor, Jackson, and I have respected your privacy. Luc and Logan won’t. I wanted to make sure you realized that.”

  “There’s nothing going on between us,” she said.

  Jackson laughed. “Baby girl, those two boys have a sweet tooth and you’re pure sugar. Neither one of them is going to be able to stay away from you.”

  “I earned the punishment and that’s over now.” Cassie shrugged. “It won’t happen again.”

  Cade snorted. “If that’s the way you want to play this out then do that but never let it be said we didn’t warn you.”

  Jackson smiled. “Remember Luc and Logan were Marines and served in the same capacity as your dad, Thor, and I. Don’t ever underestimate them, Cassie. If they decide they want you, nothing will stop them.”

  “Then they’ll be very frustrated. I have a safe word and I know when to use it.” Seeing Jackson’s dark brow fly up she quickly added, “Sir.”

  Addison jumped up from Cade’s lap and hurried over to Cassie. “I’m going to show Cassie her new office.”

  “I’m going to help her.” Jenna rose from Jackson’s lap then bent down and gave him a little smacking kiss. She joined Addison and Cassie then urged them out of the room.

  “Whew.” Addison brushed her hand over her forehead. “That was a narrow escape.”

  “Men.” Jenna laughed quietly. “I think Cade and Jackson are actually miffed that you don’t want to play with Luc and Logan, Cassie.”

e nodded her head and smiled. “Like I’ve refused a play date with their lethal little toddlers.” She giggled, then burst into laughter.

  Addison giggled then got serious. “They are lethal. You have no idea.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Jenna asked.

  “I gather information—I don’t release it.” Addison grabbed Cassie’s hand. “Come on, let’s go swimming. Cade and Jackson kept you busy all day yesterday, but I have two hours to swim before I’m banned from the pool until four.”

  “I’m supposed to call Jacob Daniels,” Cassie said.

  “You can do that later. Jacob’s not going to make an appointment for today anyway. Come on, live a little.” She pulled Cassie toward the stairs. “Jenna’s going swimming with us. Aren’t you Jenna?”

  “I guess I am now that you’ve said I am. I’ll meet you at the pool. I’m going to ask Jane to fix us a pitcher of tea.”

  “Okay.” Addison climbed the stairs with Cassie on her heels. “Do you have a suit with you, Cassie? If not, I can loan you one.”

  “I didn’t bring one but I’ve seen the suits you wear, so no thanks. I’ll just wear a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.”

  Addison laughed. “I only wear those scandalous bikinis to get Cade’s attention. I actually have several brand new one-piece racing suits. In fact, I have a dark aqua one that will look beautiful on you. You’ll look like a peacock with your golden hair and eyes.”

  “I accept even though peacocks are males. The females are called peahens and they’re plainer.”

  “Yes, so they can hide from the horny males,” Addison said with a wink.

  Cassie laughed and followed Addison through her bedroom and into her closet where she pulled out a bathing suit still in its wrapper.

  “Thanks, Addison. I’ll buy you a replacement.”

  “No need.” Addison pulled the drawer open. “I have one in every color. I don’t think I’ll miss that one. Besides in a few months I won’t be able to get into any of these.” She ran her hand over her tummy then looked up and smiled at Cassie.

  “I’m really happy for you and Cade, Addison. All your dreams are coming true. You got the man you love, a wedding in six days, and a baby on the way.”

  Addison nodded then her hand flew up to her mouth and she ran for the bathroom. Cassie grimaced and followed her, hoping she hadn’t had strawberry ice cream and spinach for breakfast. She had just gathered Addison’s hair and lifted it out of the way when she sensed a movement behind her. She whipped her head around, saw Cade, and breathed a sigh of relief. He gave her an odd searching glance then grabbed a washcloth and wet it.

  “Baby, you okay?” he asked Addison.

  “Y–yes,” Addison said, then added, “No. I don’t think I want any more ice cream and spinach.”

  Cade smiled, then helped her stand. Seeing the swimsuit Cassie held, he said, “I’ll help Addison get changed then I’ll bring her down to the pool.”

  “Okay.” Cassie held the swimsuit against her belly, hiding behind it as she edged back away from him. “If you need anything I’ll be in my room changing.” She turned around but managed a small smile when she heard Cade ask Addison if Limo was making her sick. It was the funny name they had given their child since he or she had been conceived in the back of a limo after Addison had been returned to Cade by Juan Rios. Giggling to herself, she thought that must have been some ride home.

  Deciding she better hurry, she rushed to her room, changed into the suit, and grabbed a long T-shirt that had once belonged to her father. She pulled it on over her head then smoothed it down her body. It fell nearly to her knees. The material was worn thin. The color was faded, the Marine Corp insignia nearly washed away, but she loved wearing it. Her father had always worn this shirt when he worked on his car. The car she still drove, a 1969 sports car that went too fast and used too much fuel. She’d been offered huge sums of money for that car but she knew she’d never part with it. Cassie gathered the shirt in her hands and held it to her nose. Sometimes she thought she could still smell the scent of the pipe tobacco her father had smoked.

  After several moments, she heard laughter and wandered to the window and saw Addison and Jenna sitting at a table by the pool and knew she had lost more time again. The zone outs had begun happening more frequently and they seemed to be lasting for longer periods of time lately. After one, she would sometimes find herself with a sketchpad in hand while she drew bits and pieces of objects she couldn’t identify or a word or phrase would stay with her and echo in her thoughts for days. She glanced out the window again and saw Jenna pouring three glasses of iced tea while Addison slathered on sunscreen. Cassie left her room and hurried down the stairs and out the backdoor. She waved back at Addison then pulled her T-shirt off and laid it on a chair before she jumped into the deep end of the pool. When she surfaced, she swam to the side and grasped the edge. “This feels really wonderful, Addison. I’m glad you suggested it.”

  Jenna stood up, grabbed two air mattresses, and walked down the steps into the water. When it was up to her waist, she floated one of the mattresses toward Cassie as she climbed onto the other one. “Addison just wanted to get you alone so she could ask you about the other night with Luc and Logan.”

  Addison laughed then dropped the bottle of sunscreen. She grabbed her own air mattress and joined them. “That’s right. Information is power. So empower me, Cassie.”

  Cassie giggled and the three of them moved until they were lying on their bellies, floating and facing each other. “Well, I can tell you they definitely use all those silent signals to communicate with each other when they play.”

  “And—” Addison made a “go on” gesture.

  “They’re certainly, uh.” Cassie blushed, then stammered, “A team. Very smooth and they really cooperate with each other. In fact, you could almost say it’s like there’s really only one of them.”

  Jenna laughed. “It sounds like the rumors we’ve heard are true, Addison.”

  Addison nodded then giggled. “We’ve heard they play this sort of copycat game. One of them does something and the other one has to copy it.” Addison giggled again when she saw Cassie’s blush.

  Cassie sent a small splash toward Addison and Jenna. “It was wonderfully horrible. And very, very frustrating.”

  “Oh, no, don’t say they wouldn’t let you come.” Addison looked scandalized. “That’s just mean. I hate it when Cade does that.”

  “Cassie’s going to learn to hate it, too,” Logan said from the side of the pool where he, Luc, Cade, and Jackson stood listening to the three women.

  Cassie squeaked a protest and flailed her arms. She fell off the air mattress and swallowed a mouthful of pool water. The wave she made rocked Jenna and Addison’s mattresses, but they managed to slip off and find their balance before going under. Cassie surfaced, coughed and then wiped the water from her face as she glared at Luc and Logan.

  “You shouldn’t sneak up on us like that,” Jenna said, trying to bluff her way through. “You nearly drowned poor Cassie.”

  Logan planted his hands on his hips and glared at Cassie. “Poor Cassie, my ass.”

  “Cassandra, get your ass up here, now.” Luc held his hand out to her.

  “Jenna, front and center.” Jackson pointed to the tiles in front of him.

  “Addison, I’ve just spent ten minutes on the phone with Doc Marshall and he says I can spank your ass as long as I’m careful. So, come here.” Cade folded his arms across his chest.

  The three women huddled together and moved into deeper water.

  “You really shouldn’t listen to other people’s conversations, Cade,” Addison said. “I never hear anything good about you.”

  Luc moved down the side of the pool until his shadow fell over Cassie. “Out, now, Cassandra.”

  “Why? I haven’t done anything,” Cassie said, her eyes flying to Luc’s hands as he rested them on his wide leather belt.

  “Were you gossiping about the other night with Addi
son and Jenna?” Logan moved to stand by Luc.

  “She wasn’t telling us anything we didn’t already sort of know,” Jenna said and Addison nodded in agreement.

  “Cassie can speak for herself,” Logan said. “Cassie, were you gossiping with Addison and Jenna?”

  Cassie shook her head, her eyes locked on Luc’s hands. “N–no,” she said, beginning to panic at the thought of Luc using his belt on her. She covered her chest with her hand, feeling her heart racing as her throat tightened with fear.

  “Cassandra, you just lied to us,” Luc said, his voice flinty as he moved a hand to his belt buckle. “Don’t make me come in there and get you.”

  Cassie shook her head even as she obeyed Luc’s command. She wanted to trust them but she had run out of hope long ago. Heart racing, her breaths coming faster, she reached the side of the pool and looked up at Luc and Logan. She didn’t know what she wanted to say to them. Before she could figure it out, Luc reached down, grabbed her wrists, and lifted her out of the water. Logan threw a towel over her head and began rubbing the water from her hair while Luc held her wrists, restraining her movements, and all hell broke loose.

  Cassie screamed and struck out, her knee caught Luc on the inside of his left thigh as her fingernails gouged into his wrists. He released her and she swept her foot out and gave him a hard shove before she turned to face Logan. Behind her, Luc splashed into the pool as she kicked Logan in the stomach then grabbed him and shoved him toward the pool. He fell, knocking into Luc as he was hauling himself out and the two of them splashed down into the water together. Having fought, Cassie’s flight instinct kicked in and she ran. Seconds later she disappeared around the corner of the house. Behind her Luc and Logan hauled themselves out of the pool and took off after her.

  Heart pounding and panting with fear, Cassie ran across the ranch yard, leaving a trail of chaos behind her as she spooked several horses that were being groomed by the ranch hands. She ducked into the first open door she saw and ran down the stall-lined corridor. Realizing she had trapped herself, she stopped and looked around. Soft sobs left her mouth as she bent over and tried to catch her breath.


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