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Their Temporary Sub [The Doms of Club Mystique 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Mardi Maxwell

  Logan smiled then looked down at Cassie’s still face. “Dozing.”

  Luc lounged back in the corner of the couch with his legs stretched out and his ankles crossed. He laid his head back and closed his eyes. A moment later, he reached over and took Cassie out of Logan’s arms. He turned her until she faced Logan, then smoothed her hair with his hand. “Are her feet cold?”

  Logan reached over, felt her toes, and then tucked the blanket around her feet. He took a sip of water then leaned back in his corner of the couch and laughed. Luc sent him a questioning look and he said, “I just realized this is the first time I’ve ever done a scene in the club and not been aware of the crowd watching us.”

  Luc looked out into the main room. Several people watched them, and he caught others looking away. He looked down at Cassie then back at Logan. “Let’s go home.”

  “It’s early yet.”

  “I’m taking Cassandra home.” Luc stood up. “You can come or not.”

  “No, I’m coming.” Logan capped the water bottle then rose. “I’ll tell Hank he’s in charge.”

  “I’ll meet you at your truck.” Luc carried Cassie to the private entrance he and his brothers used and strode to Logan’s truck.

  Cassie stirred in his arms and looked up at him. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re going home.”

  “Okay.” She snuggled against him then buried her head against his neck. She sniffed him then licked him, once, then again.

  “Baby, you keep that up and I’m going to fuck you again.”

  “Okay,” Cassie breathed against his neck.

  The word had barely left her lips before the blanket was on the ground and he had her shoved up against the side of the truck. He unbuttoned his jeans and shoved them down just far enough to expose his dick before he pulled her legs around his waist and thrust into her. He lowered his forehead to her shoulder and froze. “God, baby, you feel so good.” He grasped the back of her neck and devoured her mouth as he thrust into her. After several deep strokes he tugged her head back and stared into her eyes as he made sure each stroke slid over her G-spot.

  “Oh, my god, Luc—”

  “Come now, Cassandra.”

  The walls of her pussy rippled and pulsed around him. He pushed in deep and held back his own orgasm for another moment before he gave in and let the pleasure slam through him. Cassie smiled at him as she caught her breath and he kissed her then turned his head and looked at Logan.

  “Really, bro, you couldn’t wait for me?” Logan asked, before he got into the truck and slammed the door.

  Luc rested his head on Cassie’s shoulder then threw his head back and laughed before he set her on the hood of the truck while he fastened his pants. Still grinning, he picked up the blanket, shook it out, and wrapped it around her before picking her up and climbing into the truck.

  Logan glanced at them, opened his door, and walked around the truck and opened Luc’s door. “Give her to me. It’s my turn to hold her. You drive.”

  Luc handed Cassie over then got behind the wheel while Logan arranged Cassie on his lap.

  Logan uncapped a water bottle then held it to Cassie’s lips. Cassie took a sip, then smiled. “That’s good.”

  “Did greedy old Luc hurt your pussy, sugar?”

  Cassie choked, then coughed. “Logan!”

  “Did he?”

  Luc caught Cassie’s attention. “He really wants to know if you’re okay because he wants to fuck you.”

  Cassie giggled then dropped the sheet and said, “Okay.” She turned on Logan’s lap, straddled his legs, then reached for his jeans, but stopped and looked into his eyes. “May I, Sir?”

  “Yes, sugar.”

  Cassie unbuttoned his jeans then slowly lowered his zipper. Logan lifted up and pushed them down until his cock was exposed.

  “Damn, sugar. It’s been years since I’ve done this in a truck,” Logan said.

  Cassie stroked his cock then squeezed the mushroom-shaped head. “I’ve never done it in a truck.” She leaned forward and kissed him.

  Logan scooted down in the seat then lifted her and let her own weight impale her. Cassie threw her head back and a long, drawn out moan of pleasure hummed from her lips. “Oh, Logan. You feel so good inside me.”

  Logan groaned. “Damn, baby, I love a dirty talking woman.”

  Cassie smiled. “Oh, Logan, your cock is so big and it feels so huge. I just want you and Luc to fuck me all the time.”

  Luc groaned and Logan laughed then held Cassie by the waist and pumped up into her. “Get us home, Luc.”

  Luc backed the truck away from the building then took off down the drive, slowed at the end, and turned toward their house. Less than three minutes later he pulled the truck to a stop, left the keys in the ignition, and jumped from the truck. By the time he got around it, Logan had Cassie out of the truck and pushed up against the side as he thrust into her.

  Cassie pumped her hips against Logan then threw her head back and wailed her pleasure to the stars. A moment later, Logan came and shouted her name as he collapsed against her.

  “Squashing me,” she gasped then wiggled as she tried to get her breath.

  Logan managed to turn until his back was against the side of the truck. “Take her, bro.”

  Luc wrapped the blanket around Cassie then walked toward the house. Logan followed behind them then laughed when Cassie wrapped her arms around Luc and giggled. “I feel so good.”

  Luc kissed her nose, then stepped into the house. “Are you hungry, Cassie?”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe.”

  Logan activated the alarm. “I’ll grab some stuff from the fridge and bring it up. She needs to drink some water, too.”

  “I’ll get her showered and in bed.”

  “I’ll let you,” Cassie said, then giggled again and laid her head on Luc’s shoulder. By the time he reached the top of the stairs, she was asleep.

  Chapter Five

  Cassie stretched, then opened her eyes and smiled. She was in Luc and Logan’s bedroom. She scooted up in the bed and looked around, then felt the sheets on either side of her. They were cold and she wondered how long they had been awake. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table and threw back the covers when she saw that is was after nine.

  Gathering clothes, she hurried into the bathroom, showered, dried her hair, then dressed and hurried down the stairs and rushed into the kitchen. It was empty but the coffee was still on. She got herself a cup, added cream and sugar, then went hunting for Luc and Logan. She wandered toward their study, heard voices, and pushed the door open and stepped inside.

  Luc and Logan sat at their desks across from each other, while Cade, Jackson, Ben, and Mac sat on the four chairs in the large area between the desks. Thor stood at the window with his back to the room. He turned at her entrance, glanced at her, then turned back to the window.

  “Logan?” she asked, suddenly scared. “What’s happened?” When he didn’t answer, she turned to Luc. “Luc?”

  Thor turned around. “Sit down, Cassandra.”

  Cassie sat down on the chair in front of Luc’s desk then set her coffee down before she looked at him again. Luc’s eyes were cold and hard, and she knew in her heart he and Logan had somehow found out the truth.

  Luc swiveled his chair to the side until he was facing Thor. “Let’s get this over with so you can get her the hell out of here.”

  “I can explain,” Cassie said.

  “We’d have a hard time believing anything you have to say at this point,” Logan said. “It’s hard to know when a liar is telling the truth.”

  “We agreed I would handle this,” Thor said to Luc and Logan before he turned back to Cassie. “I received a DVD in the mail at my office yesterday. I’ve shown it to the Ramseys.” The TV came on and the DVD began playing. It showed a seventeen-year-old version of her standing at a kitchen counter with a man whose back was to the camera. She was talking to him, laughing, while he tried to
open the box she had just set down on his counter. He finally managed to tear the box open and several small plastic bags filled with what looked like a white powder fell out of it.

  Thor paused the player and Cassie bit her lip and fought back the tears that wanted to fall. Before she could say anything he asked her, “Do you know the man in the recording, Cassandra?”

  She nodded. “His name is Mike. I never knew his last name.” She didn’t realize that by admitting she knew him she had just sealed her fate as far as Luc and Logan were concerned.

  “Was he one of the men who abducted you?” Thor asked,

  “No,” she said, so scared she was shaking. “They were older. Mike was in his early twenties, like Jimmy.”

  “Who is Jimmy?” Thor asked.

  “He was Julia’s boyfriend,” Cassie said, scooting forward until she was perched on the edge of the chair. She glanced at Luc then Logan, then back at Thor. “I know this looks bad but I was going to tell Luc and Logan today. I swear.”

  “You didn’t answer my question, Cassandra,” Thor said. “Who are these people? Julia and Jimmy?”

  “Julia moved into my neighborhood while you and my dad and Jackson were deployed. We became friends. Jimmy was her boyfriend, but they called him Ice.”

  “Of course, they did,” Luc said. “As in crystal meth.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Cassie said, defending herself. “Sometimes he would have Julia deliver packages to his friends and I would be with her. One night she said she’d hurt her ankle and she asked me to take the package to Mike for her. That’s when that film”—she nodded toward the TV—“was made. Jimmy made it. He threatened us. He said if we didn’t deliver packages for him he would send the tape to the police.”

  “So, he had a film of Julia delivering packages, too?” Thor asked.

  “Yes—no, I don’t know. That’s what I thought then,” Cassie said, realizing with every word she said she was just making matters worse. “Please, just let me tell you what happened. What I remember about what happened. Please?”

  “So, you started delivering packages for Jimmy because he blackmailed you into working for him?” Logan asked, ignoring her request.

  “No, of course not. I tried to talk Julia into going to the police.”

  “But, somehow you just never managed to contact the police,” Luc said.

  “I didn’t have a chance to do that because later that night the men broke into Velma’s house and took me.” Cassie rubbed her temples and grimaced with pain. “They told me Julia had told them I wanted to go to the police.”

  Logan laughed, an ugly sound. “You just have an explanation for everything. Let’s see if you can explain this.” He nodded to Thor and Thor turned the DVD player on again.

  An older version of Julia popped up on the screen. She was sitting at a table across from two men in suits, one older and one younger. The older man said, “Ms. Wilson, I’m Special Agent Johnson and this is my partner Special Agent Lake. We’re with the FBI and we want to talk to you about a girl you may have known in Fort Worth—Cassandra Edwards.”

  On the film Julia started crying but nodded her head. “I knew her.”

  Agent Johnson asked Julia, “Did Cassandra Edwards introduce you to Jimmy Martin and Mike Smith?”

  “Yes. She lived in the neighborhood my family moved into when we moved from Chicago. I didn’t know her very well.”

  “How long did you know her before she introduced you to Jimmy Martin and Mike Smith?”

  “Only about three weeks,” Julia said, wiping the tears from her face then accepting the tissue Agent Lake offered her. “About a week later I went with her when she delivered a package to her boyfriend. She called him Tyson. I think that was his last name. I don’t know his first name. He was a lot older than me and I was afraid of him.”

  Cassie jumped up. “No, no, that isn’t true. She’s lying.” She turned to Thor. “She’s lying, Thor. I wouldn’t have done that. You know I wouldn’t have deliberately gotten involved with anything like that.”

  The video went on. Cassie stood stunned as Julia described what had happened eight years ago, but she twisted the facts and made Cassie appear to be the villain. On the screen Julia told the agents that she had been tricked into delivering drugs for Cassie, Tyson, and Mike.

  “How did they trick you?” Agent Johnson asked.

  “One night Cassie said she had hurt her ankle and she asked me to take a package to Mike. I did and while I was in his apartment he opened the box and some small, plastic bags filled with something white fell out of it. I knew what was in the packages because my dad works for the DEA and he’d talked to me about drugs. I was really scared and I got out of there. Tyson and Cassie had recorded the whole thing and they showed me the tape. They threatened to send the video to the police if I didn’t deliver other things for them.”

  “What kind of things?” Agent Lake asked.

  “I don’t know. Just small boxes. One night they drove me to a park and had me leave a package in the branches of a tree by the lake. That was the night they did this.” On the film Julia pulled up her shirt and showed the two agents a scar on her side. “Tyson said he didn’t trust me and then he stabbed me. Cassie was there and she laughed when he threw me in the ditch and left me for dead. She said ‘good riddance to cheap crap’ before they drove off. I’ll never forget the sound of her voice saying that.” On the film Julia’s crying increased until she was sobbing.

  “Oh, my, god,” Cassie said, falling back into the chair. That phrase had been her father’s go-to statement whenever he had worked on anything that he considered below standards. But how had Julia known that? “I don’t understand? I never told her my dad said that.” Tears glazed her eyes as she looked at the faces of the men in the room. “Thor?”

  “You have to tell me the truth now, Cassandra. You know too much and these men are hunting you. They want to kill you and I can’t protect you if you don’t tell me the truth.”

  “But, that’s the lie.” Cassie stood and pointed at the TV. “Everything Julia said is a lie. All those things she said I did were the things she did.”

  “Dammit, Cassandra, do you think I don’t want to believe you?” Thor paced from one side of the room to the other then stopped in front of her. “Julia’s father, Don Wilson, works for the DEA. He’d been transferred to Texas from Chicago. He and his family had to be transferred again when you got Julia involved with you and your boyfriend.” Thor turned away, ran his hands over his face, then turned back to her. “Your dad was my best friend. He died because of your involvement with these people, Cassandra. You owe him, and us, the truth. I’ll try to protect you as much as I can.”

  She couldn’t believe Thor wouldn’t even give her the chance to explain what had happened. She looked at Luc then at Logan. Both of them had their chairs turned away from her and she knew they had already decided she was guilty. She backed away from them, moving closer to the door. “You’re wrong. You’re all wrong. I’m leaving.”

  Logan rose to stop her but Luc stopped him. “Let her go, Logan.”

  “She can’t just walk away from this,” Logan said.

  “Cassandra, you can’t leave,” Thor said, his voice full of sorrow but determined. “One way or the other we’re getting the truth out of you. Once we’ve made sure these guys can’t get to you I’m turning you over to the police.”

  Cassie ran out into the hallway, stopped, then looked around. She didn’t know what to do, where to go. She sank to the bottom step of the stairway and bent over her knees as silent tears slid down her cheeks. In the study the men continued to argue. She got up and ran outside then remembered she didn’t have her tote with her and decided to hell with it. She ran over to the car and knelt down by the front tire and felt around the wheel well until she found the small magnetic box she kept there with a spare key in it. She grabbed the key, dropped the box to the ground, and unlocked the car door. When she tried to start the engine nothing happened. She tried ag
ain then again. She got out and raised the hood. The battery was gone.

  “Looking for something, pet?” Luc asked from behind her.

  Cassie spun around, saw Luc and Logan, and glared at them. “I’m leaving.”

  “Go back into the house,” Logan said.

  “You can’t make me stay here. I trusted you. You said you would protect me but you’ve betrayed me.”

  “You have five seconds to get back in the house,” Luc said.

  “Or what? You think you’re going to make me?” Cassie moved into a fighting stance that her father had taught her.

  Logan sighed and Luc smiled and she shivered with fear. Oh, my god, I’m going to die.

  “I’ve got this.” Luc moved forward. “Two choices—go into the house or I’ll take you there.”

  “Stop smiling,” Cassie said. “You’re scaring me.”

  “Don’t hurt her,” Logan said, stepping forward to intercept Luc.

  Luc cursed and turned his head to look at Logan and Cassie struck. She got in one solid punch before Luc had her on the ground, her arms behind her back. One large hand held her wrists while the other shielded her cheek from the rough surface of the drive.

  “Nice try, pet,” Luc said. “Ready to give up?”

  “Fuck you, Luc.”

  Luc leaned over her, his fingers tightening around her wrists, as he clenched his hand on the hair at her nape. “No, thanks, pet, just the thought of touching you again after I know you let those thugs fuck you makes me sick.”

  Before Cassie could say anything, Luc jerked her up from the ground and forcibly marched her toward the house. Cassie struggled and tried to get away from him. “I didn’t mean fuck you like I was going to fuck you—I meant fuck off.”

  Luc ignored her. “Until you tell us what we want to know—”

  “And, you’re locked up behind bars where you belong,” Logan said.

  “We’re not letting you out of our sight,” Luc said.

  “I’m not going to prison and you’re going to be sorry for being a bunch of dumbasses.” She saw Thor, Jackson, and Cade standing on the porch, listening to them. As Luc pulled her past Thor, she dug her heels into the porch and forced him to stop. She looked into Thor’s eyes. “They’re going to come after all of you now. You have to be careful.”


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