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Playing for Hearts

Page 17

by Debra Kayn

  In his mind, he opened his arms and she ran toward him as if the time apart had meant nothing. He stared down into the water, watching the lights play off the surface. His career, the press, and his dreams never entered the equation. It was just him and Shauna, the way it was always supposed to be.

  But she’d stayed in college, and he’d gone on to break records.

  He gained a reputation as a charmer. He knew how to work the press. They called him the golden boy. Every time he played, he won, and he got more attention.

  The only time he allowed himself to be the normal guy from Cottage Grove was around Shauna. He stood up. She’d forced him to remember, and accepted him with all his faults.

  The phone rang in the house. He walked through the sliding door, and leaned over to read the caller ID. Shauna.

  He reached out, snatched the phone off the counter, and pressed the button. “Shauna?”

  “Hey, you.” He could hear the contentment in her voice, and smiled. “I’ve been trying to get ahold of you all day.”

  He looked up at the ceiling. “Yeah, sorry. I’ve been busy. The center, the guys … How’re the events going?”

  “Oh, God. Better than I ever expected. The town is going crazy for the athletes and the money is rolling in.” She laughed softly. “The biggest draw for the crowd happens tomorrow though. They can’t wait to see you play. Me either.”

  “Good,” he whispered, wanting to change the subject. “I miss you.”

  A lengthy silence came across the phone. “I could come over,” she said.

  He groaned. “Sweetheart, it’s late. You’re beat.”

  “Tomorrow night? When this is all over?”

  He tapped his chest with his hand. “Definitely.”

  Shauna yawned. He chuckled. Nobody worked harder than her when she set her mind to doing something. She was wearing herself out.

  “Go to bed,” he whispered.


  He waited, but she remained on the line. “Shauna?”

  “Okay, I’m going to sleep. Love you.” She hung up the phone.

  He held the phone in front of him, staring at the keypad. Her admission of love came freely and naturally. He smiled, tossed the phone onto the counter, and headed to his room, taking the stairs two at a time. Tomorrow night couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter Thirty

  “He puts on a good show, doesn’t he?” John stood beside Shauna, gazing through the window out to the court where Grayson hammed it up for the kids who challenged him for the first match.

  “He’s great with them. Even when I took lessons from him, he always kept the kids entertained and interested in tennis.” She reached over and squeezed John’s hand. “How have you been?”

  “Good.” He glanced at her. “I’ve been keeping busy with the dogs. I’ve survived having my heart broken … ”

  “John, I — ”

  “I’m kidding.” He chuckled. “No, seriously. I’m fine. I never stood a chance with you, and I knew that. I do care about you, though. I’m happy you got what you wanted.”

  She turned and looked out at the man who meant everything to her. Warmth settled in her middle. Tonight, everything would be over and she’d be with Grayson.

  “How’s Blue?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid he’s not going to make the program.” John scratched his chest. “He’s more interested in gaining my attention than listening. I couldn’t hand him over to a new family if I don’t have confidence that he’ll do his job.”

  “What will you do with him?”

  “Rehome him. I don’t have time or space for any more dogs that can’t be trained for the handicap.”

  “Don’t.” She grabbed his arm. “I’ll take him.”

  “Seriously?” John raised his brows. “Have you moved back in with your dad?”

  She shook her head. “No, but I’m going to find a place to rent. I was going to get an apartment, but I’ll rent a house that’ll take pets … even if I have to move out of town farther to find cheaper rent. Can you hold on to him for a little longer?”

  “Sure.” He nodded. “I rather see him go to someone who’ll love him, and I know you would.”

  “Thank you.” She threw her arms around John. “You’ve made my day. I’m excited. I’ve never owned a pet before, but I’ll learn everything there is to know.”

  He laughed. “I can help you. It’s not hard.”

  A camera flashed. She ducked behind John.

  “What’s up with the pictures?” John looked over his shoulder.

  “I don’t know. They’ve been taking shots of me all day.” She peeked around him. “Earlier they asked me if I was dating Grayson, and a whole bunch of nosy questions.”

  “What did you say?”

  “The truth. I told them we’re very happy and I’ve loved him forever,” she said.

  “Must be an article they’re doing on the athletes. You might want to see if Grayson wants his private life broadcasted.” John moved her out of the way as the crowd shifted. “Looks like the last match is over, and the Riddly boy won against Miller. That’s good. He’s been aiming for a chance to play Grayson one on one. He’s damn good. I think he has a shot at going pro.”

  “That’s my cue. Help me clear out the area around the press table. Grayson’s promised the reporters a private interview before the final match.” She dragged John along behind her.

  Once everyone stood in front of the table, the press moved in and set up their cameras. Shauna looked at John and pursed her lips. The crew worked fast and efficiently, and she imagined they were used to battling the crowds to get a story, but she couldn’t imagine having them trail her every day.

  “Makes me glad I’m not famous.” John chuckled.

  “Me too,” she whispered.

  Mr. McMillian waved to her through the crowd and worked his way over. “Shauna, you’ve pulled off a wonderful feat bringing Cottage Grove back to life. The amount of people at this event alone will make a difference.”

  “Thank you.” She rubbed her arms. High praise coming from the man who hosted the biggest event of the year gave her goose bumps.

  “My wife and I were talking, and once this is over, we’d love to have you help organize a fundraiser for the hospital that we’re in charge of. It’ll be nothing elaborate, only twenty or so of our friends at a sit down dinner. Your idea to bring celebrity athletes in to help draw the tourists to our small town was absolutely brilliant.” He set his hand on her shoulder.

  “Oh, well I couldn’t have done it without Grayson. He — ”

  “Nonsense. Everyone is talking about it. From now on, when you call, people will come running.” He winked.

  “Thanks, I guess it won’t hurt to talk with — ”

  “Wonderful!” He smiled. “I’ll have Mrs. McMillian call you in a few days.”

  He left her with her mouth hanging open. What had just happened? Did the McMillians really want her help?

  “Breathe.” John laughed. “It wouldn’t do any good if you passed out in front of everyone.”

  “I can’t believe it. They want me?” She fanned her face with her hand. “Me? The wild child of Cottage Grove.”

  “Get used to it. You’ve made a name for yourself.” John leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I can’t stay. I need to get home and check on the dogs. This is your moment … congratulations.”

  She stood in a daze, and jumped when the microphone squelched. She turned toward Grayson, who stood behind the table, and smiled. He winked before turning his attention to the press.

  “I’m ready to start.” He nodded.

  “Mr. Schyler, was today’s event a sign that you’re coming out of retirement and getting back in the game?” An older man scribbled on a notepad.

  Grayson shook his head. “No. Cottage Grove is my home. I volunteered to participate in raising money to help boost the economy.”

  “Will you be playing in the Scottsdale tournament in Ireland in December?
” A tall, pretty woman with red hair almost purred.

  Shauna bit the inside of her cheek. She didn’t like the way the woman was scoping Grayson out one bit.

  “I will if you’ll be there?” Grayson grinned.

  “I’ll make sure I am.” She bowed her head.

  Score one for the other team, Shauna fumed. She glanced at the clock. The hands stood still. How long did these things take?

  “Speaking of dates. Who’s your latest girlfriend?” The tall man she recognized from the other night at Grayson’s leaned around her.

  “I’m not answering personal questions. Please keep all questions sport related.” Grayson gazed past her to the man hovering behind her.

  She scooted over, but there were too many people blocking her way.

  “Rumors are you’ve kept Shauna Marino tucked away, while you’ve paraded more than your fair share of beautiful women to the public.” The man pressed against her back, not letting her escape. “Have you finally decided to show the world the real man off the courts?”

  “You’re excused from the interview.” Grayson motioned Dominic and Gary to escort the man outside and away from the crowd.

  Heat flooded Shauna’s face, and she blinked rapidly to hide the pain of his denial. She understood his need to keep his private life private, but it still hurt.

  “Brian Landow has asked you to come back and play against him. Do you have any plans to pick up the racket for your old rivalry? Maybe give him one more chance to beat the champion?” asked a man over on the left.

  “No, but I’ve talked to Brian and invited him to come here to Cottage Grove and play me anytime he wants at my tennis center.” Grayson winked. “He hasn’t taken up the offer yet.”

  The crowd laughed. Shauna pulled the collar of her blouse away from her skin.

  “Cal State confirms that you paid for Shauna Marino’s tuition and sorority fees.” The tall man shuffled closer to Shauna and continued. “Why would you risk your career for a woman who has done nothing but plague you continually while you were training? An underaged girl who you spent a lot of time with on and off the court? Did you pay for Shauna Marino’s college education to keep her out of your life and to hide the scandal of having a relationship with a minor? Is she the reason you retired early?”

  The room roared, and Shauna covered her mouth. She stared up at Grayson, and saw him set the microphone down on the table and walk out the door leading to the courts. Someone laid a hand on her arm, and she turned.

  A flash went off, and she whirled around, pushing her way through the people. Dominic caught her hand, but she shook her head and pulled away. Was it really Grayson who’d sent her away from Cottage Grove?

  Outside, she tried to gather her breath and focus on what happened. She paced the walkway in front of the center. How could he do that to her?

  All this time, she’d thought her dad had scrimped and saved to give her an education when it was really Grayson who’d paid. She clenched her teeth together. How stupid could she be? Her dad struggled to break even his whole life. He couldn’t afford to send her to Cal State.

  She bunched her hands into fists. Grayson had played her. Not once had he forgiven her for all the past embarrassment she’d caused him. He’d waited, biding his time, until the moment was ripe to pay her back for all the trouble she’d caused him years ago. She’d fallen right into his hands by asking him to help with the benefit for the community. She’d brought the news crews, the reporters, to Cottage Grove, and he knew they’d investigate him. He didn’t care, because for once, he could embarrass her in front of the town, just the way she’d done to him so many times in the past.

  And he knew how much proving herself to the citizens meant to her. She’d confided everything, believing he was being honest. There was nothing scandalous about their friendship. He was her tennis coach. He was her friend.

  Damn him.

  He didn’t even have the guts to stand there and face her, but left the meeting to direct all the attention toward her.

  She turned and threw open the door. Everyone turned as she entered the lobby. She glanced through the window, assured that Grayson had started the match he’d promised as a finale to the fundraiser and lifted her chin.

  She wasn’t going to allow Grayson to shove her to the side and belittle their relationship. If the news crew wanted a story, she’d give them one. She’d already lost the respect she’d been striving for when she came back to Cottage Grove. Humiliating herself one more time to set the record straight wouldn’t matter when all the evidence was damning enough.

  “Ms. Marino, do you have a comment about the allegations that Grayson Schyler paid your way out of town after he’d run out of options to get rid of you? Can you contradict the statement and tell us the truth? Was there anything improper during your relationship when you were twelve years old and Grayson Schyler was a nineteen-year-old man? How about when you were sixteen and he was twenty-three and playing in his first Wimbledon tournament? Can you tell us when your relationship grew closer, when you became lovers?” The tall man thrust the microphone in her face.

  She stared past him as other reporters were busy writing or fighting into position to hear what she said. Straightening her shoulders, she stared into the camera. She wanted to throw the ugly truth out for the world to see. To gain sympathy. To vindicate what Grayson had done to her. To scream out how much she was hurting.

  The anger fizzled out of her. The quick temper and protective shell she’d surrounded herself in melted away, and a deep pain settled in her chest. She might never find love or someone who wanted her for who she was inside, but she wouldn’t pay the price for the way others reacted.

  Her mom’s abandonment was not her responsibility.

  Grayson’s denial and lies were not in her control.

  Her dad had lied.

  She stared into the camera. “I’ve done a lot of things in the past that I’m ashamed of, but that is my burden and embarrassment to live with. I realize now that Grayson did not intend to include me in his life, and my feelings for him were not reciprocated. I had a teenage crush on a professional tennis player, nothing else. I wish Grayson well with achieving his dreams and his hopes for Schyler’s Tennis Center. Cottage Grove is proud to be home to one of the world’s finest men.” She licked her lips. “I’d like to invite you all to stay and watch the finale match, but you’ll have to excuse me. As the head of Cottage Grove’s Chamber of Commerce, my job isn’t over until the day is complete and I can announce the event a success.”

  Ignoring the stunned silence, she walked past the counter and out the front doors. Empty and in shock, she climbed into her car and drove away. Her life had fallen apart when her mom left, but not even that compared to learning the truth today. Not only did Grayson throw her love back in her face, he’d lied to her. Her dad had lied to her. She’d lied to herself.

  Love does stop.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Shauna’s phone rang.

  She scooped it off the top of her desk and tossed it in the bottom drawer. For good measure, she found her keys and turned the lock. She wasn’t ready to talk with Grayson.

  As far as she cared, everything was out in the open and nothing he could say would heal the hurt he’d caused. She had even left a message at the tennis center at two o’clock in the morning, two days ago, when he wouldn’t be there to answer the phone, and asked him to please stop calling her. He only called more often.

  She glanced at the clock, stood, and grabbed her purse. On the way out of the office, she waved to Ella without stopping to talk. If she hurried, she’d make it early to meet the girls and could make her excuses and leave before the crowd grew too big at the Quayside.

  The curious stares and pitied looks she’d received only stung the wounds she already carried. In heels, she hurried along the sidewalk, gaze straight in front of her, arms swinging, pretending nothing was wrong. She could arrive at the lounge in five minutes, have a drink, and be home in less t
han an hour.

  A motorcycle roared around the corner. She groaned and walked faster. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop.

  Grayson not only stopped, he hopped the curb and rode right onto the sidewalk and cut off her escape. She moved to the side. He rolled forward into her path.

  She planted her fists on her hips. “Go away.”

  He removed his helmet at the same time he swung his leg off the bike. “We need to talk.”

  Sure, out here in public, where anyone could view the discussion and embarrass her more. She shook her head. That was so not happening.

  “Shauna … ” He reached for her and she stepped away. “Please. Let me explain.”

  “That’s not necessary.” She folded her arms, locking her purse against her chest. “I get it. You paid for my college, and even though you probably got to write it off as donating to charity, I will find some way to pay you back.”

  “Screw the money.” His brows lowered. “It was a gift.”

  She snorted. No, it was a painful lesson. One she’d never repeat. He failed at asking her to stay away, because she was too stubborn to listen. He had been forced to pay her way out of town.

  “Grayson, I’m going to be late. I have plans.” She swung her arm out to the side. “Excuse me.”

  “We’re not done.” Grayson’s hands dropped to his sides. “I miss you.”

  Her shoulders sagged before she caught herself. Lifting her chin, she gazed off to the side. “I need to go,” she whispered.

  “Okay, but we’re not finished. You hear me?” he whispered back.

  She swallowed hard and without answering, walked around his motorcycle and continued on her way to the Quayside. Willing herself not to look back, she counted her steps. One, two, three …

  Ten minutes later, Shauna regretted her decision to meet the girls for a drink. Her friends were trying to be kind, but they were driving her crazy. She understood they were concerned about her and wanted to help, but there wasn’t anything for them to do. She would recover and heal. In time, she might even be able to forget all about Grayson.

  Coming to the Quayside was not a good idea, considering Grayson was on a personal mission to talk with her and she was doing her best to avoid him. She knew asking him to stay away wasn’t enough. He’d ignored her wishes and as she sat down with Kate, Crista, and Diana, Grayson walked inside the restaurant as if he owned the place.


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