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Playing for Hearts

Page 57

by Debra Kayn

  Now that she thought about it, her stomach had been acting crazy since they’d driven back from Deadhorse. She’d thought it was hunger, cravings, and tried to fill the void with Doritos and red licorice, but she was insatiable. She was still hungry. For Gary.

  Jules shook her hands. “Angie…tell me.”

  She inhaled a shuddering breath, and sagged against her friend. “I think I want Gary.”

  There. She’d set her life in motion. There was no stopping her feelings now.

  Chapter Eight

  Gary stood between Angie and Jules inside the Metro, searching over the heads of the customers for an empty table. Angie glanced at Jules, and received a conspiracy wink in return.

  Angie ran her hand over her stomach and inhaled a shaky breath. It was time.

  After explaining to Jules earlier in the day about all the quivers, flip-flops, and tingles in her body lately when she was around Gary, and hearing Jules’s honest verdict in favor of her being unquestionably attracted to Gary, Angie had filled Jules in on her plan to test out her theory. This new fascination had to be tested and verified by an outside person. She couldn’t make a mistake, or she’d hurt one of the most important people in her life.

  Make that two important people. If her brother found out what was happening to her, what she planned to do to Gary, he’d kick her butt.

  Tonight, Jules would find ways to observe Gary and her together, scope him for any sign that he was returning her feelings, and if everything moved according to Angie’s prediction, Jules would put her stamp of approval on going forward. What Angie would do with the big push to move forward, putting the moves on Gary…well, she had no idea what she’d do.

  “There’s a table in the back, ladies.” Gary motioned Jules ahead of him, and put his hand on Angie’s back.

  Sign one. He wasn’t touching Jules. He was touching her. Angie’s nipples peaked. Definitely sign one.

  Angie leaned in closer and smiled up at Gary. He wasn’t looking at her, because he was busy parting the crowd and keeping her safely tucked against his side. Unaware if any of her old friends were at the club, she was content to stay with Gary.

  At the table, Gary held her chair and sat down on the same side, opposite of Jules. Angie bugged her eyes at her friend. Was this a sign?

  Paranoia crept up her spine. She’d known Gary longer. That was why he’d sit beside her. It wasn’t the first time. He often stood, sat, leaned against a wall when she was around. They were friends. Friends did that sort of thing.

  “What do you girls want to drink?” Gary leaned back in his chair and put his arm across the back of her chair.

  Her heart rate matched the music. Boom, boom, boom, bang!

  “Cosmo,” Jules said. “I can get my own though. Don’t worry about me.”

  “I’ve got it tonight. It’s Angie’s welcome home party.” Gary turned to Angie. “What do you want, honey?”

  Honey. Sign number two.

  It wasn’t the first time he used the endearment directed at her. Now that she thought about it, he said it a lot during their conversations. Only to her, and never Jules. How long had he known Jules? Three, four years? Certainly enough time to give her an endearment, right?

  She melted and leaned her shoulder into his side. “I’ll have the same, and a basket of chips with salsa…since you’re buying.”

  His body shook against her, and he lowered his mouth to her ear. “I’ll order you nachos topped with meat. The added protein will be good for you, since you refused dinner back at the condominium.”

  Of course she’d refused to eat with him. Her insides were a jumbled mess, and it wasn’t food she required.

  “Your concern for the size of my ass is touching,” she whispered back, grinning.

  He laughed, keeping his mouth at the side of her head. “Your ass is perfect. I’m more concerned about you having something in your stomach if you’re planning on drinking.”

  Bells rang in her head. Sign number three. He liked her ass.

  “I’ll make sure I share my nachos.” She leaned back and smiled. “If I’m going out of this life doing what I enjoy, I’d rather do it loaded in comfort food.”

  His smile fell and his mouth hardened. She glanced between him and Jules. Had she said something wrong?

  They were joking. She’d already told him she didn’t live off junk food alone. He couldn’t possibly be upset over her snack cravings, could he?

  “Hey.” Jules sat straighter and waved. “There’s a waitress.”

  While Gary ordered and his attention was off her, Angie mouthed what’s going on? to Jules. Jules shrugged, then she raised her eyebrows and held up a finger for her to wait. Angie settled back and tried to listen to the band. Her emotions were all over the place, making the task impossible.

  A new job. A new place to live. A new attraction. No wonder she craved junk food. Gary had no understanding of how a woman worked. She sucked in her breath. It wouldn’t surprise her if something big happened and her world exploded.

  The waitress returned. Angie smiled her thanks, and lifted the glass to her mouth at the same time Jules shoved the table, which bumped her elbow, and liquid sloshed out of her drink onto the front of her shirt.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry, Ang.” Jules scooped up the napkins on the table and shoved them at Gary. “I thought the tables were bolted down.”

  “It’s okay.” She pulled her shirt away from her bra, hoping to stop the wetness from going any further.

  Gary patted above her shirt on her chest. She let go of her shirt, watching his broad hand in fascination. Strong, thick, long fingers made the napkin all but hidden. She gasped as he went lower, dabbing at the front of her shirt, between her breasts. Her nipples constricted pleasurably and her gaze shot up to Gary’s face. He concentrated on the front of her, his gaze heated and intense.

  Her chest rose and fell, matching the crazed reaction to his touch. Barely aware of the others in the room or Jules watching the whole moment, she laid her hand atop Gary’s. He lifted his gaze and in that moment, she positively knew he had the same feelings as her. Without breaking his gaze, she leaned forward. He tossed the napkin, and brought his hand to the back of her neck, pulling her closer.

  “Honey?” he mumbled, his lips hovering over hers.

  She nodded slightly and moistened her lips, giving him permission to kiss her. Warmth from his breath settled over her, and she closed her eyes, waiting, wanting, wigging out because the only thing she wanted this second was Gary’s lips on hers.

  “Fuck,” he whispered.

  The rush of air from the curse opened her eyes. Gary scraped back his chair and left the table. She stared after him, unsure what happened. He was right there with her, feeling the same thing she was, and then he was gone.

  “Oh, girlfriend. That was the best almost kiss I have ever seen in my life. Pure movie scene.” Jules lifted her drink in the air. “Did you see the way he took control and pulled you toward him?”

  “Yeah,” she whispered, watching Gary talk to the bartender across the room and lean his elbows down on the counter. “Why did he leave?”

  “I don’t know, but forget about collecting the seven signs of attraction. The vehemence behind his actions shoved him right into the he’s-got-it-bad-for-you category.” Jules waved her hand in front of her face. “God, it’s hot in here. You two were steaming it up.”

  “Maybe he’s mad?” Angie tore her gaze away from Gary and looked to Jules. “There was nothing stopping him from kissing me. I even closed my eyes. I gave him every signal that I wanted him.”

  Jules blew out her cheeks and let the air go. “He’s fighting himself for some reason, but you can’t give up on him. You need to find out what he’s thinking. Maybe it’s something stupid like he’s worried about starting anything with you because football season starts soon. Or he’s looking for one night of slapping skin, and you live with him, so he’s trying to be a gentleman.”

  “That’s true.” She nodd
ed. “In three days, practice starts for him, and I start my new job. That’s probably it. I guess it’s bad timing on my part.”

  But what if his schedule wasn’t the problem? She’d asked him if he had a girlfriend, and he told her no. Beyond that, she had no idea what or who was involved in his life.

  “Do you want me to go talk with him?” Jules reached across the table and squeezed her hand.

  Angie inhaled deeply through her nose. “No. I’ll talk to him.”

  Gathering her courage, she stood from the table and wound her way across the club. She lost sight of Gary through the crowd, and excused herself through the groups gathered around the dance floor.

  Shoved from behind, she bumped into a man. “I’m sorry.”

  The man turned around. She smiled in delight and jumped into his arms. She hadn’t seen Dave Trand since she was laid off from work. He was one of her former clients.

  “How are you?” She stepped back to see him better. “Look at you. Your back doing better?”

  A few inches taller than her, he stood straight and confident. A grin lit up his face, and he held out his arms to the side, letting her get her fill of his body. She nodded, pleased with what she was seeing.

  He twisted at the waist. “I received a clean bill of health to return to work three weeks ago, and I’m giving all the credit to you. I couldn’t have made the progress without you helping me along the way.”

  After a severe car accident that broke the C5 vertebra, Dave came in to the spa and received a massage three times a week for over a year. She rubbed his arm, thrilled over the changes in Dave. “I’m so happy to hear that. Gosh, it’s great to see you. I’ve wondered how you were getting on, and you’ve made my day. Wonderful news.”

  He kissed her cheeks. “I heard about the job and the spa closing. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah.” She grinned. “Even better than okay. Starting Monday, I’m working with the Seattle Seahawks.”

  Dave rocked back on the heel of his shoes and laughed. “Well deserved. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. I’m excited and—”

  A hand hooked her elbow. She turned and found Gary standing beside her. “Dave, this is Gary Satchel, one of the—”

  “Only the best defenseman in the NFL.” Dave pumped Gary’s offered hand. “Nice to meet you, man.”

  “Same here.” Gary looked down at Angie. “Are you ready to go?”

  She racked her teeth over her bottom lip. “We haven’t been here very long, and I thought we’d spend some time listening to the band and dancing.”

  “I’ll let you two have your privacy.” Dave stepped back. “Great to see you again, Angie.”

  “You too.” She smiled, but when she turned back to Gary he was watching her closely. “What?”

  “You want to dance…we’ll dance.” Gary led her further out onto the floor.

  He swept her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist to keep her balance. He turned her into a spin, and she couldn’t grasp what he was doing.

  “You don’t dance,” she said, saying the first thing that popped into her head.

  She’d asked him before when they’d met up at the same club on the same night. Not once had he danced with her or any other woman that she knew about.

  He shrugged. “If you want to dance, I’ll be the one you dance with…not Dave whoever he is that you were hugging.”

  She stiffened and gazed up at his face. “Dave Trand is happily married, and a previous client of mine.”

  He grunted. “Doesn’t matter.”

  Dawning came swiftly. She giggled and held on to him tighter. “You’re jealous.”

  “No.” He gazed over her head. “I’m protective. Your brother placed you in my care, and I’d do anything for Drew. Including making sure you don’t go off with some guy you barely know—”

  “I’ve known Dave for over a year.” She grinned, loving the way he tried to explain away his reaction. “Drew even knows him.”

  “Well, Drew isn’t here, is he?” He dropped his chin to his chest and looked at her. “I thought you wanted to dance. We’re not moving.”

  That was true. They stood clutched in each other’s arms, their feet still, the music absent. She wiggled out of his embrace, grabbed his hand, and pulled him through the crowd. She wasn’t into making his life miserable. If he preferred to sit on the sidelines, she’d sit with him.

  Back at the table, Jules was gone. Angie’s pocket vibrated, and she pulled out her phone.

  Found Steph, we’re going to the Dax. Sorry. Make it right with G. Make it up to U later. XXOO

  She sighed and typed back. Loser. Call me tmrw.

  “What’s going on?” Gary sat down.

  She swiveled in her chair. “Jules left with Stephanie—remember her?”

  He nodded. “Blonde, crazy, and always wears that black hat.”

  “A beret. Yeah, that’s her. Jules dumped us.” She slouched. “I guess we can go home.”

  No more than twenty minutes later, after splitting the nachos between them, Gary ushered her to his car and they were driving back to his condominium in silence. The evening ended on a downer. She stared out the window and contemplated her next plan. Except, she had no idea which direction to go. Maybe she should forget about pursuing her feelings and concentrate on her new job instead.

  Chapter Nine

  What the hell am I doing?

  Gary stood in front of the window in his bedroom. He gazed out at the city lights, not seeing anything but his messed up life. He’d almost kissed Angie tonight.

  Always having gone after what he wanted, he struggled between letting Angie know flat out that he wanted her or walking away from their friendship entirely. He leaned his head against the glass. It was more than that. He loved her.

  For years he’d wanted her, but what he was feeling went past temptation and getting his nut off. His feelings for her had never been at the friend level. There’d always been something about her that caused him to put her up there in his head where no one could touch her. Old girlfriends paled compared to Angie. She was the scale in which he measured every woman. He continually tried dating, hoping he’d lose his feelings for Angie, but he could never think about his dates for longer than one night.

  In fact, the last woman he’d dated became obsessed with him. He’d tried to let her down easy, but he actually understood how she was feeling, because of his feelings for Angie. What a fucking mess. He needed to straighten his head out.

  He just couldn’t figure out why. What was there about her that made him latch on to a fantasy? She never treated him any differently than any of Drew’s other friends. He closed his eyes. That wasn’t true.

  She’d needed him. Right before her mom died, they’d grown closer. She’d relied on him for strength. It was back when he was spending every minute at Drew’s house, instead of at his foster house. In the middle of the night when she paced her room, worried about her mom, he’d sit in the hallway and talk with her. Not about what was happening. It was all about silly stuff girls think about, and he had no interest in.

  Except he listened and he cared, because it was what Angie was interested in.

  After Mrs. Swanson’s death, their closeness remained, but he was positive that Angie never thought of him in the same way he did. He was so careful to keep everything he was feeling to himself. Drew would’ve hated him for making a play for his little sister.

  But it was more than not encroaching on a sacred friendship. He’d needed her more than she needed him. He connected on an emotional level with her, and she had no idea how she’d balanced his anger over his life, his mom, his sucky teenaged life. Without her, he would’ve slipped inside himself and hated the whole world. She gave him something to achieve, and kept his head on straight.

  Then tonight, his whole goal of keeping his distance went away. He swore Angie put the moves on him. She leaned into him every chance she had. That tender smile—the one she rarely gave, preferring to
let others see her more carefree and silly attitude—hit him square in the gut twice tonight.

  He opened his eyes and turned away from the window. He dived onto the bed and groaned. Was he willing to throw away the only family he gave a damn about to see if Angie saw anything in him?

  To do so would gamble with his happiness. Drew’s happiness. Hell, Angie’s happiness if she thought of him as only a friend.

  A soft knock interrupted his musings. His whole body tensed. She’d fallen asleep two hours ago. He’d checked.

  He pushed himself to his feet and strode across the room. Before he opened the door, he looked down. He’d stripped down to his boxers earlier. Another knock came, and he brushed off his lack of clothing. She’d seen him in his underwear lots of times, and she appeared to have no problems with that.

  He opened the door.

  She gazed up at him. He refrained from saying anything or giving her any clue on where his thoughts were tonight. One sign, one gesture, one touch, and he’d have her on her back underneath him and his cock sunk deep inside her body.

  Without a word, she walked past him and climbed up on the bed. Her ass wiggled as she crawled atop the mattress to the far side closest to the window and snuggled under the covers. He raised his gaze to the ceiling, pleading for death. He’d never make it until morning without touching her.

  He quietly closed the door, and walked over to the bed. Like last night, he laid on top of the covers on his back. He clasped his hands behind his head, and went over football plays in his head.

  Unlike last night, Angie remained quiet. No questions or speculations came from the other side of the bed. No wacky questions he had no answers to or that made him laugh no matter how hard he tried not to. The change set heavy on his chest.

  More than an hour went by, listening to Angie’s breathing soften and slow. He closed his eyes, knowing he had to get some sleep. The first week of practice always kicked his ass and without enough rest, he’d suffer.

  Forcing his breathing to relax, he heeded Angie’s example and let himself sleep.


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