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Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set

Page 37

by Maddie James

  Pleasure and surprise lit his eyes. “That’s a really nice thing to say.”

  Sharon looked into his eyes, wondering what if? What if she took a chance and let them test being more than friends? What if she told him about her past and he understood that she had only made all those mistakes because she hadn’t known any better at the time? What if she admitted that the poor woman she still hadn’t gotten the guts to ask about was her mother?

  “Jake, I need to tell you something.”

  “Here you go. Good food. Yes?”

  Sharon glanced up at the waitress and smiled, thinking she had probably been saved from making a terrible mistake. She looked at the huge bowl of shrimp and fried rice then glanced over at Jake’s bowl of beef and broccoli. “This looks really good.”

  Jake nodded and studied Sharon until the waitress walked off. “What did you need to tell me?”

  Sharon laughed. “Oh, yeah. My son is playing football next Friday night, and I was wondering if you wanted to go to the game with me.”

  Jake smiled. “I’d love to. Maybe I’ll finally get to meet him. But I don’t want to wait a whole week before seeing you…outside of the office. I was hoping we could go out again tomorrow night. I’ve been dying to see the latest Razor movie.”

  Sharon nodded hesitantly, wanting to spend so much more time with him, hoping she wasn’t making a terrible mistake. “That sounds like fun, even though I have no idea who Razor is.”

  Jake laughed. “Not a who, a what. It’s Sci-Fi. Robots in space. Do you like that kind of stuff?”

  Since Sharon hadn’t been to a movie since Kyle Sanders took her in high school, she had no idea if she’d like it or not. But she liked him. “I’m sure I will.”

  Jake looked horrified. “You’ve never seen Sci-Fi? You’re in for a treat. Lots of action, and technology, but always with a human element.”

  His excitement was so boyishly charming, Sharon couldn’t help but get excited too. “What time? Where? I’ll have to get a sitter for Kyle, though…” Her excitement suddenly curtailed, Sharon bit her bottom lip.

  “No you don’t. Let’s take him, too. He’s what? Thirteen? Fourteen?”

  Sharon blew out a breath. Her dancing with what could possibly, and would likely, end in disappointment was one thing. Bringing her child into it was something else. “I don’t know. I haven’t even told him about tonight.”

  Jake studied her for a moment before speaking. “You haven’t dated since you and his dad broke up?”

  Sharon bit the inside of her lip as she debated how to answer. If nothing else, she owed him honesty. “My ex wasn’t Kyle’s dad. Biologically speaking. Not really in any positive way no matter how it’s spoken.”

  “Yeah, you said that before.”

  “Oh, I did, didn’t I? Short version, I was pregnant with Kyle when I met Gerald. I was just eighteen and had lost any hope that the boy I’d loved with all my heart would ever be allowed to be in my life again. His father made it clear that I wasn’t going to be. They had money. I didn’t. And that was that.”

  Jake nodded but said nothing as he waited for her to continue. Although there was no condemnation in his eyes, Sharon felt the need to make him understand she hadn’t used her husband, but rather had been used by him. “I was alone, and afraid, and wanted someone to be with me through a very tough situation. He wanted a meal ticket while he went to medical school and I was dumb enough to be it.”


  Sharon relaxed, knowing that one word was for her, not against her. “Yeah. I wanted to make him love me. And I wanted to love him, but it’s hard to love someone you resent more and more each day. The bigger I got while carrying Kyle the meaner he got. He stopped pretending I was anything at all to him, but he stayed and he was all I had.

  “To keep a roof over our heads and food on the table I worked two jobs until the day before I gave birth, then we basically went on welfare for the six weeks the doctor told me I couldn’t work. Once he cleared me, Gerald told me to get back to work or get out. By then I had given up on love but I had a newborn and couldn’t support us and take care of him too. Childcare was too expensive and with Gerald home a lot while he was working on his undergraduate studies I could get a neighbor woman to watch the baby the few hours Gerald was in classes each day. I worked sixteen to eighteen hour days, took care of Kyle as much as I could before sleeping a couple of hours a night, and no matter what I did it was the wrong thing in Gerald’s eyes.”


  Sharon smiled. “You already said that.”

  Jake just sat there looking at her. “I can barely think of the right words to tell you how amazing you are.”

  Of all the things he could have said, that was the last thing Sharon expected, and to her horror, tears flooded her eyes. Instead of reacting to her tears with trepidation or irritation, Jake surprised her again by smiling and holding his hands out on the table. She took them and stared into his eyes as the first tears fell.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m doing this.” Jake tightened his hold on her hands, making her feel as if she’d found an anchor in a storm.

  “You are so beautiful. So smart. And if I ever meet this Gerald, I’m probably going to have to hang up my stethoscope because I’m going to break my Hippocratic Oath and do harm rather than good to a human’s body.”

  Sharon laughed at that, though the tears didn’t stop falling. “I can’t tell you how much tonight has meant to me. But there’s something more I need to tell you.”

  Jake nodded. “Okay.”

  Sharon took a deep breath. “That woman you saw in the hospital today? She’s my mother.”

  Jake nodded. “I thought maybe she was.”

  The tears stopped and Sharon pulled her hands back. She lifted her napkin and wiped at her eyes before she frowned at him. “Then why didn’t you say something?”

  “Because it wasn’t my business until you decided it was.”

  A gasp escaped her lips as something inside her chest expanded until she thought she might just burst from the glory of it.

  Sharon wasn’t certain, but she was afraid she might have just fallen in love.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The movie was interesting, the company great, and the kiss at the end of the evening chaste and, because it was, enchanting. Kyle didn’t make it out with them after all. Johnathan and Kyle were now best friends, and they wanted to hang out and four-wheel over the Hoods’ wooded property all afternoon then camp out in the back yard with the coach. Lilly asked if he could stay until after church Sunday evening as well, which would be around nine, she’d said.

  Sharon agreed without hesitation, thrilled her son was so happily entertained, and though she hated to admit it, she didn’t want anyone else around since Jake made plans for them not only for a Saturday evening movie, but for a daylong outing in Gatlinburg on Sunday as well.

  So here she was, her smaller hand captured in his much larger one as they moseyed up and down the hills. Though that was the only part of their bodies touching she felt covered in warmth, making her feel secure. They stopped in one shop after another, and instead of being bored that they all mostly carried the same touristy items, he simply waited any time she wanted to pick up something to inspect it or check a price. His smile was readily available every time she looked his way and there was so much affection in his eyes when he spoke to her, or laughed with her, or even if he just glanced her way and caught her looking at him. Sharon hadn’t ever felt so in tune with another person. She wanted to wallow in the pleasure of it and never leave what felt like a place of enchantment.

  She knew it wasn’t the place. It was the man.

  With darkness only a couple of hours off and the air cooling quickly they moved a little faster on their way back to his car, their next destination a restaurant somewhere between Gatlinburg and Legend. They had no definite destination in mind, which didn’t matter. All that mattered to Sharon was, wherever they went, they were going t
here together.

  They stopped by the passenger door for Jake to pull his keys from his jacket pocket, but he reached for her instead. Sharon smiled up at him, watching as their breaths intermingled, wondering if the kiss she saw coming would be as sweet as the one the night before.

  “Is it too soon to tell you I think I’m in love with you?”

  Sharon’s breath came out in a shaky rattle. “Only if it’s too soon for me to say it back.”

  Jake smiled at that and lowered his head until his lips feathered across hers. Sharon began to pull back, thinking he was done, but his arms tightened and his lips returned, this time with power and purpose. A touch, some nibbles, before his lips locked onto hers and their mouths opened and tongues danced, tentatively at first, then with hunger. By the time he lifted his head, Sharon was glad for the support of his arms. He pulled her into him so she laid her head against the pounding heartbeat of his chest. Jake blew out a breath and she smiled, understanding completely.


  She looked up then, saw the love in his eyes, and knew her eyes were tearing with the overpowering emotions filling her. “Yes?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing… I’m moving too fast.”

  The thud she heard was her heart dropping to her knees, Sharon realized. “It’s okay. I understand. You need time.”

  Jake’s brows drew together. “What? No! I don’t need time. But I’m sure you do.”

  Now that it was easier to breathe, Sharon punched him. “Don’t tell me what I need. Ask me.”

  Jake laughed. “Yes, ma’am. What do you need?”

  That was simple. “You.”

  Another long kiss, and then another, before they broke apart. “We’d better get going if we’re going to have time to eat before we pick up your son.”

  At the mention of Kyle, Sharon’s heart skipped another beat, but she knew it was time to let her son in on the fact she was dating Jake. She just hoped he wouldn’t mind.

  Dinner ended up being steak at a popular chain. Though the steak was cooked to perfection, it could have tasted like sawdust for all Sharon cared. Jake was all she could think about. His smile. His joy of life. His wanting to be with her. They left with just enough time to get back to the Hood house as the family and her son returned from church.

  The curious looks on all their faces as she introduced Jake and herself to the coach were nothing but normal curiosity, which told her two things. Coach Hood didn’t recognize her, and Kyle wasn’t surprised she was in the company of the man she worked for. Of course, she’d have to explain why she was in his company once they were in the car.

  Sharon didn’t know where to start once they were buckled in; thankfully Kyle took it out of her hands.

  “Are you guys working on a Sunday?”

  Sharon shook her head. “No. Jake and I spent the day in Gatlinburg, and last night we went to a movie, and basically, we’re dating. Is that okay with you?”

  Her son looked from one to the other of them, and then he shrugged before giving all his attention to Jake. “Have you ever hit a woman?”

  Sharon’s gaze flew to Jake’s face. His expression of surprise would have been comical if not for the seriousness of her son’s question.

  Jake shook his head slowly, his brows pulled together as he looked Kyle in the eyes. “Of course not.”

  Sharon turned back to her son only to see him nodding. “Make sure you don’t start with my mother.”

  Though his expression was concerned when he looked at Sharon, he turned back to Kyle with a nod. “I guarantee you won’t ever have to worry about that with me.”

  Sharon was finally able to exhale when Kyle nodded and smiled.

  “We’re cool then.”

  Jake smiled first at him and then at Sharon, and she couldn’t help but smile back as the two most important men in her life were okay with each other.

  “Are you sleeping together?”

  Sharon frowned at her son then. “Kyle, that isn’t your business.”

  Jake held his hand up to her. “Maybe not, but I’d like to answer him anyway.”

  After she nodded, Jake turned around in his seat again to look back at Kyle. “We aren’t. But that isn’t to say we won’t. I want you to know, if and when we do, it’s because we’ve grown very close over the last few weeks, and we are both finding it’s leading to more than friendship.” Jake smiled. “Actually, it’s led to love.”

  Sharon’s heart melted and she couldn’t stop herself from reaching out to lay her fingers on his strong jaw. She turned back to Kyle. “I’ve never been this happy.”

  Kyle looked from one to the other then slid down as far as his seatbelt would allow and closed his eyes. “Cool.” He yawned. “I’m ready to go home.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sharon dressed for the game with great care, making sure there was nothing the least bit sexy or revealing. Though the air had cooled considerably over the past few days, it still wasn’t quite cold enough to warrant the hoodie, scarf, and the ski mask she wanted to wear to completely hide herself from those who would attend the game.

  In the past week she and Jake learned a lot about each other. His life was a cakewalk compared to hers. The hardest discussions they’d had covered the abuse she suffered at both her mother’s hands and Gerald’s, but Jake’s reactions to it all were more than she could have asked for from any man. His compassion, his ability to listen and not judge, and his unwavering affection even after she revealed what a foolish child she’d been in her teens, solidified her feelings for him, and eliminated all the fears she’d had about revealing her past.

  But the cocoon of safety while in his presence didn’t negate the reality that those people she’d known while in her horrible teens would still be there waiting to judge her, and by association, judge and possibly reject him, or more frightening, her son.

  “Are you about ready, Mom?”

  Sharon turned to Kyle and wanted to hug him so hard it hurt, but his mind was on the upcoming game and she didn’t want to distract him from his purpose with her fears, so she smiled and nodded. “Yep!”

  “Are you staying? We have to be there an hour early so you’ll probably be bored.”

  Sharon shook her head. Not only did she not want to sit in the stands alone until Jake joined her, there was something she had to do. “I’m going to leave, but I’ll be back before kick-off. I can’t wait to see you do your stuff!”

  Kyle grinned. “I can’t wait either. But I’m a little nervous.”

  Sharon walked to him and hugged him then, not surprised that he immediately stepped back when she let him go. “Too big for a hug from your mother?”

  His cheeks instantly pinked. “No. Just don’t do it there, okay?”

  Laughing, Sharon agreed. “Never!”

  Kyle smiled at her then and headed to the door. “I’ll be in the Jeep.”

  Sharon grabbed her jacket and purse and followed him out. The trip down the mountain, and then across town to Dragon Street took twenty minutes. Once she dropped Kyle off, she turned around and headed toward Scarbrough Drive and then turned left on Second. With a mixture of dread and anticipation, she turned right into Legend Memorial’s parking lot and was fortunate enough to find a parking spot close to the main entrance of the hospital.

  Determined not to talk herself out of it, Sharon made her way to the elevators and pressed the button for the third floor. Over the past week Jake had kept her apprised of her mother’s declining condition, but until today, she hadn’t been able to force herself to come.

  When she reached room three-twelve, Sharon blew out a breath and walked through the open door. The elderly woman in the first bed snored softly so Sharon quietly made her way past the curtain divider to find her mother also sound asleep.

  In slumber, just like when she was awake, Candy looked decades older than she actually was. Her eyes fluttered open and only a slight movement of her brows indicated her surprise at seeing Sharon.

lo, Mother.”

  A lone tear slid down the side of Candy’s face. “I didn’t think you would ever come.”

  Sharon shrugged. “I didn’t think I would either.”

  Candy searched the area by her hip while watching Sharon. Finally she located the remote that allowed her to raise her bed enough so she was reclining. “Why did you then?”

  Sharon looked around the room, liking for the first time in years, her mother’s environment was clutter- and odor-free. She looked back at Candy. “I’m not sure. I just felt like I needed to.

  “How are you doing?”

  Instead of the tirade she expected, Candy bit her bottom lip before speaking. “I’m pretty good actually. Had some really bad days going through the DTs. But my system is clean now.” She looked at her hands. “I’ve made a mess of my life. It didn’t seem to matter while I was intoxicated, which I guess I’ve been my entire adult life. But now I can see a lot of things more clearly.”

  Candy looked up, regret and sorrow in her gaze. “I’m really sorry, Sharon. I don’t expect or deserve your forgiveness. But I want you to know that I’m really sorry.” She exhaled a shaky sigh. “I’m going to try to stay sober. I can’t promise anything, but I’m going to meetings, and seeing Doc Jake weekly. He said if I don’t stop doing what I’m doing to myself, he won’t be my doctor anymore because he isn’t willing to watch me kill myself with alcohol.”

  Sharon wasn’t ready to involve her mother in her life yet, if ever again, so she didn’t comment. But knowing what Jake was doing, without even telling her, made her love him all the more.

  “I don’t know what else to say,” Candy said, softly.

  Sharon walked over and took her mother’s hand. “I can forgive, but only if you are really willing to change. It will take time, and I’ve got time, but you won’t see or have anything to do with Kyle or me until I know for certain you aren’t going back to who you’ve always been to me. I won’t have it in my life, and I won’t expose my son to it. So I hope you’re sincere.


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