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Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set

Page 84

by Maddie James

  “Shit, Geoff. What the hell was that about?”

  “Who’s that friend of yours? The nurse practitioner?”

  “Traci Chew?”

  “Yeah. You have her number? Do you think she’d see Cheris today?”

  “I don’t know. I can call her. What’s wrong?”

  “Cheris thinks she’s pregnant. She and her mom got into it. She’s so upset. I think she needs to see somebody. Today.”

  “But…” Janie shook her head. “You don’t seriously think she and Bobby—”

  “Of course not. Please will you call?”


  Cheris didn’t move when Geoff came back in the room. Though her back was to the door, she knew it was him. She recognized the sound of his shoes as he walked in the room, the movement of his body when he sat on his bed.

  “Are you awake?”


  “Janie’s got a friend who’s a nurse practitioner. She’s agreed to see you this afternoon. Give you an exam. Make sure everything’s okay.”

  “I don’t want to be…to be.” She took a shuttering breath. “I can’t be somebody’s mother.”

  “If you’re pregnant, you’re already somebody’s mother. You’ll be a good mother.”

  Cheris turned on her back to look at Geoff. “How can you say that? You’ve met my mother. Is that the kind of person you want raising your child?”

  “What makes you think you’d do one thing like your mother? Everything you’ve done until now has been exactly the opposite.”

  “Yeah. Like getting knocked up.” Tears trailed down her skin.

  “I don’t think it’s knocked up if it’s on your wedding night.”

  She didn’t answer.

  “Think how much fun we’ll have. Buying toys. Going to Disney World. Building model space ships.”

  Idiot. He had no idea. “Toxic paint from Chinese toys. Temper tantrums at Space Mountain. Going broke paying for college.”

  “Bill Connors is going to be thrilled. He’ll triple your salary and make you the maternity and child Internet advice specialist.”

  “I’m not ready for this.”

  “Let’s go see the nurse practitioner and go from there. Okay?”

  Cheris sighed and sat up.


  Cheris sat on a Queen Ann chair in a warmly decorated room and waited for Traci Chew. As a nurse practitioner, Traci specialized as a midwife and ran her medical office out of her house.

  “Well, Cheris,” Traci, a dark haired young woman with blue eyes walked in the room with a folder in her hand. “The pregnancy test is negative. The other tests will take longer to get the results back. But if something shows up, I’ll let you know.”

  “What other tests?”

  “For STDs. They’re standard, but your husband mentioned he thought you should have them. Since you said he’s been your only partner, I don’t anticipate anything.”

  “I know I’m pregnant. I haven’t started my period. I’ve never been late in my life, and I’ve been sick to my stomach off and on for three weeks now.”

  “I ran several tests to be sure. You’re not pregnant. Your lab work shows nothing abnormal. Not even a fever.”

  “What’s wrong with me then?”

  Traci peered at her over her glasses. “What’s going on in your life right now? Any changes in habits, diet? Stress factors?”

  Cheris rolled her eyes. “Where do I start? I ate cake and woke up married to six feet of stress sitting in your waiting room. My boss made me a marriage consultant, and I have to do webcasts every week. I’m going to move into my dream home, and my horrible mother showed up at my wedding shower and made a disgusting scene in front of everybody.”

  “Well.” Traci opened the folder and wrote on a paper inside. “That sounds indicative of stress to me. It can really play havoc with your menstrual cycle. Are you ready to start a family right away?”


  “You’ll probably want to get on some birth control pills then.” She tore a sheet from a pad of paper and handed it to Cheris. It was a prescription. “I’ll see if I have any samples to get you started. You’ll want to use another form of birth control for the first month, okay?” Traci walked to the door. “Go ahead and start the pill today. If nothing else, it’ll regulate your period.”

  Cheris made sure she stuffed the pills down in the lowest part of her purse before she walked into the sitting area Traci used as a waiting room in the front part of her house.

  When he saw her, Geoff stood up and searched her face. She shook her head slightly, and relief flickered across his face.

  Just as she thought.

  All of his big talk of Disney World and her being a good mom had been a put-on.

  He didn’t want a baby any more than she did.

  And he’d used to opportunity to have her tested to make sure she wasn’t a slut like her mom.

  Silently they walked to his SUV and settled inside.

  “I don’t sleep around,” she declared.


  “So I can only assume you wanted me tested for STDs because you do.”

  “I don’t. I’ve never—”

  “So this just shows how stupid all of this is, that you would have sex with me without knowing anything about me, Geoff. I had an excuse that night, but you didn’t. And I thought the reason you hadn’t had sex with me since then is because you cared about me, but it was really because I wasn’t born into a nice family like you were.”

  Geoff started the car.

  “Do you want to go back to my parents’ house and your mom, or do you want me to take you home?”

  Cheris rubbed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair. “I don’t want to deal with her right now, but I don’t see that I have a choice.”

  Without a word, Geoff drove her to the house. When he pulled into the circular driveway, he left the engine idling. Cheris sat and waited.

  “I’m going back to Georgia,” Geoff announced.

  “Right now?”

  “Yes. Janie said she’d be here in a little while. She can take you home.”

  “You’re mad at me.”

  “You know, Cheris.” Geoff stared through the windshield. “It doesn’t matter how much I love you if you’re always ready to think the very worst of me because you don’t think you’re worth loving.”

  “You don’t love someone after only three weeks.”

  “I’ll be back in Cullsbaeir May thirtieth. That’s a little over two months from now. Want to continue this conversation then?”

  “What about the divorce?”

  “You waited two weeks as I asked. If you still want to file, I’ll sign.”

  But I don’t want to get a divorce.

  Tears filled her eyes, but she blinked them away. Opening the door, she slid out of the vehicle and walked toward the house while Geoff pulled around the driveway and onto the street.


  “So, it was a nice party. I would thank you for inviting me, but since you didn’t I thanked Margaret Arrowood instead,” Sarah commented as she and Gerald stood in the yard preparing to drive back to West Virginia.

  “You all could stay with me tonight.”

  “Gerald’s already lost a day’s worth of business over this.”

  “I didn’t mind,” the man interjected. “You only get married once, unless you’re your mama.”

  “Shut up, Gerald. If I could have found somebody who didn’t drive me ape shit, I might’ve stayed married.” Her gaze traveled across Cheris, examining her from head to toe. “Geoff seems okay. His mother’s a little too happy, but it’s because she’s on Zoloft. I saw it in her medicine cabinet.”


  “Chip’s on blood pressure medicine. I’d have to take it too, if I had to listen to her yack, yack, yack all the time.”

  “You was doing plenty of yacking yourself,” Gerald quipped. “Telling her all your stories of people who come into the diner.”
/>   “She does like a good story. How’s your stomach? You always was a nervous child.”

  “I wonder why?” Gerald winked at Cheris and hugged her before climbing into his ancient El Camino.

  “You need to get over that. Remember that time I took you to the mall and you threw up all over Santa Claus?”


  “All that drama, and for what? It goes and upsets everybody. But at least you ain’t pregnant.”

  “Geoff said he thinks I’d be a good mother.”

  “Well, I guess he’d know since he’s mama’s all cuckoo taking drugs and acting like we’re best friends. She asked for my peanut butter pie recipe, but I’ll be cold in my grave before I let her have it.”

  “Get in the car, Sarah. I don’t want to be driving half the night.”

  Sarah didn’t move. She continued to stare at Cheris. “She invited me and Gerald for Thanksgiving. You believe that? Seven months away and she’s already planning it. I told her flat out no, that we’re too busy cooking for people like her who won’t lift a finger in the kitchen.”

  “Geez, Mom. Would it kill you to be nice to her?”

  “It don’t bother her. She said all of you would just come over to the diner for Thanksgiving. I’ll believe it when I see it though. People like her like to use their good china and linen cloths too much.”

  “Maybe she’ll bring her dishes with her. Come on, Sarah.”

  Sarah laughed. “Oh, yeah. I like that idea. Cheris, you tell her to bring her plates for Thanksgiving. That’ll be her contribution.”

  “I will not.”

  “Sarah, I’m leaving, and you can just stay here with your new best friend.” Gerald put the car in gear, and it rolled forward a few feet.

  “All right. All right.” Sarah marched to the car. “Pick up the phone and call me every once in a while, why don’t you?” she called over her shoulder before getting in the car.

  Cheris breathed a sigh of relief when it turned the corner at the end of the street.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I am never afraid of what I know.

  —Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

  Where was Rhoderman?

  Cheris stood in the office of the Loving You Chapel and tapped her foot impatiently.

  She couldn’t very well interview the Chapel host if Rhoderman wasn’t here to run the camera.

  It was hard enough soliciting wedding stores for marketing options when her own marriage was on shaky ground. All of the happily ever after and gushy framed images of couples hand in hand hanging on the wall churned her stomach.

  Not pregnant.

  She hadn’t heard from Geoff in two weeks. Of course, she hadn’t contacted him either. What could she say?

  I’m sorry you wanted me tested for venereal diseases? I’m sorry I’m not pregnant? I’m sorry you’ll sign the divorce papers if I send them?

  She was sorry.

  For all of it, and that they had moved so fast the first night she’d met him. If they’d waited on everything, they’d probably be dating right now. She’d remembered the strong pull of attraction as they’d talked in the Wonderland exhibit—his beautiful eyes and clever conversation, not to mention how he’d looked in the tux.

  Her stomach flopped, this time from the memory of his hand on her when she’d stumbled over the looking glass frame.

  She really wasn’t pregnant. Another two weeks worth of pills, and she wouldn’t have to worry about getting pregnant. Not that it looked like the possibility was ever going to happen.

  Geoff had sat with her as she wept that day, terrified, thinking she was.

  If you’re pregnant, you’re already somebody’s mother. You’ll be a good mother.

  He’d been so sweet, so confident that they’d be a family going to Disney World and playing with toys.

  He’d talked in terms of presence, being together. Him, Her, and a baby.

  What would their baby look like?

  Curly dark hair like his, or auburn like hers? Blue eyes or warm gold? Boy or girl?

  Charles Mason, owner of Loving You, entered the office dressed in a charcoal suit complete with tie. “Has your cameraman shown up yet?”

  “Not yet. I texted him to see why he’s late.”

  Charles checked his watch. “There’s a couple coming in at eleven. Maybe we should reschedule?”

  “I really wanted to post something today since there’s a gap for a wedding chapel on the site. I have a friend who lives close by. I could run and borrow her Flip and be back in ten minutes.”

  “Her what?”

  “It’s a video camera. We could do a quick piece to fill my space, and it would serve as a teaser for the real interview. Okay?”

  “All right.”


  Later that afternoon Cheris sat in her cubicle with Janie’s flip ready to upload the recording she’d made to the Whirlwind Wedding Workshop. Pushing the menu button which displayed the thumbnails on the small screen, Cheris was about to choose the video she’d shot that morning, when a picture of Geoff on the video thumbnail next to it caught her attention.

  When was a video of Geoff taken?

  Cheris clicked on it.

  In his tuxedo, Geoff stared into the camera as he stood inside a hotel room.

  Hotel room!

  “I’m not sure you’re going to want to remember any of this, Cheris.”

  From off camera, her voice responded. “Yes, I will. Everything. Now go ahead.”

  Geoff took off his glasses briefly and wiped his eyes. “You’re a handful.”

  “I was a frightful girl before you married me, and I made no secret of it. I didn’t deceive you, Sir.”

  He grinned. “Where did you hear that?”

  The picture shook. “Elizabeth Taylor said it to Rock Hudson in Giant. James Dean died during the filming. Did you know that?”

  “I did not.” He strode over to the bed and pulled back the covers. “Come on. Get in the bed.”

  The camera moved toward Geoff. “Eager, aren’t you?”

  “We’re going to sleep. That’s it. You’ve had too much champagne.”

  “I haven’t had any champagne. I don’t drink. At. All.”

  “So you keep telling me. Come on. I’m tired.” He reached forward and their clasped hands appeared at the edge of the screen. With his other hand he took the camera and set it down face up so that the lamp stand filled the picture.

  “You think midnight putt-putt was too much? I beat you fair and square all three times.”

  “I let you win because you’re so cute when you do that little victory dance.”

  “Want me to do it now?” Cheris suggested silkily.

  Rustling and a zipper.

  “Stop it,” he admonished. “Keep your clothes on.”

  “I can’t sleep in this. The skirt is too tight, and my bra is digging into my skin.”

  “Sleeping naked is not an option… Would you quit?”

  “What kind of wedding night is this? You promised to worship my body.”

  “I also promised to love and honor you. Worship connotes reverence. Let’s sleep on it tonight, and work on reverent lovemaking another night.”

  “I’ve never known a guy who didn’t want to have sex if given the opportunity.”

  “Well, the opportunity hasn’t exactly presented itself before.”

  “You’re a virgin? I don’t believe it. Why wouldn’t anybody sleep with you?”

  “Because I spend most of my nights on a field looking at stars. It’s not conducive to an active social life.”

  “Come on, Geoff. All those nineteen and twenty year olds gazing at you longingly from their desks?”

  “First of all being involved with a student is an ethics violation. Second of all, most of them have nose and tongue piercings. Unless it’s the ears, I think it rather disturbing.”

  “Are you sure you’re Janie’s brother? Not only does she have a naval ring, but she was afraid Bobby gave her herpes becaus

  “Shhh. There are so many reasons I don’t want you to finish that sentence, I can’t even list them all. Here. I’m going to shower. Take my shirt. You can sleep in it.”

  “Mmm. It smells nice. Like you.”

  “In bed. I double dog dare you to be asleep by the time I get out of the shower.”

  “You’re so cute when you dare me. I’ll try.” She yawned noisily.


  A sound of a brief kiss against skin. Footsteps fading, and a door shutting.

  The Flip picked up a loud feminine sigh. Clothing rustled, and something landed on the lampshade knocking it askew.

  Cheris flinched.

  She’d bet it was her skirt and panties hitting the light covering.

  She picked up her cell phone and dialed Janie’s number.

  “I’ve got to talk to you,” she said when her sister-in-law picked up.


  “Just for the record. I don’t have Herpes.” Janie sat on Cheris’ desk chair in her apartment as the video feed on the computer monitor cut off. She swiveled the seat toward Cheris who sat next to her on a kitchen chair. “And there’s no chance you have it either.”

  Cheris shook her head and shrugged in confusion. “I know I don’t have it. Traci tested me.”

  “Yeah, because Geoff asked her to. He was afraid you and Bobby had had sex.”

  Cheris’ mouth flew open in shock. “What?”

  “Bobby was being an asshole and told Geoff you and him got it on in the Black Beauty exhibit. Remember I told you I walked in on them about to fight? Apparently it was because Geoff caught you two together after he got back from picking up Aunt Nancy.”

  Cheris swallowed the bile which rose in her throat.

  “Now don’t get all sick to your stomach. I didn’t believe it so I took my Taser and threatened Bobby’s balls if he didn’t tell me the truth. He said he propositioned you, and you said something about his mom not having any kids.

  It was hard on your mother, I’m sure, not having any children

  The scene flashed in her head. The remembered fear sped up her heart.


  It had been at the Black Beauty exhibit.

  Her bad vibe radar had gone on alert the second she realized Bobby had cornered her in the room absent of anyone else. When he’d pinned her against Black Beauty’s statue and unzipped his pants, she’d fought to stay calm.


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