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Page 12

by Kimber Chin

  Nikky laughed. She loved hearing him laugh. "How I love you, Brat."

  She inhaled sharply. "You love me?"

  "How did your mother die?" That blunt question came from the crazy gnome.

  "I'm sure the girl doesn't want to talk about it," added the crazy gnome's taller and even older brother.

  "She doesn't mind," Tatyana lied. She did mind. Very much. Under the cover of the tabletop, Nikky took her hand in his, the contact comforting. "The girl slept over at a friend's house."

  It had been her parent's anniversary and her gift to them was a night alone. "She returned to the apartment to find them, face up on the living room carpet, a bullet square between each of their eyes." She tapped the spot on her own skull. The blood was everywhere, the stench overwhelming. "They were holding hands, their feet tucked beneath them." As though they were kneeling, knowing death was coming. "They loved each other, you see."

  Silence at the table.

  Igroek's fist pounded on the table. "That was not my daughter."

  "No, it was not." Tatyana agreed, talking slowly and quietly as not to further aggravate the crazy gnome. "And I'm not your daughter, either. I know how it is to lose someone you love, Mr. Igroek. I know what it does to you. I thought I saw my parents everywhere after that."

  She attempted a chuckle, but it ended up sounding more like a sob. "I even thought I saw my mom on a bus, once. I was so convinced I sat beside her." She stared across the room, remembering. "It wasn't her, though. Her voice wasn't the same and she didn't have..." She touched under her bottom lip.

  "The scar she got when she fell off her bike," Igroek added.

  Their eyes met and Tatyana's heart jumped. "Yes." Coincidences. Coincidences and wishful thinking. "I'm going to marry Nikky." She tilted her chin up, daring him to say differently.

  "Properly, Granddaughter," Nikky's grandfather repeated.

  "No ransom, no games," Nikky forbade that Russian tradition. "No one touches Tatyana. Not Chan, not anyone else."

  "Agreed." Nikky's grandfather smiled. "But guest lists, blood tests, church wedding, two day reception, properly."

  Blood tests? She didn't want to spend any more time in a hospital. "I thought blood tests weren't necessary in Vegas?"

  "Nikolay is my heir," Nikky's grandfather proclaimed in his behave-or-else voice. "I will not have his marriage called into question."

  "Oh." She hadn't thought of that. Nikky squeezed her hand. "We can do all that tomorrow.

  The next day, we'll getȄ "

  "The mailing of invitations alone," Nikky's mom protested.

  "We'll hand deliver them, get the answers right there." It was a reckless use of Kaerta resources, but she had the feeling that if they didn't get married right away, something bad would happen.

  "You will notȄ"

  "Igroek." Nikky's grandfather shook his head.

  "To order the invitations..." Nikky's mom raised another roadblock.

  It was an easy one to overcome. Tatyana smiled. "We'll print them ourselves." A simple solution. "There's the loveliest card stock at Walmart."

  "No Walmart." It was Nikky's turn to cause a fuss. What he had against Walmart, she didn't know.

  "She still at Walmart?" Nik asked Pavel.

  "Yes, Boss." His top man grinned. "Fyodor is requesting danger pay after the veil incident."

  He deserved it, Fyodor and Boris had been sucked deep into the wedding planning abyss.

  Nik lasted less than a half hour, beating a retreat after the third auntie 'bumped into'

  Tatyana and his mom at the Walmart. There was only so much talk about tulle he could take.

  And he had more serious matters to manage.

  "I don't like that." Nik motioned over his shoulder to where Stepan was talking with Igroek's brother. The two acted too buddy-buddy for Nik's peace of mind.

  "The great-uncle has been asking questions, Boss." There was an ominous note to Pavel's normally flat voice. "Not only about your fiancee, about security."

  "Shit." That wasn't good. "No one talks to him, understand? We are rivals, not partners."

  "Our men won't be a problem, Boss."

  Stepan would be, was the unspoken communication. "From now on, Boris reports only to Tatyana." Although the bodyguard had fucked up, he was devoted to the brat and he was all Nik had. To assign anyone else to her now would be too suspicious. "Cut off all open contact with him. If he's approached by Igroek's team, he's to say yes to whatever they want." That would give them a man on the inside.

  Pavel's eyes gleamed. "Understood, Boss." A pause. "She's Igroek'sȄ"

  "Yes." If there was any doubt in his mind, it was laid to rest as Yuri motioned to him.

  Grandfather needed him. "But she's my fiancee first, Pavel." He wouldn't lose her. He couldn't. Nik stalked off.

  The smoke was even thicker than usual, as Igroek was also a cigar smoker. The two were puffing away in silence, power hanging around them like a cloak. Shit. Nik braced himself.

  He was now a dog with two masters. "Grandfather."

  "Sit, Nikolay."

  Sit. Roll over. Beg. Nik sat across from them.

  "This is about you and me, Kaerta." Igroek kept his gaze fixed on his rival. "Why is he here?"

  "If this affects Tatyana, it affects me." She was his fiancee.

  "Nikolay is closer to the situation than I am." It was as though he'd never spoken. A dog barking in the background. "We could benefit from his insights."

  "His insights because this situation was arranged by you. This is all your doing." A snort from Igroek. "She's good, I'll give you that. And you did your research. Those casual memories she let drop? Brought a tear to my eye."

  "You're an ass, Igroek. Some things never change."

  Why were they forcing a situation they didn't want? For more power? The risk wasn't worth it. "Let him go back home, Grandfather."

  "Agreed." This comment Grandfather heard. "Igroek, if you wish to stay for the wedding, you're welcome to. If not?" He shrugged.

  "The wedding," Igroek scoffed. "Like that will happen. We all know you won't marry your heir to a nobody."

  "Better a nobody than an Igroek," Grandfather blandly stated.

  "Right." A toss back of a bald head. "Better a nobody than the heir to the east coast. Don't think I don't know your scheme."

  Grandfather leaned forward. "Heir to nothing. You disowned your daughter."

  "Rumor." Igroek paused. "And bluff. We had an argument. She left. I waited. When she didn't return, I sent people after her. She was dead. No bullet to the head." He twisted his lips. "Car accident."

  Nik stared at the old man. Was he a simpleton? That was easy enough to fake.

  "Interesting." Grandfather puffed on his cigar. "And who headed the search?"

  "My brother." He raised a hand. "Before you say anything, I know you distrust Avel, so keep your suspicions to yourself."

  The great-uncle. Out there talking with Stepan. Nik exchanged glances with Grandfather.

  "This invitation to stay, Igroek, does not extend to your brother." Grandfather stubbed out his cigar butt. "I want him on a flight tomorrow."

  The old man's face reddened. "KaertaȄ"

  "This is not open for discussion. Either he is on a flight or Nikolay puts a bullet in him." Nik inclined his head in agreement. If it meant Tatyana's safety, he'd kill the bastard. "I vowed to protect your granddaughter. I'll protect your granddaughter."

  "She's not my granddaughter."

  "The blood tests will tell. I hope for Nikolay's sake, I'm wrong and you're right. I've seen how you treat family and wouldn't wish you as a relative on my worst enemy."

  "It was a misunderstanding," Igroek ground out.

  "It is interesting how your misunderstandings all have to do with who inherits your empire." Grandfather lit another cigar. "But enough about that." He waved his hand, his rings reflecting the light. "I see you've been doing some innovative things in Philadelphia."

  A city Grandfather envied.r />
  "I said, no Walmart." Nikky leaned against the doorway, hands in his pockets, eyes glinting.

  She knew what he wanted. Tatyana pulled her shirt over her head. She wanted it, too. "You also said that what was yours was mine and I'm not wasting my money."

  He tossed his jacket onto a chair. "Our money." His gun and holster were placed on the end table. "And my wife doesn't shop at Walmart."

  His wife. She liked the sound of that. "I'll shop where I damn well wish." She tugged down her pants. "And you don't have a wife yet, ass."

  "Language." Nikky stood there in white boxers and black socks. "Two days, Brat." He moved toward her, all rippling muscle. "Two days and you're mine." She yelped as he tossed her onto the bed. "Then I'll teach you respect." He landed on top of her.

  She removed her bra, needing more skin to skin contact. "You'll make me wait until then?"

  She arched, brushing her breasts against his bare chest.

  He slipped her panties off her hips. "Hell, no."

  She guided him into her, sighing in satisfaction as they joined. If she could, she'd stay like this always. Belonging. Safe in Nikky's arms.

  "You will respect me now, wife. I'll earn that respect." He moved, determined to prove his point.

  "Not...your...wife...yet..., ass," she gasped out.

  Nikky kissed her neck. "Soon." He stared into her eyes, watching her as he maintained a relentless rhythm, an endless parade of sensations marching over her body.

  "Nikky!" Tatyana clutched at his shoulders.

  "Come for me, Brat," he panted, changing the angle to hit that special spot. "Show me you want me."

  She did. Oh, how she did. "Nikky!" She flew upward, lifting right off the mattress as she came apart.

  "Tatyana!" He thrust hard, a burst of heat filling her. "Fuck, Tatyana." He collapsed, rolling onto his back, taking her with him. "How I love you, Brat."

  He loved her. It wasn't simply her imagination. He loved her and they were getting married.

  For real. "I love you, too, Nikky." She draped over him, listening to his breathing slow. She wouldn't allow anything to come between them. Nothing and no one, including a crazy gnome. "Nikky?"

  "Yeah?" He opened one eye.

  "Are you disappointed he isn't my grandfather?" She wouldn't have those connections to benefit the family. She'd come to the marriage with nothing the Kaerta's needed.

  "He is your grandfather." Nikky kissed her forehead. "The stubborn ass simply won't admit it. But if he wasn't, no, I wouldn't be disappointed. I'd be relieved."

  Tatyana understood. She didn't know if she wanted Igroek for a grandfather, either. He was awfully grumpy and he had disowned her much sweeter mom. He'd end up disowning her, also. That would hurt, even more than his rejection did now. Yes, not wanting her was for the best.

  "It would be complicated, wouldn't it?" Nikky was his grandfather's choice to lead his family. She was Igroek's only grandchild.

  "It would. If it turned out he was responsible, I'd have to..."

  Oh, damn. She hadn't even thought of that. "You'd have no choice. If he killed my mom, his own daughter, there's no telling what he'd do." For him to have done that... "Do you think insanity runs in my family?"

  Nikky lifted his head to look around the crowded room, filled with wedding stuff. "I'm sure it does, Brat." He laughed.

  They had had a very successful trip to Walmart. "Aren't you glad we have separate rooms now?" Where he'd return eventually. She held onto him, not yet.

  "No." He curled a lock of her hair around his finger. "I'm not glad. I miss your early morning wake-ups."

  "Then you're in luck." She grinned, relaxing. He wouldn't be upset, then. "I booked the blood tests for eight o'clock." Tomorrow a busy day.

  Nikky groaned.

  "He didn't get on the plane, Boss." Pavel walked with Nik to the restaurant.

  Shit. "Igroek know?"

  "He hasn't made contact." A pause. "With him."

  Double shit. Nik looked behind him. His cousin watched them closely. That backstabbing bastard. "Stepan?"

  "They met in person, Boss."

  He had been meeting with the enemy, putting the family, putting Tatyana, in danger. He couldn't ignore Stepan anymore. He'd have to deal with him. Family. It was fucked up. Nik entered the private room where Grandfather sat, an envelope on the table in front of him.

  There was no sign of Igroek. "The news?" He sat down.

  "We'll wait for Igroek and Tatyana."

  "She'll be here soon." She was on her way back from fittings at the boutique. His bride. His wife. "We have another situation, Grandfather."

  "I am aware the flight was missed."

  That wasn't surprising. Grandfather had his own sources of information. "That's not it."

  "Ah." Grandfather's eyes gleamed. "About time, Nikolay. He almost got you killed at Chan's."

  He had gotten Ivan killed, a good man with a loving wife. "If you want to lead this family, you have to make the tough decisions. But don't take action just yet. He could be useful."

  If isolated and carefully fed information.

  "It is a tough decision. Auntie..." Was a good woman. He'd cause her pain. He'd have to face, tell her...

  "It is necessary. A man who betrays family will betray anyone." Grandfather folded his hands. "Have I mentioned why I don't trust Igroek's brother?"

  The door opened and shut behind him. From the quiet, he knew it wasn't Tatyana. "No."

  "Igroek thinks it is because of his shady dealings with me. No." A shake of the head. "What showed me his true colors were his dealings with your grandmother. Although she loved me from our first meeting, she was an honorable woman, committed to her engagement.

  Until she found out about an indiscretion Igroek had with a woman in Cincinnati. Only four of us knew of that night. One, the woman, was dead."

  "He said you told her." Igroek's face was grave.

  "Your grandmother was very much like Tatyana, Nikolay. What would Tatyana do if Stepan told her you cheated on her?"

  Nik didn't want to contemplate it. "She'd beat Stepan senseless with her shoe and then shoot me." Multiple times with her .22.

  Grandfather nodded. "Close. Your grandmother broke the messenger's nose and then left her fiance for his best friend. We married the next day."

  "He said it was a street thug." Igroek's fists clenched.

  "He probably said he was going to fly out today, too." Grandfather finally acknowledged the man. "Ask a man you trust, you trust, not one of your brother's men, if he got on that flight.

  A man who betrays family will betray anyone."

  Igroek sat down. "Why would he do that? When I return to New YorkȄ"

  "If you return to New York." A sad shake of Grandfather's head. "What are the implications for our family if this stubborn ass dies here, Nikolay?"

  Grandfather knew damn well what the implications were but, well trained dog that he was, Nik played along. "We'll get dragged into a war."

  "We don't want that. Not when we have a wedding to host." A wide grin. "So until Nikolay cleans up your mess, where I go, you go, Igroek. You're under our protection."

  "You can keep your protection, Kaerta." Igroek scowled. "I don't need it. Avel won't do anything. If he were going to kill me, he would have done it by now. He had the opportunity."

  "But not the inclination, not until now when he has no choice." Grandfather puffed on his cigar. "Would you follow Avel, Nikolay?"

  "No." Although the man was a cunning bastard and clearly intelligent, he didn't impress Nik.

  "No one would. Your brother could never lead your empire. He isn't an idiot. He knows that.

  Once you're dead, his days are numbered."

  Igroek took out a cigar, clipped the end, lit up. He puffed, silent for once. Because he knew it was the truth. His own brother. Nik, about to deal with his cousin, felt sympathy for the old man.

  "You can't keep me a prisoner, Kaerta."

  "Oh, I can." Grandfather's f
ace was set in stubborn determination. "You're on my turf now, Igroek. I'll do anything to keep my family safe."

  "You wanted to see me, Grandfather?" Tatyana flounced in, a white veil billowing behind her. "Nikky!" She pitched herself into his arms.

  He caught her, welcoming the interruption, pulling her into his lap. "Did you wear that all day, Brat?" He eyed the floral headpiece, which appeared a little worse for wear. She'd had it on during the blood tests this morning.

  "Pretty much. It's my spare veil, I'm testing it." She kissed him. "Did you like your tuxedo?"

  "Children, please," Grandfather grumbled. "Let's do this." He waved the envelope.

  "Do what?" Tatyana tilted her head.

  Oh, shit. She didn't know. "DNA tests," Nik told her. "They used your blood samples from this morning." Grandfather used his influence to rush the results.

  "Nikky?" Betrayal reflected in those mud green eyes.

  He should have told her, warned her. They were a team. "TatyanaȄ"

  "It wasn't Nikolay's decision," Grandfather soothed. "It was mine." He passed the envelope to Igroek. "She's your granddaughter. You do the honors."

  The envelope was pushed back. "That is what we are here to determine." Igroek was a stubborn fool. He didn't deserve Tatyana.

  "If you don't care, Igroek, why should I?" Grandfather rebutted, leaving the envelope on the table.

  "We know why you care, Kaerta. You've put a lot of work into this charade andȄ"

  "Oh, for shit's sake." Tatyana picked the envelope up. "I'll do it."

  "Language, Brat." Nik grinned. That was his fearless girl.

  She stared at the enclosed paper. She held it up to her nose. She turned it as though looking at it upside down would help. She sighed, setting it back down, lines etched between her eyes. "I have no idea."

  How hard could it be? "Let me see it." Nik took it from her. Numbers. Probabilities.

  Paternity indexes. Were they good or bad? He didn't want to fuck this up. "Pavel!" he bellowed.

  "Yes, Boss?" The big man entered the room.

  "Tell me what this says." He tossed the papers to him. "In plain terms."

  "Wait a minute," Igroek protested.

  Because he already knew what the paper said. Tatyana was his granddaughter. Igroek knew it. And although he wanted to deny it, wanted Tatyana to belong to him and him alone, Nik knew it. "I'd trust Pavel with my life. He won't discuss what is said in this room,"


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