Book Read Free

Tightly Wound

Page 7

by Mia Dymond

  A loud thunk pierced her eardrums and she frowned. “Cameron?” No response. “Cameron?”

  “Sorry,” Cameron finally wheezed into the phone, “I was doing a happy dance! Oh!”

  Claire raised an eyebrow. So soon? “What’s wrong?”

  “I totally forgot to ask about you! Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. Please don’t worry.”

  “What about Shadow?”

  Claire looked back at Shadow. Heat rushed up her thighs as he caressed her skin with both thumbs. “What about him?”

  “Oh puhleese! I’ll leave you with the same advice I gave Rachel: Just do him.”

  The heat in her cheeks now matched that in her thighs. “Uh well …”

  “Ohmygawd! You did!” She couldn’t miss the satisfaction in Cameron’s infectious giggle. “Holly owes me shoes.”

  Claire shook her head at Cameron’s smugness. “You always manage to win, don’t you?”

  “When it comes to shoes, I never lose. Seriously though, if you need back up, Holly, Rachel and I can outsmart Super SEAL and be there in a couple hours.”

  “No Cameron, you stay put. Really, I’m safe with Brett and Shadow.”

  “Well okay, but one more thing.”

  Claire mentally braced herself. “Yes?”

  “Boxers or briefs?”

  She rolled her eyes again. “Goodbye, Cameron.”

  Cameron’s infectious giggle faded from the receiver.


  She sighed, relieved to hear Holly’s voice. “I’m here.”

  “I can come if you need me. We seem pretty powerful together.”

  As much as Claire agreed with Holly, bringing her to Navajo was not an option. Brett would never survive if things went wrong.

  “Cameron needs you,” she assured the other woman.

  “You’ll call if you change your mind?”

  “Of course.”

  Holly fell silent and Claire wondered if she disconnected.

  “He loves you,” Holly said finally.

  Claire reached to move Shadow’s hair back from his forehead. “I know.”

  “Be careful, Claire. He won’t be the same without you.”

  “I will. I’ll see you soon.”

  She handed the phone back to Brett, not surprised when he left the room with it plastered to his ear.

  Shadow pulled her back against his chest. “Cameron suggested she come to Navajo,” she told him.

  The rumble of laughter in his chest rolled across her cheek. “She’ll never get past Sterling.”

  “Don’t be too sure. All three of them are worried sick.”

  “They love you.”

  Claire knew without a doubt Shadow spoke the truth, and her sixth sense had nothing to do with it. Rachel and Hawke, Cameron and Max, Brett and Holly were her family. Hers and Shadow’s.

  “Give me thirty minutes.” Her body screamed when she separated herself from Shadow.

  He pinched the skin exposed by her shorts under one buttock. “Want some company?”

  She snorted. “You can’t tell time. I can’t be late.”

  “I’m off the phone!” Brett hollered from the other room. His exasperated tone made her giggle.

  “At least you can’t see it like a low-budget movie,” she yelled back.

  Several footsteps later, Brett stood in the doorway and grinned. “Stay out of my head and you won’t be offended.”

  Shadow snickered and stood. “Give up, Steele, she always wins.”

  Brett scowled. “Screw you.”

  Claire planted a kiss on her brother’s cheek as she breezed past. “Gentlemen, if you’re not ready when I am, I’ll leave without you.”

  Not too much later, Claire sat squeezed between Shadow and Brett on the second row of a crowded courtroom. Her right knee bounced. She glanced at the defendant and winced. Even with Shadow and her brother near, she couldn’t dodge all the vile anger thrown her direction.

  Shadow pressed a hand to her thigh. “You’re making me nervous.”

  “Sorry.” She laid her hand over his and squeezed. “I’m just ready for this to end.”

  He leaned near, his breath tickling her ear as he spoke. “It won’t be long. The evidence is strong.”

  She squeezed his hand again. “I’m tired of hiding.” She lifted her gaze to his. “Something is going to happen today. I feel it, and it’s not good.”

  Shadow brought her hand to his lips and softly brushed them across her knuckles. “I won’t leave your side.”

  “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

  “Will you two stop?” Brett hissed. “We’re in court for Christ’s sake.”

  Claire turned and gave her brother a weak smile. “His touch helps.”

  “Hell.” Brett crowded her further with his big body. “Better?”


  Once the judge called the trial to order, Claire forced herself to relax. Shadow and Brett strengthened her shields and she kept the emotion was bay. Until she took the witness stand.

  Hate and rage burnt her like lightning bolts. Despair ripped her skin until she thought blood might actually drip from her veins. She answered questions as best she could, almost broken in two when the defense rested.

  She left the stand, her sole focus on the path out of the courtroom. Her head swam. Polka dots danced in her vision. Vertigo attached her equilibrium. Shadow caught her as she stumbled into a bench that lined the crowded sterile hall.

  She melted against him, her shields completely useless. “Everything is so different this time.”

  He lowered her to sit. “You’re the target.”

  She fought the impending darkness. This crazed idiot would not break her. He would not win.

  She clenched Shadow’s biceps in desperation. “I need some air.”

  “We’re almost done,” he assured her. “Brooks said five minutes.”

  Panic crawled her spine. Death wrapped its fingers around her throat and squeezed. “No,” she shrieked.

  Her cheeks heated when her outburst caused several people to turn and stare.

  “Sorry,” she croaked.

  He pushed her hair to one side and kneaded the tightly-clenched muscles at the back of her neck. “Better?”

  She struggled to force air across her vocal cords. Although she was now able to get a breath of fresh air, she knew it was only temporary. She gave him a brave smile. “Better.”

  “Liar.” He pulled her closer and buried her in his embrace. Tension dripped from her muscles and peace blanketed her body. She pressed her face further against the cotton of his t-shirt and inhaled. The masculine, wild, clean smell of Shadow filled her senses. Calm. Safe.

  “Gee-zus, Shadow.” Claire smiled against Shadow’s chest at the irritation in her brother’s voice. “Do you have to mark your territory everywhere you go?”

  Claire lifted her head.

  Shadow crammed her back against him. “We need to get her out of here.”

  The two men fell silent then she felt Brett’s thigh brush hers as he sat next to her and pressed closer. “Can you walk?”

  Claire slipped free of Shadow’s hold and glanced at her brother. “No.” As desperately as she wanted to leave, she knew her knees would buckle the minute she stood.

  “He’s here, isn’t he?”

  She swallowed the softball in her throat and rested her head against Shadow’s biceps. “I don’t know. There’s so much evil here.”

  She glanced at the row of prisoners who waited for their names to be called. Agony. Fury. Deep, dark, black ribbons of hatred streaked the hallway and rendered her helpless.

  Shadow kissed the top of her head. “We’ll wait until the place clears. That should give you some relief.”

  She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath to absorb the strength of the two men who completed the Claire sandwich. Warm fuzzies tickled her insides while cylinders of comfort wrapped her from head to toe. The ache in her head eased. Sl
eep beckoned. Surrounded by incredible security, she pushed herself deeper unconscious, interrupted only when Shadow nudged her cheek with his shoulder.

  “We have company,” he whispered.

  Claire lifted her head, her vision slightly blurred. She blinked several times, relieved when she finally focused on Matt Brooks. Rick Lassiter stood next to him.

  “Claire?” Matt squinted at her. “Are you okay?”

  She forced a smile. “Yes, thank you Matt.”

  “Do you need an escort back to the house?”

  “No.” Shadow’s voice held a definite back-off warning.

  Claire opened her mouth to soften Shadow’s blow when pain speared her left temple. Black swirls of smoke crossed her eyes and her back teeth clenched. Nausea bubbled her stomach. She reached for Shadow.

  She fought the urge to flinch when Rick laid a hand on her shoulder. “Claire, thank you for your assistance on this case. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

  She nodded while she willed the room to stop spinning. “Glad I could help, Rick.” Warmth from Shadow’s skin seeped into hers.

  Rick lifted his hand to wave at someone across the hall. “I’m sorry you’ve had to spend your time sequestered in a safehouse, but we felt it was best.”

  She could’ve sworn the bench took a severe dip and she felt herself tilt forward. Shadow pulled her upright before she could kiss the floor. “Hang on, sweetheart,” he whispered across her ear.

  Determined to keep her distress hidden, Claire gave Rick a forced smile. “I’m quite comfortable there. In fact, it’s been a long day. I’m anxious to get back.”

  Rick nodded. “I’ll let you do that. I’ve got to get back in the courtroom. We’ll meet after the air clears.”

  As soon as the thick oak doors closed behind Rick, she noticed Matt released a hard breath the same time as she.

  “I hate to bring it up Claire, but have you had a chance to get a read on Gabe’s murder?”

  A muscle jumped under Shadow’s biceps.

  Something, maybe exhaustion, maybe Shadow’s involuntary reaction, told her to tread lightly. She moved her gaze to her brother and intercepted the same signal.

  “Sorry, not yet.”

  “Do you mind if I stop by in a few hours? Maybe we can dig up something together.”

  “Sure.” Deep in the recesses of her brain, Shadow and Brett groaned. Suddenly the dark clouds over her mood vanished. “Hey Matt, are you any good at five card draw?”


  Once he and Claire sat behind the safety of his truck’s smoked windows, Shadow tapped his fingers against the steering wheel while he maneuvered though town, barely escaped being stopped by the lowering arm of a railroad barrier, and quickly approached the curves leading to the safehouse.

  During his first turn, he gave a casual glance into his rearview mirror. Steele’s truck no longer followed, in its place another vehicle.

  Before Shadow got a fix on the situation, the muddy brown sedan accelerated and then rammed his rear bumper.

  “Sonuvabitch!” The steering wheel trembled in his grip. “Claire, can you see the driver?”

  Her thigh bumped his when she turned in her seat. “No, he’s backed off.”

  “Is it him?”

  Shadow didn’t move his gaze from the road, already assured of her answer. “Yes.”

  He pressed the accelerator to the floor, hoping to gain distance. The other driver increased speed and followed closely. Shadow glanced as far down the open highway in front of him as possible, looking for an exit, a corner, a turn, anything to confuse his tail. Nothing but asphalt.

  The sedan nailed his tail end again, this time pushing the truck sideways with its force. Shadow fought for control but the momentum proved too much. The truck hit the ditch and soared airborne.

  Shadow reached for Claire, grabbing nothing but air when the vehicle hit the ground and rolled. He squeezed the steering wheel and held on for the ride while the airbag popped and burnt his neck. Once the truck stopped moving, stars floated through his vision and he wasn’t too damn sure he didn’t dream the whole thing.

  Then reality bit him in the ass.

  “Claire!” He batted the deflated balloon from his face and clawed at the seatbelt that squeezed him, suspending him almost in the air. Panic punched him in the stomach when he realized she wasn’t below him in the passenger seat. “Christ Claire, answer me!”

  Acid bubbled his gut when the metal boa constrictor finally released him and he tumbled into the vacant seat. His head bounced off the window.

  “I’m behind you,” Claire finally answered. “Please tell me you’re not hurt.”

  “I’m Superman, remember?” The purr of the motor suddenly caught his attention. Pungent fumes of gasoline filled his nostrils. “We gotta move.”

  He climbed back to the driver’s seat, pulled the door handle, and shouldered the door. “Damn thing’s stuck. Is my duffel still back there with you?”

  The sound of her movement in the back seat gave him hope that she wasn’t severely injured. “Yes.”

  “Open the side pocket and hand me the pistol.”

  Her cold fingers brushed his as the weapon changed hands.

  “Duck behind the seat.” The snap of the gun’s clip release echoed in the baited silence as bullets littered the seat. He grasped the barrel and struck the window. Between adrenaline and pure force, the glass finally shattered. “Okay sweetheart, can you climb over?”

  She scurried over the leather almost before the words left his mouth.

  He lifted her toward the open hole. “Careful.” He breathed a sigh of relief when she left the interior completely. “Away from the truck,” he ordered. “Run as far as you can.”

  From his vantage point, Claire’s legs remained motionless. “Not without you.”

  Shadow couldn’t afford an argument. He hurled himself out the window and plastered her to his body. “Wrap your legs around my waist.” As soon as he held her tight, he sprinted for a clump of trees away from the carnage.

  Claire slid down the length of his body until she sat on the ground.

  He squatted in front of her. “Where do you hurt?”

  “Everywhere, but I don’t think anything is broken.” She gave him a watery smile. “I’m so dizzy.”

  His muscles burned as he stripped off his shirt and pressed it to her forehead. “You’re bleeding this time.”

  With the cotton pressed tight against the wound, he wrapped his arms around her neck and squeezed her to him.

  “I slipped out of my seatbelt. I don’t know how it happened. I was buckled … and the next …”

  Claire paused in mid-sentence. Shadow read the impending danger in her eyes seconds before he glanced at the truck. Hungry, orange flames devoured the metal. Thick, black smoke suffocated the air. The ground shook beneath them. Shadow pulled her from the dirt and pushed her behind a tree.

  Claire’s fly-away curls stuck to him as she nestled her head in the crook of his bare shoulder. Her shoulders shook and moisture coated his skin.

  He wrapped his arms around her midsection and squeezed. “Adrenaline’s a bitch.”

  He held tight and silent, respecting her need to purge the fear from her system. Unable to prevent the motion, his fingers burrowed through the tresses of her tangled hair, forcing his unbelievable anger into submission. Finally, he felt her lips caress the skin over his left pectoral.

  He eased her back and ran his thumbs under her eyes to clear the tears. “Can you reach into my pocket for my cell?”

  She nodded and then dipped her fingers into his pocket. She raised her gaze and bit her lip. He knew what she planned to say before she spoke.

  “It’s not there,” she said softly.

  “You have yours?”

  She shook her head from side to side. “It was in the truck.”

  Shadow released a heavy breath. “Don’t worry, Steele won’t miss this mess.”

  Claire’s eyes widened. “Brett was
right behind us.”

  He squeezed her shoulder. “Claire, you’ve come too far to fall apart on me now. Think. You would know.”

  “You’re right.” She took a ragged, deep breath. “But what if someone else finds us first?”


  Her gaze bounced around the wreckage. “He thinks we blew up in the truck. He won’t risk a confrontation.” She frowned at the base of his neck. “You’re burnt.”


  He squeezed his eyes shut, tucked her head beneath his chin, and rested his chin on top of her head. His heart pounded a military cadence. Sick bastard would have to die and it would be a long, slow, torturous death if he had anything to say about it.

  “I agree,” Claire mumbled.

  His eyes snapped open at the sound of an approaching vehicle. Steele parked his truck on the shoulder and walked toward the trees. Shadow stuck his fingers between his lips and gave a sharp whistle. Steele headed their direction.

  Steele pried Claire’s fingers from Shadow’s biceps and buried her in his own embrace. “What the hell happened?”

  She whimpered and Shadow reached to stroke her hair. “Brown sedan hit me from behind. I hit the ditch and rolled.” He ran a hand across his forehead. “Did the train stop you?”

  Steele nodded. “You need an ambulance?”

  He bit back a smirk. No doubt, Steele’s question was just a technicality. “I’m good but Claire needs to be checked out.”

  “I’m not hurt,” she insisted, pulling free of her brother’s hold. “I just want to soak in a hot bath.”

  Sirens screamed in the heated afternoon and soon fire engines, an ambulance, and police cars swarmed the area.

  “Emergency room first, bath later.” Shadow urged her out of the cover of the trees.

  Claire frowned. “We’re targets out here.”

  His control snapped. “Dammit, Claire! Could you please, for once, just humor me?” He squeezed the bridge of his nose. “You’ll fall over if Steele lets go.”

  She reached to touch her forehead.

  “He’s right.” Steele guided her to the ambulance. “You could have a concussion.”

  The paramedic took over as soon as Steele pushed her to sit in the back of the ambulance.


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