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OMEGA Conscript

Page 8

by Stephen Arseneault

  I pulled up an image of the Moddle on my holo-display. "How do you explain your attacks on the Moddle? I must say I find it brilliant that you are able to use resources from the New Alliance in your fight against them, while at the same time you have the Moddle off fighting for you in another system."

  The Green scowled. "The Moddle are a foul species, just as your own. They attacked Doomlight, wiping out most of the population. The Grumar had an alliance with the Doomlighters. Before we arrived the Humans showed up and wiped out the remaining inhabitants. After that act of cowardice, they began warring with the Moddle over who would get the spoils. I would say you were losing that fight when the Grumar arrived at Doomlight. Your side was eager to negotiate peace for assistance against the Moddle. The Grumar gave it, and you moved on to fight the Moddle on their home worlds."

  I replied, "And explain why it is that our fleets are attacked each time they arrive at Doomlight."

  The Green laughed. "It was an agreed-upon penance for your atrocities against the Doomlighters. The Grumar insisted on taking upwards of 30 percent of your incoming troops for a period of six years. They would be given a fighting chance though, not just a simple slaughter. It would be up to the Grumar to decide if they wanted to end it early."

  I asked, "And what of your involvement in all this? Why are the Grotus at the battlefront? Why were you yourself involved?"

  Balt Mergus looked to the side. "We are merely advisers in this struggle. I was given the assignment to observe a culling fight with the Alliance fleet. I was neglectful of my location and was preoccupied with my study of one of your ships. My ship malfunctioned, leaving me unable to move before it was completely disabled. I should not have been as close to the battle as I was."

  I looked on with suspicion. "Why are you now telling me all this?"

  The Green smiled. "Because I have had time to think. The information I give here cannot be used against my people or the Grumar. And I believe that you on this ship are operating outside the New Alliance. Who you are or what you are doing I will eventually figure out. Or perhaps you would just like to tell me your version of events?"

  I shook my head. "I don't think so. Whatever you wish to say to me, I can choose to accept now or go verify on my own later. You are the prisoner here and do not have that luxury. I do have additional questions, though. I understand the agreements you have with the New Alliance and why they are fighting the Moddle. What I don't understand is, why are the Moddle fighting in that other system?"

  The Green sighed. "The Moddle are an evil species. When the Grumar confronted them on Doomlight, they were quickly and utterly defeated. Those who surrendered were given a choice of immediate death or going off to fight in this other battle. The Grumar have other enemies, enemies who attack their colonies. The system the Moddle are fighting in was once one of those peaceful Grumar colonies. The Moddle are merely repaying their debt to the Grumar."

  Garrett came in the room behind me. "I was listening over the comm. If the Moddle surrendered, why were a handful of their officers left on Doomlight?"

  Balt Mergus scowled. "The general and his officers are the barbarians responsible for the slaughter of Doomlight. They are being held until their worlds have been crushed and their people enslaved. The Grumar decided their punishment would be to see their worlds destroyed and their people utterly defeated before they die a death of starvation like so many of their victims."

  Garrett tilted his head to one side and expressed a skeptical smile. "I don't know what to believe coming out of you. When first questioned, you were belligerent and hateful. You seethed with every response. Now you are calm and cool."

  The Green offered a stoic reply. "This is war. What would you expect of me?"

  With that comment I stood and exited the room. Garrett followed, closing the door behind him.

  I plopped down in my chair. "I'm concerned."

  Garrett shook his head. "You’re not taking that guy at his word, are you? While those explanations may be plausible, we have nothing that says they are fact. I wouldn't rely on anything he just said."

  I turned. "I believe we can verify much of it through our Grumar guest here. He will not withhold the truth from me."

  Garrett nodded. With that motion, I began to question Gasau Mont. Much of what the Green had said was confirmed. But they were not the quiet advisers of the Grumar as Balt Mergus had suggested. They were fighters, and they had an agenda of expansion.

  And yet some of the character traits of the Greens the Grumar spoken of were not as I had learned from my own people. While they were interested in expanding the Duration, it was mostly through peaceful means. And as the Green had said in our last discussion, it was not the Grotus who wiped out the Doomlighters, it was the New Alliance and the Moddle. The Green's earlier statement that it was the Grumar was a deception with the intention of instilling fear. The Doomlighters were a colony of the Duration, and as such were under their protection—a protection at which they had failed.

  Garrett walked back to the galley and returned with a steaming cup of coffee, placing it in my hands. "So we are the aggressors. And according to Balt Mergus, the Gruntas are the belligerent species between the two of you. I think I can definitely say that your species isn't aggressive now, but who knows what happened three thousand years ago? There have been plenty of dirty Humans—Harden Salton is evidence of that. Who's to say there weren't dirty Gruntas back then?"

  I replied, "It's a disturbing thought. We take great pride in who our people are today. To learn that our ways may not have always been peaceful is disconcerting."

  Garrett smirked. "Kind of like rooting for your team and their great record only to find out they used to be cheaters. At least we Humans have had our good and bad spread all throughout our history. We kind of know what to expect from ourselves."

  Garrett sipped his coffee and continued: "Well, at least you can take pride in knowing who you are now. The few Gruntas I have met were not aggressive in any way. In fact, of those I've been around, you, Knog, are by far the most outgoing and aggressive."

  I set my mug down on the console in front of me. "I have to wonder … other than the Grand Council, our men have been in charge of everything political since the AMP began. The women have stayed home and run our households. They have shown no desire to do otherwise. But I have to wonder … if they were running things, how would that change our culture? Would we become an aggressive species? Were our women at one time in charge of our politics?"

  Garrett shook his head. "Your women are fine. Don't let that Green put ideas in your head that make you doubt your own people and their motives. You know what's right and what isn't. Your women know the same."

  Go pointed at the nav screen. We're closing on Alpha Prime. Any idea of how we get me down on that planet?"

  Garrett looked over the display and pointed. "How about this freighter? I'll take you in close and you drift over and cling to its hull. When it gets near the planet, you use your glove drive to take you the rest of the way."

  I remarked, "Just be sure to not go through that atmosphere at a speed that would overwhelm the suit. You will be exposed to debris when moving from here to the freighter. Once you make it there, the gravity wall in front of that freighter should keep you safe. It looks like your ride will last an hour or so.

  "And keep your comm open to us, including video. When you get to the Salton compound, just follow the floor diagrams as we talked about. Harden rarely leaves that compound, so he won't be difficult to find."

  Garrett raised a hand. "And look in on Joni for us. I'd like to know that she is at least safe. I can't see her uncle bringing her harm, but then again, he is evil, and I'd bet he values empire over family. If she behaves as he wants, she'll be fine, but I don't know that she'll sit idle knowing everything that's going on."

  Go stood as we approached the freighter. "OK, I got this. Before I go, I just wanted to let you know that it has been great knowing the both of you. I could never have dreame
d of doing the things I've done. I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me."

  Garrett laughed. "You sound a little nervous. And as far as the rest of that short speech, we're the ones who should be thanking you. You keep stepping up without ever being asked. So all I can say is be careful on your hop to that freighter. And watch yourself when you get down to the surface. We want to get to that portal as soon as we can, but that doesn't mean you should take unnecessary chances to try to speed us there."

  The Jess closed to within a kilometer of the freighter. Go blinked out, drifted outside the Jess, and using the BHD glove, powered his way over to the freighter's hull. A soft landing had him safely tucked away in a secure location.

  Go spoke over the comm. "OK, hard part is over. Now we wait."

  Chapter 8

  * * *

  As the freighter slowed to approach-speed, Go separated himself from the hull and powered toward Alpha Prime. An hour later he was dropping through the atmosphere, and fifteen minutes after that he was standing on the ground.

  Go looked at a map on his helmet holo-display. "I'm on the ground about a kilometer outside the compound."

  Garrett replied, "We see that. We are watching you."

  Go responded. "You're going to take all the fun out of this, aren't you?"

  Garrett laughed. "OK, sorry, keep the narration coming."

  Go powered over to the high wall surrounding the compound known as Salton City and was soon drifting through the concrete and steel barrier.

  "I'm inside. I'm going straight to the living quarters. It's early morning down here, so they may just be getting up."

  The white marble buildings and greenery flew past on our monitors as Go powered his way across the compound. After passing through two walls he came face to face with a sitting Joseph Harden. Go stopped, observing Joni's father as he sipped on a cup of coffee.

  Harden Salton walked into the room. "Joseph, I can't have you moping around all day. We have work to do. The Galorian Ambassador will be here this morning and we need to solidify our trade deals if we are to get the construction contract we need. It took us five years to get that gate working after moving it. We can't afford to wait that long for the next one."

  Go whispered, "You hear that? I think they are planning on setting up another gate."

  I replied, "Just stay quiet and observe."

  Joseph Salton set his cup on the table in front of him as he stared out an adjacent window into the lush gardens beyond. "You can't keep her locked up like that."

  Harden Salton scowled. "I can and I will. Either you get her under control or I'll be looking for a more permanent solution to her rebelliousness."

  Joseph Salton snapped his head around in anger. "Are you threatening my daughter?"

  Harden Salton grinned. "Joseph, why must you take everything so literally? I love Joni. You know that. All I am referring to is a more permanent form of restraint. I've been thinking of converting the diplomatic quarters into a domicile for her. It's large. She would be free to roam about inside. And it's already fully wired with cameras and listening gear. Her team would be easily able to keep her out of trouble there. We might even arrange for her to have visitors or friends."

  Joseph crossed his arms. "So you mean to keep her prisoner. For how long? The rest of her life?"

  Harden walked to beside the table, looking out the window. "She will be well provided for. She'll certainly have a life that is better than the vast majority of our citizens. And we'll be able to keep a close eye on her, keep her safe."

  Joseph looked back out the window and lowered the tone of his voice. "You know, father would not have allowed you to do what you have done. The break up of the AMP … an assault on another galaxy … conscripting your own people to go off to fight in a war of expansion. He would not have been happy with what you have done."

  Harden Salton's face turned a deep red as he looked down at his younger brother. "He was a fool and didn't recognize what he had. It was he who taught me that a man is defined by his achievements. Our father built up his vast wealth on the backs of others. He was no saint. But he had no further vision than wealth. I have! I have a vision where we control the six galaxies and beyond!

  "We cannot reunite the Alliance by openly attacking the other families. We have neither the resources nor the wealth to do so. The moment we attack one, the others will rally behind them. That is all the New Alliance is, a pact to stop each of us from attacking one another. The New Alliance is nothing more than a deterrent."

  Joseph Salton looked at his brother. "And how does taking worlds by force in another galaxy help us?"

  Harden sat and smiled. "The portal gives us a way to build both wealth and power beyond the prying eyes of spies. We have our people in the territories of the others, they have their spies here. Here, we cannot make a serious move without them knowing. We struggle to conceal that portal as it is. Once we crush the Moddle, and turn the Grumar and Grotus fully to our cause, we can freely build an army and a fleet that could easily overpower the other families, even if they join together. Can't you see it, Joseph? Trillions of citizens all under our guidance! No more trade wars, no riots, no hunger. And a new galaxy added to our empire! One of many to come!"

  Joseph looked down at the floor before looking out the window. "You really have gone mad with power, haven't you? No one man could control such a vast empire. Look at the rebellions in our own. We can't control what we have."

  Harden placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "You truly do not have the vision. Would you have me be nothing but a tin-pot despot who struggles to keep what few citizens he has in line?"

  Joseph turned quickly. "Few citizens? You command billions and yet we struggle with a new rebellion almost every day!"

  Harden frowned. "Rebellions and unrest instigated by the spies of our enemies. I can assure you, brother, the other families have the same issues. Our own people have seen to it."

  Joseph took another sip from his cup. "I just wonder if we need to turn our vision inward. If we focused our energies on our own people, perhaps we could turn things around."

  Harden scowled. "Don't go soft on me now, brother. You and I dreamed of the day when we would be in charge, a day when justice was dispensed in a manner that was fair to everyone. Disputes would be settled with the wave of one of our hands. It would be a day when the portals once again flowed freely with citizens, a day when new frontiers could be explored, when new worlds would be conquered and added to our empire. We formed this dream together, Joseph. Tell me you have not lost your way! Tell me I am not alone in this venture!"

  Joseph gazed out the window for several seconds. "You are my brother, my best friend. I will not turn on you. Nor will I leave your side. Just understand that I don't have your fortitude, your determination, or your vision. I live in a simpler world where a man's measure is not taken by what he has accomplished, but by how he accomplishes it."

  Harden smiled. "It is your voice of reason that allows me to achieve what I do. I have the vision, you have the moral compass that adds balance to that vision, making it something that can be achieved. My brother, I can feel the greatness building inside me every day. A greatness I will eagerly share with you. We may only be a decade away from having the fleet and army we desire. Following that, the Salton Empire will become a reality!"

  Joseph looked back at his brother. "And what of Joni? Is she to remain a captive?"

  Harden sighed. "She is a slave to her strong will. If she doesn’t take sides against her own family, she’ll be free to do as she pleases. But, make no mistake, I will not allow her to interfere with our work. It is Joni that has chosen her current path. It is only she who can free herself from that."

  Harden Salton stood. "Now, we must prepare for the ambassador. And, brother, I do enjoy these discussions. They leave me full of energy, full of the knowledge that we can achieve whatever it is we set our minds to. With you here beside me as the voice of reason, we will rule the six galaxies and b

  With that, Harden Salton turned and left the room. Joseph sat in silent contemplation as he sipped at his now lukewarm cup.

  Garrett turned to face me as I rose. "Where are you going?"

  I replied as I walked into the gantry. "All that coffee drinking has me thirsty. And while that was interesting to hear, I can imagine much of the rest of our observations will not be so stimulating. I foresee the need of an energy boost from a cup or two."

  Garrett gestured. "Bring me one while you are at it. I can see this being a long day as well. Oh, and Go is on the move."

  Go replied, "I think it's time I searched for Joni."

  I returned with a steaming cup. "No, follow Harden first. Joni is safe. It's more important that we know what he's up to. The Galorian family is not in this galaxy. What is it that Harden wants them to build that is so critical?"

  Go nodded. "Harden it is then. If he's meeting with the ambassador, it should be in the reception building. I'll head over and familiarize myself with it."

  Garrett pulled up a diagram of the buildings in the Salton compound. "Why don't you try shadowing him between now and then. I'd be interested to see their security building if he goes there. Their security operation has to be significant. The more we know about what they know and can see, the better off we'll be if we need you to take action."

  Go powered to a stop. "Take action? I thought we were just here to observe."

  Garrett half laughed. "I only meant that about future action. Don't worry, we don't have anything planned for you."

  Go pointed. "There he is. Heading across the courtyard."

  As Go powered in behind Harden Salton, I turned to Garrett. "Well, we at least now know his grand plan. If word of that were to leak out, the other families would deal with him in short order."

  Garrett replied, "Yeah, and I don't think that would be a good outcome for any of us. The Salton branch of the Alliance is where most Humans reside. If Harden is seen as trying to take full control, there will be a price to be paid by all Humans—and by every other species fully under his control."


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