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Witness Protection 2: The Return of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Page 9

by Holly Copella


  Civilization was left behind almost two hours later. Lee and Tonya rode in the middle of the second and third rows of seats with the intimidating men on either side of them. Beck drove while Ross rode shotgun in the front passenger seat. Lee sat between the slightly psychotic Zack and the overly serious Kirk. She wasn’t sure which was worse. Tonya remained stranded in the last row between the excessively talkative Bogart, and Monroe, who was already nearing insanity from the constant chatter. Kirk would cast glaring death threats at Bogart behind him, leaving Lee feeling uneasy every time she saw the evil in his dark eyes. Beck’s constant glares through the rearview mirror weren’t helping ease Lee’s tension either. If Lee didn’t maintain faith in Agent Falcone’s judgment of the men, she’d be taking bets on which man would kill Bogart first.

  Apart from the lengthy, tense ride inside the SUV, Lee couldn’t help stare out the window at the beautiful landscaped countryside on the long stretch of road. They only passed a few vehicles in the last hour, and she couldn’t recall how long it had been since they’d seen sign of a house. She wondered how much further it would be, but she didn’t feel comfortable talking to either of her seatmates. Tonya gently rubbed her temples and appeared ready to explode any moment.

  “How much longer?” Tonya finally blurted out the question Lee had been desperate to ask.

  “It’s about another hour--” Beck announced from the driver’s seat.

  Lee held back her groan, but Tonya wasn’t nearly as concerned with hiding her feelings.

  “--until we reach town,” Beck continued. “The lodge is another two hours from there.”

  Despite not being able to see one another’s expression, Lee and Tonya shared the same shocked look.

  “Three more hours?” Lee gasped, beating Tonya to the outburst. “Are you serious?”

  Zack casually leaned forward toward the front seat and over Beck’s shoulder. “I think we need a potty break,” he casually announced.

  Lee felt her cheeks immediately redden. She didn’t need a bathroom break, and if she did, she certainly didn’t need Zack announcing it to the entire transport vehicle. She secretly seethed then shifted in her seat. Now that he had said the magic words, she suddenly had the urge to urinate.

  “Great,” Tonya scoffed while throwing her hands in the air. “Now I have to go.”

  Zack smirked proudly as he sank back in his seat. It was almost as if he knew the comment would set the mood. Kirk squirmed in his seat as well.

  “Yeah, me too,” Kirk muttered.

  “Well, you’re in luck,” Beck announced cheerfully and nodded out the front windshield. “There’s a restroom just up ahead.”

  Both women looked out the side window and strained to see where Beck had indicated. The timing was uncanny. The SUV pulled alongside the road not far from a large boulder, which was the restroom in question. Lee held her breath and refrained from commenting. Zack removed a semiautomatic from his hidden shoulder holster and cocked it, causing both women to jump. He grinned deviously.

  “I’ll check for snakes!”

  Lee and Tonya stared after him as he sprang from the SUV and stalked the large boulder with his gun prepared for a shock and awe on any slithering wildlife. Tonya leaned forward and touched Lee’s shoulder.

  “We’re gonna die out here,” Tonya whispered near Lee’s ear from behind.

  Lee would have laughed if she actually thought it was a joke, but she was starting to get the same uneasy feeling regarding the men Agent Falcone assigned to protect them.


  The SUV pulled up to what remained of an old lodge that had seen better days. Once an impressive resort, the fifty bedroom hotel showed years of neglect. There were several boarded windows, the paint was peeling, and the wraparound porch appeared to be eroding. The men got out of the SUV and showed no reaction to the condition of the lodge. Lee and Tonya stared at the dilapidated building with their mouths slightly open. There were no polite words to describe how they were both feeling.

  “What a hell hole!” Bogart proclaimed, causing all eyes to fall upon him.

  Lee was certain Bogart wouldn’t be alive by morning. Kirk tossed a duffel bag at Bogart, which he barely caught and almost knocked him to the ground. Bogart was about to protest when Kirk threw another bag at him, as if playing some sick game to knock him down.

  “Make yourself useful,” Kirk demanded of the pretty boy.

  Monroe grabbed two bags and approached Lee and Tonya. He observed their expressions then offered a reassuring smile.

  “Don’t worry,” he informed them. “It’s not nearly as bad as it looks.”

  Tonya and Lee weren’t convinced but they followed Monroe and Beck onto the porch. All three entered behind Beck. The magnificent, rustic lobby appeared painstakingly refinished to its original condition. Both women remained equally shocked by the beauty of the place. The old-fashioned front desk was possibly antique and added class to the lobby. A large, walk-in stone fireplace took up the entire back wall. An open, wooden staircase led to the second floor rooms, which overlooked the lobby.

  “What is this place?” Tonya asked to no one in particular.

  “Back in the sixties, it was a luxury hotel where the rich and pampered went to escape the bustle of the city,” Ross informed her while looking around. “When it outlived its usefulness, it was auctioned off in the eighties and bought by a group of fifty hunters. They restored most of the main building.”

  “My grandfather was one of the last surviving members of the hunting club,” Beck continued while proudly looking around. “I was willed a large portion of the estate, leaving the guys to buy out the remaining heirs.”

  “Few people know about the lodge,” Monroe announced. “We use it as a safe haven from the rest of the world.”

  “Since I sold my used car lot,” Beck casually informed them, “I spend most of my time here. It’s pretty much my home.” He headed toward the front desk, removed some old-fashioned keys, and then indicated the elevators. “The elevators function, but I recommend you don’t use them. They’re unreliable. We’ll all stay on the second floor close to the stairs. I have a two-bedroom suite for our guests, which offers a connecting door to a possible third bedroom. Ross will take the connecting bedroom.” Beck handed Ross both sets of keys. “Even though no one should be able to find us this far out, one of us will remain on guard duty in the lobby at night.”

  “So geographic isolation is your only security?” Tonya asked and appeared concerned.

  Beck shrugged slightly and offered a tiny smirk. “Understand; I’m not exactly paranoid--”

  He then approached the steps, moved the large ball at the end of the railing, and revealed a button. Beck slammed his palm on the button. Steel panels fell down across the widows, in front of the main entrance, and metal doors slammed shut toward the back of the main lodge. The sound of crashing metal was almost deafening, causing both women and Bogart to look around with surprise. Kirk grinned for the first time, apparently pleased with the lodge’s defense system. Lee and Tonya looked from the sealed windows and door to Beck, who smirked in response.

  “But I like being prepared,” he announced casually.

  Zack walked past both women and muttered to them, “Don’t believe what he says. He’s paranoid.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Agent Falcone sat in the driver’s seat of his SUV and kept watch of Romano’s office building from across the moderately busy street. He clearly had a lot on his mind judging by the transfixed look in his eyes. The passenger side door opened without warning, startling him. He had his weapon in his hand surprisingly fast and aimed it at the door. Gil showed no emotion to the gun aimed at him as he climbed inside Holden’s SUV, but instead raised his brow in response.

  “Jumpy, Holden?”

  Holden frowned and replaced his gun to his shoulder holster. “Gil,” he muttered his greeting then returned his attention back to the building across the street. “What brings y
ou to my stakeout?”

  “Fifty million dollars, two hot witnesses, and one pain in the ass federal agent,” Gil replied.

  “Always a pleasure, Gil,” Holden remarked with disinterest. “What can I do for you now?”

  “Just wondering about your endgame.”

  “My endgame?” he questioned while looking at Gil. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that you have nothing on this guy, Romano,” Gil announced. “You have my team watching those women, but you’re not any closer to pinning anything on this guy than you were the day his accountant was carried out feet first.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Holden remarked then looked back toward the building. “The fifty million is our motive. Once we find the flash drive, we’ll have our proof. We just need to figure out what Romano did with the money, and then we have him.”

  “Congratulations,” Gil announced without cracking a smile. “You have a man embezzling money from his own company. If you’re lucky, you may be able to pin money laundering on him. You still won’t have anything to prove that he murdered the accountant or that he ordered a hit on those women. He’s already denounced his right hand man, Jericho, who we know broke into Lee’s apartment. You know--the guy on the lamb.”

  Holden avoided looking at Gil, a self-proclaimed know-it-all; although he couldn’t hide his annoyance at what he undoubtedly already knew.

  “Once you arrest Jericho, the women will be out of danger, and Romano will have handed you your scapegoat for the accountant’s murder,” Gil continued while casually playing with several buttons on the center dashboard.

  Holden slapped Gil’s hand to prevent him from flipping any switches. Gil cast a glare at him.

  “I assume you’re attempting to make some point,” Holden grumbled.

  “Yeah, case closed,” Gil replied while studying him. “At best you have Jericho for breaking and entering. A good lawyer will get him off on the death threat charge with the ‘he said; she said’ defense. It’s his word against hers and with Sal’s money backing him…” Gil shook his head as if shaming Holden. “You don’t even have a case against him for the dead accountant or the attack on Monroe’s beach house.”

  Holden finally looked at Gil while maintaining his irritation. “I’m buying some time until I can get something on Romano. I know it doesn’t look good, but it’s the best I can do at the moment.”

  “Yeah, it’s the best you can do,” Gil remarked. “You give me twenty-four hours, and I can give you all the dirt you need on this guy to put him away for good.”

  “You’re suggesting I let you go rogue to get that information?” Holden demanded.

  “I’m not suggesting you let me do anything,” Gil announced sternly. “I’m asking you to stay out of my way, so I can end this for you.”

  “I’d love to let you loose on my town, Gil,” Holden informed him. “But there’s nothing you can do illegally that my team can’t do within the boundaries of the law.”

  “You’re spending the afternoon watching a building like a teenager watching for a thong sighting,” Gil retorted in his usual monotone voice. “You must realize that any information of value is at his country mansion.”

  “I’m not helping you break into his mansion,” Holden announced with irritation.

  “One strategically placed bug in Romano’s office; a transmitter of Beck’s design on his home computer, and we have access to phone calls and emails coming to and from his office. I’m not asking you to help me break into his mansion,” Gil responded firmly. “I’m just asking you not to arrest me if I get caught.

  “I won’t have to arrest you if you get caught,” Holden snapped. “You’ll be dead.”

  Gil suddenly grinned. “I knew I could count on you,” he announced and left the car.

  Holden stared after him with a look of shock. “What? Gil, wait!” He groaned softly and shook his head. “Every relationship comes with baggage,” he scoffed. “Why did mine have to come with a six-pack of SEALs?”


  Romano’s country mansion was nestled on a large parcel of land beyond tall, stone walls. The professionally landscaped estate didn’t have a hedge out of place. Weeping willow trees and faux split rail fencing lined the long driveway. The driveway split off to circle a large fountain outside the front door, while the remaining driveway branched off to the left. The driveway led to the kitchen, staff wing, and eventually to the massive, detached, eight-car garage. Gil remained partially hidden behind a large tree and watched the mansion through a pair of small binoculars. Despite the grandeur of the mansion, it lacked extensive security one would expect from a mafia kingpin. Apart from the security guard at the front gate, there wasn’t a guard to be found. A few strategically placed cameras seemed to be the only security measures.

  Gil lowered his binoculars and watched the mansion a while longer being not completely convinced that the place was so unprotected. A delivery truck pulled up to the security gate and stopped. The security guard approached the truck from outside the gate. A large silver sable German shepherd ran across the lawn and jumped at the gate while barking at the truck. A man yelled from the house. The dog ran back to the house. Gil stared a moment longer and frowned.

  “I hate dog alarms,” he muttered.

  Gil made his way along the outer area beyond the gate and headed toward the backside of the mansion. There was a second, unmanned gate, but it appeared to be on lockdown. He again studied the surrounding area. He spotted a large hangar between the back gate and the large garage. A four-passenger helicopter sat on a landing pad near the hangar. Beyond the eight-car garage, several men were working on landscaping in the backyard. They appeared to be pitching a concert tent for some large gathering. Gil removed his cell phone and pressed a single button. He waited a moment for the person on the other end to answer.

  “It looks like they’re having a party, Holden,” Gil announced into the phone. “Something going on?” He awaited a response then smirked. “Birthday party this Saturday afternoon, huh? Yeah, I think I can use that to my advantage. Can you get me a copy of the secretary’s plan book for this week?” There was a brief pause as Gil rolled his eyes. “It’s a simple request, Holden. Call me back in an hour.” Gil disconnected the call and frowned. “With all Jackie’s military options, why’d she have to marry a fed?” he muttered with annoyance.


  Later that afternoon, Gil waited near the main gate while keeping out of sight in the tree line. He looked at his watch and frowned. A landscaping truck approached the gate. Gil grinned and waited for the vehicle to stop. The guard greeted the truck and spoke to the driver. As the guard headed back into the guardhouse, Gil silently darted for the back of the vehicle and easily scaled the tailgate, dropping into the back with the equipment. As the truck drove through the gate and up to the back of the mansion, Gil dropped out just prior to the vehicle stopping. He mingled with the other workers, carried a plant behind them, and then slipped off to the side, disappearing out of sight.

  Gil casually walked through the staff wing of the house, ducking into doorways each time he heard voices. He eventually found his way to the kitchen. He slipped silently across the massive kitchen while an older man and woman talked at the opposite end. Gil entered the attached dining room, which contained a massive, carved table with seating for twenty. The dining room looked more like a ballroom than a dining room. He approached the main dining room door, was about to leave, and then suddenly hesitated to the sound of women’s voices. Two young, attractive maids passed the doorway and headed into the kitchen. Once they were gone, Gil slipped out of the dining room and entered the grand hallway, which seemed to extend forever. He observed the many rooms as he passed, mentally noting which rooms were where. He paused before a closed door, assessed his situation, and then entered the room.

  Expensive, antique furniture filled the elegant study, tastefully decorated with a distinguished man in mind. Obviously, Romano was rich enough to hire people
with excellent taste to decorate for him. Gil passed a wall lined with bookcases, approached the desk, and planted a device under the front edge. He then rounded the desk and attached a second device to the back of the computer tower. Once he’d secured the devices, he wasted little time slipping out of the study. He casually shut the door behind him and headed toward the kitchen area. He heard the same female voices conversing just up ahead. Without slowing, he changed direction and headed back along the grand hallway and toward the front door. He opened the front door and saw a red light on the security panel alongside the door flash. Gil groaned with disgust, realizing he’d set off an alarm.

  “Who sets a door alarm in the middle of the day,” he muttered as he casually removed his cell phone. He waited for someone to pick up on the other end. “Yes, I’d like to report an intruder at 954 Sona Lane,” Gil announced into his cell phone. “Can you send someone out right away?” He hesitated and awaited a response. “Thank you, I appreciate your assistance.”

  Gil immediately returned the cell phone to his pocket as the guard with the German shepherd ran onto the porch. Gil placed his hands in the air and remained motionless as the dog snarled at him. The guard aimed a gun at the intruder. Police sirens wailed in the distance. Being arrested for illegal entry wasn’t exactly the smartest move, but for a man with a ‘get out of jail free’ fed card, it had its advantages.

  “Don’t move,” the guard shouted as the dog growled and barked his disapproval.

  “I’m not moving,” Gil replied with little emotion.

  “It’s okay, Lenny,” a male voice announced from the foyer behind Gil.

  Gil slowly glanced over his shoulder to the man standing behind him. It was Jericho! Gil recognized him from photos Holden had in his file. The fact that he was inside Romano’s mansion was almost enough to incriminate Lee’s boss.

  “I’ve got this,” Jericho announced and smiled deviously. “I’m sure he just made a wrong turn from the backyard. Tell the police there’s been a misunderstanding.”


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