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Witness Protection 2: The Return of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Page 15

by Holly Copella

  “Such a good watchdog,” he announced in a coddling tone meant to excite the dog.

  Darth let out a quick bark, startling Gil. He placed his finger to his mouth and shushed the dog. He approached the refrigerator and routed around. He removed a plate and grinned while looking at the excited dog.

  “Hmm, looks like pot roast,” he announced. “I hope the cook made those little potatoes.”

  He helped himself to some pot roast then tossed a chunk of meat to Darth. The dog practically swallowed it whole.

  “That’s not good for digestion,” Gil informed the dog. “You should learn to savor your food.” He then considered the comment and shrugged. “But we are pressed for time.” He tossed the dog a few more pieces of beef and shoved some into his own mouth. Gil held up a small potato and grinned between chewing. “I was right,” he said to the dog. “Little potatoes.”

  He tossed one to the dog. Darth jumped up and caught it in his mouth, again swallowing it without chewing. Gil stuffed two into his mouth and returned the plate to the refrigerator.

  “Come on, Darth,” he announced with his mouth full. “Time to check our social network page. See if the guys found anything useful.”

  Chapter Twenty-four

  It was a little after three o’clock in the morning. Lee had been sound asleep within Ross’s room when she awoke to the sound of someone shouting. A loud bang followed. Lee jumped up in bed and looked around the dimly lit room. Within the bed next to hers, Ross thrashed beneath the covers, clearly having a violent nightmare. Although she was relieved they weren’t under attack, she watched him reliving some traumatic moment and wondered if she should attempt to wake him. She was certain she didn’t want to touch him in his current state, knowing it might startle him and possibly injure her. Lee slowly turned on her bed and listened to him blurt out something beyond her comprehension. Whatever his nightmare, it was severe.

  “Ross,” she announced in a gentle but firm tone, hoping to wake him. When he didn’t wake and his thrashing continued, she spoke a little louder. “Ross!”

  Ross suddenly flew up in bed with his semiautomatic in his hand and aimed it at the dresser. He then scanned the room with the gun leading the way. Lee dove from the bed and onto the floor furthest from his bed to avoid being shot. Ross realized there was nothing there and slowly lowered the gun. He strained to recognize Lee on the other side of the bed.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he suddenly demanded while attempting to control his breathing. Ross turned on the bedside light between the two beds. “That’s a good way to get shot. What the hell were you yelling about?”

  Lee slowly peeked over the edge of the bed at him where he sat partially beneath his covers with the large semiautomatic resting on his lap.

  “What’s wrong with me?” she suddenly blurted out and straightened on her knees. “You’re the one who aimed a loaded gun at me. What they hell are you doing sleeping with a loaded gun? With the way you were thrashing around, you’re liable to shoot someone…possibly yourself!”

  There was an urgent pounding on the door, alarming Lee. She sprang up from the floor, darted across her bed, and practically dove into Ross’s bed, hiding behind him. She clung to his arm and stared at the door. Her heart was pounding, and she could barely control her heavy breathing.

  “Go away, Kirk!” Ross shouted at the door.

  “Everything okay?” Kirk announced through the closed door. “I thought I heard the girl screaming.”

  “Yeah, they tend do that when you accidentally aim a gun at them,” Ross replied without moving from his bed.

  Lee released Ross’s bare arm and sneered at him, although he couldn’t see it.

  “Duct tape and zip ties,” Kirk announced through the door. “I keep telling you.”

  Ross glanced at Lee and the horrified look on her face. He smirked and chuckled softly.

  “He’s joking,” Ross informed her.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he is,” she muttered.

  “Three seconds for the code phrase, or I’m busting the door down,” Kirk announced firmly.

  “Bust down the door and I’ll shoot you in the head,” Ross growled back.

  “Pleasant dreams,” Kirk announced and was heard walking away from the door.

  “That’s the code phrase?” she remarked while staring back at him.

  Ross shrugged while smirking. “Basically, it’s anything involving bodily harm to the other. Just don’t ever ask Zack for the code phrase. You may get an education.”

  Lee watched Ross switch the gun’s safety to the ‘on’ position. She then realized she was still in his bed only inches from him wearing her oversized man’s button shirt and a pair of floppy shorts. Leaping from the bed as fast as possible crossed her mind, but she didn’t want to give him the impression that she was anxious about being in the bed alongside him. A more casual retreat would serve her better. She didn’t want him to think she was just another frightened woman. Although dignity went out the door the moment she superman leaped into his bed in the first place. He looked at her and appeared almost sympathetic.

  “I’m sorry if I startled you with my, uh,” he fumbled then indicated the gun, “quick reflexes.”

  “With the way you were jumping in your sleep, you’re eventually going to shoot yourself,” she lectured then stared with concern. “Do you always sleep with that thing under your pillow?”

  “Oh, no,” he replied defiantly.

  She was glad to hear that.

  “I usually sleep with a revolver,” he announced casually. “Less chance of it discharging accidentally.”

  She looked at him with surprise. Ross grinned slyly. Lee rolled her eyes and attempted to hide her smile. She wasn’t sure if he was serious or not. She looked at the bedside clock, groaned, and ran her fingers through her long, mussed hair.

  “With the number of guns in this place, I’m surprised none of you have shot one another by now,” she announced then realized Ross was staring at her. She stared back at him with a curious look. “What?”

  He was silent a moment then forced a smile. “Not a fan of firearms?”

  “I don’t have a problem with guns,” she remarked, feeling slightly offended as she stared at him. “It’s the sheer number of guns you and the other guys are carrying on your bodies at any given time that I find staggering. I mean, if I randomly searched any of you, how many weapons would I find?”

  Ross looked beneath the covers at himself then met her gaze with a sly grin. “I’m a little light on weapons at the moment.” He extended the semiautomatic to her handle first. “Your ass is on the line,” he announced simply. “You should have a working familiarity with firearms.”

  She uncertainly accepted the gun and marveled at the weight. “I used to spend many summers on my grandfather’s farm in the country,” she informed him. “He taught me how to shoot a rifle and a shotgun.”

  “Same concept,” he announced. “I’ll give you a crash course in handguns.”

  Ross took the gun from her, skillfully ejected the clip, and popped the bullet from the chamber. Lee had to admit that the sounds and his fast actions were enough to set her on edge. He squeezed the trigger, allowing the slide to snap back into place while creating a terrifying sound. She jumped slightly. He handed her the empty gun. Once she held the gun, he showed her how to hold it properly and steady her aim. She already understood how to line up a shot, although it was slightly different with a handgun versus a rifle. She had to admit, she enjoyed the closeness of his body and his hands touching her arms and wrist. He then showed her how to cock the gun, which required some practice on her behalf. He had her aim the gun at the dresser and then squeeze the trigger. She listened to the click of the empty gun, although the sound wasn’t nearly as terrifying with the gun in her hand. He then showed her how to load the clip and again cock the gun, this time allowing a bullet to enter the chamber. He flipped on the safety switch and removed the gun from her while grinning.

g to it,” he announced cheerfully and leaned back to replace it under his pillow.

  She watched him stretch out on the bed to replace the gun and marveled at his toned body despite his age. He was probably in better shape than men half his age. As he straightened, he met her gaze. She hadn’t been able to look away fast enough; although she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

  “Maybe we’ll do some target shooting tomorrow,” he announced while maintaining his pleasant smile.

  “I think I’d enjoy that,” she replied, although it was his company she was actually referring. Lee felt her cheeks redden and attempted to cover with some small talk. “I guess this assignment is pretty boring for you, huh? I can understand wanting to make the best of it.”

  “Actually, I just enjoy seeing a woman with a gun in her hand,” he replied then allowed a throaty chuckle to escape. “There’s nothing sexier than a woman shredding a target with an AK-47 assault rifle.”

  “Your idea of foreplay, huh?” she teased then immediately regretted having said it aloud.

  The comment was completely inappropriate. Lee hid her embarrassed look and shifted on the bed.

  “I don’t know why I said that,” she remarked softly and fidgeted.

  Ross shrugged casually. “I’d like to believe it’s because you find me attractive, but I guess that would be wishful thinking on my behalf.”

  She stared into his blue eyes a moment as her heart pounded from the thoughts racing through her mind. There were several ways to respond to the comment.

  “I do find you attractive,” she replied softly then immediately wondered why she had to go with ‘blunt honesty’.

  There was a long silence as they stared at each other, almost uncertain what to say. Ross took her hand in his and gently caressed it while smiling boyishly.

  “Honestly,” he announced then chuckled nervously, “I don’t know what to do with that information. I’ve been out of the dating scene a long time.”

  “How long is a long time?” she asked delicately while hiding her smile.

  She found it almost difficult to believe that she was sitting on a bed with a man, both half dressed, and zero worries that he would jump on her.

  Ross looked up and appeared deep in thought. He glanced back at her and smiled timidly. “I’m not sure,” he replied. “Two maybe three--” There was a moment of hesitation and possible consideration. “--years.”

  She stared at him with surprise. “Wow, you’ve got me beat by a year or two.”

  “Give or take twenty-five years,” he teased while caressing her hand.

  She enjoyed the way his hands caressed her hand with great warmth and affection. Despite that she didn’t normally move very fast, she was secretly yearning to make love to this man. It’d been a long time, and he was what she needed and wanted in a fling. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it warmly, sending a flood of pleasure throughout her entire body. She’d never had a man kiss her hand like that before. How was it possible that it was so erotic? He smiled almost as if reading her thoughts and resumed caressing her hand.

  “I’m thinking romantic picnic lunch for two just a short walk from here,” he announced cheerfully. “There’s a freshwater pond. It’s breathtaking.”

  “Now?” she asked with surprise.

  He laughed softly. “No, of course not now,” Ross replied. “Tomorrow afternoon. A moonlit stroll to a pond only leads to skinny-dipping and bad behavior.”

  “No,” she teased and held back her giggle. “We wouldn’t want that.”

  He reached for the bedside lamp between their beds and turned out the lights. She tensed slightly as he leaned back toward her. He pulled the covers down for her. She met his gaze through the dim lighting.

  “Just to be safe, though, we should probably stay close,” he informed her and hid his tiny smile. “I promise to be a perfect gentleman.”

  Lee studied him a moment through the dim lighting, hid her smile, and slipped under the covers on his bed. He joined her beneath the covers, nuzzled against her, and held her in a warm embrace. She couldn’t deny how wonderful it felt being nestled in his strong, protective arms. She peacefully slipped off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Around four o’clock in the morning, Lee woke from her light sleep and noticed the strong, male arms encircled around her from behind. She could feel Ross’s body firmly pressed against hers. Although nothing had happened between them, she felt alive and rejuvenated. He stirred slightly and nuzzled the back of her neck, sending shockwaves of lust throughout her body. It was something she hadn’t felt in a long time. She couldn’t deny how badly she wanted to roll over and seduce this man, but the thought of that romantic picnic he’d suggested made her want to wait and see what he had planned. She had to concede that he wasn’t exactly a cowboy, but it didn’t make him any less attractive. Besides, being former military was sort of like being a cowboy.

  As much as she hated leaving his secure arms, she needed to use the bathroom with some urgency, and she couldn’t hold out much longer. Monroe’s overly marinated steaks had also created a terrible thirst. She would need something to drink if she intended to sleep anymore tonight. Since it didn’t seem as if Ross was going to part ways with her backside, she’d need to slip out of his arms. It was sad but necessary. Lee pulled away from him and got out of the bed without waking him, or so it would appear. She used the bathroom then approached the hotel room door and unbolted it. Although not loud, the sound abruptly woke Ross, who flipped over while simultaneously reaching under the pillow for his gun. He saw her by the door and relaxed slightly. He ran his fingers through his slightly graying, mussed hair.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Just getting a drink,” she informed him. “Did you want something?”

  “Yeah,” he replied firmly. “I want you to refrain from leaving this room without an escort.”

  His response puzzled her. When did she become a prisoner within the lodge? She’d gone down to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a drink before and no one cared. His tone was almost startling.

  “Since when is that a big deal?” she asked with a little more bite to the question than she had intended.

  “Since the woman sent to kill you was seen in town not two hours from here,” he replied then got out of the bed, allowing her to see him in his form fitting boxer briefs.

  Lee had to admit, it was a sight worth witnessing. She considered looking away but took in a sweeping eyeful, since he wasn’t checking her for a reaction. She waited while he slipped into a pair of pants, hastily threw on a shirt, and grabbed his gun from under his pillow. He carelessly placed the gun down the back of his pants then buttoned his shirt as he approached without regard for shoes. If she substituted that glass of iced tea for a glass of wine, she’d be ready to seduce the man when they returned to the room. He must have noted the tiny smile on her face and attempted to keep from grinning.

  “Care to share that last thought?” he asked teasingly and paused before her.

  Lee felt her cheeks redden and avoided looking at him; instead, she turned toward the door.

  “It’d only make you blush,” she replied casually as she opened the door.

  His hand pushed the door closed, surprising her. As she turned, he pulled her against him and kissed her quickly but passionately. Ross released her before she had a chance to react. His kiss left her surprisingly dizzy, and she felt a dull ache shoot through her body. Everything within her screamed she should seize the moment. He met her gaze and smiled slyly.

  “I can play the role of a gentleman 95% of the time,” he informed her. “But if encouraged, that 5% is just waiting to reveal itself.”

  She felt her heart pound as her body ached simultaneously to the comment. A thousand dirty images flashed through her mind, which didn’t help. As she scrambled for any reason not to throw her arms around him and tackle him to the bed, he casually opened the door and politely extended his hand, allowing her to go first
. She pushed the erotic images from her mind, smiled at him, and exited the room. His self-control was astounding. Somehow, it just made her want him more. They headed down the back corridor toward the backstairs, avoiding the man on guard duty in the lobby. It was, after all, a shorter route to the kitchen.


  Monroe sat on the steps in the lobby leading to the second floor. He casually flipped through a magazine on sports cars then opened the centerfold. He studied the red muscle car and groaned softly.

  “Now that’s gorgeous.”

  His eyes became heavy as he suppressed a yawn. Monroe picked up his travel mug, took a large swallow of lukewarm coffee, and immediately made a face.

  “Piss warm,” he muttered aloud but obviously to himself. “Too much work to make a fresh pot of coffee, Kirk?”

  Monroe set his magazine aside and attempted to stand, but he appeared uncoordinated and sat back down. He held his head a moment and seemed slightly puzzled. He picked up his travel mug and looked at it.

  “What the--?”

  His eyes rolled back as the travel mug slipped from his hand, and he collapsed onto the steps behind him.


  Beck slept peacefully beneath the covers on his bed within his room. A light suddenly flashed, waking him. He stirred, saw the light flashing from his laptop computer, and leaped up from the bed. He turned the laptop toward him and stared at the screen, which revealed a blueprint style map of the lodge and surrounding property. There were several moving blips, which were heat signatures representing people. A red light blinked at what was obviously the front door, indicating a breach in their secured perimeter.

  “No,” Beck gasped with surprise. “That’s impossible.”

  He hurriedly pulled on his pants, slipped into his shirt and shoes, and grabbed his semiautomatic from the nightstand. As he stuffed the handgun down the back of his pants, he grabbed an assault rifle from its hidden location behind the headboard, cocked it, and hurried for the door. Beck slipped into the corridor and immediately headed toward the front stairs. He tapped on two doors as he passed them. Once he approached the area of the stairs, an intruder slipped out of the linen closet and headed for the two-bedroom suite. The intruder jimmied a credit card alongside the lock and easily unlocked the door. He silently opened the door and slipped into the suite.


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