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Save the Date (Modern Arrangements)

Page 7

by Sadie Grubor

  Without even thinking, I launched the jacket I held in my lap at her. I inhaled quickly, ready to apologize but she was cracking up. Laughter burst from my mouth.

  About 3 beers and half a movie later, Celia fell asleep on Dixon’s chest. I’m not sure when sleep found me but waking to the smell of cherries and flowers was nice. Groggily, I opened my eyes and started to stretch. A warm body shifted next to me. Still exhausted, I forced myself to look at the source of the warmth. Lilli lay against my chest and legs, both of us stretched out on the couch. Lying side by side sent a comfortable ease I hadn’t experienced with a woman before. Savoring the comfort and warmth, I cuddled in closer to her.

  Next time I woke to the smells bacon and syrup. Stretching, I found myself alone. Sitting up, I shoved off a blanket that hadn’t been there before.

  Did I dream it? Maybe Lilli hadn’t been cuddling on the couch with me.

  Noise in the kitchen drew my attention. Lilli and Celia stood in the kitchen cooking and attempting to be quiet. They were failing. As I headed toward them Celia turned around with a plate full of bacon.

  "Good morning," she smiled. Smiling, I rubbed the back of my head. She was definitely in Dixon’s shirt, it was huge.

  "Coffee?" She placed a cup in front of me.

  "Oh God, please, yes!" I rubbed my eyes.

  "Another caffeine addict in the house I see," Celia smiled.

  I smiled and picked up the full mug.

  "Thanks," I took a sip. "Dixon one too?"

  Celia shook her head. "Nope," then she motioned to Lilli. "Miss I-hate-the-morning is a caffeine addict."

  Lilli turned around and made faces at the back of Celia’s head. Celia turned quickly and Lilli plastered a smile on her face.

  "I know you’re up to something." Celia pointed at her.

  Lilli feigned innocence.

  "You staying for breakfast?" Lilli pointed at me with her black plastic spatula.

  "No, you don’t have to—"

  "That’s a yes," Celia answered. Lilli put three pancakes on a plate and slid them in front of me.

  I looked down at the pancakes for a moment before I reached for the butter and syrup. While I was pouring syrup, Dixon finally emerged.

  "Yes, pancakes!" He looked like a kid on Christmas morning as he sat down next to me. My eyes almost fell out of my head when I saw the stack of pancakes Celia handed him.

  When my eyes met hers, she shook her head.

  "I know what you’re thinking and yes, he is a pig." She laughed.

  "Hey Lilli makes the best blueberry pancakes ever!" Dixon held his hand up. Lilli moved around Celia to give him a high five.

  I chuckled and took a bite. The moan that left my lips rivaled Dixons.

  "Holy shit." I closed my eyes.

  Dixon leaned in and said into my ear. "Told you, best fucking pancakes ever," he patted my back. "You’ll be begging her for them. They’re like heroin." He chuckled and stabbed a large bite. Celia sat next to Dixon and ate. Lilli hopped up on the counter top with a plate in her lap.

  After Dixon and I both ate another plate full, we finally pulled ourselves away from the counter. Lilli started picking up the dishes but I swatted her away. She scowled at me.

  "You cooked, I’ll clean up." I collected the dishes from the messy counter tops.

  "Did you hear that, Dixon?" Lilli yelled as he stretched out in his chair.

  As I walked to the sink, Lilli spun around and the smell of cherries wafted around me. At first I thought it was the pancakes but then came the flowery smell. It was her smell, her scent. I hadn’t dreamt it.

  Chapter Six

  Dating For Dummies


  I left Dixon’s apartment before noon so I could get home to do some work. I needed to be showered and changed in time for Maggie’s birthday party.

  I didn’t spend nearly as much time as I used to spend with Maggie, having been around her since she was a born. She was always more like a little sister than my cousin. Spoiling her had been a favorite hobby of mine.

  After going through some emails, I slipped on a pair of dark gray slacks and a light blue button down shirt. I gathered all of Maggie’s presents and remembered I had one last thing to get. I hurried down to the car so I could make a stop on the way to Viola and Liam’s house.

  Pulling up to the curb in front of the first bookstore that was along the way, I quickly got out and ran inside. After I entered and looked around at the different shelves, I started to wander around trying to figure out where I should look. Having no luck on my own, I headed to the cashier’s counter and tapped the bell that was on the counter. I wasn’t prepared to see a familiar face.

  I smiled and she stopped short as she walked out from a back room.

  Raising an eyebrow at me, "Are you following me again?" Lilli laughed.

  "You work here too?" I raised my brow. She nodded.

  "What can I do for you?" She walked up to the counter.

  "I need to find a book," I started.

  "Really? In a bookstore? That’s what you are looking for?" She winked. "Which one?"

  "Well, I’m not positive on the name, but it has to do with Vampires, Werewolves, Faeries, Vampire hunters…you know all of that stuff. Oh and it’s the second book that I am looking for."

  "Wow, I never took you for the young-adult fiction reading type." Lilli giggled.

  "It’s for my cousin, she’s turning fifteen." Jesus, who knew sarcasm could be so hot.

  "Uh-huh, sure it is." With a smile she pointed. "Young Adults section, Mortal Instruments series, City of Ashes. They are in alphabetical order."

  After finding the sequel, I saw the third book sitting right beside and grabbed it too. Lilli was standing at the counter looking over something and writing as I approached with the books.

  "Find it?" She looked up.

  I held the books up and got a thumb up from her. Placing the books on the counter, she reached for them.

  "So you have two jobs?" I watched her long fingers caress the cover of one book, wondering what her touch would feel like.

  "Yep, weekend day job." She scanned the books and punched some keys on the register. Now her mouth had my attention.

  "So, how many jobs do you have?" Her mouth was slightly wide with full lips. With her high cheekbones and almond shaped eyes, they made her look exotic.

  She hesitated, but then answered. "Three." Her response coming out uncomfortably quiet.

  "Why? And how do you handle classes with that kind of schedule?" The questions were genuine but I couldn’t help sliding my gaze from her face down her long neck. With her chocolate brown hair pulled up, the slope of her neck was tantalizing.

  She sighed.

  "Did Dixon send you or something?" She pursed her lips.

  I shook my head, "Nope, just curious."

  "Well, truth is, I will be delaying my classes for awhile, so I have plenty of time to work all three of them." She huffed.

  "Oh." I didn’t want to make her more uncomfortable so I dropped the subject.

  She told me how much the books were. Clearly she saw the confusion on my face as I did the math in my head.

  "Consider it a return favor for giving me a ride home." She took my card and ran it through.

  "You didn’t have to…whatever you did with the books."

  She slipped the books into a shiny white plastic bag.

  "I know, but hell I don’t really get to use my discount too often, since I just read them while I’m working instead of buying them." She looked mischievous. "Someone should get to use it." Handing me the bag, she plastered on a giant fake smile "Have a nice day and come again soon." Then we both broke into laughs. "Later…Loser." With a small wave and a smile on her face, she disappeared into the room behind the counter.

  "Thanks," I shouted over my shoulder. The door chimed as I exited.

  Pulling into Viola and Liam’s driveway a half-hour before the party, I got the perfect parking space – one where I wouldn
’t be blocked in by other guests. Leaning into the back of my car I brought the large gift bag of presents to the front seat. Grabbing the bookstore bag from the passenger seat, I pulled out the books one by one and placed them in the bag with the other gifts.

  When I grabbed the second book, I realized there was a third book I didn’t purchase. It was bright yellow. Pulling it out, laughter bubbled out of my chest. The big bold black text read Dating for Dummies against the bright yellow. Smiling, I tossed it into the back seat and headed into the house.

  When I entered the house, it was like someone puked purple and black all over the place; streamers, balloons, flowers, cake and all the accessories in the same color theme.

  "Aidan!" Maggie bounded down the steps toward me. I almost didn’t get her gifts out of my arms in time to catch her before she jumped into my arms.

  "Happy Birthday!" Kissing the top of her head, I squeezed her tight in my arms.

  I put her down and looked her over. She matched the party. Maggie was very unusual, for lack of a better word, in her style. She had on a black tutu over purple and black stripped tights and matched with a purple top. Her red hair was in crazy twists and knots around her head. Then I saw her shoes – green. After my appraisal, I raised an eyebrow.

  She curtsied.

  "You like?"

  "Well it’s definitely…you." I smiled large. Damn, my little cousin was growing up so fast.

  "I’ll take that as a yes." Grinning, she stepped toward the dining room.

  Picking her gifts up from the floor, I followed her. A large table sat against the wall already overflowing with gifts. I placed my bag among the mountain. Knowing Viola would be finishing up the last of the preparations, I went to the kitchen.

  Leaning in the kitchen doorway, I watched her oversee the cooks and the waiters. Clearing my throat, she spun around.

  "Aidan," she smiled and walked toward me with open arms. "I’m so happy you made it."

  "Like I would miss Maggie’s birthday." I rolled my eyes.

  Family and friends started arriving shortly after I got there. Distant relatives surrounded Maggie, but only a few around her age. Next, business associates, mostly the board of directors. That was when Gideon Hettich arrived with his daughter, Lorelei.

  Lorelei, a very petite, pale skinned girl with light brown, shoulder length hair, always looked socialite sexy. Definitely pretty with amazing intelligence but there always seemed to be something behind her eyes that gave me chills.

  "Aidan," Gideon greeted me then motioned to Lorelei. "You know my daughter Lorelei, of course."

  "Yes, of course, always a pleasure to see both of you." I lied.

  Gideon, for years, has done his best to gain control of AIS. My grandfather and he go way back. When I asked Grandfather about Gideon once, he simply said ‘Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer’. It wasn’t until I became more involved with the directors board that I truly understood what he meant.

  After all the greetings and food, Maggie began the task of opening presents. Shuddering at the memories of opening birthday gifts, it could take you at least an hour to accomplish the goal. You have to open, verbally thank and keep a gift list for thank you cards later.

  "Aidan," Maggie yelled.

  I excused myself from a conversation with Gideon I was happy to get away from. Maggie was opening the gifts from me.

  As I approached, I heard Viola telling Maggie to act like a lady, to which Maggie rolled her eyes in response.

  "Hey Magpie." I stood next to her.

  She smiled up to me and then started with the gift bag. She pulled out the two books and stood up to squeeze me tightly.

  "How did you know?" She giggled.

  "I saw you reading the other day when I got here, so I found the rest of them for you."

  Taking her seat, she went through the other gifts – gift certificates for her crazy clothing stores, MP3 download certificates and the simple silver birthstone ring.

  "Thank you so much!" She beamed and stood on her tiptoes, kissing me on the cheek.

  Once the party was over and the last guest left, I took my leave from the house. Arriving home and getting out of the car, I caught the bright yellow out of the corner of my eye. Reaching into the back seat, I got the book Lilli snuck into my bag before going up to my apartment.

  After changing into a pair of pajama bottoms and T-shirt, I collapsed onto the couch. Opening the book up, I shook my head and laughed. She’d written an inscription.

  'Here’s to bagging yourself a wife! Oh and to not losing your dates to your friends!'

  She’d also drawn a small smiley face with its tongue sticking out, making sure to include an L on the forehead. Tossing the book onto my coffee table, my laughter echoed throughout my empty apartment.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sunday afternoon with the guys is always a highlight, but when you are sitting around listening to them bust your balls about not being able to find a woman, it kind of kills the mood.

  "So, what’s the plan now?" James lounged back into the oversized chair in the TV room of my apartment.

  "Well I do have a plan, but I have yet to really put it into action," I sighed and then told them my plan to make a deal with someone if necessary.

  "Are you serious? You’re going to go as far as to make your marriage a business deal?" Oscar shook his head. James was chuckling.

  I tried to change the subject.

  "Where the hell is Dixon?" I chugged my beer.

  "He won’t be coming." Oscar responded. "He went back to Maine with Lilli."

  "Maine?" I pressed for more information.

  "Yeah, I guess her dad got sick and he wanted to help her. From what Dixon said, it’s serious. He has a heart problem. Dixon didn’t exactly give me the details." Oscar shrugged as he grabbed the remote and changed to a different game.

  I sat there thinking for a minute about what Oscar said. Then other pieces started to click together from the fight I overheard, things Dixon mentioned and small things Lilli actually said to me. There was even the date with Phoebe when she asked Lilli about her dad. Lilli was financially strapped because of her father. She was taking care of him. For a brief moment, an idea appeared in my head.

  "When is the food coming? I’m starved!" James interrupted my mental planning.

  "It gets here when it gets here. Quit your whining!"

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Weeks passed before I heard from Dixon. I got a voicemail one afternoon inviting me over after our baseball game on Sunday morning. Come Sunday morning it was raining horribly, so clearly the game was off, but Dixon still was having the guys come over to hang out and watch some games.

  Lilli answered the door, eyes rimmed red and swollen. Her hair was loosely piled on her head. Wisps of chocolate brown hang around her face.

  "Hey, come in." Her smile seemed forced. "Dixon went to the gym but he should be back any second. He knew you guys would be arriving around this time." Following her path to a barstool, she sat and slumped over a newspaper lying on the counter in front of her.

  "Thanks." I said, feeling a little uneasy. "Um, how’s your dad?"

  She looked over at me a little confused, probably wondering how I knew about her dad.

  "He’s okay," she almost turned back around but hesitated. "Um…thanks for asking."


  Before we could engage in further conversation, the apartment door opened.

  "Hey fucker!" Dixon walked over, patting my back. "Give me ten minutes to shower." With a ruffle of Lilli's hair, he headed down the hallway.

  Stepping away from Lilli, I walked over and sat on the couch. For a couple of minutes I sat in silence watching Lilli. With one leg curled under her and the other crossed in front of her, she looked like a contortionist.

  "Lilli, do we have clean towels anywhere?" Dixon yelled. I could hear the water running in the background.

  Huffing, she slid from the barstool. Walking down the hallway, she responded."They are
in the dryer! I’ll get them!" Just inside the hallway, she turned to me. "You can help yourself to the fridge, tv and all that stuff." Then she disappeared.

  On my way to the refrigerator, I caught sight of the newspaper Lilli left on the counter. Black marks circled multiple areas. Leaning in, I saw they were help wanted ads.

  Was she seriously trying to get another job? Jesus!

  The flash of an idea reappeared in my head. As I was thinking about it and looking over all the black circles, her voice pulled me out of my head.

  "You looking for another job?"

  I turned. She wore a genuine smile.

  "Sorry," stepping quickly to the fridge. "I didn’t mean to pry, it just caught my attention." Leaning into the fridge, I grabbed a beer.

  "Not a big deal. It’s not a big secret or anything." She shrugged as she sat back down.

  "You seriously think you can take on another job?" I leaned back against the counter and opened the beer.

  "Well I am hoping to find one or two better paying jobs, but if I have to add another one to my list then so be it," she sighed and blew hair out of her face.

  The idea flashed across my head again. I cleared my throat.


  "Hmmm?" She didn't look up.

  "How much do you know about my uh…situation?"

  She looked up at that.

  "Not a lot but, like I told you, I’ve got a pretty good idea. You have to get married or something because of your family, right?" Placing her elbow on the counter, she placed her chin into the palm of her hand. In that moment, I noticed the depth of her eyes. It was like she could see into my soul. Hopefully, I could get a small glimpse of hers.

  "Sort of," I grinned nervously. "I have to get married by February of next year or I lose my inheritance." Her eyes widened and before she could speak, I continued. "And…I have to stay married for four years in a monogamous and faithful marriage." She looked a little too stunned to speak.

  "That…that um….that kind of sucks," she bit her bottom lip.

  "Yeah," I rubbed the back of my head. "Yeah, it does."

  "So that’s the reason for all the desperate attempts?" She smirked.

  "Ha ha…I wouldn’t say desperate," she raised her brow at my response. "Trust me, I am only now starting to realize how hard this is going to be and desperation has now set me forth in a different direction." I watched her face twist in confusion.


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