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Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2)

Page 21

by P. Mattern

  Lux and Pierre stood in the entraceway. Pierre was holding a small bouquet of flowers and a bottle of Hungarian wine,which he offered to Mitzi with a kiss on her cheek after Lux introduced him. Mitzi’s first impression was a positive one-although a completely different type than Lux, Pierre was handsome in a rugged way. He was dressed casually but tastefully and seemed excited and happy to be there. Cass shook Pierre’s hand and exchanged smiles with the man. Lux seemed very happy to be introducing his new friend to his family and commented on the insanely delicious smells issuing from the kitchen as the group continued into the dining room.

  Pierre was ecstatic that Mitzi had prepared a duck and confessed that it was his favorite though he didn’t have it often enough. The group made small talk about the recent elections, and then Mitzi turned the conversation to Pierre and Lux, asking how they’d met.

  Lux and Pierre looked at each other for a moment before Pierre answered.

  “Well I’d noticed Lux at work-he is very conscientious not only about what he does ,but also manages to correct other blood bank workers skillfully enough so as not to injure their egos when they’re about to make a mistake. And always pleasant ,never brings his problems into work with him. And willing to help anyone out. Very pleasant guy to work with. But I’m not sure he would have noticed me if I hadn’t asked him out for a drink…”

  Lux took a sip of his wine and shook his head slightly in disagreement.

  “Not true mon frere-Ii absolutely did notice you as soon as i started to work at the blood donation center-it was obvious that you had a pretty extensive medical background when you were screening potential donors, and you also had a way of getting people to open up to you…”

  He trailed off and smiled across the table at Mitzi ,”he even got me to open up. And you know how i am about personal stuff.”

  Pierre happened to glance down at Lux’s plate,saying “Hey buddy,you need to eat more than that ….talk about a light appetite! you aren’t anorexic are you? I hardly ever see you eat anything!”

  Cass saw an opportunity to join in.”Yeah, brother. Looking a little peaked there-mange! ,mange!”

  Lux met his brother’s gaze evenly and with the most pleasant of smiles returned

  “Maybe I’m a vampire.”

  Cass choked on the mouthful of wine he’d been about to swallow, Mitzi’s mouth fell open and Pierre chuckled.

  “Well I’m a type O-in case you’re interested!” he said cheerfully, winking at Mitzi.

  Mitzi cleared her throat to stifle a laugh. “Let’s have a group toast-to new friends!”

  Although Cass’s face was beet red he joined the others in clinking their classes together in a toast, shooting a look to Lux that clearly said”Well done, my bro’-didn’t see that one coming!”

  After dinner the couples retired to the living room. As the weather was still chilly there was an ambient fire in the fireplace,and as Mitzi melded to Cass as he place his arm around her she noticed that Lux was comfortably sheltered underneath Pierres brawny arm. It was clear that there was abundant affection between the two men ,and Mitzi,who had never actually seen Lux being a ‘couple’ with anyone ,was glad in her heart that he had found someone to connect with. Lux looked more relaxed than she’d ever seen him, more at home somehow.

  Cass ,always the consummate host, was keeping conversation going by asking Pierre where he’d grown up.

  “South side of Chicago.” Pierre replied, ”Hammond ,Indiana. Polish neighborhood, with some gang activity and a Catholic church on every corner. I was an altar boy.”

  Lux smiled at Pierre,

  “Altar boy, huh? Cute.”

  “I’m still Catholic too-I wear a cross I received at my first communion. You never noticed it?”

  Pierre snagged a substantial gold chain with his fingers and drew a small but heavy looking cross the color of old silver up through the v-neck of his pullover sweater.

  “I love this cross-my grandfather gave it to me. I have no idea how old it is-I know that he told me HE wore it as a boy. It has some sort of inscription on it.”

  “What does it say?” Cass asked, genuinely interested.

  “I’m not sure, ”Pierre admitted it’s definitely not in English. Or Russian, even though my grandfather was a Russian immigrant. It’s a mystery…and I rather like it that way. You can have a closer look at it if you want. ”He finished, removing the chain and cross from around his neck and handing it across to Cass who was lounging with Mitzi across from him.

  Cass took the pendant and ,holding the cross ,which was about 1 1/2” by1 “ between his thumb and index finger he whistled. “Very heavy for such a small thing. And very pure silver,heavier than what you see nowadays. And seems very old. “

  “And the writing?” Pierre asked eagerly, ”Do you recognize it? I know Lux told me that you were sort of a hobbyist in antiquities.”

  “Yes I do and I’ve never seen it on anything else…it’s Goth. Probably back to 100 A.D.,from the time of Attila the Hun and the Roman Wars. There are two words I can’t translate-only about 80 words of the original Goth language remains to this day…but I can make out the inscription on the crossbar…”

  Pierre removed his arm that had encircled Lux’s shoulders and leaned even more closely toward Cass.

  “What does it say?” he asked, his eyes shining with interest.

  Cass frowned in concentration,”Well, roughly translated ,because Goth is not my first ,second ,or even 15th language, it’s “Urreis nim-uh aiwins”-“Arise and take eternity.”

  As Cass handed it back to him, Pierre looked pleased.” Sweet! “ he commented, ”And thank you Cass. That’s more than I knew coming here. And kind of exciting!”

  It was time for dessert, Cass and Mitzi disappeared into the kitchen to bring huge slices of Misissippi Mud Pie and mugs of Starbucks Blonde coffee out for everyone. While they were alone momentarily Pierre and Lux exchanged heartfelt kisses in front of the crackling fire, their constant yearning to get closer to each other making itself known. Pierre was flattered that Lux thought enough of him and their relationship to introduce him to ‘the fam’. In Pierre’s mind that racheted up their relationship to the axiomatic next level, and he couldn’t have been more pleased.

  Cass and Mitzi returned as Pierre was pulling back from Lux. Cass got a very animated look on his face as he sensed the electric charge in the atmosphere. Pierre cleared his throat.

  “Wow-even an outrageous dessert. Very fabulous Mitzi!! Thank you!”

  “Mitzi is a wonderful cook,” Lux concurred,”When I’m around her I eat far too much hu-I mean I overeat like crazy. You should check out what she does for picnics! “He turned to Mitzi and Cass. Cass seemed as though he had noticed Lux’s near gaffe and as a result was in the process of stifling a guffaw or two.”When the weather gets warmer we should all plan a picnic at the family place!!Pierre would love Sunnyside Farm!”

  Pierre perked up.”You and Cass have a FARM?” he exclaimed.

  Cass smirked and shook his head,”Not a working farm-though it used to be . It’s kind of a preserve. Belongs to our family-Fress included. Great place to picnic ,or just get away from it all. Lots of trees and a brook. We should do Fourth of July there in fact!”

  Pierre smiled at Lux admiringly. “You guys rock!! And I can even contribute-I make a mean deviled egg, Mitzi, I’d love to make some chow. Just let me know.”

  Mitzi sighed.”Thanks Pierre. Usually I’m pretty kitchen territorial but by the time July gets here I’m going to be kind of far along ….I probably will be grateful for the help.”

  Pierre jumped on her comment to say,”Wow-I was wondering. Congratulations to you and Cass. And Lux.” Turning back to Lux he said,”Will you be an uncle for the first time?”

  Lux nodded happily,”Yeah…should be neat. I’m looking forward to it. And what’s really crazy neat about it is-it’s twins!!”

  Pierre chortled.”Two for one! Double congratulations then!”

  Mitzi smiled de
murely, while Cass practically preened as he replied, ”Thanks We’re really blessed. And Mitzi is a wonderful mother, as she’s already proven. We can’t wait.”

  “Oh you have other children?”Pierre asked.

  “Yes she does,” Cass replied on Mitzi’s behalf. He’s…grown. He actually lives here at home with us. You would have gotten to meet him but he’s on a hot date tonight.”

  “Wow ,Mitzi-you must have gotten started early. You don’t look old enough to have a grown son!” Pierre commented, looking puzzled.”I’m about to get my P.A. and I have experience as an RN midwife so it might be handy to have me around. ”he joked.

  Cass put his arm around Mitzi protectively, sensing her nervousness at Pierre’s assessment.

  “It will be nice to know someone in the medical field” ,he said, and changed the subject to basketball, much to Mitzi’s relief.

  After about half an hour Pierre and Lux thanked Mitzi and Cass for a wonderful evening, offered to do kitchen cleanup(which she refused) and departed for Pierre’s apartment.Mitzi turned to Cass as soon as the door was closed on their guests.

  “Cass how old do I look? Really. Tell the truth.”

  Cass could sense her anxiety.”You look –stretching it-maybe very early thirties? But you have to realize my sweet-this is only an issue outside of the V-net-which Pierre happens to be. Within our own community age is a non-issue.

  “We have no idea if Pierre’s affiliation with Lux is permanent or not. For the time being-because he’s human ,we’ll just have to play it by ear. Let him think that you’re an elderly primagravita who has obviously had some work done. He’s smitten with Lux, obviously that’s where his attentions will be –he won’t be ‘investigating’ our situation. No need for paranoia.”

  “But it’s not just HIM,” Mitzi said plaintively.”I haven’t seen my friend Dendra in ages-same issues. And she has no idea I’m pregnant either. And we’re the same age. And I look a lot younger than her now. And…”

  Cass sighed and pulled her against him.

  “All these situations will be sorted out one by one, my sweet. Things will fall into place ,I promise. Most members of the V-net don’t have a lot to do with humans on a personal level and so these issues are moot. It’s fine if you want to keep your human connections, just expect some resentment at how beautiful you are.”

  Mitzi sighed”I miss my best friend. I-I’ve thought about telling her-everything too!. I was hoping her son would tell her something first-after all he is a vampire himself . Wouldn’t you think he would have let it slip by now? It would certainly take the pressure off of me if she heard it from Daniel first. That’s what I’ve been procrastinating and waiting for Cass.”

  Cass stroked her hair as she leaned against him. Tilting her face upward to meet his gaze he finished,”Whatever you’re comfortable doing I’ll support 100 %. Just so you know.”

  Mitzi smiled saucily at him.

  “Well if you can load the dishes with vampire speed, I will be upstairs looking alluring while I wait for you…Just so you know!”

  Cass tilted his head back and laughed. This woman could go from serious to playful in sixty seconds or less.

  “Done deal, lady!” he replied.


  Leah’s first thought was that she couldn’t be awake-because no human could have lived through the night of violation that flooded back into her mind in a sea of images.

  And yet she was.

  The Mavesla was nowhere to be seen ,but she was still in the same chamber. Her head felt heavy and she instinctively touched both her hands to her face to feel the reassuring smoothness of her skin.

  The ugliness, the horror that was the face of the Mavesla beneath his veil had not rubbed off on her.

  As soon as she moved to sit upright two of the Indian women appeared, one on each side of her, sliding a dark blue diaphanous gown over her head that had golden beadwork and long bell sleeves. One of the women began combing her hair, which seemed surprisingly longer and now black instead of the mousy brown it had been. She felt refreshed, reborn, and like an entirely different person than the girl she had been a scant two days ago.

  She could see-perfectly ,even without the cumbersome glasses that had been broken when she was snatched away from her family. Across the room and several feet away she saw her own reflection in a large mirror and gasped, throwing the ministering servant away from her with one swift motion as she flew to get a better view of her reflection.

  “Changed” was much too weak a word for the transformation that confronted and confounded her in the mirror. She was darker now, her skin a light caramel color. She looked slightly older. When she smiled, pleased at her new reflection, she saw her teeth ,save the two eyeteeth in the top front of her mouth, were sharp and pointed like a predatory carnivore’s.

  Her eyes fascinated her-the irises were a deeply red shade, with lighter flashes of a fushia color when the lighting hit them. And still there was something else.

  She wasn’t afraid any more. She wanted to be here .And, the most surprising thing of all…she wanted to kill something.

  Flying back to where the two Indian women stood she screeched shrilly before biting deeply into the neck of the younger woman, not caring that the older woman ran off. The blood issuing from the young womans nearly severed neck was the singularly most delicious liquid that she’d ever tasted. It was ambrosia ,an elixir that filled her with purpose and a sense of power. She drank and drank as though she couldn’t get her fill. And didn’t stop until she heard a deep male voice chuckling behind her.

  Quickly she turned immediately and instinctively to attack, but bounced violently off an unseen barrier that kept her separated from the creature finding amusement in her actions.

  It was the Mavesla.

  “Slow down”,his infused thoughts told her.”Servants are hard to come by. We have others here that you may dine on,Amaranth. We keep them in the cages that align the cavern corridors for just that purpose. And I will make sure that you have all you require.”

  That name, Amaranth-as soon as he mindspoke it, she knew it was her rightful name. And he was her new god.

  Instinctively she dropped to her knees. He had made her, and she recognized him as the sole personage she must obey. He had conferred upon her her new life and power and every fiber of her being wanted to obey him.

  He seemed pleased-the voice inside her mind was satisfied with her response ,and gave her permission to look at him. He had again donned the veil and was fully clothed. Holding out his hand to her, he mindspoke that he wanted her to accompany him, to stay by his side, that there was much to learn now that she was a ruler now, second only to Himself.

  As he lead her down the tunnels she noticed that the servants and soldiers paid her as much deference as they did Him. Her breast swelled with pleasure, and she looked over at the Mavesla and smiled widely enough to show her pointed teeth . If he was teaching her things, she fervently hoped that there would be killing involved.

  It was going to be an awesome day.


  Cass had made sure that Fress arranged a day of shopping with Mitzi to pick out maternity wear. He had gotten an urgent call from Celeste,the most prescient of the group, and arranged to meet with Lux Ariel and Celeste out of Mitzi’s earshot. They were meeting at the cottage, deemed to be the place affording the most privacy since Charley was not to be included.

  Cass made sure everyone had imbibements, noting with disappointment that Fress only had type O in the fridge-Lux’s favorite ,not his by far. But he served everyone present a glass anyway.

  Celeste ,true to her personality ,got right to the point.

  “Cass ,I know you picked up that Mitzi is carrying twins-fraternal twins ,just as you and Lux were…” she began.

  Lux punched Cass affectionately in the shoulder ,and the br
others exchanged smiles. It was obvious Lux was as vicariously excited about Mitzi’s pregnancy as Cass.

  Celeste wasn’t smiling however. She delivered her next pronouncement in a serious tone, although with sympathy showing in her startlingly icy blue eyes.

  “Cass, my brother, only one of the male twins is your sire…the other is the sire of Adrastos.”

  The other three present watched as the color drained completely out of Cass’s face until he was ashen. Seconds ticked by in which no one moved. Lux prepared himself to catch Cass if he should faint or restrain him if he should go berserk. Finally Cass spoke.

  Thank you Celeste”, he said in a choked and burdened voice.”It couldn’t have been easy for you to come over and tell me this. You are a true friend. I mean it.”

  Ariel flew over to hug Cass ”I’m so sorry my brother ,but half a joy remains-dwell on your son who is growing in her womb daily…do not think of the Other.”

  Celeste’s eyes suddenly grew large, her prescience picking up Cass’s disturbingly dark thoughts.

  “NO CASS!” Celeste said harshly, closing the space between them and lifting his chin so that she could see into his eyes.”That is forbidden, regardless of circumstances. And an act that Mitzi would not forgive, though she loves you beyond reason. You would be killing part of her too!”

  Cass looked defiant as he jerked away and answered bitterly.”Maybe she would kill it HERSELF if she knew it was ADRASTOS’ SPAWN!”

  He jumped up so suddenly that Lux, fearing Cass would take off, ran to block the door.

  “My GOD!” Cass powerfully shouted out into the room, causing an echo.”HOW can this BE? It isn’t to be borne I tell you!!! How can I face Mitzi and not tell her? How can I act like everything is okay??Tell me!”

  Desperation stood in Cass’s stricken eyes as he looked searchingly around at the faces of those that loved him. Although Celeste was feeling every bit of Cass’s pain she stood firm.

  “Cass there is only one thing to do-the right thing. I know you know how to proceed. Will it kill you inside? Will it hurt? Yes, you and I both know it will . But even in your grief right now I know that you can tell me what is most important, can’t you?”


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