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Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2)

Page 24

by P. Mattern

  I was a vampire. Even though I’d only been bitten one time. When I finally shared my condition with Lu, she didn’t take much convincing. Since I’d left the service, I’d been eating meat rare, even hamburger raw sometimes, with just a little seasoning…and before I’d enlisted I’d only eaten meat well done…”

  Lu jumped into the conversation. Charley couldn’t help noticing that even though she was pert and attractive, her forehead was deeply lined and her crow’s feet and laughlines pronounced. As she spoke, though, her voice was as high and sweet as a young womans.

  “Jules gave me a choice to walk away-or take him as he was-a vampire. At first I couldn’t even think the V word, it seemed sinful, ugly, reprobate. But at the same time I realized that he was the same person, if not completely HUMAN person, that I’d fallen deeply in love with. So I told him I would marry him with one condition-he was never to ask me to ‘turn’ into what he was. I told him that I’d just view it as a “condition”, and that we would manage. And I promised that I would try to live as long as possible, but that he would doubtless live beyond a human lifetime, and that I was fine with that.

  You see, Charley, we were deeply religious. His vampirism was an attack-not his own choice, so I felt a loving God would welcome him into Heaven eventually. But, in my mind, if I chose to join him and become a vampires myself, I was closing the door to being able perhaps one day to spend an eternity with him in the afterlife. And it’s funny-I like him better young, attractive, robust…and even though I look older he sees me with such loving eyes that I look the same to him as I age naturally. But I realize that we are lucky…not everyone experiences a love like ours.”

  Charley was silent for a minute, taking it all in. He thought of all the vampires he knew that HADN’T made a premeditated choice to be ‘turned’-Cass and Lux had been turned by Fress to save their young lives,his mother had been V-raped by Adrastos initially,HE had been turned by Fress when he was too disabled to make an informed choice,for all he knew Fress had also been turned against her will…and there was no definitive way to figure out where they all stood on the moral continuum. He also shuddered inwardly at his former irresponsible and cavalier attitude toward fanging human females. ‘Turning’ was a big deal. He was sitting across from a once-bitten that had never changed back to a full-on human. And Lux…Lux was a frickin’ GENIUS, because meeting Jules and Lu had snapped him out of his immature attitudes and allowed him to experience a life lesson that he knew un equivocably he would never forget.

  Charley cleared his throat, ”You guys are amazing,” he told Jules and Lu, looking at them earnestly with his huge blue eyes.”And I can’t tell you how meeting you and hearing your story has impacted my attitudes. I can’t thank you enough. It really shows me that we always have choices, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. And you’re right Lu-the love that you two have for each other is rare. I feel privileged to meet you…and I can only hope that I will find a love like yours someday.”

  Lu, a twinkle in her eye, reached across the space between her and Charley and patted his arm.

  “We are pleased to meet you, also, Charley Rabbit. Sometimes love does involve sacrifice-and difficult choices. But if you make the ones that are right for you-and your partner-you will have both joy and peace…and isn’t that what we all want ?”

  When Lux and Charley had bade the couple goodbye and were back in the car, Charley fastened his seatbelt and then turned to Lux.

  “You planned this. ”he said, only half accusingly, and added.”Dude you are both sneaky…and diabolically smart. “

  Lux smiled angelically and fondly at his young charge, ”The question is-did it work?”

  Charley threw up his hands.

  “ONLY big time! Dude I will never screw up again like I have been screwing up, that’s for sure. And Lux?”

  “Yes Charley?”

  “Jules knows Lu will die a human death…and he seems okay with that.”

  Lux sighed.”They are BOTH okay with that…he respects her decision to remain human. And frankly, Charley,even though he had what looks to be a permanent turning from being once-bitten, there still exists the possibility that he could turn back entirely human. After all it’s only been a scant 50 years. But even if that never happens, they’re good.” Charley thought he detected a trace of mistiness in Lux’s eyes as he continued quietly, almost as though he were talking to himself.”To have a love like that…a love that’s stronger than any calamity or uncertainty or whatever else life decided to throw at you…now that would be worth anything, wouldn’t it?”

  “Sure”. Charley responded, pulling away from the small house and onto the roadway. But he wasn’t sure Lux had heard him-Lux seemed very deep in thought. And Charley wondered if he were thinking of Pierre.


  Periodically, as a stress release and for entertainment purposes, all the vampires would gather for an epic session of playing their favorite mammoth board game,”World of Azglen.” Although it was cleverly constructed and came in a box(albeit a box three times as thick and one and a half times as long as a regular board game), laid out in all of its glory it was more like stepping into an alternative world than playing a game. The Advanced, Deluxe Edition that Cass had recently purchased included even more advanced electronic features in addition to the audible voices giving instruction in the form of information, hints and useful spells,when players landed on certain “hot spots” in the game that changed(reprogrammed themselves) each time the game was played. Players were allowed to choose metal diecast characters that balanced on tiny bare feet and , with the roll of 3 dice, followed the interconnected trails of tiny pairs of golden footprints around the board. Several destinations of interest jutted up in 3d relief from the base of the playing board and included the Citadel, the Portal of Bones, the Violet Forest, the Dark Forest, the Moonstone Castle, the Karstland Caverns, the Iron City and other landmarks. Once the wired , interconnecting pieces of the gameboard were fitted together the game took up an impressive amount of space equal to a large dining room table and easily three times the size of an ordinary gameboard. Players often roleplayed their characters in costume(the character costume kits sold separately), and the Deluxe Edition included a total of 13 characters including a Conjurer, a Wizard, 2 Kings, one light and one dark, a Necromancer, a Crone ,a Fair Maiden, a Thief, 3 Warrior Princesses, a Usurper and a Fool. The object of the game(playing pieces could start from anywhere on the board) was to stumble onto one of three hidden power-granting Circles of Light which lit up with great fanfare when landed on , complete with 3D tiny holographic fireworks projected upwards 18 inches off the board.

  It was not a boring game.

  Cass was fond of saying, ”For humans the game is escapism in it’s purest and most addictive form. For Vamps -it’s real-life stratagem practice!”


  Amaranth’s lovemaking with the Mavesla was often erotically violent, involving a mix of pain and pleasure that raised coupling to a new level.

  And she found that she couldn’t get enough of it.

  He never made her wait. Being a fourth-bitten of an ancient order of those creatures he sensed her libido rising before she did. Even in the middle of an intensive training session,as he taught her Magick to use in battle or stood behind her guiding her hand as she released a bow, If they were alone in the woods he would mindspeak sexual instructions to her and take her on the spot. It seemed to her that she was always in heat, and spent more of her time fulfilling her new and voracious base urges under the skilled, insistently hard body of her ruler and lover than she did on anything else.

  She had seen the Mavesla without his veil on several occasions and the concealed portion of his face seemed to change into some new and different horror every time it was revealed, but this feature ,rather than repulsing her ,now added greatly to her excitement.
  She knew was sleeping with a monster-and it was just the best.

  She felt she understood him ,knew he was as powerful a vampire as had ever existed, and knew that he was as feared as he was revered. She didn’t have many memories of her former life as a human, but she felt that she was fortunate to have been chosen for her new existence…she had gone from a gawky half-Jewish teenaged human to a magnificent and powerful vampire practically overnight. Amaranth was grateful to the Mavesla for changing her, and would have gladly died for him.

  Her new life had given her a purpose far more important than her dreary, insignificant, mundane human one. And no sacrifice he would ever ask of her was too great. He had hinted through mindspeak that he might need her to battle, even destroy an enemy of the Hybrid tribes if need be, and she was determined to practice her formidable skills in preparation for that very act.


  Mitzi tried again to zip in the overburgeoning contents of her flight bag, and failed to force the zipper closed.”

  “This just HAS to close”, she lamented to herself. She had pared her wardrobe down to what she felt were the basic essentials, and was determined to travel light ,but her plan was not working.

  Frustrated,she yelled,”Cass! Come here,I need some muscle!”

  Within seconds,Cass was beside her,smiling.”Glad to serve in any way possible ma’am. What can I do to-I mean FOR-you?”

  Mitzi pointed at the offending suitcase, high color in her cheeks.

  “Damn thing refuses to close-for no reason. Can you make it close Cass?”she said imploringly,her pout changing to a smile as she gazed upon his handsome and familiar face. As usual Cass’s eyes fell downward after a few seconds to her now very noticeable baby bump.

  “Let me tackle this for you.” he said appeasingly.”In fact you should have called me before you got frustrated, my love. You forget your delicate condition.”

  Deftly he flipped the bag open, rearranged a few items with vampire quickness, and slid the zipper completely around the outside of the bag until it closed.

  “There you go my lady. Will you be requiring any more of my services? I have quite the repertoire you know. I am a very handy vampire-so handy I’m thinking of opening up a fix-it business called ‘HandyVamp.”

  Mitzi giggled and hugged him.

  “Thank you but I think I’ve been serviced twice today already-and it isn’t even noon. You can’t get me any MORE pregnant you know!”

  Saucy,” Cass said, smiling down at her. “Touche! And I’m looking very much forward to our petite getaway. Is everyone informed?”

  Mitzi felt suddenly fatigued, and rested her head against Cass’s chest as they stood there.

  “I let Charley know, he’ll be here taking care of the house and Buttercup. Lux will check in periodically-he’s mostly at Pierres these days. Fress said she’d make sure everyone is eating. I have extra supplies of frozen blood, all types ,in the freezer ,and Buttercup likes to munch on the new spring grass so she’ll be okay…”Mitzi’s voice trailed off, then she suddenly perked up and said, ”Cass my liege, my love ,have you given any thought to names? I wanted to ask you if you have any family names you’ve been considering, for boys or for girls?”

  For a moment Mitzi could have sworn the light went out of Cass’s eyes, then seemed to return even brighter.

  “We do have some family names…but I’m willing to include any you feel particularly keen on my darling. After all, it seems to me that you are doing most of the heavy lifting in our’ joint project’-ah-no pun intended.”

  Mitzi giggled.

  “Well what’s fun is that we get to pick out two gender sets ,because with it being twins we could end up with 2 girls, two boys, or even one of each! Do you like middle names? Some parents don’t give middle names.”

  “I love middle names” ,Cass concurred.”My only request is that if we end up with twin boys, I get to name one of them myself.”

  “You got it,” Mitzi responded delightedly, ”And if it’s a girl AND a boy ,I can name the girl?”

  “Of course.” Cass answered, feeling guilty. She had no way of knowing she was carrying two male children. And that one of them…but he wouldn’t allow his thoughts to go there.

  Cass kissed Mitzi on the top of her head as he simultaneously pulled her back against him.

  “Mitzi, do you have any idea how much I love you?” he asked quietly, stroking her hair, allowing her closeness to calm his spirit.”My universe rotates on your every breath. You are life to me-my entire life. Cela qui est fort ne peut pas etre casse.”

  Mitzi pulled back so that she could see his face ”Cass-are you crying my love?”

  “Shhhhhhhh, ”Cass returned, pulling her back against him, ”See what you do to me? I’m turning Emo or something.”

  Mitzi’s eyes misted as she felt the enormity of his emotion for her.

  “I was so blessed the day we met. I had no idea I could experience anything like this Castor. For the first time in my life I feel complete. And I will love you always, always. ”she responded passionately. For several minutes the couple clung together in silence, both of them intensely aware of their own connection, and each of their connection with the twin beings that floated weightlessly between them in Mitzi’s womb. The moment felt sacred. Timeless. Ethereal. ”Un fort amour ne peut pas etre casse.” Cass whispered into Mitzi’s hair. That had become their mantra, the declaration that this love, THEIR love, was too strong to be ever broken.

  And as often happens in such rare and sacred moments it was interrupted rudely and summarily by Fress and Daniel storming into the house.

  “Hello?” Fress inquired from the foyer, ”Sorry to drop in but I wanted to drop off some really good type A negative that’s short dated-it’s from Lux. He thought you and Cass might appreciate it!”

  Cass and Mitzi joined them in an instant.

  “How very thoughtful,” Mitzi smiled, taking the box of blood donor bags.”And hello Daniel. How is your mom doing? I’ve been meaning to call her…” A shadow fell across Mitzi’s face and her voice trailed off as she gave Daniel a funny look. Inwardly Cass smiled to himself, knowing full well that Mitzi was about to say the blunt thing that all of them were thinking. ’And here it comes!” he thought as Mitzi continued, ”Daniel have you told your mom that you’ve been turned yet? That you’re a vampire?”

  Daniel looked somewhat startled and cleared his throat.

  “Um-no. Mitzi you know my mom. She’s pretty black and white. She’d probably personally escort me to the Behavioral Health Unit of the hospital and sign me in for observation. I’d appreciate any suggestions that you have. I realize it’s more my place than yours.

  But aside from our shared vampire proclivities” he continued”, it’s not impossible that you two could meet as friends. You know she misses you. And yeah she’d think it was pretty weird that you’re pregnant but women having babies later in life is not unheard of nowadays, you know? Daniel ‘s voice had a pleading edge to it by the time he’d explained himself, and Mitzi’s heart welled with empathy toward him and Dendra, the friend that she missed so badly.

  “Fine. Consider it done. I’m tired of feeling guilty and under normal circumstances we are old enough friends so that she would accept Cass AND my pregnancy…I do realize that. And be happy for me-she’s a good woman. And I miss her too much! I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  Impulsively Daniel scooped Mitzi up in a hug.

  “Thank you!” he said. And I promise it won’t be long before I share some secrets with her myself. It’s really on ME to tell her that I’ve been turned, and that she is literally living in a vampire conclave, even though she is unaware.” He studied Mitzi’s face for a moment and added, ”But Mitzi-maybe you can be working up a story about what rejuvenation ‘procedures’ you’ve had done lately…because you don’t look a day over thirty, and I mean that as a compliment.”

  Later that evening ,after the visit w
ith Mitzi and Cass, Daniel started to drive to Fress’s cottage, then abruptly switched lanes and turned the car in the direction of the house he shared with his mother.

  “Where are we going?” Fress queried.

  “I just remembered,” Daniel said smugly. “Tonight my mom had to do a presentation concerning a community project at the Town Hall Meeting, so she’ll be out until at least 9:30. I’d kind of like to take you home tonight, without her prying eyes. It seems that we’re always at your house…wouldn’t you like to see my bedroom for once?” The bed is very comfortable .I’ve been sleeping on it since I was a kid. You have no idea how many nights I spent in it fantasizing about having a beautiful young woman like you lying beside me in it. I think it would be cool if we christened the bed with some of our bodily fluids tonight…that is, if you have no strenuous objections my sweet.”

  “That sounds lovely.” Fress answered reassuringly. ”I would love to fulfill your adolescent fantasies. One by one.”

  Daniel smirked.”There were quite a few as I recall. Hmmmm…have we ever tied you up Ms.Egnarts? I don’t believe we have. But the headboard on my bed is perfect for that .And I own plenty of ties to bind you softly, yet securely.”

  Fress was aware that Daniel’s rendition of how their evening at his house would unfold was causing them both to become aroused, and was glad when they reached his house. Hurriedly the lovers exited the car, Fress giggling in anticipation.

  Inside the home it was quiet, the only light provided was a low lamp in the foyer and ,off in the distance Fress could see a light on over the kitchen sink. Silently Daniel closed the front door and pulled her up the staircase to a room at the opposite end of the hall from his mother’s room.


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