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Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2)

Page 28

by P. Mattern

  Cass chuckled, ”Quit pushing your book so hard. Charley will get around to it.” He said, smiling conspiratorially at Charley and giving him a wink.

  The trio busied themselves cleaning up Mitzi’s home and getting it in order, even though no one would be staying there for the time being. Then Charley showed the twins where some older camping gear was stored in the garage attic. The twins were able to convert a folding cot into a stretcher to carry Buttercup over to Fress’s cottage for the night.

  When it was ready, covered with a layer of foam cushioning and made comfortable with sheets and a small flat pillow, the trio trooped upstairs to gather Buttercup and transport her on it.

  Buttercup had been given a very small amount of a sedative, but although she was groggy she greeted Cass, Lux and especially Charley with obvious delight, insisting on hugging and kissing each of them and calling them”my boys.”

  “I’m sorry to be such trouble,” she added. Ariel had braided her thick, straight blonde hair into a long braid, and propped up on pillows with a flush on both cheeks she looked as wide eyed and guileless as a child. With her short stature and diminutive hands and feet she would have looked exactly like a child but her generous EEE cup breasts belied that notion.

  The three male vampires were quick to reassure her that she was absolutely no trouble and also that they needed her to recover quickly ,so she must rest herself and do as little as possible.

  Being Buttercup, of course, she half-heartedly protested, which made them both love her all the more and also caused them to revisit their collective sense of rage that such an innocent creature could be brutalized in the way she had been.

  When at last all had been set to rights and the vamps returned, exhausted to the cottage,it was the wee hours of the next day. Cass immediately joined Mitzi in the upstairs guest room,where she had already fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion Though they slept, the most prescient among them slept fitfully ,knowing that although they had removed their loved ones out of harm’s way for the moment ,it was just the beginning.

  Lux returned to Pierres apartment exhausted also,with some misgivings at having left the rest of the group. He closed the apartment door quietly after letting himself in, but heard Pierre groggily calling out his name as he made his way down the dimly lit hallway.

  He opened the bedroom door and slipped in. The only light in the room was a ‘jellyfish’ lamp filled with several artificial jellyfish that floated inside a rectangle of light and liquid, alternately ascending and descending like slow motion underwater butterflies.

  Lux stripped off his shirt and his pants dropped to the carpeted floor with a jangle of the belt he’d been wearing. He couldn’t wait to get under the covers with Pierre.

  Even though the lighting was low and Pierre’s face was in shadow, Lux could feel him smiling his slow ,happy and lazy smile in the dark.

  “Welcome home stranger.” He said, receiving Lux into his strong arms. For the first time that day Lux relaxed against him.

  “You ARE home to me now, my mensch. Too tired to relate all the stuff that’s going on with the fam. Maybe tomorrow-hope you don’t mind. I feel blitzed.”

  Pierre pulled Lux more tightly against him and stroked Lux’s long straight golden hair in wonder. Even in the dim light of the nightlight it shone, as if it was lit from within by moonlight .Inwardly he thanked his lucky stars for Lux- his angel fallen to earth to be with him and provide a generous and unselfish love that he had never experienced.

  They were so connected he could sense Lux’s exhaustion.

  “I love you,” he whispered.” Angel man. This is all I’ve ever wanted. Goodnight my prince.”

  Mitzi woke up the next morning in an absolutely contrary and difficult mood-at least that was Cass’s initial opinion. After hurriedly showering she hastily pulled on clothing and ,ignoring Cass completely, made a beeline to Buttercup’s bedside to check on the wetnurse and apologize to her for what she’d gone through .Repeatedly. In truth, Mitzi half blamed herself for what had happened because no one else had been at the home to prevent it. Mitzi was enraged beyond reason that Buttercup should be attacked.

  “Really Miss,” Buttercup told her consolingly “I’m pert well as good as new, or will be in a couple of days. There’s never telling what creatures will do anyway. Please don’t be so upset on my account-you know that you mustn’t- being with child and all.”

  Mitzi couldn’t shake her angry feelings. ”I just wish they’d come back and try it again-I’m a tribite now and I’d gladly tear them each limb from limb.” She finished grimly, not realizing her fangs were appearing intermittently due to her highly volatile emotional state.

  Cass happened to appear in the doorway then. He was barefoot, wearing a loose fitting white renaissance shirt open halfway down his chest, and jeans. His curly brown hair, longer now, was slightly tousled and he looked as if he hadn’t slept well. He was shocked to notice Mitzi’s fangs partially extruded, though they seemed to retract quickly after he appeared.

  Cass peered down at Buttercup.”How are you doing today? Can we get you anything?”

  Buttercup smiled.”Thank you Mr. Cass, we are doing better .I hope to be of service very soon.”

  Cass cleared his throat.

  “Glad to hear it.” He said sincerely, then added, ”Do you mind if I have a word with my w…with Mitzi then for a moment…alone?”

  Mitzi gave him a long unreadable look, and leaning over the bed, kissed Buttercup gently on the forehead, turned, and followed Cass out of the room and down the hallway. He was walking so quickly she was finding it difficult to keep up with him.

  “Cass!” she said in irritation.” What is wrong with you? Can’t you wait?”

  Cass turned around so quickly it took her breath away.

  “NO, Mitzi, I don’t think I can.” Reaching for her hand he tugged her into the upstairs study. It was the same study that Yaya Wisceivisc had tutored Charley in the Warrior Arts and Magick before the confrontation with Adrastos several months ago. Helping her to settle back on a comfortable loveseat situated opposite a desk, he then stood in front of the desk as if he were about to start a lecture in one of his Medieval Literature classes. He even grabbed a pair of glasses that had been left on the large, ornately carved wooden desk and put them on. He looked professorial and very serious.

  “Cass!” Mitzi said surprised.” I didn’t know you wore glasses!”

  “I usually don’t.” he answered, ”Except as a prop to make me look older and more scholarly when I’m teaching at the University. And also when I’m trying to sort things out, and reboot my thinking on matters of importance.

  Which would be what I’m attempting to do right now.” He added, looking at her in an odd, contemplative manner.

  Mitzi was perplexed.

  “Then what needs sorting out and rebooting? Oh I know we need to relocate to the farm… there will be a few items I’ll need from the house, though. My bed for one…”

  Cass looked at her obliquely.

  “Mitzi we won’t be able to take one damn thing from your house. Not a damn thing. Once a place had been swarmed by hybrids their scent is on everything they touched, and they can track by that scent, do you understand? Clothing might be okay-but furniture and anything they might have touched, sat on ,sniffed at…must be abandoned.”

  Her previous ire returning Mitzi started to stand up, struggling a bit with her unwieldy belly as she did so. As soon as she was on her feet she said in a quarrelsome voice ”I REFUSE to be turned out of my home by those mongrels. They aren’t even vampires, I don’t know WHAT they are, and I’m sure they don’t know what they are either!”

  Cass returned her look of ire with dispassion.

  “In case you didn’t hear me clearly the first time, I’m saying NO Mitzi-aaaaaaah, and don’t give me that look my lady. Just because you’re a thrice-bitten doesn’t mean that you have all the answers- and may I also point out that ALL of this is way beyond the realm of your personal
experience. We are taking no chances. You’ll be out at the Farm TODAY-along with Buttercup, Charley and a few others. Look I know it’s not fair and it’s unsettling but –“ Cass’s voice broke slightly and he stopped speaking for 2 seconds to compose himself.

  “-the babies, my Love. We don’t have a choice .And I’m sorry, so sorry, but if I have to truss you up with Fairy Rope you’re going.

  That’s the FIRST thing I wanted to tell you.”

  Mitzi straightened her spine to appear taller than her 5’2” and returned cooly,

  “Well I don’t care for the first one-at all. So what is the second thing you want to “tell” me Cass? Although your information sharing sounds dangerously close to ‘ordering’ me to do something I’m loathe to do.”

  Cass cleared his throat again. Then spoke plainly.

  “We’re getting married. Today. I’ve already arranged for us to be married in front of a judge.”

  Mitzi’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and she sat down heavily on the loveseat again. Quickly Cass closed the distance between them and gathered her in his arms. He half expected a rebuff, but as quickly as she attempted to resist she seemed to change her mind, and relaxed against him.

  “Mitzi I know I said I’d wait forever-but I can’t any more. Please don’t fight me on this. Please. I want to be your husband in the eyes of everyone…humans, vampires, whatever. I need you to be my wife. And there is no time but now. Something is coming…I feel it. Things will change. But our love will never change and I want to be as connected to you as possible.

  The other thing is-I want to make sure that you’re provided for. We never talk about money, I know. No reason to really. But you should know that Lux and I are rather wealthy in our own right. I need to make sure we have unquestionable unity in the eyes of the law. You are a part of me, Vivi, and everything I have is yours also”

  As her head lay against his chest, all the fight gone out of her, he heard her voice below him say tiredly, ”Yes, Cass, I will marry you.”

  “Well,… damn lady! Can you at least sound a little excited?”he responded. “Please want this!”

  Mitzi smiled up at him. ”I love you. I agree. It’s best…for everyone. ” She responded warmly.

  He knew she was primarily thinking of the babies, but also was feeling ,as he himself was , their unbreakable connection as they embraced.

  A warm, exuberant feeling welled up inside of him. He jumped up and twirled her around gently a few times, finishing by pulling her with her back against him and wrapping her up tightly in his arms again. ”I can’t wait to call you my ‘wife.’ How sexy does that sound?”

  “Very sexy!” she agreed.” But you have to give me a little time to prepare-I’m not exactly dressed for a ceremony my love.”

  “Sure.” Cass smiled down at her with a twinkle in his eyes. ”I think Fress has someone from one of the local boutiques bringing over some try-ons for you momentarily. Good thing you said yes, huh??

  Mitzi looked skeptical.

  “But Cass,” she said plaintively, ”I’m Pregnant! I might as well wrap myself up in a shower curtain.”

  “And that is why,” he replied mildly, in a reassuring tone ”The dresses are coming from a maternity wear boutique. These are modern times my love-no shame in our game. I’m sure you’ll be able to find something suitable. ”he assured her.” And you’re marrying a man of substantial means, so you’re banned from asking about prices. Choose whatever you want.”

  Mitzi felt very spoiled as the associate from the Maternity Boutique arrived with a rack of ready to wear maternity wedding and formal wear. Fress’s friend Merilee was also there to give input, and Mitzi ran upstairs to show each of the gowns to Buttercup as well, not because she thought that Buttercup would give any insightful input, but because she wanted to have the devoted wetnurse included somehow in the process. Buttercup oohed and aaahed over each of the gowns in turn, declaring that each one was prettier than the next. It gratified Mitzi completely to twirl around for Buttercups inspection, and she offered up a silent prayer of thanksgiving that the light had returned to Buttercups eyes and she seemed to be regaining her strength.

  The final choice came down to two gowns. One was in a ivory silk that had seed pearls strewn over the bodice and sleeves and such a cleverly fitted peplum waist that from the front Mitzi’s pregnant state was practically hidden. The second gown was a rare shade of lilac that brought out the color of Mitzi’s strawberry blonde hair and blue green eyes and turned her natural beauty into an enchanted ethereal beauty. Merilee declared that Mitzi looked like a Fairy Queen in the gown. The material was a taffeta blend with clever smocking around a heart shaped bodice that was subtly embroidered in silver thread along the edges .The skirt was full, but not too full, and the border was accented by the same silver threading.

  In the final analysis, everyone agreed that the lilac dress was the perfect choice.

  Flowers arrived, and two decorators that hung garlands and crystals from the ceiling and every available lighting fixture.. A tiered cake arrived along with an assortment of gourmet catered hors d’oevres, a champagne fountain was set up on the center island of the kitchen, and extra tables were set up along the kitchen wall to hold the elegant après ceremony buffet.

  Initially exasperated by Cass’s over the top planning( after all, how could he be completely sure she would agree to marry him?)-Mitzi finally gave into the joy of being surrounded by beauty in honor of her and Cass’s commitment to each other.

  Before a scant two hours had passed, guests began to arrive. Many of the guests were V-net comrades of Lux and Cass that Mitzi hadn’t had a chance to meet. All were elegantly dressed and charming. Charley was wearing the same tux he’d worn at Celeste and Ariel’s wedding-he’d had it dry cleaned of course. The biggest surprise was the arrival of Daniel and his mother Dendra. Mitzi literally flew into her friend’s arms.

  Dendra pulled back to look at Mitzi.

  “God I’ve missed you. God you look gorgeous! Please let’s never stay apart that long again!”

  Mitzi nodded in enthusiastic agreement. ”Oh Dendra you’ve always been beautiful. I’m so sorry. It’s been crazy. I was even away for awhile… I’ll tell you the whole story some day soon.”

  Dendra quickly replied, ”It may not be as hard to explain what you’ve been up to as you think. Remember ‘the talk’ that parents have with their children? Well, Daniel and I had ‘the talk’ about his becoming a vampire. Just a couple of days ago. And even though I took some convincing…I’ve found I can accept his new state of being.

  And yours as well, Mitzi. I’ve never seen you so happy!” she finished, scooping her shorter friend up in a genuinely warm embrace again.

  This time Mitzi pulled away to search Dendra’s face. Even though in a HUMAN sense Dendra looked damn good for her age, she still was showing the same signs of aging that Mitzi had exhibited before she’d been turned. Dendra’s crow’s feet around her eyes were more pronounced since that last time Mitzi had seen her, and Dendra had some new fine lines and wrinkles above her mouth and beneath her sculpted cheekbones. As usual, Mitzi couldn’t curb her innate bluntness.

  “Den- are you going to ‘turn’? I will always be your friend whatever your decision is-but have you considered it?”

  It was Dendra’s turn to nod “,Of course I have, mostly because of Daniel. But it’s all so new.. I need time to consider it carefully. I know that I’m looking older-but I also know there’s more to being turned than immortality. I’m not sure about the spiritual implications, Mitzi-and I’m not willing to sell my soul for a youthful appearance-that would be a really expensive face lift! And as I try to figure all this out I will certainly run all my thoughts by my best friend of course!” she finished, smiling fondly at Mitzi.

  Mitzi felt Cass’s warm male energy behind her. He slipped an arm around her waist .

  “Surprised?” he asked, smiling and giving her a wink.”I had to make sure Dendra was here for our blissful joining.”r />
  Mitzi threw both of her arms around his neck.

  “Yes! And thank you! It wouldn’t have been the same without Dendra here!”

  Music began to play ,lovely and light string quintet melodies with an accomplish live harpist playing along on a giant gilded harp set up in a corner of the adjoining room. Many more guests were continuing to arrive, seemingly from out of nowhere, and causing no traffic or parking problems since they had taken a nearby local portal to reach the cottage.

  Finally, the last but perhaps most distinguished guest arrived by limo. Yaya Wisceivisc carried with him a thin case containing a collapsible lectern and was dressed in a grey angora three-piece suit with a large diamond stickpin holding his richly patterned tie in place. In his right hand he carried an intricately carved walking stick of an African ebony wood, topped with a finial consisting of a large ,perfectly round moonstone. The moonstone seemed to glow with it’s own inner light, as if it were a miniature moon stolen away from a tiny distant universe. Mitzi could scarcely keep her eyes off of it as she and Cass greeted Yaya in the French manner, with kisses on each cheek. Yaya was a vampire but also an African-American Hassidic Jew,and his beard and long side curls were groomed to perfection. He removed his matching grey rabbit fur hat and replace it with a yamaka ,also shedding his overcoat for the more robelike garments befitting a Holy man. One about to perform a solemn ceremony.

  For the ceremony the guests were invited to follow the newlyweds back through the three season room in which the collapsible back wall had been raised . A few rows of beribboned chairs had been set up on the lawn, and the far gazebo in the back of the large fenced in yard that faced the rows of chairs would serve as the altar and focal point for the ceremony. It was a beautiful spring day, with a soft wind blowing from the East. Mitzi noticed with a slight sense of panic that Cass had momentarily left her side, but before she could react he reappeared wearing a long sleeved high necked doublet in a soft grey suede, along with grey suede leggings and heavy leather boots. The boots were themselves a work of art, primarily grey with intricate patterning in silver and heavy decorative gold studding around the top. To add to his regal look ,Cass had tied his curly hair back in a pony tail with a silver clasp , and wore a huge diamond in his ear. A heavy silver chain across the bodice of his doublet completed his wedding attire.


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