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Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2)

Page 30

by P. Mattern

  “But I have nothing for you!” she said plaintively ,obviously feeling some distress at not having a gift to exchange for the one Cass was proffering.

  “Oh but you do,” Cass replied, lowering a hand to lightly caress her baby bump.”And anyway this is just a practical gift. Safety oriented. Something that should be de rigueur for all new brides, really.”

  With everyone watching her, and Buttercup’s huge water-colored eyes staring in excitement, Mitzi untied the single pink satin ribbon that adorned the box and lifted the hinged lid. Inside was a faceted teardrop shaped aquamarine in the same blue as a spring sky, held in place by four golden prongs and connected by a large decorative link to a substantial gold chain.

  “So beautiful-thank you –my husband!” she said, her eyes shining.”Can you put it on?”

  “I INSIST on putting it on!” Cass replied, removing it from the box and fastening it behind her neck.”This is a joint present from myself and Yaya-he’s the one that procured it for me. It’s very rare Mitzi . Forged using Magick. Only a tribite can wear it. And it’s special-it can only be given once-and I give it now to you, my wife. And it will protect you from losing your immortal life-but only once. I never intend for you to have to use it, since you have already in place the greatest protection ever afforded to a spouse in the history of living creatures-namely ME,Castor Lucien Noble-but if the unforeseen ever happens I will know that you will be safe until I arrive to save the day. And I always will…and I love you.”

  Mitzi could only turn around quickly and answer Cass’s declaration with a kiss. She could hear Charley, Mitzi and Lux applauding, their clapping echoing off the arched ceiling of the hall way.

  After a prolonged thank you kiss, Cass offered Mitzi his arm and led the group down to the end of the hall way, throwing the door open with a flourish. He also picked Mitzi up in his arms before stepping in.

  “Your new ‘digs’ madame, j’espere s’il te plait! And now prepare yourself for the traditional ‘carry over the threshold ‘deal-I almost forgot!!”

  Mitzi looked around her as Cass sauntered into the room with her in his arms ,eventually lowering her gently to her feet.

  “You OWN this?” she gasped in amazement.”You and Lux and Fress?”

  “Sure do!” Cass answered a note of pride evident in his voice.”And now you own half of my share. I was so captivated by your charms that I forgot to have you sign a prenup, you wily vixen!!! So now I have to share everything. Oh well. ”he finished ,looking down at her happily and fondly.

  Lux set Buttercup down upon an immense overstuffed sofa covered in rich blue fabric with a fleur-de-lis pattern. Mitzi noticed that there were no less than four of them in the cavernous room, as well as a huge marble fireplace. Lighting was provided by lead crystal chandeliers and various sconces set into the walls at points. Mitzi estimated that the square footage of the one room was equal to the square footage of half her house-or more.

  “This is the big gathering room.” Cass said, gesturing grandly in all directions.” It’s fairly large but can seem cozy with the lights lowered and a fire in the fireplace. And now…” he said , scooping a startled Mitzi up with one arm and flying through the length of the room,”For my second surprise for my new bride ! Right through this doorway folks!”

  Cass reached for the knob of the large six paneled door and the group followed him into another hallway, similar to the first but wider this time ,with four similar doors set into the wall at measured intervals . Mitzi assumed that they were bedrooms, and, sure enough, Cass smilingly led her over to the first door on the right.

  “The master suite,” he announced, and with a wink added,”I hope milady finds it to her liking.”

  Mitzi again was impressed by the size of the room, but before she could comment on it her eyes fell on the largest piece of bedroom furniture contained within its walls.

  And she let loose with a singularly unladylike set of squeals.

  “MY BED!” she shrieked, jumping onto it with vampire quickness, and continuing to jump on it while she laughed delightedly.

  “Actually it’s a new one.” Cass corrected her, obviously pleased at her reaction,” As close to the original as I could get on fairly short notice. I know how much you love your over the top ‘frou frou’ Southern monstrosity of a bed-and frankly I’ve become a fan since I’ve been joining you and sleeping in yours, so there you go, my love.”

  Lux walked over across the carpeting and lowered Buttercup onto the embroidered and beribboned layers of damask bedspreads ,bolsters and pillows that were piled on the huge bed. Instead of rice pillars the bed’s corner posts consisted of thick and beautifully carved wood posts each of which looked like the entertwined trunks of two young tender saplings. The wood was a rich golden color, and the four posts climbed to an exaggerated arch at the top of the canopied bed, joining grandly at a crown shaped finial to create a very high canopy.

  It was a bed made for royalty, Mitzi thought, flushed with pleasure. Her ‘thank you’ to Cass was a fierce kiss.

  Everyone sat down on it for a moment. Merilee sighed as she sank into the layers of comfort afforded by the excellent mattresses and bed coverings. Charley stole a quick kiss from her and ran his fingers through her blonde curls as she lay back, studying the interior of the canopy.

  “Hey!” she called out,” the inside of the canopy is painted to look like a starry night sky-and the stars actually seem to glow!”

  Everyone studied the sky canopy for a few minutes. Lux, who had been quiet for the last few minutes seemed ready to doze off.

  “Okay, good folk.” Cass said good naturedly, glowing with happiness and pride. ”I’ll show you the other accommodations so that you can settle in. Charley and Merilee can have the room opposite ours- the bed isn’t quite as big but I’m sure you’ll be comfortable. Lux, I assume you’ll be leaving for Pierre’s-Mitzi and I will make sure that Buttercup is settled in in the blue room down the hall. I think we’ll save the rest of the tour for tomorrow,” he continued, motioning to yet another large six panel door at the end of the hallway.” I haven’t shown you guys the greenhouse, the kitchen, or the grotto yet. But that can wait-because…. I have to attend to the needs of my very pregnant wife.

  “And believe me,” he finished, rolling his eyes and smirking, ”She has some!”

  “Mitzi blushed and gave Cass a mock slap for teasing her. Charley and Merilee, hand in hand, kissed both Mitzi and Cass goodnight and retired to their own room. Mitzi and Cass, after helping Buttercup get comfortable in her own room, finally retired to their own space.

  “It’s so odd to think that we’re actually underground.” Mitzi commented. “Although there is a feeling about this place that’s different. It feels safer or something.It feels like a bunker. Or a rabbit hole…”

  “Speaking of ‘Rabbit holes’,”Cass began, causing Mitzi to burst out laughing.

  “Well technically my last name has officially been changed to Noble, silly. Pity. No more Rabbit jokes my darling!”

  Cass feigned a pout, then brightened.

  “There’s always Charley-still one Rabbit left to tease about his last name. And I just realized something. I’m kind of his step Dad. That’s food for thought.” He said, but he was smiling and playing with Mitzi’s hair, and his face was aglow with delight.

  “What would you like to do now, Mrs. Noble?” he asked fondly.”I, personally, would like to conduct a probing examination of my new spouse, if she doesn’t mind of course.”

  Mitzi giggled.

  “She doesn’t mind as long as the PROBE is a good sized one and skillfully administered, ”she responded, her bluegreen eyes flashing with a slightly wicked glint.

  “Then I am at your service.” Cass responded, bowing, ”For I have just the instrument.”

  Mitzi looked up at his face as he shifted position and pulled her against him. If anything, he was even more handsome than the day they’d met, she thought, marveling at his handsome features, his curly brown h
air that framed his face and glowed with burnished bronze highlights ,even in the dimly lit bedroom. The lips he lowered to hers were full and sensual, as insistent as they had been on the evening he had twice ‘turned’ her, and the sexual intensity in his eyes still thrilled her. With Cass there was always an element of the unexpected. Although secretly she had feared that her pregnancy would impact his desire for her, she needn’t have worried. He seemed to be even more titillated by the physical changes her condition caused,: her engorged breasts, darkened and enlarged nipples and even her swollen belly . He approached her with a sort of reverence, whispering to her of the many seductions he found in her transformed physical being .Reminding her of how each part of her tempted and teased him to the point of sexual frenzy. She noticed that he would wait until her desire rose to the same torrid ,feverish level as his before allowing himself to climax, and she gladly abandoned herself to the feast he created within their bedspace of sexually charged sensation.

  And she especially loved the way he always, always, called out her name as she joined him in the culmination of sexual desire so heady and decadently satisfying that it was no mystery to Mitzi that the French had for centuries termed it ”la petit mort.”

  Afterwards, they slept together for the first time as husband and wife, dreamlessly and without care, the outside world and its turmoil kept at bay by the stout earthen walls that surrounded them.

  Fress, back at the cottage, finally collapsed on a divan next to Daniel and sighed deeply.

  “Well everything is SORT of back in order. The decorators will return tomorrow to take down the lights and gather the extra rentals and seating. Yaya is safely back at the W in his suite, Casey and Kimbra have their space back. I gave away as much of the catered food as I could and we still will be eating leftovers for the next 5 days…I’d say my work here is done!”

  Daniel smiled down at her.

  “You did a magnificent job on short notice. Was that a Vampire catering outfit?”

  Fress sighed, ”Of course. So were the decorators. We needed everything done at vamp speed. And they never disappoint.”

  “You’re a marvel, ”Daniel said, kissing the tip of her nose.”It was very elegant.”

  Fress smiled back at him.

  “Well it isn’t every day my brother gets married. That’s huge-I can’t tell you how many times Cass used to declare that the woman didn’t exist and would NEVER exist that could get him to propose…and then he met Mitzi and did a 180! Who could know?”

  “Turn around,”Daniel commanded, ”With your back facing me . I want to massage your shoulders. And any other physiological features I might come across that need a rubdown.”

  Gratefully Fress turned so that he could massage the deep muscles in her shoulders. That was the thing about Daniel, he had really good hands.

  “Ooooooh,” she said letting out a long breath ,”Thank you. Just what I needed.”

  She could sense him smiling his trademark deliciously wicked smile behind her.

  “Now that I have your attention,” he said ”I would like to ask you something.” As he spoke he dug sure fingers more deeply into her flesh, and could feel tension leaving her shoulders as he did so.

  “Not fair Daniel”, she protested in a dreamy, muffled voice, her head down and her glossy blueblack hair falling over her face in an ebony cascade. ”But ask away…I’m too relaxed to resist.”

  Daniel continued the massage, capable hands working on the muscles of her back.

  “I was just curious. Could you ever see marrying another vampire…me for instance?”

  Fress turned so quickly to face him that he could still feel her warmth and electrically charged energy on the tips of his fingers even after they left her skin. In her sleepy eyes he saw both her love for him and a hint of sorrow.

  “I can’t marry, Daniel my love. It has to do with decisions that I made long ago. I can be no male energy’s wife.

  But I love you for wanting to marry me… it is a treasure I will keep in my heart. And I thank you for that.”

  To Fress’s surprise Daniel looked as though he’d been struck. He was speechless as he returned her gaze. When he finally spoke his voice seemed very controlled, all the former teasing playfulness gone from it.

  “Well, a guy has to try. And you need to turn back around now, I’m only half finished with your massage.”

  Although his skillful fingers continued to release tension from her body in a competent manner, the silence between them was palpable. Fress sensed that she had injured him in some unanticipated way, and that bothered her. A lot.

  She was about to try engaging him in a completely unrelated conversation when he whispered against the back of her neck, causing familiar, sexually charged shivers to run up and down her spine.

  “Okay”, he murmured in a sultry voice, ”That’s one side down…how about we retire to the bedroom so that I can turn you over.”

  As he spoke Fress felt him reach around and begin gently to massage her breasts,teasing them instantly to points. In spite of her concern she smiled, knowing she could distract him from his disappointment.

  Once upstairs Daniel gave her his love and attention with a frightening violence ,his lovemaking so rigorous that it expertly rode the fine line between pain and pleasure.

  “Tell me you’re MINE, Fress. Say it!” He commanded fiercely.

  “I’m YOURS Daniel!” she cried, ”Yours!” she affirmed. Only after they had both reached nearly simultaneous tremendous shuddering climaxes did she silently, in her private thoughts ,add the following addendum.

  “For now.”

  The next morning Pierre found himself staring across the small table at a local diner at a bleary eyed Lux. Lux had gotten in the previous night, the night of Cass and Mitzi’s impromptu wedding, past two a.m. Due to Pierre’s erratic schedule he hadn’t been able to attend the wedding, and Lux had gotten up early hoping to breakfast with his lover.

  Lux’s blonde hair was still damp from a hasily grabbed shower, and he had stubble on the manly planes of his cheeks and chin, but Pierre still had to consciously will himself to keep from staring at Lux’s gorgeous face.

  Lux took a swallow of coffee and crunched into a toast point with a dollop of smoked salmon cream cheese slathered on it.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, between bites, his sleepy eyes widening a little. ”Do I have food on my face? That wouldn’t be much of a surprise, since I’m barely awake.”

  Pierre looked down at his own plate. The poached eggs and steaming flapjacks with a pat of butter drizzling down the sides flanked with three fat, juicy looking strawberries sat untouched.

  “Sorry,” he confessed, looking up again.”I just haven’t ‘seen’-literally-enough of you lately. I was trying to get my eyes full so I can fantasize about you during breaks at work.”

  “I know what you mean,” Lux answered,”And its good to have face time. But Pierre when does the insanity stop? How many more months do you have on your internship? I really missed you at the wedding, even though I know that it was an impossibility given that Cass gave everyone, like, 8 hours notice. Typical Cass move. I’m so sorry you couldn’t be there. Fress took over and it was beautiful.”

  Piere sighed.

  “Four more months my friend. And as bad as that sounds, I thank God that I didn’t hook up with you until recently…you’re much too much of a distraction for this budding Physician’s Assistant-I might have been tempted to drop out!”

  Lux’s eyes narrowed.

  “Part of what attracted me to you in the first place was that you had dreams and goals, my young ruffian. I would have been disappointed if I’d somehow singlehandedly deterred you from accomplishing them. I’m proud of you. And to give you even more incentive…”Lux said, lowering his voice and inclining closer to Pierre across the small table, ”When you finish-and you will-I promise I will take you away to some exotic locale and give you a ‘honeymoon’ celebration you’ll never forget.

�How does THAT sound?” he finished with a wink, smugly sipping his coffee.

  Pierre’s mind was immediately filled with highly pleasant images of himself and Lux running under a peerlessly blue sky across pristine white sands in speedos, splashing in the ocean, running along the beach, enjoying intimacies inside a darkened and private cabana.

  “Some motivational expert you are!” he replied, smiling.”Okay. No more complaining. I’ll get it done. And thank you for being so invested in my success…that means the world to me, Lux.”

  “You’re welcome.” Lux answered, a twinkle in his blue eyes, returning Pierre’s smile.”And now my friend-eat your breakfast!! You have to be at hospital in 25 minutes!!!”

  Amaranth awakened to find her lover, the Mavesla, gone from their chamber. She found that she was ravenous, and, because she’d solemnly promised the Mavesla that she wouldn’t dine on the cavern staff, she only briefly considered how her new ,young full breasted maidservant would taste.

  “BROHTA FODJAN!” she shouted crossly to the three maid servants standing a short distance away …in a cluster, she noted-as if they could actually protect themselves from her if she wanted to kill them ALL.

  Well today was their lucky day…because she had given promise to the one being she feared in the universe.

  The Mavesla.

  Settling back on her well upholstered bed she sighed with satisfaction as she considered the nocturnal activities of the previous evening. He had blown the red dust over her again, relaxing her into an opiated state, before summoning snakes to crawl across the floor and over her naked body. It amazed her that, rather than being slimy, they were taut and dry and their tongues flicked out over her bared skin in a sensual assault. He had stood, watching, at the end of their bed, as the reptilian creatures wound over her, and in and out of her secret places, silently and with their flicking tongues heightening her state of arousal.


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