Book Read Free


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by Harms, C. A.


  Written by C.A. Harms

  Edited by Dorilyn Harrison

  Text Copyright © 2013

  C.A. Harms

  All Rights Reserved Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names and characters within this story are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  I want to say Thank You to all my fans. I appreciate your feedback and dedication. I love to create stories. I enjoy sharing those stories with others. I try to make my books realistic. I attempt to focus on real life issues. I know that my books are not made for everyone. Those of you who enjoy reading my creations and continue to follow me, looking forward to my new work, thanks so very much. Without fans writing stories wouldn’t be as great as it is now. Thank you all and I hope that you enjoy Stripped as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Table of Contents






















  ~Twenty One~

  ~Twenty Two~

  ~Twenty Three~

  ~Twenty Four~

  ~Twenty Five~

  ~Twenty Six~

  ~Twenty Seven~

  ~Twenty Eight~

  ~Twenty Nine~


  ~Thirty One~

  ~Thirty Two~

  ~Thirty Three~

  ~Thirty Four~

  ~Thirty Five~

  ~Thirty Six~

  ~Thirty Seven~

  ~Thirty Eight~

  ~Thirty Nine~


  ~Forty One~

  ~Forty Two~

  ~Forty Three~

  ~Forty Four~

  ~Forty Five~

  ~Forty Five~

  ~Forty Six~

  ~Forty Seven~

  ~Forty Eight~

  ~Forty Nine~



  “What the hell do you mean I’m three months behind? That’s impossible.” I paused to listen to the bank manager’s response. I tried to hold back the tears, “What am I supposed to do, I don’t have that kind of money just laying around?” I felt like I was falling, plummeting into the darkness. I couldn’t breathe and I was beginning to feel dizzy. The bank was going to repossess my car, unless I could come up with the last three payments by Friday. I came home to an eviction notice taped to my front door and a letter from the bank in my mail.

  I crumbled onto my knees in the center of my kitchen floor and cried. How could this all be happening to me? What the hell did Brad do with our money? Apparently he hadn’t been paying our bills. He has always handled all of our finances; it just seemed easier that way, since I stayed home with Emma.

  For almost four weeks now, my husband has been missing from my life, he just left. He disappeared leaving me with a five month old daughter, and a mountain of debt. He never even said good-bye; one day after work he didn’t come home and I haven’t saw or spoke to him since. If it wasn’t for the random letters with no return address, I wouldn’t even know if he was okay. The letters were always the same, he was fine and we were better off without him, no details or explanations.

  I was left alone to deal with the mess he created. I couldn’t call my parents; that would be torture. I couldn’t bare to listen to their “I told you so” speeches. They have never liked Brad. In their eyes he was the older guy, by four years, who knocked up their precious daughter. Getting pregnant right before I turned nineteen was difficult. I dropped out of high school two months before graduation which I regret so much now. We had decided to get married and I followed Brad around to many other cities so he could find employment. We moved three times before settling in a small town just outside of Houston. I couldn’t go back home to my parents, not now. I refused to admit they were right and I made a mistake.

  I had ninety eight dollars to my name and had to take care of my baby. I knew the only way to improve my situation was to find a job and find one fast. I rose from the floor and slowly made my way to the couch. I couldn’t control my falling tears as I thought of everything slipping through my life. I let the emotions overtake me until I was unable to cry any longer.

  Emma woke from her nap to the sound of my sobbing. I forced myself up, and I slowly approached her room. Leaning over the side of her crib, I looked into her little eyes and my heart ached horribly. She kicked her arms and legs into the air and cooed. I had to move forward for her. I refused to lose the one thing I had left in my world; Emma was my rock.

  I picked her up and held her close as I rocked her back and forth in my arms. “Hey baby girl, it’s just us now. You and I, angel, and we will make it through this tough time; I promise you. We’ll be alright. No matter what happens mommy will take care of everything.”

  I began selling everything I owned, anything that had worth value. I had to gain some control over my life. I had to dig out of the hole that my worthless husband had left for me. The only items I refused to part with belonged to Emma. I couldn’t make myself do it. I didn’t want her to suffer for our mistakes; she’s innocent in this mess. I couldn’t believe Brad not only walked away from our marriage, but he also walked away from his daughter.

  It was time for me to step up and support myself. Being I was nineteen year old, single mom, and a high school drop-out, only made it more difficult to find a decent source of income. After searching the want ads online without any luck, I was forced to settle for a job I had never pictured myself doing. It was the type of job that made me cringed and I feel dirty at the end of the day. I hated how cheap I felt after every shift.


  *One Year Later*


  “Kylie you’re up next, just a little warning they are rowdy tonight girl. There are three bachelor parties and some business convention in town so everybody’s ready to party. Don’t go too close to the edge because the dollars aren’t worth it.” Sarah, my coworker and friend, stood behind me adjusting her wig.

  “Thanks for the tip.” I rolled my eyes while staring at myself in the mirror. I as slowly slid my red mask onto my face I readied myself to go on stage.

  As I stood up she placed her hand on my shoulder, “Kylie, I know you hate this. Just remember why you are doing it; you have Emma to think about, and you aren’t doing anything wrong, honey. We all have to survive.” She squeezed my shoulder before she turned and slowly walked away. I met her on my first night at the club. Sarah is twenty two and her parents both passed away in a car crash when she was twelve. She grew up bouncing from family member to family member’s homes before she finally moved out on her own. We have become great friends over the last year.

  I knew what Sarah said was true, but it never made the process any easier. I took my clothes off in front of drunken horny men for money. I got to hear them yell nasty vulgar things at me, and pretend to like the attention. I had to act seductive and erotic, when in reality I just felt cheap and disgusting.

  I heard the familiar music fill the club as Rex announced the next dancer. I hated the introduction he provided every time I was up. It gave me chills, and not the good kin
d. I made my way to the edge of the stage and prepared myself for my entrance. I fought the sick feeling that overtook me and concentrated on taking slow deep breathes. I used to love to dance, and now it disgusts me.

  “Okay boys are you ready for Club Red’s very own Sex Kitten? Let me tell you, she purrs so sweet. Let’s hear it for our sweet little Kitty.” I painted on my smile and walked out. I passed Rex as he reached out and ran his finger down my arm. “When are you gonna let me pet your kitty Kylie? I promise you’ll like it.”

  Chills ran through me, “Keep dreaming Rex, you aren’t getting anywhere near my kitty.” I heard him yell out a response as he exited the stage.

  “We’ll see, one day you’ll change your mind.” God I hope he wasn’t counting on that, he will be so disappointed.

  As I step out into the lights the erotic music started. I took a deep breath and the lights began flashing. It was so loud, and I tried to focus on the “Club Red” sign above the bar in the back. It was my focus point night after night, so I could manage through this mess. I heard all the men yelling and whistling. I attempted to tune them out and just listen to the music. I don’t know how many times I heard things about licking, petting and fucking my kitty. My stomach tensed and I pushed passed it the best I could. I tried to drown out the vulgar comments and the smell of sweat and alcohol that swarmed around me.

  “Club Red” was more of a lounge then a nasty run down sex scene. The seating consisted of leather couches, chairs and glass top tables. It was almost too clean to be considered a strip club. The men that visited us were mainly business men after a long week at the office. We had the occasional rowdy group of younger guys out to have a good time. I have never felt unsafe here…Just dirty for allowing myself to do this job.

  There was a small group of men, about four or five, sitting right in front of the bar. They were watching my every move, but they weren’t as rowdy as some of the others in the room. They were conservative and I realized they must be the business men from the convention in town. They watched me calmly, and I found myself focusing on one certain member of their party. He was attractive in a bad boy kind of way and appeared to be slightly younger than the rest of the men. His brown hair was just long enough to run your fingers through it. He wore a button up shirt with the top three buttons undone, exposing a small amount of his chest.

  I continued to dance keeping my eyes connected with his, instead of watching the neon sign like usual. I felt like I was only dancing for him, and for some unknown reason, it seemed to help relax my nerves. He twirled his amber liquid slowly around before raising his glass to take another drink. His eyes continued the connection with mine as he sat slightly slouched in his chair.

  It was amazing how quickly my show went. As I exited the stage, I turned one last time to look in his direction. Our eyes locked as a small sexy grin spread across his lips. I felt heat rise in my cheeks, rush of need pooled deep within my stomach, before settling in my core. How I could possibly be turned on by a man I have never met was unbelievable. At that moment, I most definitely was on fire. I tore myself away from his gaze and shook my head to clear my thoughts.



  I made my way to my area in back, pulling my Red leather mask from my eyes. I gathered up my long blond hair, tying it into a sloppy bun, letting out a relieved sigh that it was over for another night. I was startled by Rex when he placed his hand on my shoulder. I quickly looked up at his reflection in the mirror, “No Rex, I will not go home with you.”

  He chuckled, “Well one day you will sexy, but that’s not what I was gonna say.” He paused, leaning in a little closer before continuing. “There is a man out front that’s asking for a private dance.”

  Before Rex was finished I immediately began shaking my head “No”. That is where I drew the line. I danced on stage only, no private dances. “Listen Kylie…I know you said no private shows, but I also know that you could use the money. This guy has requested you. He doesn’t want anyone else, just you.”

  I took a deep breath, “I don’t do private dances. Sorry Rex, but I just can’t. The three hundred dollars isn’t worth having some drunken guy whisper nasty things to me, while I shake my ass in his face.”

  The smile Rex now held across his lips was slightly disturbing. “That’s the thing Kylie. I told this guy you don’t do private. He won’t budge on letting another girl dance for him. He is willing to pay one thousand dollars for one dance from you privately, and all that is your cut babe, your money. Some big wig, nicely dressed business guy who only wants you. He won’t settle for one of the regulars.”

  One thousand dollars for a private dance from me seemed far-fetched. A hands free dance from me? I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it. A business man, my thoughts immediately filled with his intense stare. Could it be him? I felt the chills run down my spine as I thought about it. I felt warm in all the right places, which was dangerous.

  “Listen Kylie…I’ll put Brody on the door. You’ll be in quick and out quick, and you can go home tonight to Emma, with a guaranteed thousand dollars you weren’t counting on.”

  My mind was racing, was it worth it? I promised myself I would never get that close to someone while dancing, but the money would help. Things had been so tight lately and rent was due. I took a deep breath, “Okay one dance…that’s it. Nothing else Rex and I mean it.” Sporting a somewhat devious smile, Rex walked off to seal the deal.

  Once he walked away the nervous feelings set in. What the hell was I doing? I felt sick instantly. I was about to be alone, in a room, with a man I didn’t know. I was going to have to rub all over him, this stranger, and pretend to enjoy it. I sat staring in the mirror feeling disgusted with myself, regretting what I had just agreed to do.

  I pulled my hair tie out and allowed the blond waves to fall down around my shoulders. I wasn’t sure just how much time had passed, but when the bouncer, Brody, appeared behind me, I knew it was time. “You ready honey?” Brody was such a sweet guy with all of the girls. He never degraded us or made dirty comments. He was a big bear, and we all felt completely at ease with him.

  “As ready as I’m going to be.” I was shaking, and my unsteady voice made that obvious. Brody winked at me and helped me from my chair.

  “Don’t you worry Kylie; I’ll be right outside the door.” I just nodded my head in agreement and followed behind him. The closer we got the more my stomach flipped. My palms began to sweat and I quickly rubbed them together letting out a deep calming breath. The doors to the private rooms are actually made of a thick black canvas. The walls are also painted black with flashing lights, and in the center of the room sat a single black chair.

  Brody pulled back the curtain and when I entered the room my heart immediately began to race. It was him. He sat watching the door and patiently waited. When our eyes connected his sexy cocky grin returned. He traced his tongue along his lower lip as his eyes roamed my body, from head to toe. The chills that hit me were nothing like I get from Rex. These chills were exciting and welcoming. I bit my lower lip between my teeth, to hide my pleased smile. Behind me I heard Brody whisper, “I’m right here if you need me honey…just holler.” I nodded my head lightly without turning around.

  The music started and I slowly walked toward him trying to control my breathing. I couldn’t let him know how much he was affecting me. I had to stay in control. “You’ll have to keep your hands at your sides. As long as you keep that one rule in mind, I’ll dance. The minute you forget that…We’re done. Understand?”

  He smiled, “I got it…no hands.” He oozed sex. His voice was low and husky, more of a whisper, and it rolled through me like a tidal wave of pleasure. I ran my fingertip across his exposed chest. His gaze fell to my hand, as he watched me graze his neck gently. “But you can touch me, is that right?” My only response was slowly nodding my head in agreement. I wasn’t sure I could speak even if I tried. I was so close to him now and I was hypnotized by his beauty. He ha
d an amazing scent and I slowly breathed him in without being too obvious. I felt drunk with lust and need. This man was driving me crazy without even trying too, or maybe he was trying.

  I allowed my hand to come to rest on his stomach. I could feel his abs tighten beneath his shirt, and I could tell instantly that his body was fit. His eyes raked over my entire body pausing at my hips, as if he was memorizing them. I could tell his voice was strained, “What’s your name beautiful?”

  I smiled, “Kitty.” His tongue traced his lower lip once more, pausing before he continued.

  “Not your stage, your real name.” I wasn’t going to tell him, this was an impersonal action, so I ignored his question. Nothing would come out of this fifteen minute encounter, except a thrill I hadn’t felt in a long time. I turned my body around straddling his outstretched legs. I began rolling my hips, as I brought myself onto his lap. I let my body form to his and slowly began grinding myself onto his lap backwards.

  I heard his breathing become more of a growl. I let my body relax back onto his, until I felt my back mold to his chest. I brought my hands up to link them together behind his neck, and slowly moved my hips. His mouth was so close to my neck I could feel his breath. I had no idea what came over me, but I was no longer nervous. The worry I had about being alone with some stranger was gone. I liked his eyes on me, and I loved how his gaze made me feel. Desirable and sexy, I haven’t experienced those kinds of feelings in such a long time.

  “You’re so beautiful…so sexy. Do you realize how fucking sexy you are?” I kept rotating my hips and I could feel him growing hard beneath me. “The things I could do to you, damn.” He paused and took a deep breath. “I know your name isn’t Kitty. You don’t want to tell me and that’s fine, but you are too damn perfect to be doing this.” I was getting lost in his words and the feeling of his breath on my neck was intoxicating. “You shouldn’t be working in a place like this. Your body should be something you treasure and share with one lucky man, not a wild group of strangers.”


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