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Stripped Page 4

by Harms, C. A.

  He was watching my eyes for a reaction and I smiled softly, nodding my head. Evan watched me for any signs of resistance as his lips hovered over mine, grazing softly before finally giving me what I wanted. His kiss was gentle at first. I felt his tongue flip against my lips and I quickly responded. I had to fight everything in me slow down. I wanted him desperately. I wanted to be with him, but I also knew I needed to be honest. I needed to tell him about Brad, but I would wait until he returned.



  Only twenty four hours had passed since I was with Kylie and Emma at the park. It was crazy how much I found myself missing them. Spending an afternoon with them made me realize what I was missing out on being so consumed with work. I found my dreams filled with sweet little giggles and beautiful smiles. Of course the longer I thought about Kylie the more my dreams seemed to get more graphic. After all, I am a guy and she is sexy as hell. I finished up at the site and made my way to my room at the hotel. Stepping out onto the balcony I dialed her number.

  After the second ring she picked up, “Hi.”

  I felt my stomach flutter, “Hi there beautiful. I wanted to hear your sweet voice. How was your day?”

  Kylie softly laughed, “It was okay, I guess. Yours?”

  I sighed, “Much better now…much better.”

  We talked for over an hour. Emma’s giggles filled the background causing us both to laugh along with her. I wished more than anything that I was there with her instead of thousands of miles away. Things here appeared as if I may have to stay longer than I originally hoped.

  “So do you have any idea how long you’ll have to stay gone?” The fact that she was asking sparked a hope that she might miss me too.

  “I’m hoping only a few days if everything goes well. Why beautiful…are you missing me already?” I couldn’t hold back the silly grin that spread across my lips. I sensed she too had a smile on those beautiful lips.

  “Maybe a little,” she laughed lightly.

  “Just a little huh?”

  I waited for her response. After a silent pause I thought I may have pushed her too far, until she finally spoke. “Evan, you don’t play fair. I mean, you kind of snuck up on me when I least expected it. I feel insane for missing you when I barely know you. Isn’t it crazy?”

  “Who says it’s crazy to be attracted to someone. Why shouldn’t you follow your heart when it tries to tell you something? Hell I’ll admit it, I miss you insanely. I think I missed you before I even met you. If that seems crazy than I apologize, but it’s true. I can’t wait to get back home and kiss your sweet lips. I miss your gorgeous smile and Emma’s cute little curls with her tiny little nose.”

  We talked for a while longer before deciding it was late and she needed to get to bed. She had to be at the Café bright and early in the morning. After we said our goodbyes, I went to sleep happy.

  I woke the next morning to a picture on my cell phone of Kylie and Emma blowing me a kiss. It made my morning almost perfect. I swallowed passed the thickness in my throat and saved it to my phone. Sending a quick text in return…

  Me: Two Beautiful girls now hold a special place on the home screen of my phone…Thank you.

  Kylie: Aw, you’re very welcome. Call me later?

  Me: Absolutely. The first chance I get.

  Kylie: Have a good day. Don’t work too hard.

  Me: You too gorgeous…talk to you soon.

  Why did I feel like a teenage boy with my very first crush? It was insane, but hell if I didn’t deserve it. I was happier than I had been in a long damn time. Kylie made me smile and Emma was the icing on the cake.

  When I finally pulled myself away from the beautiful picture on my phone, I closed it and shoved it into my pocket. I had a fun day full of insurance adjusters and contractors waiting. I blew out a frustrated breath with the thought. I knew it was going to be a long ass day.



  It has been four days since Evan left, but it felt like so much longer. He called every day, sometimes two to three times. Unfortunately he wasn’t sure how long before he would be able to come home; dealing with issues from the insurance companies and setting up the rebuilding plans with the contractors were delaying his return. I could tell he was stressed, but he tried to leave his work out of our conversations.

  I got a dozen roses delivered to me at the Café, they were beautiful, and the gesture was so sweet. The message on the card read

  I Miss you Beautiful Girl

  I carried a smile on my face for the rest of the day.

  When my phone rang it my phone announced Evan was calling, I felt like a giddy high school girl. The excitement that ran through me was almost uncontrollable. After the third ring I took a deep breath, “Hello handsome.”

  His voice was soothing and low, “Handsome huh…why thank you. How was your day?”

  I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, “My day was great, once I received a gorgeous arrangement of flowers. Thank you so much by the way. I was the envy of all the ladies at the café.”

  His light laugh only made me smile more, “You’re very welcome. I’m glad you liked them. I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. I’m always thinking of you Kylie. You’ve really kind of snuck up on me, and burrowed your way into my thoughts.”

  I just wanted to kiss him at that moment; I couldn’t wait to see him. We spent the next hour talking. I almost told him about Brad a few times, but I wanted to wait until he was here face to face. I wanted that conversation to be in person.

  Over the next four days Evan and I had spent so much time talking over the phone. I really wasn’t sure how he could be getting any work done, but I didn’t care because we were getting to know each other. I found out he was an only child. He told me how demanding his parents were of him. They seemed to attempt to control everything within his life. His mother was all about appearances and his father was straight business all the time.

  I woke up on Saturday morning to Emma crying in pain. After taking her temperature, I decided to take her to the doctor to be checked. She wouldn’t stop crying and it began to worry me. Three hours later we returned home with her medication in hand, and some other items to help her feel better.

  Emma had a double ear infection. After the Tylenol started to work, she fell asleep watching cartoons in my bed. I knew I wouldn’t be working today or tonight, which caused me worry about the loss of money from today’s wages. I was making a mental checklist of the things I would have to eliminate to make up the difference.

  I took the opportunity to take a quick shower, and call both the café and Club Red to inform them of my absence. Once I got caught up with everything, I had the chance to relax. I flopped back onto the couch and let my head fall back.

  I heard a light knock on my door and groaned in frustration. Who in the hell could that be? I didn’t want whoever it was to wake Emma. I was still in my robe, as I snuck to the door. I hid behind it when I slowly cracked it open. I was completely surprised to find Evan standing on the other side. He wore a pair of faded jeans with a tight blue shirt stretch over his chest and arms. He had both of his hands pushed into his front pockets, and when I opened the door his gaze rose up from the ground to meet mine. He had a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Good morning Beautiful.”

  I don’t know what came over me, maybe it was the fact that he looked incredibly sexy out of his normal everyday suit, but I went straight for him. I ran both of my hands up into his hair and crushed my lips to his. The lack of hesitation on his part told me he wanted the same thing.

  After we stood in my doorway a few minutes devouring one another, he slowly walked me backward into my apartment. He nudged the door closed with his foot never once breaking our kiss. Evan wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly to him. Our kiss became more demanding as our tongues danced with one another. He sucked my bottom lip between his and lightly bit down, causing a moan to escape from me.

sp; When my legs bumped the table, he reached down to grip the backs of my thighs. He lifted me up, placing me onto the table. His hands never left my legs, as he traced his fingers just beyond the edge of my robe. I tried to contain the hunger I felt for him, but it was so hard because I wanted his hands on me. I wanted to feel his touch, and in return I wanted to touch him. I allowed my hands to roam up under his shirt and across his abs, as they tightened under my fingers.

  Our kisses became more demanding and hungry, “I missed you so much. I missed your kiss beautiful.” I let go of my hesitation, I stopped fighting the guilt of it all. I concentrated on Evan, and his words. I felt his hands slide further under my robe, gripping my bare hips. I heard him groan deep inside, resembling a low growl.

  I smiled against his lips, “I just took a shower, and I hadn’t found a chance to get dressed yet.” He ran the tip of his nose across my cheek, reaching my ear.

  He whispered, “I am so happy I got here when I did. Knowing that if I move my hands just a little further the only thing I will feel is you; really sexy.” He squeezed my hips and pulled me closer, bringing his lips back to mine. I moaned into his mouth, sucking on the tip of his tongue. “Oh baby, are you trying to kill me?” I wrapped my legs around his hips, and pulled him so close.

  I looked up into his eyes, “Evan I want you to touch me, all of me.” He watched me for a moment, before bringing his hand across my stomach slowly. He traced along the crease of my leg, before reaching my throbbing core. His finger ran along my wetness, tracing back up to rest on my clit. I let my head fall back allowing him full access to my neck. Evan slowly rubbed my clit in circles, causing a tremble to run through me. “Baby, you are so wet,” he whispered in my ear just before slipping his finger inside of me.

  I brought my lips back to his, “I want you so badly Evan. I have since that first night.” He continued to plunge his finger into me adding a second one, and with his thumb he continued to massage my throbbing clit.

  “I want you, I need to feel you. I want to bury myself deep inside of your wet warm body, and stay there for days,” his tongue rolling along my neck. I felt like I was floating and spiraling out of control. The need I felt to have him inside of me was almost more than I could handle. I hadn’t heard anything, but when Evan stopped and pulled my robe closed, I looked at him questioningly. “Why did you stop?”

  He placed a small kiss on my lips, “Someone is at the door Beautiful.” I looked over his shoulder, and that is when I heard the knock.

  “Damn it, I’ll get rid of them.” I heard him laugh as I practically ran to the door. I pulled my robe back together securing the belt tightly. Pulling it open quickly I gasped, instantly feeling nauseous. “Brad.”



  I felt like someone just punched me in the stomach; I couldn’t catch my breath. I wasn’t sure what to do, or what to say. Brad stood in the doorway smiling down at me. I knew behind me stood Evan, the man I was five minutes away from having sex with. A million things ran through my head all at once.

  I looked down at the floor panicking; I still hadn’t gotten the chance to tell Evan about being married. “So are you going to let me in, or make me stand out here and explain everything?” Brad’s question caused me to look up, just when he looked over my shoulder. By the change in his features, I knew that Evan was now in his view. I didn’t want to turn around and see his face. I continued to look at Brad and his eyes never left Evan’s. “What’s going on Kylie? Who is this guy?”

  Brad pushed past me, when I turned I saw both he and Evan were now facing each other. They were glaring and neither one backed down. I felt like this entire situation was about to take the wrong turn. “Brad this is Evan, and I wasn’t expecting company.” Why I felt I needed to explain anything to him was puzzling, but I was in a panic. Both men were staring directly into the others eyes and Evan’s jaw was tensing repeatedly. The next few minutes were a complete blur.

  “So Joker, do you think it is okay to fuck another man’s wife when he’s not around? Is that what you’re doing ‘Evan’, fucking my wife?” The look on Evan’s face broke my heart. I never wanted him to find out like this. I actually never thought it would be a possibility for him to ever be face to face with Brad. Evan never looked at me, he just brushed passed Brad and left. I watched him walked out, and felt like he took a huge piece of me with him. I turned to Brad, “What do you think you’re doing? What was that?” I screamed as the tears ran down my cheeks.

  “That’s me claiming what’s mine Kylie. Your mine, my wife, whatever you had going on with that guy it’s over.” Brad stared at me in anger. He had no right to be angry. I wouldn’t stand here and allow him to make this all about my wrongs.

  “You left Brad almost a year and a half ago, you have been gone. No answers, no phone calls, you gave me nothing! You fucking walked out on me and your daughter, leaving me to figure out the mess you left behind. I lost the damn house and everything we owned. They repossessed the car. I had to sell everything to pay for all the debt you left me.” He took a step toward me and I held my hand up to stop him. After I took a few deep breaths I continued, “How did you know where I lived?” I waited for him to respond.

  “I still have the other key to the PO Box. I saw the street address on some of the mail.”

  I stared at him. I was angry that he felt he had the say in anything I did. “Do you realize what I’ve had to do over the last year to provide for our daughter, to feed her and clothe her, to put a roof over her head? Do you have any fucking idea what you forced me to become? A FUCKING STRIPPER BRAD!” I watched his face changed from pain to disgust.

  “What! You take you clothes off for money?”

  I let the tears continue to fall, “What choice did I have? I don’t have a high school diploma and no job experience. I wasn’t going to let Emma suffer, because her dad was a selfish bastard who left us. I did what I had to do. You’ve been gone for a long time Brad, and you lost your right to give me your opinion and have it matter. You need to leave.”

  He stared at me, “Kylie, I need to explain. Please let me explain.”

  I shook my head, “No, you need to leave. I need to be alone.”

  After a few silent moments passed, he slowly walked to the door. Before leaving he turned back to me, “Kylie I’m sorry for what I put you through, all of it. But I’m back now, and I’m not going to hand you over willingly to some guy. I still love you and I always have. I know leaving you was wrong, but I’m back to reclaim what’s mine.”

  Once the door shut, I collapsed to the floor and cried. Evan’s face was all I could see, and I needed to explain everything to him. I never wanted him to find out this way. Over the last week I had really began to have feelings for him. I felt like a little part of me broke when he walked out. I had to fix this; I couldn’t let him walk away without explaining everything to him.



  I‘ve been trying to reach Evan for three days now. I left voicemail after voicemail with no return call from him. I was miserable, and the fact that Brad was stopping by my apartment daily just made it worse. He honestly felt like we could just pick up where we left off. I couldn’t talk to him right now. I had so many questions, but I had to explain things to Evan first. I needed him to know everything about my life.

  I finished my shift at the Café, stopping at home for a quick shower. I made up my mind, I was going to go to his office and force him to talk to me. I refused to allow him to continue ignoring me. I had to explain, and I was going to make him listen. When I walked into the glass doors and approached the brunette at the front desk, she had a different plan for me. She looked at me as if I was insane. “I am sorry ma’am, but Mr. Pearson will not meet with anyone without an appointment.”

  At this point I just found myself wanting to reach over the counter and smack the perky bitch. “Would you please just let him know I’m here? Tell him it is very important that I talk to him,” I tried to
stay calm. Miss Ice Queen picked up the phone and dialed a number.

  After she quietly engaged in a conversation she tried to keep hidden, she hung up and smiled at me. “I’m sorry Miss--”

  I tried not to growl, “Sanders…my name is Kylie Sanders.”

  Ice Queen nodded her head and flashed a fake smile, “Mr. Pearson isn’t in his office, and his secretary is under the impression that he will not be returning until late this afternoon. She will leave a message for him that you came to see him and need to speak with him.” Considering the bitch didn’t even remember my name I was pretty sure that a message would not be passed along. I had never wanted to beat someone with my purse so badly in my life. I literally wanted to pummel her until she screamed for help.

  “I will wait right over there”, I pointed to the waiting area. “I will talk to him today.” I turned and walked toward a chair near the window, and waited. I tried to fight the tears that formed every time I remembered what he looked like when he walked out of my apartment. I missed him so much. I hated that I’d allowed myself to develop feelings for him, but it was too late now.

  I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but when I heard a familiar laugh I looked up, just as he was entering the building. He had a very attractive blond woman accompanying him. I felt a strong sense of jealousy as her hand held onto his arm. He guided her forward by placing his hand on her lower back, and it made my throat feel immediately dry, the thickness was hard to swallow. I debated on grabbing my purse and hiding in the bathroom, to avoid what any further embarrassment even though I had been waiting over an hour to meet with him. Once his eyes found mine, I knew that was no longer an option.

  The Ice Queen was pointing in my direction, as he continued to stare. He seemed cold and distant; there was no smile on his face. He stood tense before turning back to the tall blond. He spoke quietly to her and she looked in my direction. I felt very uncomfortable with the way she was looking me over. After they spoke, she rose to her toes and kissed his cheek. She looked at me once more verifying I had seen her kiss him. She smiled and then turned toward the elevators alone.


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