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Page 13

by Harms, C. A.

  Evan brought his lips to mine very slowly and the amount of love I felt within that kiss made my throat burn and my chest tighten. I fought back the emotion I felt. His kiss was so tender, so sweet, as it took over my soul. I ran my hands through his hair and pulled him closer. I fought the tears continuingly threatening to fall. I took in a deep breath causing Evan to pull back and look into my eyes. He studied my expression, “Baby, what’s wrong?” I shook my head trying to fight the overwhelming sense to cry. “Talk to me, tell me.”

  I blinked, allowing a tear to escape. Evan gently traced it away with his thumb. He watched me closely waiting for my response. “I’m so scared Evan; what I feel for you, it terrifies me. I’m so scared of losing what we have. I’m not sure I could survive losing you, but I can’t let you walk away from everything for me either. I don’t want you to regret anything and if you let go of your future, you’ll hate me later. It would crush me if you ended up hating me.”

  Evan watched me closely as he stayed suspended over me. “Kylie, I could never hate you baby…never. You and Emma give me something I need and you two are my future. I want the security of our love. I want the safety of our embrace. I couldn’t imagine my future without you two in it. I‘ve been hiding behind my job and my parents image for too many years. I was a driven workaholic, never envisioning a family of my own. I shut that part of me off after everything Alex did.” He continued to look into my eyes intensely. “Kylie I realize now all the heartache I went through, all the long days and lonely nights, were just to pass the time that led me to you. You’re my future baby, and if my father wants to make me choose than the choice is easy. I choose you and I choose Emma without hesitation. All the money in the world couldn’t make me change my mind. There are a million jobs I could do in this world, but there is only one you and one Emma.” He brushed the tear from my cheek, “I want the two of you, without any second thoughts. I love you both so much.”

  I was unable to control the tears that ran freely. How could this amazing, beautiful man throw his career and family away, so easily? How could he love us like that? My heart was consumed by the feelings I held for him. He was such a loving man and he was mine…completely mine. “I love you Evan, I love you so damn much. I need you in my life forever…I couldn’t survive if I had to walk away.”

  He kissed me softly, “Then don’t walk away baby; don’t ever walk away.” Evan’s lips once again found mine slowly, sweetly. “Promise me that you’ll let me handle this. Promise that you’ll stop thinking you and I aren’t going to make it…because there’s absolutely no way I’ll walk away from you or that beautiful little girl in the next room. This is real baby; we are the real deal…always.”

  He never let me answer, he ran kisses down my neck and I let my head fall back. I concentrated on his lips as they made their way across my jaw before he found my lips again. Evan kissed me slowly and his tongue lightly grazed my lip pushing smoothly passed my parted lips. The very light stroke of his tongue against mine drove my need for him. It was as if he was making love to my mouth with his tongue, tasting me slowly. He lightly sucked on the tip of my tongue and rolled his along the length of mine. Evan traced my jaw with kisses, back to my ear. He whispered, “I want to make love to you baby, slowly. I want to take my time and worship you. I want to make this night last…let me love every inch of you baby.”

  I pulled his face back to mine, looking deeply into his eyes. “Yes, Evan…please.”

  He held true to his word as he ran kisses over my body. I felt as if he was devouring me, tasting every inch of me. The love I felt for him seemed to intensify more with every touch, every kiss. I felt desired and treasured. When Evan entered me with such ease, such tenderness, I felt like my heart would explode. I knew at that moment that I was completely his. No hesitation, no going back. I had to let go of my fear of losing him and just love him.

  I watched the tenderness in his eyes as it stretched across his face while he moved inside of me. This man had my entire heart and soul. I wasn’t sure there was any possible way to love him more than I did at this moment. He brought his lips to mine, slowly running his tongue over mine, worshipping my mouth again. My need built slowly, until my body slowly released the tension as I came around him, moaning his name softly.

  Evan rotated his hips in a circular motion throwing his head back, biting his lower lip. I felt his muscles tighten under my hands. I looked up as he lowered his head back to me. He looked directly into my eyes, watching me, loving me. His arms laced behind my shoulders holding me securely. He brought one hand up to rest on my cheek while thrusting at a slow pace…pushing into me fully. I felt so full and possessed by Evan. He watched my eyes and I never looked away. “I love you so much, always,” He whispered while watching me. I felt him tense before I felt his release. “Kylie,” he let my name fall from his lips as his body relaxed onto mine.

  We lay there holding one another in front of the fire, saying nothing just listening to each other’s breath. Everything he needed to say, he said very slowly and thoroughly over the last hour. I completely understood now the depth of his feelings for me. I no longer questioned his commitment to me and Emma…I trusted him fully.



  I woke the next morning to Emma pinching the end of my nose. I held my finger to my lips, “Hush, Don’t wake up Evan, angel.” She turned to look at him and before she could do the same to his nose I snuck out of bed with her. I made my way to the kitchen and poured her some juice. I turned on the stereo very low and started making coffee. I spent the next few hours entertaining Emma quietly allowing Evan to sleep in. I knew he would argue later, saying I should’ve woken him, but he looked too peaceful to disturb.

  I had my back to the bedrooms watching Emma play with the cabinet door when I felt Evan’s arms slide around my waist from behind. He laced his fingers together over my stomach and molded his chest against my back, slowly beginning to move behind me, taking me with him in a slow dance. It was so unlike him, but he was so relaxed.

  Over the last couple of days it was as if he had no worries; nothing to keep him from letting himself love completely. I felt Emma at my leg and before I could pick her up, Evan lifted her into his arms. I turned my body around to face them. Evan placed his free arm around me, pulling me closely as he began to sway once again. Emma rested her head onto Evan’s shoulder and closed her eyes. I knew that my tears were close once again as my emotions built. I rested my head onto his chest next to hers.

  I watched her little eyes flutter as she tried to fight the sleepiness taking her over. Evan held her securely to him and I watched as he kissed the top of her head. He then pulled me in tighter doing the same to me. I felt the tear run down my cheek as I continued to sway against Evan. Emma gave in and fell asleep in the shelter of Evan’s arms. I pulled my head back looking up into Evan’s eyes.

  He was such a beautiful man in every way. He seemed completely at ease as he winked at me. Smiling down at me, he gripped my waist and pulled me toward the couch. He slowly sank down and held his free arm out to me. I lowered myself to him and curled my body into his chest.

  I sat watching Emma sleep on his chest and I allowed my eyes to drift shut as sleep overtook me. It seemed completely natural for us to cuddle together and Evan took every second of it in.

  I woke with a sense of panic. I was on the couch…alone. Where was Emma? When I heard Evan’s voice come from the back door, I quickly made my way in that direction. My nerves calmed when I found him sitting in the lounger with Emma on his lap. He was on the phone and when he spoke his voice was complete business. He gave very quick answers and was strict to the point with every word he spoke.

  When our eyes connected he appeared to soften just a little. I slowly stepped out through the French doors onto the deck. Evan watched me while I walked toward him never taking his eyes from mine. When I sat down onto the lounger near is side he reached out and traced my shoulder with his fingertip.

�I think we’ve already gone over this topic, father. The choice is now yours to make; I’ve already told you where I stand.” I turned to meet his eyes once again and watched his face quickly grow angry. “You may want to choose your words wisely. I have the upper hand here. I’ve already spoken with Arthur Prescott and he’s more than willing to take me on as VP. Those plans I’ve been working on are still free and clear.” He stood from the chair and took a few steps away. “If you use those words towards the woman that I love once more I’ll walk. You’ll be left on your ass to figure out the mess on your own. I’ve seen your attempt to handle these kinds of situations before, and without me, you’ll bury yourself. You know it and so do I.”

  My stomach dropped immediately when I thought of what his father could possibly be referring to me as. It tore me to shreds knowing that this conflict between Evan and his father was because of me. I picked Emma up from the lounger and made my way inside. I needed to start getting our things together. I had to be back at the café in the morning and at the club tomorrow night. It was time to get back to reality. Evan’s voice startled me, “Hey you, what are you doing?”

  I never turned around. I continued to pack our things in my bag. “I just thought I’d better get our things together. We need to go home soon.”

  I felt his closeness before he even touched me. He knelt behind me near the end of the bed and brushed the hair off my shoulder. He placed a soft kiss on my exposed skin. “You could stay. I could take you home early in the morning.” I shook my head but held back the words. I knew if I spoke right now, it would be shaky. “Okay, but you don’t have to leave so early.” He placed his hand over mine to stop me from shoving anything further into the bag. “Kylie…stop! Slow down, what’s the rush?”

  I relaxed onto the floor and hung my head. After letting out the breath I hadn’t realized I was even holding I spoke. “They’re never going to accept me as part of your life, Evan. They’ll never agree with us being together. I can’t be the one that drives a wedge between you and them. They’re your mother and father, Evan…you can’t ever replace them.”

  I looked up at him and sensed his frustration before he spoke. “Listen to me Kylie…really listen. I’ll always love my parents and I know they are the only parents I have. This goes way beyond you and me. They have controlled me and my movements for years. Every choice was made for me without any consideration of what I may want. Please don’t pull away from me…please.” He attempted to pull me close and immediately sensed my hesitation. “Well, I guess it’s already too late for that. I’ll um…take your things to the car if you want to grab Emma. I’ll get you two back home.”

  Before I could say anything he grabbed the bag and walked out of the room. I held back the tears and gathered Emma in my arms. The ride back to my apartment was silent besides the occasion ramblings of the happy two year old behind us. I watched out the window as the cars and houses passed by. When we pulled into the driveway, I opened the door before Evan could shut off the car. I quickly got Emma out of her seat and grabbed my bag. Evan ran up behind me as I approached the door. He reached out and pulled the bag from my shoulder. “Let me get that.”

  I unlocked the door and stepped inside leaving it opened behind me. Evan sat the bag inside the door, but came no further. Emma immediate took off toward her room the minute I placed her onto the floor. I knew he was behind me but I kept my back to him. I had no idea what to say. I hated being the cause of his family being split. “So you’re going to join their team now? You’re going to start deciding what’s best for me too, huh? Regardless of what I want; you’re going to tell me ‘What’s best for me?’”

  I turned to face him and he seemed cold and distant. “No, I’m not saying that…I just want them to be part of your life Evan.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair in extreme frustration pulling at the ends. “Well, what is it that you want? Are you also saying that you’re walking away from me?”

  I gasped, “No!”

  Evan stared at me and the glare reminded me of the day I tried to talk to him in the lobby. “Kylie, if you want them to be a part of my life, then that’s what it’ll take. So make your choice. Are you ending what we have or are you accepting what I want?”

  I saw Brad step into view behind Evan and my heart sank. “Trouble in paradise already Ky? Damn, I guess it really wasn’t the fantasy life you imagined it would be.”

  It all happened so fast; there was no way to stop it. Evan spun around and his fist connected with Brad’s face. I screamed, Brad shrunk to the ground and Evan looked crazed.

  “Oh my god!” I stood with my hand over my mouth watching the events in front of me unfold. Once the realization of what just happened hit Evan, he spun around to face me. He then stepped over Brad’s slumped body and walked to his car.

  I heard his tires screech as I approached Brad and placed my hand onto his back. He stood faster than I thought he’d be able to, still holding his nose as the blood spilled over his fingers. He looked over at me, “Nice fucking choice in boyfriends Kylie. He’s fucking insane.” He turned toward the driveway and before he got into his truck he hollered back at me. “That fucking asshole is going to jail babe. You better kiss his ass goodbye.” He left still holding his face leaving me standing in the driveway.

  I couldn’t believe this all just happened. I was terrified of what was next.

  ~Thirty One~


  I’d tried to call Evan at least ten times without having any success in reaching him. I’d left a message for him to call me right away. Three hours had already passed when my phone finally rang. The number wasn’t one I recognized. I answered with hesitation. “Hello,” I spoke just above a whisper.

  “Yes, is this Kylie Sanders?” A woman asked from the other end of the phone.

  “This is Kylie…yes.” My nerves went through the roof.

  “My name is Brenda. I’m a nurse in the Emergency Room at The Methodist Hospital in Houston. I’m calling because I have a patient here by the name of…Evan Pearson.”

  The air in my lungs immediately rushed out with a whimper. Evan…Oh my god! What happened to him? I expected her to say Brad. After I heard Evan’s name I heard nothing more. I asked her to repeat what she said.

  “Yes Ma’am I have Evan Pearson here in the ER. He was brought in by ambulance and you’re the emergency contact listed.”

  The tears rolled down my cheeks. “What happened to him? Is he okay?”

  The woman on the phone spoke slowly. “Yes dear, he’s going to be fine. He was brought in for the injuries sustained during a bar fight.” WHAT! That didn’t sound like Evan. He doesn’t get into bar fights. After I cleared my head I told her I would be there soon. I held my phone in my hand for a moment before I called Sarah. I needed to breathe; I felt a sense of extreme panic. The anxiety of the entire day had my heart racing. I slowly dialed Sarah’s number. “Hey lady…what’s up?”

  I took a deep breath, “Can I get you to come over and sit with Emma for a little while? I need to go to the hospital in Houston.” I could have explained it a little better because once Sarah heard hospital she started freaking out. I told her to start driving over while I explained. By the time she reached my apartment she was completely filled in on the entire night. I said a quick goodbye to Emma and accepted the hug that Sarah offered.

  By the time I walked through the ER doors I’d chewed my nails to the quick. I approached the counter when an older woman looked up to meet my worried eyes. “How can I help you honey?”

  I took in a shuddering breath, “Evan Pearson was brought in tonight and someone called me by the name of Brenda…a nurse.” The woman behind the counter nodded and led me through a set of swinging doors. I followed closer allowing my eyes to scan every room as we walked past in an attempt to find Evan.

  The woman stopped at a room with the number seventeen above it and slowly opened the door. I stepped in beyond the curtain that was slightly blocking the bed and my chest ach
ed. Evan had his eyes closed resting his head back onto the bed. His left eye had a bandage above it and was already turning purple. He heard the door close behind me and he rose up to meet my shocked eyes. “Hey,” his face was pained and it broke my heart. His lip was also broken open and his right cheek had a butterfly bandage across it, holding a small cut closed.

  I approached his bed slowly, “What happened, Evan? A bar fight?”

  His gaze fell to the bed beside him, as he tapped his hand inviting me to sit there so I could be close. He took my hand into his, “I asked for it Kylie. I threw the first punch.” I was shocked at his words. It was so out of character for Evan…first Brad and now a bar fight. “Hey in my defense you should see him. He doesn’t look to pretty either.”

  I jumped when I heard a gasp behind me. I turned to find both his mother and father standing in the opened doorway. I stood and released Evan’s hold when I saw his father stare at our joined hands. I felt like a high school girl being reprimanded by the dean for making out on school grounds. Why did this man intimidate me so much?

  “Evan, they said you were jumped in a bar. Are you okay?” His mother brushed past me and I took a step back away from Evan. Before I could stop it, they had nudged me toward the edge of the room and I made my way for the door to leave the room

  “Kylie, where are you going?” I had my back towards them as Evan’s voice stopped me.

  Before I turned to face them I put on my best, fake, “Everything is okay” face. “I was just going to step out so that you could speak with your parents. I’m not leaving, I’ll just be outside.” Evan’s eyes attempted to dissect my expression and I smiled at him softly before quickly stepping. I closed the door behind me and let my back rest against it for a moment.

  In the room across the hall something caught my eye. The door was slightly ajar and a pair of work boots sat inside the door. The part that really stuck out was the bright pink sticker stuck on the inside tongue of the left boot. I found myself slowly approaching the opened door and when I got closer I sucked in a deep breath. Emma stuck her sticker from daycare on Brad’s boot a couple of weeks ago and now his boots were in the same hospital as I was in; the same hospital as Evan, at the exact same time, right across the hall from each other.


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