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Lucy & the Lieutenant

Page 19

by Helen Lacey

  Her heart contracted and she smiled, seeing the love in his expression. He’d reached out in the most amazing way and she felt confident enough to meet him halfway, so she nodded. “Of course.”

  He looked instantly relieved. “Thank you. For believing in me. For understanding me. For having the patience to wait for me while I came to my senses.”

  Lucy smiled. “Have you? Come to your senses, I mean?”

  He nodded. “Absolutely. I can’t bear the thought of my life without you in it.”

  Lucy had never heard anything more heartfelt in her life. “I love you, too.”

  He kissed her then, a soft, slow kiss that kindled her longing for him. When he pulled back, his blue eyes were so vibrant she could almost see her reflection.

  He held her hand lovingly. “What time do you finish today?”

  Lucy checked her watch. It was two minutes to three. “Just about now.”

  “So,” he said, curling a hand around her nape. “How about we get out of here and you go home and put on your prettiest dress and I’ll take you out somewhere and we’ll do this properly.”

  “Do what properly?” she teased.

  “You know very well,” he said and lovingly tucked a lock of stray hair behind her ear. “I’m not going to ask you to marry me while we’re sitting in a hospital office room.”

  Lucy’s heart almost exploded in her chest. “’re going to ask me to marry you?”

  He smiled. “I most certainly am. But not here.”

  “Well,” she said and leaned closer. “How about we go home and I won’t put on my prettiest dress. Instead,” she whispered, going closer still, “you can get out of that ridiculously sexy tuxedo and we can kiss and make up for a while and then you can ask me. Because I miss you. I miss us.”

  Brant kissed her softly and took the corsage box from her hand. He extracted the flower and carefully pinned it to her white coat. “I miss us, too.”

  She looked at the flower then met his gaze. “Brant what happened...what made you—?”

  “What made me see sense?” he asked, cutting her off gently. He grabbed her hands and held them close. “What made me realize that I couldn’t live without you? A few things. The other day my brother asked me what I was afraid of and I couldn’t answer him. And then after the funeral, my mom told me not to end up like my uncle...because I had somehow come to think that my past is what defines me...and not my present. But I think...” he said, his words trailing for a moment as he softly touched her cheek. “I think that it was you. I know it was you. I was watching you walk alone in the snow the other day at the ranch, wearing your red coat... You looked so beautiful it took my breath away. But you looked alone, too. And that was unbearable for me. In that moment I knew... I just knew.”

  Lucy’s eyes burned and she managed a quivering smile. “You knew what?”

  He took a long breath. “I knew that I was in love with you.”

  They were the sweetest words she had ever heard. She reached up and cupped his smooth jaw. “I will always love you, Brant. And I’ll always be there for you...through fire and rain...through bad dreams and sleepless nights.”

  His eyes glittered. “I wish I could tell you that I was through the worst of it, Lucy. But I can’t.”

  She kept her hand against him. “You were in a war. And you experienced something life altering. You have to get through this at your own pace, Brant...but you also have to forgive yourself enough to let that happen. And that will take time. And patience. And probably therapy. But there are no judges, no one here to devalue your feelings. There’s just you...and me.”

  He groaned softly and captured her mouth in a kiss. “I love you, Lucia,” he said against her lips. “I love your strength and your goodness. I love how you make the most of every moment. And I’m humbled that you want to love me back. There’s no one in the world like you,” he said and smiled, love in his eyes. “And I will love you and protect you and honor you always.”

  Lucy’s throat burned with emotion. He was such a passionate, strong yet gentle man. And knowing she had his love filled her heart with overwhelming happiness. She knew they had some hurdles ahead, but Lucy was confident they would get through it together.

  “So, about this tuxedo,” she said and toyed with the bow tie. “Although it looks great on you, I still like the idea about going home and getting out of these clothes. And you did promise me a proposal, remember?”

  He laughed softly and pulled her onto his lap. “I certainly did. Speaking of homes, in a few weeks I’m going to be homeless. The new chef is taking over the apartment above the tavern,” he explained. “So unless you want to see me out on the street, I might have to bunk at your place for a while.”

  Lucy smiled and pressed kissed to his jaw. “Oh, I think we could come to some arrangement.” Her eyes sparkled. “But that means sleepovers, you know. Cold sweats and bad dreams and all.”

  “I know what it means,” he said as his arms tightened around her. “And although I’m probably going to struggle at first with you seeing me like that, I know I need to let go of the fear that you’ll think I’m...needy...and weak.”

  “You don’t have a weak bone in your body, Brant Parker,” she said, her heart aching for him. “But I understand. And we’ll simply take it one day, and one night, at a time.”

  He nodded slowly. “Dr. Allenby was telling me about the group therapy sessions they hold at the veterans home, you know, for the veterans and their families.” He squeezed her hand. “I was wondering if you’d come with me sometime.”

  “Of course,” she said quickly. “Of course I’ll come with you. From this moment I don’t ever want to be apart from you.”

  “Me, either.”

  She pressed against him. “And I love the idea of us living together.”

  “Me, too.” He held her close. “Let’s get out of here, Lucy. Let’s go home so I can get down on my knee and ask you to marry me.”

  Lucy smiled cheekily. “Do you have a ring?”

  His eyes darkened. “Of course.”

  “Then I accept!”

  He laughed and the lovely sound reverberated through her entire body. “I haven’t technically asked you yet.”

  “That’s true,” she said quickly and jumped to her feet. “Then let’s go. I don’t want you changing your mind about this.”

  Brant stood and hauled her into his arms. “Just so you know, Lucia, I will never change my mind. You’re stuck with me for the rest of your life.”

  And that, Lucy thought as she offered her lips for his kiss, was the best news she’d ever heard.


  “You know, you can protest all you like, but I am going to carry you over this threshold.”

  Lucy stared up at him, all green eyes and red lips. “But it’s bad luck if we’re not married.”

  Brant shook his head. “We’re getting married in nine weeks. A date that you set, if you remember,” he reminded her. “I would have happily eloped over Christmas.”

  “If we eloped, your mother would never forgive us,” she said and crossed her arms. “Nor your brother or Kayla or Ash or Brooke.”

  She was right, of course. Eloping had never been an option. And she was right to suggest a six-month engagement. They needed time to get to know one another better, for Brant to continue with his sessions with Dr. Allenby, to arrange a wedding and to buy a house. Which is why they were now standing on the porch of their new home and she was being typically stubborn about his insistence he carry her over the threshold.

  “Well, I have these,” he said and dangled the keys from his fingertips. “So, I either carry you or we stay out here.”

  She glared at him. “You can been a real pain sometimes.”

; He shrugged. “I thought you found me charming?”

  Her glare quickly turned into a smile. “Yeah... I do.”

  Brant laughed. “Well, climb the steps and come here.”

  She trudged up the five steps onto the porch. “This is really silly. What if someone sees us?”

  “Some like who?”

  She shrugged. “Our new neighbors perhaps.”

  He looked left and then right. “Old Mrs. Bailey plays bridge on Thursdays and is out, and the other side is Joss Culhane’s house. Which you know. So, stop making excuses and get over here.”

  She chuckled and the sound hit him directly in the heart. Everything about her made him smile. Lucy was an amazing woman—kind, considerate, supportive and a tower of strength. Much more than he deserved, he was sure. But she loved him and he loved her in return, more than he’d ever imagined he could love anyone.

  The past three months had been something of a whirlwind. With planning a wedding, opening the tavern, taking a part-time job teaching French at the high school and buying a home, there never seemed enough hours in the day. But Lucy was always at his side and unfailing in her support. She always made time to accompany him to the group meetings at the veterans home and had been with him in several of his sessions with Dr. Allenby. She’d been right about that, too. Time was a healer. Truth was a healer. He’d discovered both those things with her love and support. He’d even begun sleeping through the night. The nightmares still came, but he was better prepared to handle them. And he’d forgiven himself, finally, for surviving the war when so many people around him hadn’t.

  “Where do you want me?” she asked, standing beside him.

  Brant opened the security screen and then the front door. The house was big, low set and had been freshly renovated by the previous owners. Exactly what they wanted. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a huge kitchen and dining area, a large living room and a yard that needed a little work. But he didn’t mind. Seeing Lucy’s delighted expression the first time they’d viewed the house was enough to ensure he’d made an offer to the Realtor on the spot.

  “I want you right here,” he said and held out his arms. He scooped her up and jiggled her playfully. “’re heavier than I thought.”

  She scowled and tapped him on the shoulder. “That’s not very—”

  “I’m kidding,” he said and crossed the threshold. “You’re as light as a feather.”

  She smiled and he carried her down the hall toward the kitchen. Since there was no furniture in the house, he propped her on the Canadian maple countertop and she smoothed her skirt down over her thighs. He kissed her cheek and then waved an arm to the middle of the dining area.

  “We need to buy a new table,” he said.

  “My furniture arrives tomorrow,” she reminded him. “Let’s get it in the house and then see what we need.”

  He grinned. “My logical love.”

  She nodded and met his gaze. “While we’re on that subject... I was thinking it would be logical to move the wedding up a bit. Say, to April.”

  Brant frowned slightly. “April? That’s next month. Why would you want to do that when everything’s booked for June?”

  He looked at her and realized she seemed on edge. Even nervous. It occurred to him that she’d been a little distracted for days. Now he was really concerned. He said her name and she sighed heavily.

  “I just want to make sure,” she said softly.

  “Make sure of what?”

  “That I still fit into my wedding dress.”

  Brant stilled instantly. Her dress? He met her gaze and saw her expression change. Now she was smiling, a kind of delighted, secret smile that reached him way down. And she deliberately lay a palm on her belly.

  Her belly...

  A strange sensation tightened his throat as his gaze flicked from her eyes to where her hand lay. And in an instant he knew. “Are you pregnant?”

  She nodded. “Sure am.”

  Emotion rose and hit him square in the middle of the chest. Pregnant. A baby. A dad.

  And Brant didn’t know whether he wanted to laugh, cry or pass out.

  * * *

  Lucy couldn’t help smiling at the look on his face. She’d kept the secret for two days, wanting to break the news in their new home...for a new beginning...a new chapter in their life together.

  “Are you okay, Brant?” she asked, taking in his sudden pallor.

  “I...think so. Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “Positive.”

  He took two steps across the room and settled between her thighs, hugging her tightly. “How far along?”

  “About six weeks.”

  She could see him doing the math calculation in his head. “The night of the opening?”

  “Yes,” she replied, remembering how the night of the Loose Moose reopening they’d celebrated a little too hard and forgotten contraception. They’d joked about it at the time. Now, Lucy couldn’t be more delighted that they’d neglected to use protection that night. She was over the moon, happier than she’d ever been in her life. Having Brant’s baby was a dream come true. “Are you in shock?”

  “A little,” he admitted. “You?”

  “I’ve had two days to get used to the idea,” she said and smiled. “But I wanted to tell you this house. Our house.”

  He kissed her, long and passionately and filled with love.

  “I’m gonna be a dad? Really?”

  “Really,” she replied.

  He kissed her softly. “I can’t believe how lucky I am. I can’t believe I have all this. That I have you. And now...” He looked down at her belly. “And now we’re having a baby’s as though suddenly I have this perfect life.”

  Lucy grabbed his hand and laid it against her stomach. “We do,” she assured him and saw his eyes glittering with emotion. Lucy touched his face. “And you’re going to be great. We’re going to be great. Everything is going to be perfect, Brant.”

  * * *

  When their beautiful son, Joel, was born a little more than seven months later, everything was perfect, just as she’d known it would be.

  * * * * *

  Don’t miss Brooke Laughton’s story,


  the next installment of Helen Lacey’s new miniseries,


  coming soon

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  From Good Guy to Groom

  by Tracy Madison


  Chaos. Panic. Screams of terror.

  Huffing short, heavy breaths, Andrea Caputo used her hands as leverage to push herself across the hard, cold floor, trying to get out of the line of fire. How many others had been shot? She didn’t know, could barely see—let alone think—due to the pain exploding throughout her entire right leg. One bullet to the femur, she guessed, and one to the tibia.

  Both bones were likely shattered, and, due to the amount of blood, one of those bullets had hit an artery. Which meant she was in even more trouble.

  If she made it through this moment of pure hell, her future would include several surgeries, a long recovery and months, if not years, of physical therapy. And Lord, she’d take it all. Happily. If only she survived long enough to get there. Please let me survive.

  Okay. Okay. In order to survive, she had to get out of the damn hallway and into the closest trauma room, where she’d call 911. Chances were high that someone had already made the call, but what if everyone else thought the same and help wasn’t on the way?


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