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The Brightness Duet: Complete Series Boxset

Page 4

by Bri Stone

  I stared at the conversation I was having with Thom, and even read through the old messages. I was so short with him all the time, I hadn’t realized how much of a wall I had up. But now...the desire to know him more is beating the fear of falling for him.

  Even if it wasn’t what I came here for, when do things ever go as planned?

  I do like him. A lot. When I’m not with him I wish he were there.

  I glanced at the time, it was only seven. A quarter till anyway. It was time to stop playing him or being afraid.

  Me: do you want to grab some dinner with me?

  Chapter Six: Thom

  I REREAD THE MESSAGE like a prepubescent kid, geeking over a hot girl.

  Perrier is hot. Or, as she wanted me to call her—Perrie.

  She was the ultimate challenge. For an entire year I tried to woo her, and it failed. Even shirtless at the beach, it was no good. This summer, I had pulled out all the stops. I was nearly out of excuses since school wasn’t in, but I still managed to see her a few times a week.

  As friends.

  I read her easily though; she was focused on school, and there wasn’t much I could do to deter that. It only made me like her more. Her tenacity, her smarts, and her wit. She was funny, and beautiful, and I wasn’t giving up.

  One day, she will see that I won’t give up either. So finally, after a day of wheezing and laying up in bed, she texted me. She never texts me first. Maybe she sensed I had a bad asthma attack that morning.

  Wishful thinking.

  Some days were bad like that. I woke up in a cold sweat, and the medication only helped a little bit. It must be the change in temperature or something. I had the air filter changed recently, so I knew it wasn’t that. I could only relate it back to my stress levels going through the roof.

  Medical school. Not for the weak-lunged, I guess.

  We had only been back in session for four weeks. It usually didn’t happen until finals week back when I was in college. Every week in med school felt like finals week. Growing up with asthma wasn’t always that hard. I got a free pass in PE sometimes, and my mom always made sure I was comfortable. I wouldn’t consider anything people said to me bullying, because I was laughing about it with them, too. High school was a lot better, everyone had their own shit to deal with. So, now in adult life, it isn’t anything I pay a second mind to unless I must. So, I laid up for the rest of the day in bed, nursing myself. Once Perrie texted me, I felt okay; maybe she was a good stress reliever.

  Thom: sure. I’ll pick you up in abt 30.

  I hopped out of bed and made my way to the shower, hoping it would help clear me out of my funk. While I was washing my hair, I wondered if my medication wasn’t working anymore. Stress didn’t help, but things weren’t usually this bad. My doctors did warn me that after a few years, the medication might become less effective. I made a mental note to call my doctor and hurried to finish my shower.

  Once I got out of the shower, I saw my phone light up with a message.

  Perrier: days?

  I laughed aloud.

  Thom: minutes, baby. Minutes.

  I dressed in jeans and a black Henley, laced up my shoes, and then headed out. The trek up to her door was long, but familiar now.

  Her building manager always shut the front door so early. Outside her door, I started thinking before I knocked. I hoped this wasn’t a date, not because I didn’t want it to be, but just because our first date should be better than this. I’d dress better too. But once I knocked, it only took a few seconds before I heard her cute little feet pattering to the door. Well, she’s a size ten, but still.

  The creaking door swung open and I was faced with beauty at its simplest. Her hair was up in a loose bun, some wisps falling freely. Her gray, long sleeved shirt clung to her ample chest and framed her thin waist. It stopped just short of her faded jeans, wrapping her round hips and long legs.

  “Hey, Perrie.”

  She smiled up at me like I hadn’t seen her smile before. Carefree, like she wasn’t holding back. She crossed her threshold and shut her door, stepping closer to me. I resisted the urge to touch her in some way, I would do for a finger curling kiss, but I wasn’t prepared to ruin her change of heart.

  “This isn’t a date,” she said.


  “I know. Where do you want to go?”

  She started walking in front of me. Hips swaying, shoulders broad. She doesn’t know how enticing it was, so it made her even more so.

  “You pick.” She called over her shoulder.

  We headed down the steps and she stopped at the bottom, looking up at me. The sun hadn’t quite set completely, so there was a dull glow over everything. Where she was standing, it fell right over her. I realized I was staring, but who the hell cared? She was too good to look at.

  “You’re staring.” Her peachy lips hinted at a smile. I finished the steps and winked at her before leading the way to my Jeep.

  “Can’t help it.” I opened her door for her and she climbed in. I jogged quickly to the other side.

  I stared at the center of my steering wheel, my hand frozen on the keys in the ignition as I took deep breaths.

  “You okay?” She paused as she put her seatbelt on. I nearly forgot I wasn’t alone.

  “Yeah,” I nodded, “I’m fine.”

  I took a steadying breath and felt a bit better. There was just a dull tightness, but nothing too bad.

  “We can go to Pluto’s.” She finally suggested.

  “Yes ma’am.” I smirked at her.

  She fiddled with the straps of her purse as she shifted in her seat. I turned the radio on and an annoying pop song came through. I turned the level down to a dull murmur.

  “What have you been doing all day?” I asked her.

  “Nothing. I watched Once Upon a Time all day.”

  I smiled softly. “You watch that?” I made a sharp turn and she gripped the door handle like she was poised to jump out. I’m not a very good driver.

  “Yeah, why do you say it like that?” I felt her eyes on me. I glanced at her at the red light.

  “No reason.”

  “What did you do? Watch sports all day?” She said sarcastically.

  “I stayed in bed all day, mostly listening to music.” My voice was quiet as I responded. Maybe she wouldn’t pry.

  “Why? That sounds boring.”

  I pulled onto the street and circled around for parking.

  “I uh, had an asthma attack this morning. It’s how I get better.” I parked on the street and cut the engine. The silence was deafening.

  When I looked at her, I didn’t get the look I expected in response. The one I always got; pity. She just...cared. Her eyes were soft instead of critical, and she didn’t try and look away or shrug the topic off.

  “How often does that happen?” She undid her seat belt.

  “Not often.”

  I got out of the car and opened her door. I laid my arm across her shoulders and she tucked herself into my side naturally.

  “Did something happen? What set it off?” Her soft voice was laced with concern.

  I know she meant well, but I would rather not talk about it all. I think when we had sat down inside, and I still hadn’t answered her, she dropped it.

  “Why did you want to know my last name?” I asked her once we had gotten our food.

  It was self-serve. She made a turkey club, and I just made a chicken salad, since I wanted to air on the safe side. A heavy meal would be too thick to get down and affect my breathing.

  “Um, my sister was trying to find you on Facebook.” She nibbled on her fry.

  “Did she find me?” I laughed, and she nodded.

  “I didn’t know you were friends with uh, what’s their names? The guys in your profile picture.”

  I leaned forward with a smile. “Hold on, you told your sister about me?” I grinned.

  Her cheeks flushed as she looked down at her food. “Yeah. So?” She muttered.

left her alone and started eating, I had barely eaten all day. Watching her eat was a sort of novelty. The little things she would do, I felt like only I noticed. Like how she took smaller bites before a bigger one, and the way her tongue would lightly swipe at her lips.

  “Thom, I like you—okay?” Moments later, she finished eating and looked across the table at me through her lashes. I resisted the urge to crack a smile, but it came out just as smug as I thought it would.

  She rolled her eyes and sipped her water sheepishly. It wasn’t much of a surprise to me, I mean, I knew she liked me. She didn’t do a good job of hiding it, but she did a damned good job of avoiding and ignoring it.

  “Okay. Why was that so hard for you to admit?”

  She shrugged, avoiding my gaze. A blissful sigh escaped me as I dragged my chair closer to her. The square table was short in length, so it was easy to make my shoulder brush hers, and my fingertips grazed the inside of her wrist gently. When she finally looked up at me, her eyes were so wide, so lost with wonder that I was nearly frozen. Close up, I could see every feature of her face. The little mountain that forms in her forehead when she’s thinking, the wrinkle of her sharp nose, the twitch of her soft and peachy.

  I leaned in closer. “So, you’ll go on a date with me then?” I kept my voice low and deep.

  The corner of her mouth turned up with a grin, “no.”

  I was taken aback. So much so I sat there with my jaw slack as I struggled to find the right words. She held my gaze for a moment, serious; and then her face finally faltered, and she smiled wide. Her smile was so bright it lit up the room, making the dim lights seem like night lights.

  “Just kidding. Yes.” She giggled, her body leaning closer to me.

  “You shouldn’t mess with me like that, Sparks” I smirked.

  “Sparks?” She raised a brow.

  “Mhm. Nearly gave me another asthma attack.” I was fine with the usual pet names, but Perrie was different. She always has been; and since I met her I had been lit all over.

  She laughed once, then her face turned serious as I held a strong poker face.

  “Wait, seriously?” Her voice frantic, she looked me over.

  “No,” I smiled and she visibly relaxed. “Now you know how it feels.”

  With my hand still on her wrist, I scooted closer to her. So, close I felt the heat radiate from her body, and her chest laid just slightly against mine. The softness of her body was such a contrast to what I was used to, especially earlier in the day when I was confined to my bed. I licked my lips with the overwhelming urge to kiss her, and I realized she had turned her face up to me, expecting me to. Well, she had played me enough for me to get back at her.

  I leaned in closer, so we shared the same air. My other hand went to the stray hair from her bun, tucking it behind her ear. It was electric where our skin touched.

  My thumb grazed the skin of her cheek and I forgot where we were, in such a public place, as I thought about how soft the rest of her body probably is. The thought of kissing those plump, peachy lips left me in a trance and the anticipation of touching every part of her was taking me somewhere else, far from here.

  Just me and her.


  I pulled away, because she kind of deserved it; and she tried to hide her frown.

  “Dessert?” I asked her, separating our bodies.

  My skin was dull now, touching her was the only thing that made me feel alive these days. I had to do it in subtle ways because she wasn’t that enthusiastic. Touching her shoulder, holding her hand when we crossed the street, so she wouldn’t think too much of it. Now that she’s given in...almost anyway; there wasn’t much holding back I could do.

  “I think I’m full.” She bit the inside of her lip softly.

  I grinned at her, and she tried to hold a straight face for a bit before she smiled back. I looked at her in awe, so taken aback by her natural beauty. She really does sparkle.

  Fuck, I think I’ If I was falling in love I wouldn’t be unsure about it.

  “Let’s go, Sparks.”

  I winked and stood up, taking her hand. We had already paid so we were good to go. This time I did hold her hand out to the car until I let her in.

  “Thom, you don’t look so good.” Perrie turned to me in her seat as we were stopped at a light.

  “I’m fine, I promise.” I gave her my best smile and acted like nothing was wrong the rest of the way.

  Once we got to her place, the thought of simply climbing the steps was daunting. I got out, and she stopped me at the staircase.

  “You don’t have to walk me up all the time. If the manager sees, he can get real pissy about it. Guests are supposed to come through the front.” She looked up at me.

  The sun set completely, and the slight moonlight lit her up in the nicest of ways. Complimenting the bright streaks of her hair, and the curve of her cheekbones. If I could see better, it would be a lot nicer.

  “You don’t want to get in trouble?” I smirked.

  She nodded. “Not really. Thank you for dinner.”

  She stepped closer to me, and my arms naturally found their way around her waist as I pulled her in close for a hug. Her body fit against mine perfectly, her cheek warm and soft. It didn’t last nearly long enough, but I still felt her fingers against my back, her cheek on mine, and the warmth of all her curves. Our previous hugs were short lived and just short of awkward. This was more than that, it was more than touching.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smirked and winked at her before I turned to leave.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” She called after me.

  Most of the time, when people ask me that, it feels like they’re doing it out of obligation and don’t really mean it. Her voice was laced with genuine concern, but I did wish she didn’t even have to ask me that; and didn’t have to worry about me at all.

  “Don’t worry about me, Sparks.”

  I left before she could press me anymore.

  In the car, my mind drifted off. There wasn’t anything I could think of except what happened just over a year ago with my mom. She was fine, well—as fine as a severe asthmatic could be, and then she wasn’t.

  Her medication didn’t work anymore, all the new ones we tried were no good. And then...

  “Watch it!” An angry pedestrian pulled me from my thoughts as I swerved into the bike lane.

  I forced myself to pay attention until I was home. Three puffs from my inhaler didn’t help either.

  “Great,” I huffed, sitting on the edge of my bed.

  With my hands on my knees, I leaned forward taking deep breaths. It wasn’t quite an asthma attack, just incredibly uncomfortable. I wasn’t going to miss lecture, so I would have to see my doctor before then. Lucky for me, he was more of a family friend than a doctor, so I had his personal number. Once I sent him a text I undressed for a hot shower.

  The scalding heat gave good steam and opened me up a little bit, so it was easier to take deep breaths. Leaning against the wall, I let the water fall over me, doing nothing. The only thing that helped was thinking about Perrie. Seriously, the girl is in my head. Everywhere. Better than the best Flovent out there.

  I breathe easier, except when I think about all the sinuous lines of her body; her delicious curves and those round, pert breasts she always tries to hide. She is so fucking gorgeous, it’s hard to imagine why she would try to hide anything. It only makes me want to undress her more, find out how far that beautiful blush goes.

  When I started pruning I had to get out, but I sat in the bathroom for a while with the hot steam and my study notes. I couldn’t concentrate for shit. I kept thinking of Perrie—how she finally agreed to go out with me.

  She redefined hard to get. I knew it was because she came here to focus on school. Don’t get me wrong, I’m serious about school too, but it wasn’t going to stop me from being happy. I had to show her that.

  There was no steam left so I settled in for bed instead. I
was too keyed up, and there was only one thing that could calm me. One person, rather. It was barely eleven PM, so she should be awake. If I called her, she might not have answered so I texted her instead.

  Thom: *corny line about thinking about you*

  Perrier: *subtle flirty response*

  I laughed aloud to myself, my grin ridiculously wide and goofy.

  Thom: LOL, you’re great. What are you doing?

  Perrie: watching OUAT.

  What the hell is that?

  Oh, Once Upon a Time.

  Thom: that your favorite show or something?

  Perrier: mmhm. The heroes are very hot.

  Thom: hot, huh? Who’s your favorite?

  Perrier: Robin Hood.

  She inserted the lickey face emoji. Maybe I should watch this show to see my fictional competition.

  Thom: robin hood? That’s your type?

  Perrier: not really.

  Thom: do tell.

  I could already see her reaction. Her thinking face on, when her forehead creases and her lips purse to the side. It’s a fuck hot thinking face.

  Perrier: I don’t know. Tall, so I don’t feel like a giant.

  Thom: you aren’t a giant. You’ve got legs for days.

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