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God's Banker

Page 29

by Rupert Cornwell

  219,220 Continental Illinois, 39, 42, 53 Coopers and Lybrand, 94, 127, 169, 231-2 Corona, Armando, 174, 176, 177,239 Corriere della Sera, (main references), 176; and P-2, 73, 133, 223-4; and Agnelli, 74, 78; losses of, 74-5; as status symbol, 76; editor forced out. 79; and posters, 84; and Sarcinelli, 101-2; deal over, 136, 137; resignations, 139; Bank of Italy and, 150; plans for future of. 153-4; political aspects, 213, 219 Corrocher, Graziella, 191-2, 197, 204 Cossiga, Francesco, 103 Costa, Carlo, 121, 123, 235, 240, 245 Craxi, Bettino, 14, 103, 114, 141, 144,158, 201,245

  Credit Commercial de France, 253 Credit Suisse, 84 Credito Bergamasco, 212

  Credito Industrial Sardo, iff CIS Credito Italiano, 34, 87, 207 Credito Overseas, 111, 252 Credito Varesino, 62, 63.80, 82, 95, 119.

  138, 144, 168,211,231,234 Crespi family, 74 Crimi, Joseph Miceli, 133, 134 Crocella, Carlo, 52

  Cuccia, Enrico, 15, 43, 64, 65, 82, 104, 155 Curia, 40, 48, 52, 54, 56, 177,226

  D'Ambrosio. Gerardo, 16, 135, 138 De Benedetti, Carlo. 15, 153, 154, 155-61.163,164,165,167,189,203, 244,246 De Bernardi. Angelo, 187. 188 De Micheli, Francesco, 156 De Mita, Ciriaco,239 De Savary, Peter, 127, 128. 195 De Stroebel, Pellegrino. 54, 72, 147,150,

  188, 189, 208, 225 Dell' Osso, Pierluigi, 16 Desario, Vincenzo. 191, 207 Di Bella, Franco, 79, 134,139 Di Donna, Leonardo, 15, 114, 115, 116 Di Montezemolo. Alessandro Cordero, 77-8

  Dini, Lamberto, 103, 183, 212 Diotallevi, Ernesto, 174. 194 Dunkley, Sue-Anne, 115

  ENI, 15, 40, 77, 88, 113-17, 120. 121 Ecke,252

  Emigrant Savings Bank, 209 Erin. 111. 112,235 European Monetary System, 89

  Fascists, 23, 30, 31, 46, 203, 244 Ferrari, Alberto, 121, 198 Ferrari, Cardinal Andrea, 27 Fiat, 57. 74, 77, 83. 127, 157, 194. 222 Fidele, La, 70, 252 Fiduciaire La Tour SA, 253 Finabank, 66 Finambro, 65 Finkurs, 70, 253, 252 Finprogram. 70, 252 Fiorini. Florio. 15, 114, 115,117 Forlani, Arnaldo, 139 Formica, Rino, 198 Franco,Hilary, 177, 198 Franklin National Bank, 63, 65, 83, 104, 106

  Fuxa, Teodoro,198, 199

  Gaddafi, Colonel, 127 Gandolfi, Enrico, 117 Garner, Graham, 94 Garzoni, Fernando, 70 Gazzettino, II, 124 Gelli, (Piazzesi), 48 Gelli, Licio, (main references), 38, 99, 114. 132, 158, 203; resume, 15; and P-2, 44, 45-8,73,75,93, 133;background, 46; protection of RC, 72-3,119; pressurizes RC, 125, 153. 159, 161; files found, 134, 138; flees to South America, 134-5; and Corriere, 223-4; and Ambrosiano money, 236, 239-40; imprisoned, 240 Genghini. Mario, 93, 125,134 Genghini construction group, 93, 170, 235 Ghiggi, Licia, 123, 128 Giammei, 62 Gio-Le, 46, 134 Giolitti, Giovanni, 22-3 Godfather, The, 44, 174 Gregori, Giorgio, 181, 193 Gualdani, 108, 109

  Guardia di Finanza, 98. 106. 125. 134.

  138,223,234,252 Gulf and Western. 61

  Hambro. Jocelyn, 43 Hambro's, 39, 42,43,58,61 Hammer. Richard. 57 Hydrocarbons International of Curacao. 115

  1FI, 222

  IMF (International Monetary Fund), 103,

  120, 126, 141 IMI (Istituto Mobiliare Italiano), 212 IOR (Istituto per le Opere di Religione) (main references). 20,40, 50, 52, 55-8, 105. Ill, 112. 141, 164, 168-9,220,221, 222, 226, 228-9,243,245 IRI.54 Imparfin, 71

  lnfelisi, Luciano, 100, 101 Infidin, 252 Inter Italia, 32 Interbanca, 32

  Interministerial Credit and Savings

  Committee, 215 International Monetary Fund, see IMF International Westminster, 115 Interpart SA, 253 Interpol, 199

  Invest Spa, 14, 60, 138,145, 252 Istituto Bancario Italiano, 224

  Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, 212,213

  Istituto Mobiliare Italiano, see IMI Istituto per le Opere di Religione.jee IOR

  Italcasse, 90,'99, 101, 124-5 Italcementi, 41, 57 Italfid, 252

  Italian Banking Association, see AB1 Italmobiliare, 166, 167,224 Italtrust. 252

  John XXIII. Pope, 55 John Paul I, Pope, 62,91 John Paul II, Pope. 21, 51, 55, 91, 142, 147, 150, 164, 177, 202, 209, 226-7, 228, 229,230, 241

  KGB, 46, 202 Kennedy. David, 39,53 Kleinszig, Manuela, 182, 183, 193 Kleinszig, Michaela, 182, 183, 193 Knowles, Calvin, 115, 176 Kredietbank, Luxembourg, 34-5 Kredietbank SA, Antwerp. 252 Kunz, Hans. 194, 195, 196.203

  La Malfa, Ugo, 15,64,65, 66,98

  Lane, Lord Chief Justice, 205

  Langrand-Dumonceau, Andre, 53

  Lantana. 70, 111,252

  Laramie Inc., 111. 171,232

  Lateran Pacts (1929), 40

  Leemans, Michel, 15. 124. 127. 136, 187,

  188-9,190,194,207,208,219,237 Leone, Giovanni, 77, 91 Leoni, Filippo, 15, 110, 120, 122, 123, 143, 147, 149, 150,170,182.187,190,213, 218,235,240,245 Liberals, 113 Liquichimica, 88, 90 Locafid AG, 76, 253

  Loggia di Londra (London Lodge), 195-6

  Lucchini, Luigi, 124

  Luciani, Albino, see John Paul I, Pope

  Mafia, 38, 39, 53, 57, 83, 104, 143,157,

  158,164,243 Magnoni, Giuliano, 38 Manfredi, Goffredo, 206 Manic SA, 58, 70,71,94, 111, 123, 147, 234

  Marbella, 70, 252

  Marcinkus, Archbishop Paul Casimir (main references), 168-9, 245; resume. 16; and Sindona, 40, 53, 54, 66; becomes chairman of IOR, 50; early life, 51-2; meets RC, 54; and Cisalpine (BAH), 92, 208-9; and Banca Cattolica, 105; refuses to help RC, 142, 179; and Opus Dei, 177; and Ambrosiano's end, 189-90, 225-6, 227 229-30 Marelli industrial group, 32 Mariani, Marino, 206 Marinotti, Franco, 37. 38 Mattei, Enrico, 77, 113 Mazzanti, Giorgio, 114 Mazzola, Valerio, 145 Mediobanca, 15,43, 104, 155 Mennini, Alessandro, 16, 118, 121, 142.

  143, 187, 188,208.225,240 Mennini, Luigi, 16, 54, 72, 118. 126, 143,

  182.187 Merzagora, Cesare, 63, 85 Midland Bank, 115, 143,214 Minervini, Gustavo, 164 Moizzi, Ernesto, 37, 38 Montedison, 40, 76,88, 90 Monti, Attilo, 76

  Montini, Giovanni Battista.see Paul VI, Pope

  Montini, Lodovico, 212

  Montreal Holding, 234

  Moratti, Angelo, 74

  Moro, Aldo, 91, 103

  Morris, Odette, 197

  Morris, William, 196, 197

  Mozzana, Ruggiero,49, 148, 164, 191,210

  Mucci, Luca, 16, 97, 119,126,135

  Mussolini, Benito, 30, 31, 45, 46

  Nassano, Giorgio, 150

  National Westminster Bank, 128, 214

  Nesi, Nerio, 169,213

  Nicora, Giuseppe, 168

  Nidasio, Angelica, 123, 128

  Nixon, Richard, 39, 64, 83

  Nordeurop Trading Company (later

  Astolfine SA), 111,123 Noto, Alfio, 179

  Nuovo Banco Ambrosiano, 13, 27,213, 217,219,221,222,241,246

  OP, 101 OPEC, 59 Occhio L ', 79

  Occhiuto, Antonino, 207-8, 212 Olgiati, Carlo, 92, 143, 148, 149, 210 Olivetti, 15, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158,159,

  189, 246 Opus Dei, 176-8,201,202 Orfeo, 70, 92, 111, 167,219,252 Ortolani, Umberto, 37,44, 203,206;

  resume, 16; background, 46; and Vatican, 46, 48; and Banco Financeiro, 46, 112, 144; and P-2, 47; and Latin America, 47, 109; and Rizzoli group, 75, 79, 132, 133; and Ambrosiano money, 235, 236 Ossola, Rinaldo, 243 Ottone, Piero, 79

  P-2 freemasons' lodge (main references), 93, 203, 238; outlawed (1981), 20, 133; finances of, 21; RC joins 44; nature of, 45,47, 48; membership lists, 45, 47,114, 134, 136; Latin American links, 47,236; American links, 47; and Rizzoli group, 73, 75, 78; and Genghini group, 93, 125; repercussions of discovery, 152; and De Benedetti, 158; and RC's death, 199; and Corriere, 224-5 Paccheti, 60, 61-2, 63, 69, 71, 84, 105,

  111,112,234 Padalino, Giulio, 90, 94, 95, 96, 106,159, 221

  PaeseSera, 72, 124

  Pahlevis, 172

  Palazzini, Cardinal, 177

  Pandolfi.Filippo Maria, 101, 103

  Paribas, 32

  Parlato, Giuseppe, 38

  Pasargiklian, Vahan, 69

  Paul, Dr David, 200

  Paul VI, Pope, 28, 40, 51, 52, 53, 55,60,

  91,177,212 Pazienza, Francesco (main references), resume, 16; background, 140; meets RC, 141; as "international adviser", 141; arrogant behaviour, 148, 158, 174; pressurizes RC, 161, 244; and Vianini, 171, 232-3; consortium idea, 172-3
, 179; in London, 193, 195; payment of, 236

  Pecorelli, Mino, 101

  Pellicani, Emilio, 181, 182,238

  Permafiex, 46


  Pertini, President, 228

  Pesenti, Carlo, 16, 41, 57, 66, 90, 99,124,

  166,167,180,186,224 Petromin, 114 Piazzesi, Gianfranco, 48 Piccoli, Flaminio, 141, 158,201 Pirelli, 42

  Pisanu, Giuseppe, 239

  Pius XI, Pope, 28, 243

  Pius XII, Pope, 55,209

  Prefecture for Economic Affairs, 55

  Prima Linea, 97

  Prisco, Giuseppe, 165, 180 "Proletarian Autonomy", 108 Propaganda Lodge,45 Propaganda-2, see P-2 freemasons' lodge Puzo, Mario, 44

  Radicals, 134

  Ratti, Achille see Pius XI, Pope Ratti, Franco, 28, 29 Razza Padrona (Scalfari and Turani), 67 Recioto account, Zurich, 137, 235 Red Brigades, 91, 97, 103, 105, 186 Rekofinanz, 70, 252, 253 Republicans, 15, 113, 139.210 Rizzoli, Alberto, 223 Rizzoli. Andrea, 74, 75, 76 Rizzoli, Angelo, 74

  Rizzoli, Angelo, Jnr, 16, 74, 75, 133, 135,

  136, 139, 153, 159, 222, 223, 224 Rizzoli publishing group (main references), 112, 141, 188, 235-6; and P-2, 73, 75, 78, 235; and Corriere, 73, 74-5, 76, 78, 132-3, 150, 219; origins, 74; plans for, 79; debts of, 132, 222-3; rescue plans, 135-7. 139; Bank of Italy forces sale, 150, 153, 160; arrest of Rizzolis, 223 Rosone. Roberto (main references), resume, 16; and foreign banks, 143; background, 147-8; tries to remove RC, 148; becomes deputy chairman, 149; shot in legs, 175, 203, 239, 241; acting chairman. 184, 187; and IOR, 187-8, 190; Power struggle, 190; and severance pay, 240-41 Rossi, Guido, 17, 130-32, 161, 186,219, 220

  Rothschild, Evelyn de, 43, 61 Rothschild Bank, 186,235 Rovelli, Nino, 88, 98, 100 Royal Bank of Canada, 178 Rueta, Silva, 109

  SACF., 121

  SGI (Societa Generale lmmobiliare), 40,

  41,42,54,65 SIR. 88, 90, 98, 100 STET, 209

  "St Peter's Pence", 53, 55, 229, 233 Sandinistas, 95, 109,236,244 Sansinvest, 70, 252 Sapi, 70, 82, 252

  Sarcinelli, Mario, 17, 89, 90, 95, 96,98. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 111, 125, 130, 148, 208, 245 Saudi, Abdullah, 127 Savignano, Aristide, 24Savoia, 76 Scalfari, 67

  Schlesinger, Piero, 213

  Scotti, Duke Tommaso Gallarati, 29, 31

  Securities and Exchange Commission, 130

  Sektorinvest, 70, 252

  Sica, Domenico, 199

  Siegenthaler, Pierre, 17, 50, 70-71, 94,

  115,123,176,178 Sindona, Michele (main references), resume, 17; influence on RC, 23, 35; early life, 36-7; and IOR, 37, 38, 53, 54, 57; meets RC, 38-9; and SGI,

  41, 65; uses foreign front companies,

  2; and La Centrale, 42, 43; and Bastogi, 42, 43, 58; and P-2, 47; and Pacchetti, 60, 61, 62; and Franklin, 63, 65, 82, 104, 106; losses, 64, 66; flees Italy, 65; and "list of 500", 65-6,107; revenge on RC, 83, 84; RC pays, 85; and Ambrosoli, 104, 105,106; jailed, 107; and Gelli's downfall, 133,134; bankruptcy trial, 240

  Snia Viscosa, 37, 38 Social Democrats, 113, 213 Socialist Party, 14, 24, 25, 31, 72, 75, 103, 113,114, 115,116-17, 144-5, 149,154, 198,213,215,218,244 Societa Generale Immobiliare, see SGI Solidarity, 21, 202, 237,241 Somoza, Anastasio, 95, 236, 244 Spada, Massimo, 37, 126,138 Spadolini, Giovanni, 20,139, 183, 210, 215

  Spaventa, Luigi, 164 Steelinvest, 61 Stibam, 241 Suez, 32

  Suprafin, 69, 70, 71, 72, 79, 80, 92,188, 231,234,252

  TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, 188, 234, 237 Tanlongo, Bernardo, 22 Tassan Din, Bruno, 17, 75, 76, 78, 79, 132-3, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 153,158, 223,224,235,245 Teclefin, 71

  Tesauri, Tito, 181-2,238

  Tonello, Antonio, 138,145

  Toro Assicurazioni, 60, 63, 80, 81, 95,

  119, 125, 138,144,252 Tovini, Monsignor Giuseppe, 27, 28, 168, 212

  Tradinvest Bank and Trust, 115,116 Turani, 67

  Turone, Giuliano, 16, 133-4,139

  UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), 84, 209

  UTC (United Trading Corporation), 71,

  94, 111, 112,123, 147,214,231,235 Ulricor, 69-70, 71,111, 252, 253 Ultrafin, 58

  Union Bank of Switzerland, see UBS United Trading Corporation, see UTC Ursini, Raffaele, 88

  Valgiurata, Giuseppe Zanon di, 145 Vatican (main references), 24, 126, 201, 226, 233; and Ambrosiano's end, 21, 25; and Sindona, 37, 39, 40-41, 42, 54, 66, 210; background, 55; and Banca Cattolica del Veneto, 61, 62; and RC's imprisonment, 139-40,141, 142; and front companies, 150,153, 214; and Vianini, 171, 232; and Opus Dei, 177-8, 202; shareholding, 206-7; Bank of Italy accuses, 221; discussions with Italy, 227-8,229,243 Vatican Connection, The (Hammer), 57 Venerabile Fabbrica del Duomo, 29,168, 252

  Venturini, Paolo, 159

  Vetco Industries, 57

  Vianini, 171,188, 232, 234,237

  Visentini, Bruno, 153-4

  Vitalone, Wilfredo, 196

  Vittor, Silvano, 182,193,194,195,196,

  197,204-5,238 Voxson, 235

  Walesa, Lech, 241

  Watergate, 40, 83

  Week, Philippe de, 209,213

  Whitelaw, William, 199

  Wojtyla, Carol, see John Paul II, Pope

  World Wide Trading Corporation III, 188

  Zanfagna, Gennaro, 69, 79 Zilletti, Ugo, 135, 136 Zirka account, Zurich, 137, 235 Zitropo Holding, 61, 62, 105, 111, 112, 234

  Zugaro, Costanzo, 182, 238 Zwillfin, 188




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