Second Chance: A Rockstar Romance in North Korea

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Second Chance: A Rockstar Romance in North Korea Page 11

by Lilian Monroe

  My cock is harder than I’ve ever felt it before. It’s twitching up and down as I move to position myself behind Ellie. God, she’s gorgeous. She’s on all fours, looking back at me and biting her lip. Her emerald green eyes are flashing with desire and mischief. She sways her hips back and forth in front of me, tantalising me with her bare ass. I slide my hands over her hips and ass, feeling my way down to her slit. She moans and tilts her head back as soon as I touch her wetness. And oh my God, how wet she is. “You liked sucking my cock, didn’t you?” I ask in a husky breath. “Mm-hmm,” is all she manages to respond as my fingers slide up and down her slit, finding her bud. I feel the breath leave her body as my fingers swirl around her most sensitive spot. Her back arches and she widens her knees, opening herself up to me. I groan, watching as her wetness pools at her opening. All I want to do is drive my cock into her and feel her walls contract around it. I want to fuck her senseless, and pump my seed deep inside her. But before I do that, I want to make her feel as good as she makes me feel, to hear her moan and watch as her body contracts in response to my touch. I slip my fingers down to find her opening. Two fingers slide in effortlessly and I feel her body relax into my touch. I groan as I feel her slickness when her walls grip onto my fingers. I close my eyes and can’t help but lick my lips as my hand moves in and out of her. She’s moaning and arching her back, pushing herself onto me. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I slip my fingers out and dive head first towards her slit. I want to taste her, to lap up every drop of her wetness and feel it on my tongue. The minute my mouth touches her my entire body is electrified. She tastes salty and sweet. I swirl my tongue around her bud, around her opening, gripping her hips and ass with my fingers. She moans and I reach down to circle her clit with my thumb, still licking up the wetness around her opening as she moans and backs into me. “I want you,” she pants. With one last taste, I straighten myself up and position my cock at her opening. I can feel the slickness of her desire against the head of my cock and even that sensation makes me want to explode. Slowly, carefully, savouring every bit of the sensation, I push myself inside her. I feel her stretch and relax to accept my cock, her walls gripping me tightly as I guide my cock into her. She lets out a long breath as my cock stretches her, pushed into her from tip to hilt. I groan. It’s like we were made for each other. We fit perfectly together. “Fuck me, Derek,” she says, looking over her shoulder. Her eyes are half-closed with desire. I start thrusting into her and I see her head tilt back. My hand finds her shoulder and I pull her back onto my cock as she arches her back to take every inch of me. I groan as I hear the sounds of our bodies colliding together. She bucks her hips and backs herself onto me faster and faster, until our bodies are moving with frenzied passion. The sensation is almost too much. I can feel every inch of my cock inside her, my balls hitting her every time I thrust. Her moans fill my ears and I give in to the sensations. Just as I know I’m about to come, I feel her walls suddenly contract around me. She grips my cock like a vice as I drive it in and out of her. Her moans become guttural and animalistic and they drive me on until my cock is pulsing like never before. I feel my balls contract up towards my shaft and I know I’m going to explode. I see her back arch even more and a long scream escape her lips as my cock erupts into an intense orgasm. I pump my seed into her once, twice, three times as we both moan and come together. The intensity of our orgasms is indescribable. We’re one. We collapse on the bed, still connected. A thin film of sweat and sex covers us both as we try to catch our breaths. I look over at the woman I love, her eyes lazily open as she tries to recover. When I’m able to move again, I run my hand up her spine and watch as she closes her eyes and leans into me. Every moment, every touch, every second we spend together is pure bliss. I’ve found my muse, I’ve found my match, I’ve found my love. I’ll travel to the ends of the earth again and again if it means being here with her at the end of it all. Epilogue – Ellie

  One month later…

  “Ellie! The story just broke. It’s been picked up by every major news outlet!” Mike’s voice is buzzing with excitement over the phone. I smile. “That’s great, Mike. Really great.” “You did great work, Ellie. Take as much time off as you need, and when you’re ready to come back to work I’d like to offer you a permanent position at the paper.” My smile widens and I glance up at Derek across the table. He’s eating his breakfast and raises his eyebrows questioningly. “That’s amazing Mike! Thank you!!” We say our goodbyes and I hang up the phone. I jump up from the table and do a little happy dance. “Mike just offered me a permanent position! He said my piece on North Korea was brilliant. It’s been picked up by all the major news outlets!” Derek smiles and stands up. He wraps his strong arms around me and lifts me up off my feet, twirling me around in the kitchen. I’ve just about moved in to his apartment and it’s been the easiest transition of my life. California living seems to suit me – or maybe it’s the fact that it’s California living with a sexy, successful, caring, loving, intelligent rock star. My rock star. “Congratulations, Eleanor,” he says with a grin. I playfully smack his shoulder and then burst out laughing. I can’t help but love it when he says my name like that. Derek puts me down and places a soft kiss on my lips. I can feel my body melting into him as he wraps his arms tightly around me. I let my hands run over his shoulders and wrap them around his neck. He pulls away from me and looks at me with a funny sort of expression in his piercing blue eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask, smiling shyly. He grins. “Well, I was going to do this later, but I have a feeling you’re going to be getting lots of phone calls and interviews in the next little while. I want to do it before I lose my chance and before you change your mind.” “What are you talking about?” I’m laughing now. He pulls away from me and walks over to the entrance closet. He rummages around for a second and comes back with a small black velvet box in his hand. He sinks down onto one knee in front of me and opens the box, revealing the biggest diamond ring I’ve ever seen.. My heart starts beating harder in my chest. “Derek…” “Eleanor Walters. I have loved you since the ninth grade. I have never loved anyone else the way I love you, even when you insisted on going to North Korea and had to be saved like a damsel in distress.” “Oh stop it, Derek,” I say, starting to laugh. He grins at me. “I will always love you. Will you marry me?” “Of course I’ll marry you, Derek. I love you more than anything.” I say. My voice is hoarse with emotion and my vision goes blurry from the tears that start to flood them. He takes the ring and slips it onto my finger. It fits perfectly. I wrap my arms around him and once again he picks me up and twirls me around the kitchen. Our lips crush together and we kiss like it’s the first time we’ve kissed. Derek puts me back on the ground and touches his nose to mine. “Don’t forget about movie night tonight. I’m not going to pass up my second chance to watch Into the Wild with you.” “I can’t believe you’ve never seen it.” “Couldn’t bring myself to watch it after what happened with you.” Before I can answer, my phone starts to ring. Derek winks. “That’ll be your first interview, I bet. Maybe with the New York Times, or with CNN. You’ll be a bigger star than me,” Derek says with a grin. I chuckle, picking up my phone. “I wonder what other country you can save me from. I hope you don’t think I’m going to sit here like a good little housewife,” I shoot back at him, grinning. “Wouldn’t want you to,” he replies, kissing my forehead gently. I press Accept on my phone and put it to my ear. “Hello, Ellie Walters speaking,” I say, winking at Derek as he goes back to his breakfast. I could get used to this life. Everything is better when Derek and I are together. The great thing is that we will be together for the rest of our lives. I glance down at my left hand and see how the diamond catches the morning sunlight as the reporter on the phone starts talking. My heart feels light as a feather and I can’t help but smile and think about that day, ten years ago when I vowed to never speak to Derek Hart again. We have always been meant for each oth
er, it just took me ten years an escape from the North Korean military to make me realise it. 

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  xox Lilian

  (Twitter: @Lily_Author

  Facebook: @MonroeRomance)

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  I can’t have kids. I’ve been poked and prodded, tested, re-tested, and ultimately heartbroken when one doctor after another shook their head and said that ugly word: infertile. It’s just a fact of life. I can’t have kids. That’s what I’ve always believed, at least, until one wild night at the office Christmas party changes everything.

  Zach Lockwood is my boss, the company’s CEO, and New York’s most eligible bachelor. He’s also… my baby’s daddy??

  How will he react when old and new secrets start to unravel right in front of our eyes? Will one night of fun make me lose everything I’ve ever cared about?


  I don’t know what it is about her, but I’ve never been able to keep my eyes off her. Tonight she’s mine. I’m claiming those luscious curves and soft pink lips as my own, right here in my corner office.

  I’m about to get a lot more than I bargained for, and I’m not sure I’m ready for it. All I know is that there’s a lot more to Harper Anderson than I ever could have imagined.

  Knocked Up by the CEO is a secret baby holiday office romance with high heat level and as always, no cheating and a happily ever after!

  Click here to get it on Amazon!

  Doctor ‘O’:

  A Modern Romance

  Lilian Monroe

  (Twitter: @Lily_Author

  Facebook: @MonroeRomance)

  Copyright Ⓒ 2017 All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author except for short quotations used for the purpose of reviews.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Valerie

  Chapter 2 – Clay

  Chapter 3 – Valerie

  Chapter 4 – Clay

  Chapter 5 – Valerie

  Chapter 6 – Clay

  Chapter 7 – Valerie

  Chapter 8 – Clay

  Chapter 9 – Valerie

  Chapter 10 – Clay

  Chapter 11 – Valerie

  Chapter 12 – Clay

  Chapter 13 – Valerie

  Chapter 14 – Clay

  Chapter 15 – Valerie

  Chapter 16 – Clay

  Chapter 17 – Valerie

  Chapter 18 – Clay

  Chapter 19 – Valerie

  Chapter 20 – Clay

  Chapter 21 – Valerie

  Chapter 22 – Clay

  Chapter 23 – Valerie

  Chapter 24 – Clay

  Chapter 25 – Valerie

  Chapter 26 – Clay

  Chapter 27 – Valerie

  Chapter 28 – Clay

  Chapter 29 – Valerie

  Chapter 30 – Clay

  Chapter 31 – Valerie

  Chapter 32 – Clay

  Chapter 33 – Valerie

  Chapter 34 – Clay

  Chapter 35 – Valerie

  Chapter 36 – Clay

  Chapter 37 – Valerie

  Chapter 38 – Clay

  Chapter 39 – Valerie

  Chapter 40 – Clay

  Chapter 41 – Valerie

  Chapter 42 – Clay

  Chapter 43 – Valerie

  Chapter 44 – Clay

  Chapter 45 – Valerie

  Chapter 46 – Clay

  Chapter 47 – Valerie

  Chapter 48 – Clay

  Chapter 49 – Valerie

  Chapter 50 – Clay

  Epilogue – Valerie

  Chapter 1 – Valerie

  I’m lying in bed staring at the ceiling for the thousandth time. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to focus on my hand as it moves down and over my mound, savouring the electric warmth that ripples with every movement of my fingers. I concentrate hard, trying to think of something sexy. Abs, or… muscles. Hands gripping me. The touch of a man’s tongue over me. Umm… throbbing… members?

  There’s a warmth growing inside me and I move my fingers faster, travelling up and down between my lips. My brow furrows as my fingers move faster, circling around my clit with more intensity. I’m holding my breath.

  It’s going to happen, I can feel it. I’m going to feel the shockwaves course through my body and the anticipation is making my heart hammer in my chest. I concentrate harder, moving my hand faster with the excitement.

  And then all of a sudden, nothing.

  It’s gone. My orgasm slips away into oblivion, just like it does every single other time I’ve ever tried. I sigh.

  This isn’t going to happen. Not this time, not ever.

  I let my hand fall to my side and open my eyes back up, looking up at the ceiling again. Every single time I feel something, anything close to an orgasm it somehow escapes me. Maybe I’m thinking too hard, or I don’t know how to touch myself properly.

  It’s even worse when someone else tries to give me one. I tense up or think too much about what I’m doing or what I look like or what they’re thinking.

  Even when I am able to relax into the moment somehow it always seems to slip away at the last second. I can be completely in the mood and excited but for some reason I’ve just never gone over the edge. I’ve never felt the fireworks that everyone describes. The back arching, leg shaking, head melting feeling of pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  Not once, and it kills me.

  My ex boyfriend gave up trying in the end. He’d play with me until I was wet enough for him to enter me and then take his own orgasm without any worry about my own pleasure. I broke it off with him three months ago and since then, like every month and year before that, I’ve been unable to get myself off.

  When I broke it off with my ex, my best friend Emma was there to pick up the pieces. We were out at our local cocktail lounge and I’d had two or three glasses of wine, just enough to be a bit giddy. I remember looking at her and blurting it out:

  “I’ve never orgasmed.”

  She’d nearly spat out her drink and looked at me in shock. Her mess of brown curls bounced around her face as she turned to look at me. She was wearing her signature bright red lipstick and her mouth hung open.

  “You mean in the four years you spent with that idiot he was never able to make you come?!”

  I’d looked around, worried she was being too loud. We were in our favourite booth in the back corner, with a perfect view of everyone in the bar but shielded from any unwelcome attention. I glanced around to make sure no one had heard her outburst.

  She didn’t care, as usual. She never seemed to be self conscious or insecure. She walked into any room like she owned it, swaying her hips and walking in with purpose. All eyes were on her, always. Her figure was a perfect hourglass and she had the attitude to match.

  Where she is all curls and curves, I’m wavy-haired, blonde, lanky. I always seem to feel a bit awkward when men talk to me, like somehow they’re making fun of me, or they’re just passing the time until they get their turn with her. She’s the centre of attention and I’m her sidekick wherever we go. I don’t mind, not really. I love her to bits. She’s my rock, my best friend, my confidante. I couldn’t imagine my life without her by my side. She’s been there for me through thick and thin.

  The past three months she’s helped me move into my new apartment, made me laugh, brought me ice cream when I needed i
t. We’d moved to New York five years ago together and would not have survived without each other. She is the best friend I’ve ever had, and it felt good to open up to her about my orgasm-less existence.

  I couldn’t help but smile at the horror on her face when I told her my secret.

  “No, I mean I’ve never had an orgasm.. Ever. Like, not just with Bryce. Never.”

  Emma put down her glass of wine and brought her hands to her temples. This seemed to be difficult for her to understand. She stared at the table intently, processing what I’d just told her.

  “Never. As in… Ever? Not once?”

  She looked up at me, searching my face. I shrugged, not knowing what to tell her.

  “I mean, I’ve tried. Don’t get me wrong.”

  I looked at her sheepishly.

  “Val, girl. You need to sort this out. I’m telling you this as your oldest and dearest friend, and as someone who has had many mind blowing orgasms. This is a very, very important part of any woman’s life. Did Bryce know? What did he do to try to get you off?”

  I’d felt the tears welling up in my eyes when she mentioned him. I didn’t want to tell her how bad our sex life had gotten, how selfish he’d been in bed. How selfish he’d been in general!

  She’d understood without me saying anything, as usual. She’d just waived the waiter over and dramatically ordered another round of drinks for us and then turned and winked at me. I’d laughed and the constriction in my throat had disappeared.

  I smile as I think back on that conversation. She’d been so concerned, so intent on helping me. She’d given me tips, she described her most intense orgasms, the way they rushed from her centre outwards in waves of warmth and pleasure.

  She had been so open and candid with me, talking about the way her back arched and her legs trembled. How her partners had actually enjoyed giving her pleasure, it wasn’t a chore to them at all. I’d listened to her describing her experiences and wished I could feel the same. I’d tried the tricks that she’d told me and tried to relax into it.

  It just seems like I… can’t. I can’t do it. No matter how hard I try I still haven’t felt an orgasm rip through my body. I haven’t been with anyone since Bryce but I can’t bring myself to go through that again. To explain that it won’t happen, it’s not them, it’s me. To see the disappointment in the guy’s face as he tries and tries to get me to climax only to ultimately fail.


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