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Slade (Venom Series) Book Two

Page 10

by Kristen Middleton

  I looked at the plane that was parked outside of the hangar. It was a large Gulfstream. We’d taken one similar to it on the way out here. “I think so.”

  As I parked the car in the lot, my cell phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but answered it anyway as I got out of the car. “Hello?”

  “Are we having fun yet?” asked a voice that I recognized as Faye Dunbar’s. She sounded amused.

  “No, but obviously you are,” I replied coldly. “What is this, a game to you?”

  She chuckled. “Oh, Slade. Although I do love a good game of cat-and-mouse, I am not playing with any of you.”

  “So, in other words, you’re just trying to kill us.”

  Liam looked at me over the hood of the car, a questioning look on his face.

  “I’ll meet you inside,” I mouthed.

  He nodded and ushered the girls into the building.

  “Honestly, if I wanted to kill you, I’d have come after you myself,” she said.

  “You’re pretty sure of yourself.”

  “Of course.” She sighed. “This has been a headache, one that I really don’t need at the moment.”

  “Save it for someone who gives a shit – and don’t call back,” I answered, ready to hang up.

  “Don’t hang up,” she said quickly. “I have a proposition for you.”

  I grunted. “Is that right? Another proposition? Do you really think I want to hear another one of those from you? Or that I’d even trust you to deliver your end of the deal?”

  “I understand your anger. Yes, things got out of hand and I certainly didn’t mean to piss you off.”

  “Out of hand? You’ve murdered several people, and that sheriff of yours… he’s lucky we let him go without repaying the favor.”

  “I sent him to retrieve the girls and nothing more. He obviously failed and will be dealt with accordingly. As far as we go, I would like to part on peaceful terms.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Is that right? Why the change of heart?”

  “It’s not a change of heart. We got off on the wrong foot and things escalated to outrageous proportions. I don’t mean you any harm, and to prove it, I want to call a truce.”

  I thought about Chelsey and Melody. If Faye was being sincere, which was something I wouldn’t hold my breath for, then anything would help them out. “Fine. Just don’t contact me or anyone else in Venom again.”

  “If that’s what you wish. And the girls? Where are they?”

  “None of your damn business. You’ve already terrorized them enough.”

  “I’m only asking because they need to be silenced. You of all people should understand that.”

  I didn’t reply.

  “Ah… you must really like those two. Okay, fine, I will agree to leave them alone as long as you agree to charm them into forgetting all about what happened the other night at the club. And me, for that matter.”

  I laughed coldly. “You murdered their families. They have a right to know what happened to them. To remember.”

  “I don’t know where you’ve gotten your information, but I did no such thing. They’re alive and missing the girls, I assume.”

  I began to pace. “Bullshit. That’s not what I heard.”

  “Then you heard wrong.”

  “My sources tell me that you murdered them and those sources are trustworthy. You, on the other hand, are as trustworthy as a rabid dog.”

  She sighed. “Something tells me that you’re not quite ready to accept my truce offer.”

  “Just leave us alone,” I said, and hung up on her.

  “What was that all about?” asked Liam, standing behind me.

  I turned around. “Faye Dunbar wants a truce,” I said with a sneer.

  “Right,” he said, folding his arms across his chest. “Who is she fooling?”

  “She’s also lying about Chelsey and Melody’s family. Says they’re alive. You saw the bodies, though, right?”

  He nodded. “Yes. There were three women and a male. We just assumed…”

  “I’m sure you were right and this is just another trick. Still,” I rubbed my chin and frowned. “I wonder if I should fly back to Shore Lake and check it out. To be certain.”

  “There’s no time. Bradan’s having a fit. That’s why I came out here. He wants to leave. Now.”

  I sighed.

  “Slade, I’m sure they were the girls’ family. Who else would they be?”

  I nodded. “I’m sure you’re right. We saw the blood, and there was obviously a struggle. Plus, Caleb said they were dead, too.”

  “There you go. That bitch is trying to set another trap. She probably expects us to bring the girls back to town. Then she’ll try and kill all of us.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking.”

  “We killed some of her Roamers and humiliated her. She’s not going to let that slide. She doesn’t want to form any damn truce. She wants revenge, and what better way to do it than to draw us back into town?”

  It made sense to me. “Okay. Let’s get out of here,” I said, opening up the trunk. I pulled out the bags from the sporting goods store and handed one to Liam. “Do me a favor? Don’t tell the girls about this. Something tells me that if Chelsey thinks there is even a slight chance that her parents are alive, which I think we both agree is bullshit, she won’t get on that plane.”

  “Don’t worry, lover-boy, I’ll make sure she does.”

  Grunting, I shut the trunk. “You’re on a roll today, aren’t you?”

  “Deny it all you want, but you’re already obsessed with her.”

  “And how do you know what obsesses me?”

  He grinned. “I’m sorry, have we just met? Slade, come on. I’ve known you long enough to see that she’s gotten under your skin and I also know that you don’t know what the hell to do about it.”

  I thought about denying it, but knew it was pointless. We had been friends for too long. He did know me pretty damn well. “Okay, she’s interesting, I’ll give her that. Maybe even beautiful. But, we’re from two different worlds and… she hates my guts.”

  His smile fell. “Why do you say that?”

  “It’s in her eyes,” I said, walking toward the building. It was a look I’d seen before. In Vanessa. The last mortal I’d allowed myself to care about.

  WHEN WE ARRIVED at the hangar, Liam walked Melody and me inside while Slade stayed out to take a phone call. From the look on his face, it wasn’t someone he enjoyed talking to, either.

  “What’s going to happen to Slade’s car?” asked Melody as we walked over to the building.

  “We’ve arranged to have it stored here at the airport until Slade can figure out what he wants to do with it,” replied Liam.

  “Is he going to sell it?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. He might have it shipped to Romania. He loves collecting old cars, so he’ll probably add it to his collection.”

  I looked back at the car one last time and sighed, remembering how my dad used to watch car-restoration shows on cable. Many times, he tried getting me enthused about the old cars. To me, anything to do with fixing vehicles had seemed boring, however. Now, I’d have done anything to be able to sit down and watch one of those shows with him. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I followed Liam inside.

  “Well look who finally decided to catch a plane! What in the hell took you so long?” asked Bradan as we entered. He and the other band members, Jimmy and Sean, were sitting at a table, playing cards and listening to loud music.

  “Don’t start on us,” said Liam as we approached the table. “We had a bullshit run-in with one of Faye’s Roamers. Sheriff Caleb.”

  Bradan sighed. “Caleb? That fellow is a pain in the ass. Where is he now?”

  “Alive and on his way back to Shore Lake, I imagine,” replied Liam.

  “Alive?” repeated Sean. “What, you two couldn’t take him?”

  “Of course we could,” said Liam. “But, we decided to let him go.”

>   “Why?” said Bradan, shaking his head. “Should have gotten rid of him while you had the chance.”

  I cleared my throat. “It was my idea, actually. Liam was all ready to take him down for good, but I stopped him.”

  Bradan’s eyes shifted to me. “Why would you want him to live? Hell, he probably orchestrated your family’s murder.”

  “We don’t know that for sure,” I said softly, although it wouldn’t have surprised me. “Besides, I think he’s just another victim.”

  Bradan looked at Liam and then back to me. He smiled grimly. “You’re kidding, right? A victim?”

  “He told us that his daughter’s life was being threatened,” said Melody.

  “Celeste?” he said. “Obviously you don’t know that little firecracker. I’ve met her a few times, and let me tell you, she can take care of herself, probably better than Caleb.”

  “Maybe, but he looked worried about her,” I replied.

  “I’m sure he did. Most vampires are fairly good actors,” said Sean. “We’ve had to live with mortals for decades. You learn to make up a lot of stories and sometimes, even begin to believe them yourself.”

  “I’m sure,” I replied. “Anyway. He’s still alive.”

  “Let’s just hope that we’ve seen the last of him,” said Liam. “For his sake. If I see him again, he’s not getting any more chances.”

  “I second that. So, where is Slade?” asked Bradan, standing up. “We need to get moving. The pilot is probably furious with us.”

  “Who is the pilot? Did you get a name?” asked Liam.

  “Some guy named Steve Canon,” said Bradan.

  “I know Steve. He’s been a friend of my brother’s for years. You said he’s getting pissed?” Liam’s eyebrows furrowed. “Huh, doesn’t sound like him. Usually, he’s so laid back.”

  “Don’t listen to Bradan,” said Sean, smirking. “Steve is taking a nap in the plane. Said to wake him up when we’re ready to go.”

  “That sounds more like the Steve that I know,” said Liam, walking over toward the rear of the plane. He whistled. “A Gulfstream, huh? I didn’t realize my brother had that kind of money.”

  “I guess it’s pretty fast,” said Sean. “Which is good because Bradan wants to get home to mama.”

  Liam smirked. “So do I.”

  “At least I have someone to get home to,” sneered Bradan. “Assholes.”

  “Relax,” said Liam, patting Bradan on the back. “We’re just messing with you. Quit being so uptight.”

  Bradan’s shoulders relaxed and he sighed. “I’m just worried about ma,” he said. “She doesn’t sound right on the phone.”

  “Oh, she’s fine,” said Jimmy. “She’s just missing her dog. As soon as you get back, she’ll feel better.”

  “I hope so,” he answered.

  The sincere love he had for his mother made me smile. Although he’d been kind of an ass earlier, it was obvious he was concerned about his family. I certainly couldn’t blame him. “I’m sure Jimmy is right. I don’t know your mother, but it’s obvious that she has a big heart like her son.”

  Bradan smiled. “Thanks. She’s going to like you. I can tell.”

  I smiled back.

  “Man, that plane is a beaut,” said Liam, looking over at the plane again. “You been in it yet?”

  “Yep,” said Jimmy. “We already had the grand tour. There’s even a bedroom on board.”

  Liam laughed. “Leave it to my brother.”

  “Let me guess, he’s as bad as you are when it comes to women,” I said.

  “We’re lycan. Our libidos are off the chain,” he said.

  “They’re dogs,” said Bradan. “Pure and simple.”

  Liam grunted. “You’re just jealous, Bradan. You should consider spending less time with ma and more time with the ladies.”

  “I doubt that the women you bring to bed could be called ladies,” he replied.

  He grinned. “True. See, I don’t want a lady in my bed. I want a wildcat.”

  “Why don’t you go and check on Slade? All this talk about sex is making me quite uncomfortable,” teased Sean. “

  Liam grinned. “It’s making my jeans uncomfortable, too. Why don’t you guys wake up Steve,” said Liam, turning around. “Then we can get the hell out of here.”

  “I’ll do it,” replied Sean, walking toward the plane. “I’ve had enough of this place.”

  I suddenly felt anxious. Were we really making the right choice, by traveling to another country with a group of vampires, not to mention a lycan? It certainly seemed like a hasty decision. The problem was that I didn’t know what else we could do. Especially with no money or place to go. “So, we’re really flying with you guys to Europe, huh?”

  “Only if you want to,” said Bradan. His eyes softened. “What’s wrong? You look nervous.”

  “That’s because I am,” I admitted, crossing my arms under my chest. “Everything is happening so quickly.”

  “Don’t be frightened, lass. I’m sure you’ll be safer in Europe. Plus, you’ll have our help, and I promise,” said Jimmy. “We won’t bite unless… you want us to.”

  I laughed nervously. “Right.”

  “He’s right. You have nothing to fear,” said Bradan. “We’re decent enough guys. That scene back at the club? We’re normally not like that. But when someone attacks one of our own, it’s no-holds-barred. We won’t let them get away with it.”

  “I understand,” I said.

  “I’m grateful for what you did,” said Melody. “The Roamers would have probably killed me and Slade if you wouldn’t have come to our rescue.”

  “I’m sure they would have,” said Bradan. “

  “Just know that both of you are in good hands with us,” said Jimmy, walking over. He put an arm around my shoulder and smiled. “In fact, think of us as your big brothers now. Anyone screw with one of our little sisters and they won’t live to brag about it.”

  “Uh, well… thanks,” I said, looking up at him. With his dark hair and dimples, he kind of reminded me of Mario Lopez. Just much paler.

  Jimmy turned to Melody and winked at her. “Unless you’d rather be cousins. That would allow for some kissing.”

  Melody and I looked at each other and laughed.

  “Funny, we’re cousins and I don’t think we’ve ever kissed. Not like what you’re thinking,” I said, still smiling. “So, that won’t get you anywhere.”

  “You’ve never kissed any other girls?” asked Jimmy. “Not even a peck?”

  “There was that one time… at band camp,” joked Melody, quoting a line from a movie.

  “You went to band camp and kissed another girl, Melody?” asked Jimmy, his eyebrows raised. He grinned. “Don’t tell Liam. He’ll start humping your leg.”

  “Seriously, I was kidding,” said Melody. She nodded toward me. “As far as her and I kissing. That would be very, very gross.”

  “Liam turns into a canine and licks his own ass,” said Bradan. “Nothing is too gross for someone like him.”

  This time we all laughed.

  Everyone but Melody.

  “He doesn’t really, does he?” she asked, looking horrified.

  Bradan laughed. “Have you ever smelled his breath?”

  She frowned. “I didn’t think he had bad breath.”

  “They’re just messing around,” I said, smiling. “Don’t believe a word they’re saying.”

  “Are we?” asked Bradan.

  Slade and Liam walked in, carrying the bags from the store.

  “Are we, what?” asked Liam, staring at us curiously.

  Melody forced a smile. “Are we leaving soon?” she said quickly.

  “Yes,” he replied. “Looks that way.”

  “Cool,” she answered. “Are those our bags from the store?”

  “Yes. Almost forgot about them,” said Slade, frowning at the arm Jimmy still had around my shoulders. Jimmy then noticed it to and quickly removed it.

  “I suppo
se there’s no time to shower and change before we fly out?” asked Melody.

  “Nope,” replied Bradan. “Plus, I doubt there’s even a shower here.”

  “That’s okay,” I replied, walking over to Slade. “Here, I’ll take them.”

  He tightened his grip on the bags. “No. That’s okay. I’ll just put them on the plane for now. Everyone ready?”

  “We’ve been ready all day,” said Bradan, as Sean and the pilot walked toward us.

  “Hey, Canon!” hollered Liam. “You sober?”

  The pilot, a good looking guy in his twenties, grinned. “Yes, but I can remedy that. You bring me some of that Macallan?”

  “Hell no. My brother is the only one who can afford that,” said Liam, shaking his hand.

  “What’s Macallan?” whispered Melody.

  “It’s a brand of scotch,” said Slade.

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Oh, my God. Aren’t pilots supposed to fly sober?”

  “He’s just bullshitting. Steve’s a lycan, too,” said Jimmy, smirking. “I don’t think they can even get drunk.”

  “Hi, I’m Steve Canon,” said the pilot, walking over to us with a warm smile.

  Liam made the introductions.

  “So, we’re all here?” asked Steve.

  “Yes,” replied Bradan. “Finally.”

  “Sounds good,” he answered, putting his cap on. “Someone should be arriving, shortly to take care of your car, Slade.”

  “What are they going to do with it?” he asked.

  “There’s a warehouse behind the building. They’ll store it in there. Don’t worry, I’ve got one there, too.”

  “Thanks,” he replied. “I’ll make the necessary arrangements when I get back home to have it shipped to my home in Romania.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll let the service department know.” He looked at his watch. “I should probably tell you – I have to make a stop in New York.”

  “Why?” asked Liam.

  “Your brother asked me to pick up another passenger along the way. We’ll refuel there, too.”

  Liam’s eyebrows went up. “Another passenger? Who?”

  “A woman named Talia Mayerich.”

  Liam turned to Slade. “Shit.”

  “You’re kidding?” said Slade, his expression dark.

  “No. I just left a message on her cell phone to let her know we’d be leaving here shortly,” said Steve. “Is this going to be a problem?”


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