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Berserker Babies

Page 4

by Lee Savino

“Good lass,” Daegan crooned as Samuel freed his cock from his breeches and guided my head down. I went to my knees, mouth closing on the flared head, flicking my tongue against him in a way he liked. As he groaned and clutched the arm rests, I took him down further. When I popped up, Samuel had thrown his head back. Arms braced on his giant thighs, I pushed forward to take him down again.

  “Enough.” Voice strangled, Samuel tugged my hair. Daegan helped me to my feet and guided me to straddle Samuel’s lap. I touched the great Alpha’s mind, seeking pleasure.

  “Slowly,” Samuel held my hips so my cunny only enveloped the tip of his cock. I dug my fingers into his broad shoulders, fighting my instincts to sink down on his giant rod.

  “So eager,” he commented.

  “She misses you,” Daegan said quietly.

  Bit by bit, Samuel allowed me to take him completely. The stretch felt so good, tears leaked from my eyes.

  “Shhh,” he swiped them away.

  I kissed him, gripping his long hair as if he would pull away from me. Frantic little noises escaped me, more animal than human but I didn’t care. Samuel hushed me and rose. With a needy cry, I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms in a stranglehold around his neck as he carried me to the dais. When he knelt down, still inside me, I clung to him, whimpering.

  “It’s alright. I’m going nowhere. I promise. We will be together.”

  You left us once, Daegan pointed out.

  Samuel gave his warrior brother a sharp look as he went to his side, taking me with him. Still joined, I nestled against him, pressing my body to his. Hooking my leg over his hip, he seated himself deeper and stroked the hair from my face.

  “Brenna, look at me.”

  I refused, bowing my head to his chest.

  He sighed, running his hands up and down my back.

  Then I felt it. A nudge at the doorway of my mind. Samuel.

  Brenna, let me in.

  No. I clung to his body even as I denied him my mind. You will come and take what you will, and then leave.

  “What do you want?” His breath stirred my hair. “Tell me and I will do all I can to give it to you.”

  Open yourself to me.

  He withdrew, and my nails bit into his shoulder. But then he opened himself wide and sucked me in. A flood of thoughts, and I’m drowning. Then Daegan is with me, supporting me against the rushing tide. I hold onto him but we move deeper together into the vault of Samuel’s open mind.

  I saw his fear. The endless nights on the summit, battling the Corpse King. The visions of our home taken, berserkers slain, spaewives dragged away by the mage’s army. Our boys—Daegan shielded me from those visions, but not before I saw the cradle broken, the braziers overturned, the ashes scattered. The red blanket, ripped and stained darker.

  Breathe, Brenna.

  Air rushed into my lungs at the command. I blinked, coming back to myself. Samuel was stroking my face, still inside me.

  “I am sorry,” he rumbled. “I only wanted to protect you.”

  I touched his face, and it was wet.

  “We can help, Alpha,” Daegan said. “We’re strong enough to bear it.”

  Samuel held my eyes. “But I cannot bear to cause you pain.”

  I snuggled against him, pushing my hips to take him deeper. Keep me safe, but keep me close. I can bear anything with you.

  He tugged my head back by my hair, lips seeking my mouth. His hips rocked, stroking deep inside me as his mouth plundered mine.

  Samuel. Be with me. He thrust harder, surging inside me as he growled with hunger.

  At my back, Daegan removed the plug and parted my rear cheeks with his cock. A few careful thrusts, and he was inside, joining Samuel in a primal rhythm that rocked me to and fro. Their cocks rubbed every bit of my inner walls, dragging pleasure from my body.

  “Whatever happens,” Daegan panted. “We will be together.” He reached across me to grip Samuel’s arm. Together, always.

  Samuel responded by opening his mind further. A rush of desire, of longing filled the bond between us until I bowed under the onslaught. I surrendered to the storm, opening myself and becoming nothing, a hollow vessel for my mates to fill. They howled in triumph, their bodies savage and surging, ecstasy white hot and blinding. Overcome, I hovered above them, a watching spirit, consumed and born anew.

  A final gasp and the men writhed on the dais. I went back into my body, heavy, sated, yet filled with lightness.

  It did not matter what happened. The joy. The sorrow. We would be together.

  “Until the end,” Daegan nuzzled the back of my neck.

  Whenever it comes. I remained plastered against Samuel, our bodies joined intimately until he grew soft and slipped from me.

  Samuel’s head drooped, the great Alpha falling into slumber as Daegan rose and cleaned me. I was content to lay there, running my fingers over Samuel’s face and chest as if he were a sleeping babe. It wasn’t until Daegan brought me mead and Samuel’s eyes opened at the sudden silence that I realized I was humming.

  The boys will be back soon. You should spend some time with them.

  “I will,” he promised. “But then I must return to my post.”

  “Until Odin and I relieve you,” Daegan reminded him, and Samuel inclined his head.

  Already the lines of strain had slipped away from the blond Alpha’s face. In his mind, I felt a quiet peace.

  We will defeat our enemies, I told him. We will find a way.

  “You heard the witch. One woman might save us,” Daegan commented.

  Samuel’s eyes crinkled as he placed my palm against his cheek.

  “One woman already has.”



  Jacob and Euan tumbled about on the blanket as I sat close, knotting my fingers in my skirts.

  Since Wulfgar left I have barely spoken. I couldn’t stop thinking of the fight with my mate.

  How long has Wulfgar known of our child? Why isn’t he happy?

  If Fleur and her mates noticed my silence, they didn’t comment. The twins demanded constant attention. We clean and play with them, and take them one by one to Brenna for feeding. I walk Euan up and down the cave passageways, cuddling him and letting him explore. His contented gurgles are like knives in my heart.

  If all went well, soon I would hold my own child. I thought I’d be happy, but I couldn’t stop thinking of Wulfgar’s sad expression. Does he think I would not be a good mother? He said he does not regret the babe, but when it comes, will he welcome it?

  “Come,” Fergus says at sunset, and tugs me up.

  “What about the boys?”

  The twins are sleeping, Jacob sprawled out on the blanket, Euan napped curled up between Gunnr’s paws. Fleur sat nearby, stitching with a smile on her face whenever she glanced up at her charges.

  “Their parents will return soon. Fleur and her mates will watch them until then.”

  I trudged behind him until we reached our cabin. Once inside, Fergus pulls me to him.

  “Here,” he said, turning me and stripping off my gown before I realized what was happening.

  “What are you—?”

  “Hush,” he smacked my bare bottom cheek, and tossed away the bundle of my clothes.

  “You need this. I need this.”

  I crossed my arms over my bare body. “I don’t—”

  “Ye need to remember your place, lass.”

  “My place?” I cried raggedly. “I have one mate who loves me, and another who cannot even stand the thought of me with child.”

  “I told you, that is not your burden, it is his—”

  “We are mated! His burden should be mine.”

  Fergus reached for me and I scurried backwards.

  “Lass, come here.”

  “I thought he’d be happy. He isn’t even happy.” The pain in my gut made me bend double.

  “Och lass.” Fergus folded me in his arms. The red hairs on his chest rubbed my skin as he cradled me like a child. “It is
happy news. Soon Wulfgar will be able to celebrate with us. Now, now, none of that,” he chided when I let out a little sob.

  He led me to a chair, and sat down before tipping me over his lap.

  “W-what are you doing?” I asked.

  His hands roamed over my bare bottom. “Making ye feel better.” He spanked one cheek and I jumped, though it didn’t hurt. “Will ye mind me?”

  He smacked the other cheek when I didn’t answer right away.

  “Yes,” I sulked. More swats, and I kicked. Fergus spanked me harder until I went limp, yielding to his will.

  “Good lass.” He squeezed my warmed buttocks, pulling them apart. A pause, and warm oil drizzled between my cheeks. I made a noise deep in my throat as he fished a finger in my rear hole, and replaced it with a plug.

  “Deep breath,” he ordered and pushed it inside. My feet kicked again.

  “It’s too big.”

  “‘Tis the same size as always. You’re just unused to it. We’ve been too long making ye feel owned.” He set me off his lap, on my knees. “Thank me for preparing ye,” he ordered.

  When I was too slow to undo his breeches, he pulled me up again over one knee and rained blows on my bottom. I cried out, even as warmth stirred through me, my body readying for pleasure.

  Back on my knees, I eagerly drew him out and sucked. Fergus cupped my head, murmuring encouragement as I licked him up and down. Drawing his cock up, he had me tongue his tight sac, guiding me until I relaxed into giving him pleasure. No more thought, no more sorrow, no more worry. Following Fergus’ orders, I could simply be me. By the time he drew me up, I was wet and panting with need.

  Fergus turned me and pushed my front flat on the table. Hand clamped on the back of my neck, he stroked inside me, thrusting forcefully until my body rocked into the wood. My cunny quivered, tissues tightening in readiness.

  He pulled out at the last minute. “No,” he smacked my ass again. “You don’t deserve to cum.”

  I bit my lip against begging him. He helped me onto the table, having me lie back and he tied me down. I end up spread eagled, arms and legs bound. Fergus stood over me and finished jacking his cock, turning my head at the last second to have me swallow his seed down. A little dribbled from the side of my mouth, and he scooped it up and fed me.

  “Good lass,” he crooned and I melted.

  I raised my head as he got a cloth and cleaned me. “So wet,” he tsked. With a grin, he bent his red-head and lapped up my juices, licking me until I jerked in the bonds. “There. Now ye are ready.”

  “For what?” I asked. He stuffed the cloth into my mouth, and bound another on my eyes.

  Blindfolded, I could only wait at his mercy.

  Cold metal trailing over my skin made me jerk, and his fingers pinched my nipples, toying with piercings as he attached the chain to the rings tipping my breasts. Slowly, he drew the chain down my quivering stomach and took his time attaching it to the ring between my lower lips.

  “There,” he gave the chain a tug. I sucked in a breath as the sharp pain woke my arousal, my body roaring to life.


  Silence. Whatever this was, it would be a test. My chest rose and fell under the chain, my cunny grew wetter.

  And then—a slight sound outside. A boot on the outside stoop.

  I gurgled in my gag and yanked the bindings. Anyone could walk in and see me—

  Shhh, Muriel. Trust me.

  Fergus’s voice calmed me somewhat.

  The door swung open. Chilly air gusted across my bare body. I shivered slightly, my body coming even more alive, nipples hardening to points.

  The door shut as the stranger came inside. The air grew warm again. Whoever it was drew near, stopping at the foot of the table. I could only imagine what they saw—a naked woman, bound, gagged, and spread, legs open and cunny on display. Gold glinting drawing attention to soft flesh trembling underneath.

  The stranger came to stand beside me. A fresh scent washed over me, and, even though he didn’t speak, I knew who it was.

  “What is this?” Wulfgar rasped. A part of me tensed as another part of me relaxed. My great mate didn’t sound angry, but didn’t sound happy.

  “This is your wife,” Fergus said from his corner. I imagined him sitting near the fire, boot propped on a stack of ready kindling, drinking mead and enjoying the firelight flickering over my skin. He sounded casual, almost bored. “You’re late.”

  A hand skated over my chest, hovering but not touching. I sensed it, and my breath came faster.

  “Why have you done this?”

  “Ye need to remember your duty.”

  “I know my duty.”

  A scrape of a chair, and Fergus said with more force, “Ye know the one you owe to the pack. You’ve forgotten what you owe your mate.”

  Wulfgar sighed.

  “She cried today. She thinks you don’t want—”

  “I know. I know. Muriel, I’m sorry.” He laid his hand at my collarbone. I whimpered a little, but the sound was muffled by the gag.

  “Don’t tell her,” Fergus said. “Show her.”

  For a moment there was silence, but for Wulfgar’s ragged breathing. Then a click of a weapon, and the fall of fabric. My mate stripping to come to me.

  “Build up the fire,” Wulfgar ordered. “I don’t want her cold.”

  “Ye can warm her,”

  “First things first,” Wulfgar murmured, and eased the gag out of my mouth. A little water dribbled into my mouth.

  “All right, sweetheart?”

  I nod, still unsure. I’m bound and sightless, helpless before the most powerful man I know. A warrior with the strength to break me, in more ways than one.

  But I would never hurt you, he spoke into my mind. You have nothing to fear.

  I bit my lip. He already hurt me.

  He sighed. “I’m sorry, Muriel.” His hand came to my knee. “I will atone.”

  Giant hands brushed my hair back, stroked down my needy flesh. My hips rose to greet his touch and he clucked, avoiding the area of my throbbing pussy. I whimpered again, but didn’t speak. Fergus was right. The time for words had past.

  “Untie her,” Wulfgar ordered.

  “You sure? It can be great fun to tease her with them.” Another scrape of the chair as Fergus came to do his warrior brother’s bidding.

  “No. I don’t want the ropes. I don’t need them.”

  My arm relaxed as the bonds fell away.

  Heat hit my body as Wulfgar leaned over me. “You’ll be good for me, won’t you, Muriel?”

  Tears pricked my eyes as I nodded.

  “Oh Muriel.” Rough hands massaged my limbs, arranging me carefully. “Let me atone. Let me show you how much you mean to me.”

  My lips parted as Wulfgar put his mouth on me. Two hands, two lips, one hot tongue, and I gasped and twitched.

  “Be good,” he reminded me, with a snap of the chain. He spread my legs and I kept them where he desired. Two large hands palmed my buttocks, pulling me to the table’s edge. Then his mouth covered my most sensitive place.

  He licked, he sucked, he probed me with his great tongue. I jerked and shook, a leaf on a branch, but didn’t move from where he placed me.

  Good lass, Fergus encouraged.

  I opened myself to him and Wulfgar, both body and mind.

  “Muriel. Dear one,” Wulfgar murmured, his stubbled cheek scratching the inside of my thigh. I jumped at the rough treatment, and he soothed me with a kiss to the thin skin.

  Take your pleasure, he ordered, and ate me with such fervor I fisted my hands to keep them where they were.

  When my orgasm rolled over me, he tugged the chain, a flash of pain to make the pleasure sharper. He propped my legs up against him, ankles barely resting on his shoulders, his own hands steadyed my hips and pullied me onto his cock with one great thrust. My climax ended and another one began as Wulfgar grunted, thrusting deeper and deeper inside of me.

  Give it to me, Muriel, he comm
anded, hovering in my mind, feeling my pleasure as if it were his own.

  I can’t—

  You must. With a growl, he gathered me up into his arms. I was weightless for a moment before he laid me on the bed. The bed he hadn’t shared with me for so long.

  Pain bubbled in my chest, choking me.

  “Give it to me, Muriel.”

  I shook my head, tears streamed out from under the blindfold.

  “Yes.” He cradled my chin gently. The briefest touch, just enough to leave me sobbing. The stone around my heart cracked, broke.

  Give me your pain. Let me soothe the hurt away.

  Finally, I nodded. My arms and legs wrapped around his large body as he hovered over me.

  His breath caressed my face.

  Then he slammed his body into me. My climax exploded as he rubbed the right parts inside me. I rocked back with each savage thrust.

  “Wulfgar,” I call out his name, consumed.

  He let out another growl. No more man, only beast, the predator unleashed, feasting on my satisfied cries.

  I bowed—but didn’t break. He had nothing to fear. I am the vessel of his child, but I am strong. And he realized it as he sated himself in my body. I hang on, shuddering with pleasure, loving the drag of his thick cock over the plug. He pulled it out, and I climaxed again, limbs shaking as I peak.

  Still, Wulfgar pounded into me, holding me tight in his massive arms. I’d have marks on my flesh when he was done.

  He pulled off the blindfold, I drank him in, pulling him into my body, my mind, my heart.

  “Muriel,” he whispered over and over as he lost control and spilled inside me. “Muriel.”

  I rubbed my face over his face and chest, savoring the strength of his arms, the bite of his stubble.

  Fergus stood next to the bed, stroking my leg as Wulfgar licked at my breasts to clean me. Smiling, he handed Wulfgar a cloth to finish the job.

  I stopped my giant mate when he would wipe his seed away. “Leave it. I already carry our child, but I want the reminder.”

  Wulfgar bowed his head. “You humble me.”

  Fergus laid a hand on his arm. “You think you do not deserve this.” My red haired mate nodded to my naked self, spread before them, glistening with sweat and our combined juices.


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