Turned Around By Love (The Montgomery Family & Friends Book 3)

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Turned Around By Love (The Montgomery Family & Friends Book 3) Page 13

by Vikki Vaught

  “Certainly, Jonathan.” Melody turned to her other sister-in-law. “Let me introduce you to the Marchioness of Wyndham, my late brother-in-law’s widow.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Wyndham.” Again, he bowed over Mary’s hand. “Kathryn tells me you’re a gifted pianist. I play as well. I would enjoy hearing you sometime.”

  Mary replied, “I would be happy to accommodate your request, but only if you return the favor. And please, call me Mary.”

  Kathryn turned toward her nieces and nephews. “These are all my wonderful nieces and nephews. This young lady is Mary Elizabeth, Henry and Melody’s eldest.” The little girl smiled, then executed a perfect curtsey. “This is Brandon and Magnus, then of course, the baby is William.” The two little boys bowed to him as perfect little gentlemen, and he returned their bow. “And here are Mary’s children, Roderick and Angela.”

  Jonathan tensed when he heard Roderick’s name. It must be difficult to meet someone who shared his brother’s name.

  The youngster bowed. “Pleased to make you acquaintance, my lord.” The little girl at his side curtsied, and he bowed to her.

  Jonathan smiled at the children. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I have a niece and nephew, whom you will meet in a few days. Frankford and Jane are close to your age. They shall be overjoyed to meet you.”

  Kathryn clapped her hands, drawing everyone’s attention. “Follow me into the drawing room. Mother is waiting to serve tea.”

  Henry laughingly replied, “Then by all means, let us go to the drawing room. We would not want to keep the duchess waiting.”

  Tea was chaotic, but joyous. Happiness bubbled inside when she saw how well everyone took to Jonathan. He was relaxed around her family, so she had no need to worry that such a crowd would disturb him.

  * * * *

  Sanderford pulled Jonathan aside. “Let us find a place so we can talk.”

  They found the library and went inside. Kathryn’s brother went to the cabinet, poured a brandy, and started to pour a second one. “None for me, Your Grace. I only drink wine.”

  The duke shrugged, then took a seat. “I must say I’m amazed Kathryn accepted your proposal. How did you convince her? Oh, and please call me Sanderford or Henry, none of this ‘Your Grace,’ please.”

  Jonathan took the other chair across from her brother. “We became acquainted while she did my portrait. She was in Bristol when my brother and his wife perished in the storm. By that time, I was already in love with your sister, so I asked her to marry me. She did not agree immediately, but then I convinced her to do it for the sake of the children.”

  “I share your grief. I have also lost a brother. It must be doubly hard on the children, losing both parents. You told me the most important detail—you love Kathryn. I’m still amazed you convinced her. My sister swore she would never wed.”

  He eased his leg straight, trying to find a more comfortable position. “I do not know all the details, nor do I know whom, but she told me she was hurt by a man. I pray as we grow more comfortable with each other, she will eventually confide more. She did tell me the bastard is dead.”

  Sanderford’s eyes turned glacial. “It was my mother’s brother. He tried to rape her. Melody and I caught him in time, but it’s made her extremely wary of men.”

  Jonathan met the man’s stony gaze. “I convinced her I shan’t expect intimacy unless she decides she wants it. I pray I can win her affections and that we can work through her difficulties, but even if that never happens, I shall always love her.”

  “What will you do if she never changes her mind?” he asked with a touch of steel in his tone. “Are you prepared to live a chaste life? You’re a stronger man than I, if you can.”

  He leaned forward, resting his hands on his thighs. “When we first met one another, I never expected anything to come of my attraction for her. My brother was strong and healthy; he’d had my heir, and he and his wife were expecting another child when they passed. I also had sworn off matrimony. Kathryn cracked my resolve, and she’s the only woman I will ever desire.”

  The duke interrupted, “That still does not answer my question. How will you handle it if my sister never changes her mind? Saying you do not desire another woman is one thing, knowing you will be strong enough to be faithful, is another.”

  He decided to be candid. “Shortly after we met, I went to a brothel. When I left it, I felt I’d betrayed Kathryn, even though we barely knew one another. At that point, I thought I was merely infatuated with her and that it would run its course, but when we were together so much at my brother’s, I realized I love her. If I can’t be with Kathryn, then I would rather live chaste for the rest of my life than take another.”

  “I believe you.” He offered his hand. “Welcome to the family. I’m proud to call you brother. I believe my sister may already love you. She would never have accepted unless her feelings were engaged. She just hasn’t recognized she’s in love yet.”

  “I trust you are correct.” He stood and shook her brother’s hand. “We need to return to the drawing room. I’m sure my sister is wondering what is keeping us.”

  Kathryn approached them when they entered. “Did he pass your test, Henry?”

  “With flying colors,” he assured her. “I’m happy for you, puss. Now, where is my pretty wife?”

  “Melody took William upstairs,” Kathryn explained. “He started fussing. She mentioned he’s cutting some teeth. How long do you anticipate staying, Henry? I hope it’s long enough to have a birthday celebration for William.”

  Her brother glanced at his mother. “It depends on the duchess. I shall not have her upsetting Melody in her condition.”

  “What?” she exclaimed. “Melody is having another babe? I’m so pleased for you. I do hope you have a daughter this time. Our family needs more girls. Concerning our mother, she loves living here, and it has softened her. If she becomes unbearable though, you can always stay with us. Is that not right, Jonathan?”

  He slipped his arm around her waist. “Whatever makes you happy, my dear. Invite anyone you want to our home.”

  “Will you stay for dinner?” Kathryn asked. “Other than the duchess, the rest of us are very informal, and since you can do no wrong in her eyes, she shall not say a thing concerning your casual attire. Please, stay so you can become better acquainted.”

  Sanderford interjected, “Yes, do stay. I have an extra set of evening clothes and we’re close to the same size. Melody shall not be satisfied until she has her chance to interrogate you. Give up, sir,” he cajoled, “you are outnumbered.”

  Jonathan chuckled. “I can see that. As you wish, my dear. I shall stay.”

  Everyone went upstairs to dress for dinner. Abernathy showed him to a room. The duke’s valet brought him a spare set of evening attire, and the garments fit.

  Recalling his conversation with Sanderford, he was glad he’d been candid. He found her brother congenial. So far, he liked Kathryn’s family. He looked forward to meeting Helen and her husband.

  He prayed her brother was correct and Kathryn was in love with him. Surely, if she loved him, she would overcome her fears. He would just need patience.


  As Kathryn dressed, she mused over Jonathan calling her “my dear” and decided she liked it. She wanted his affection, even if they never had a higher level of intimacy. For now, she would enjoy his affection and quit being so suspicious. It would be nice to have companionship.

  Marriage was more than physical intimacy. She would become a good wife to him and turn a blind eye when he took a mistress. After all, she could not expect him to do without just because she could not allow it. She knew better than most what drove sexually-driven men. She would find a way to let Jonathan know without actually telling him he could have a mistress.

  Dinner was a joyous affair. Even the duchess was on her best behavior and treated Melody with civility. After dinner, the men did not stay in the dining room, but joined the ladies. Ma
ry entertained them with soft, gentle music, and when she was through, she asked Jonathan to play as well.

  At ten, her intended stood, and Kathryn walked him to the door. “When you come tomorrow, bring dinner clothes. I want you to become acquainted with Helen and Matthew as you have Henry and Melody.” Her cheeks warmed. “I want you to know that while I can’t be intimate with you, I do want affection. If you want to kiss me, I shan’t mind.”

  “Nothing would please me more.” He pulled her close and gave her a brief, yet gentle kiss, then released her. “I shall arrive in time for tea tomorrow. I look forward to meeting the rest of your family. Will your mother mind if I bring Elaine and the children with me? They would love to meet your nieces and nephews.”

  “That would be delightful. What’s a few more when there are already so many?” Then she hugged him and kissed him quickly. He returned her hug and then took his leave.

  Kathryn went into the drawing room, and shortly after, everyone retired to their rooms. Once she changed into her night rail, she sent Sally to her bed. As she lay, waiting for sleep to take her away, she replayed the evening. She was pleased her family had responded so well to Jonathan. Of course, she’d been fairly confident they would like him.

  He’d been so gentle when he’d kissed her good night. It dawned on her; it was her first kiss. Even though she had endured so much pain and humiliation at the hands of her uncle, he had never kissed her. She was glad her uncle had not taken that away from her. Kathryn touched her lips as sleep took her away.

  The next morning brought another beautiful fall day. The family had breakfast together, then Kathryn, Melody, and Mary took the children to the park. Kathryn enjoyed watching the little ones.

  Kathryn turned to Melody. “Henry shared your delightful news with us. When do you anticipate the blessed event?”

  “The doctor says the babe will arrive the middle of April. I’m praying for a girl this time.” Melody’s bell-like laughter pealed forth. “Mary Elizabeth has vehemently expressed her desire for a sister. She says she has enough brothers. Henry wants a female as well. Now, tell me more about your intended. You didn’t mention he was such an attractive man in your letter. Are you madly in love with him, or are you like Helen and think you’re only marrying for the children?”

  “I truly am marrying him because of his niece and nephew,” she protested, “but I’ve grown fond of Jonathan. He’s a kind man. I wish you could have met his brother and Allison. You would have liked them. He was devastated when they perished. He and his brother were extraordinarily close. Allison was increasing, which only makes it worse.”

  Tears blurred her eyes, and Melody patted her hand. “My heart hurts for both of you. You’re due for a good cry. It was a terrible ordeal for all of you. And, those poor children. They must be lost without their parents. I’m pleased he is bringing the children today. It will be good for them.” She paused. “Are you sure you haven’t fallen in love with him? I can tell he cares a great deal for you. Do you not want to fall in love?”

  A sharp pain pierced Kathryn’s heart. “After what happened to me…I find the whole idea of intimacy repulsive. Jonathan has agreed to a marriage in name only.”

  Melody touched her arm. “I know you had a bad experience, but physical love is beautiful when two people truly care for one another. When I’m with Henry, it’s the most amazing feeling. Sometimes, it brings tears to my eyes. You seem quite fond of him.”

  “I am fond of him. I told him I was amenable to kissing, and he did kiss me.” Kathryn lowered her eyes to hide her flushed cheeks. “I enjoyed it, and I even returned his kiss. I have decided he needs a mistress since I cannot allow intimacy between us. At least he will have a strong reason to keep one, unlike other men of the ton.”

  Melody frowned. “You need to consider this carefully before you tell him to take a mistress. What if you fall in love with him? Take my word for it. You will not want him to have one then.”

  Disquieted, Kathryn replied, “I thought I had the answer by telling him he could have a mistress, but perhaps you’re correct. I might become jealous if he spent too much time with another woman. I’m glad we talked today. You’ve given me much to consider.”

  “Since you enjoyed his kiss…” Melody drew out the last word, “why not do this? When Jonathan kisses you, relax your guard a bit. You may find that you enjoy it, then you may like his touches as well.” Melody’s cheeks turned rosy. “Not full…ah…intimacy, but just a little affectionate kissing and touching. How does that sound?”

  “I suppose I could try. I’m glad we talked. I shall give more thought to this.” They spent another thirty minutes watching the children play before returning them to the nursery, so they could freshen up for luncheon.

  Kathryn thought of his kiss the previous night. It had been pleasant, and it had not frightened her. If he could kiss her like that, and nothing more, then she could enjoy it. Melody’s suggestion regarding touches sent terror through her. Touching was what her uncle had done. No, kissing was fine, but nothing else.

  Jonathan arrived well before Helen and her family. Elaine and the children were with him. When Frankford and Jane met all the nieces and nephews, they squealed with delight, especially Jane. The little ones gathered round Elaine clambering for a story, and she good-naturedly agreed. They quietly tiptoed from the room, leaving the youngsters in Elaine’s capable hands.

  After he closed the door, he reached for her hand and raised it to his lips. “I’m glad you agreed to kissing. If I ever touch you in any way that makes you uncomfortable, tell me and I shall stop. I care for you very much, and I shall never hurt you. May I kiss your cheek?”

  “I would like that.” He gently pulled her into his arms, kissed her cheek, and she giggled. “That tickles.”

  Jonathan laughed as he hugged her close. “May I hold your hand? You have such beautiful hands. It’s one of the first things I noticed.”

  Kathryn nodded. As he put her hand in his, they walked down the stairs to join the rest of the family. Holding his hand felt safe. She decided holding hands would be all right.

  When they reached the entry hall, the door opened, and Helen and her rambunctious family tumbled inside. Kathryn ran to her sister.

  “I’m so glad you’ve arrived. Come and meet Jonathan.” Kathryn pulled her sister forward and stopped before her intended. “This is my sister, the Countess of Collingswood.” She beamed at Helen. “Meet Jonathan, the Marquess of Sutherland.”

  Her intended bowed. “Your servant, ma’am. Kathryn mentions you with fondness. I understand we share a mutual love of all things equestrian. While you’re in town, perhaps you will consider joining us at our home, so we can go riding together.”

  “It would be my pleasure. Now, none of this formality, please call me Helen, and I shall call you Jonathan.” She turned to the man beside her. “Let me introduce you to my husband.”

  Matthew shook her intended’s hand. “Pleased to meet you.” Her brother-in-law flashed a cocky grin. “So, you’ve captured our Kathryn. I’m amazed.”

  Jonathan smiled at her. “I’m the most fortunate of men.”

  Matthew’s countenance turned somber. “My sister-in-law wrote of your loss. Please, accept our condolences.”

  “Thank you.” A brief flash of pain colored Jonathan’s eyes, but he concealed it well.

  Helen looked at her brood. “Meet my children. This is Christina and Catherine, and yes, they are identical. And these two rambunctious boys, also identical, are Winston and Nelson. I understand you have a niece and nephew. Are they with you?”

  “They’re in the nursery with the other children,” he explained. “They’re enjoying every minute of their playtime.”

  Matthew laughed. “Well, I shall take mine up there as well. They can join the pack. I shall see you at tea.” The housekeeper came forward to escort her sister’s family upstairs to the nursery.

  Jonathan grinned. “I like your sister Helen and her husband.” He placed his
hand on the small of her back and heat radiated where his hand touched, even through her day dress. “Let us join the others.”

  After they entered the drawing room, they found a seat on the sofa. He took her hand in his warm one, and a shiver raced through her. She had to admit, she enjoyed his simple touch. A short time later, Helen and Matthew returned from the nursery.

  * * * *

  “Shall we find somewhere to talk?” Collingswood asked.

  Jonathan nodded. “The library. I went there yesterday when I talked to Sanderford.”

  He led the way, and when they entered, Collingswood went to the cabinet and started pouring two brandies. He intervened. “Thank you, but none for me.”

  Her brother-in-law took a seat and made no comment over his refusal of the alcohol. Relief flowed through him. It seemed he would be fortunate in his brothers-in-law. Both men were amiable. “Kathryn tells me you reside in Devonshire. What part?”

  “My estate is six miles from Dartmouth Moors,” he stated. “Helen mentioned you will be coming with my sister-in-law in November.”

  Jonathan shifted in his seat. “I trust it’s not an inconvenient time. I would not want to be separated from my bride so soon after our wedding.”

  “Not at all. I look forward to it.” Collingswood grinned. “Now, tell me how you convinced Kathryn to wed? She has reason to be reluctant from what my wife has said.”

  “She’s told me why she feared marriage.” Jonathan proceeded to tell him what happened when his brother and sister-in-law passed and how close they became through the ordeal. “She knew I needed help with the children, and as I told you, we had become good friends. It’s to be a marriage in name only. I assured her I understood her fears and would honor her choice. That’s why she agreed.”

  His brows shot up. “You mean no sex at all? I suppose you will keep a mistress then. I would not let Sanderford know. I had a mistress when I first married Helen. When Sanderford found out, he pounded into me, and I deserved it.”


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