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Court-Martial (Horatio Logan Chronicles Book 2)

Page 69

by Chris Hechtl

  Admiral Champion was among them.

  With her were a few returning officers who had been allowed out of retirement. Vice Admiral Creator of Things, Vice Admiral Soar and Strike, Vice Admiral Georgi Pashenkov, and others. John would have his hands full with some of them he knew. But, if anyone could deal with them it was John.

  “Sir, you are requested by the design team; there is a problem with the cruiser Logistics. There was a reported problem with quality control from one of the suppliers that just hit us …,” a yeoman said.

  “On my way,” Horatio said as he turned. He caught Zek's look. The other officer winked at him. Horatio snorted and nodded once before he followed the yeoman.

  Author's Afterward

  Well, people wanted me to get Irons out of Antigua for a bit, how's this?

  Seriously, some of the fans (and Betas, don't forget them!) have been after me to find a way to get Admiral Irons back out on the road. I couldn't do it since I'd painted him into a corner. But, when I laid out Enemy of my Enemy, I had the germ of an idea. So, I structured EE to lead into Court-martial with this very end in mind, all from the beginning. Confession, only Thomas knew what I had planned. He managed to wangle it out of me last year. Lol.

  And, for some of you who point to the timing of Convoy and Jethro 5? Well, Shelby doesn't leave Airea 3 until her father had already left in Ilmarinen to return to Bek. She didn't send the courier back for two years. That's a big window to play with. I had that planned all along. (He says smugly, wiping sweat off his brow)

  Anyway, I'd like to thank Colonel (retired) Derek Hirohata for his help with the JAG portions, and Wayne Gaskin again for keeping me on task. Both men were of immense help. Any mistakes are mine, though you can chalk up some differences in the UCMJ and courts-martial proceedings here in our time as changes due to alien interactions (Veraxin and T'clocks for having three judges for instance) and also the passage of time.

  Nuff said on that. :)

  So, what's next? For Horatio, I don't know yet. Wayne and a few other of the Betas have kicked around ideas. I'm in a similar pickle with Jethro I admit. For me, I'll get into writing The Gathering Storm after I take create the CM cover art and take a bit of a break. (A week or so, geesh! Don't get your knickers in a twist!) I've got more projects stacking up that I want to attend to before the heat sinks in for the summer. I have a certain young lady's birthday coming up in two weeks and the 3D printed Tibber and Annie to touch up, carve some details, and paint for instance. >:)

  Oh, for the record, Irons' journey will be in TGS. But it is a small part of the book. You can expect all sorts of things going on there!

  So, I'm off to go barbecue a steak in celebration. (Dad's sighs are telling me he's getting impatient for me to do so. lol)

  Anything else you want to know you can read on my blog or ask in the comments. :)


  Rear Admiral Horatio Logan: Former CPO promoted to commander, then through the ranks to Rear Admiral. Sleeper. Prison ID: THHL16533391. First put in Cell block D “For dumbass”. Received a female smart AI at the end of the book named Beau.

  Mercury: A.I. engineering and design assistant to Commodore Logan. Early version of Proteus sent by Admiral Irons. 1 copy taken with Horatio to Bek. Disabled by Horatio's security suite upon arrest.


  Sergeant Cooper: Female human.

  Lieutenant Ken Drapper human male

  Corporal Adder human male.

  Doctor: Commander Laura Hsiao. Cousin to Senator Hsiao.

  Private Whendle Neochimp borderline guard. In trouble.

  Warden Tribeau

  Bernie: Rat faced, short human assigned to Horatio as a roommate. Wirey, male. Talker. Actual name Agent Berney Crawford. He was put in place to monitor Horatio and to get him to say something incriminating.

  Military personnel:

  Lieutenant Commander Weaver Thistle: Camo colored chimera with a rat like tufted tail. Engineer dumped into Logistics as Admiral Bolt's understudy and protégée. Weaver is a 1 meter high camo covered chimera with a thin tail that identified more with Elves. -promoted to captain JG.

  Rear Admiral Melvin Zekowitz: Engineering admiral. Prefers to go by Zek. Hands-on. Put in charge of the engineering wing at the academy. -promoted to vice admiral and given command of BuShips with Horatio. Received a female smart A.I.

  Ensign Blakely -Neoorangutan. Assigned to Admiral Zekowitz to replace Lieutenant Si. -reassigned to Bek B.

  Lieutenant V'l'r Veraxin. Navigator. Mission to teach in Bek academy. Has some keys. -promoted to LCMDR and given Navigational department.

  Lieutenant JG Oprah Si: Flag lieutenant to Zekowitz, human female. -promoted to lt Commander when Zek took command of the Engineering wing at the academy. Reassigned to Command 1.

  2 military surgeons to help with implant tech. Tucker Jaroslaw (M) and Lee Weiss. (F) Both ensigns. Tucker assigned to VA Dover City, Weiss transferred to planet 2 VA. Both from Pyrax. Promoted to Lieutenant as a bribe.

  Commander Alisha Tisdail -Neocat bupers contact of Horatio. He uses her to help stock Caroline and Ilmarinen. -Brown Neocat with black stripes down her back. 1 meter tall, mix of Serval, bobcat, and Lynx. Command 1. -promoted to captain JG and temporary head of BuPers.

  Horatio's former staff members:

  3 naval architects (officers) -Lt Nadir Holbar, (Middle Eastern, black hair, dark brown eyes), resigned.

  LtCMDR Dreamer of Ships, (T'clock) promoted to CMDR. Put in charge of rebuilding Ilmarinen and salvaged ships.

  Ensign Ashanti (Neolioness) Resigned.

  4 enlisted (2 fresh out of training)

  2 yeoman

  2 noncom techs. -V'v'n Veraxin CPO with hands on experience.

  Admiral Toronto: Neogorilla silverback. Cybernetic right arm. Commanding officer, Orbital Fortresses. Transferred to command 1 then back to the jump point command fortress.

  First Lieutenant Tali Fazid -Female human, blond. Seductress. Childress supporter.

  Captain Bjornson -captain of command 1 fortress 1 at the B109 jump point in Bek. Childress supporter. Promoted to Commodore.

  Captain Rajid Seramunga -Childress supporter, new captain of Harmony of Space. -sent to command a ship in TF1.1.1

  Lieutenant V'r'n'll: Veraxin, former comm officer of Ilmarinen. (JG) Prize captain of Harmony of Space for return to Bek. Turned on Logan. Promoted to full Lieutenant. Transferred to Fortress 2.

  Captain Bailey: Engineer. Against any sort of change and a Nanotech phobic. Childress supporter.

  Rear Admiral Niell Rowley: High Elf, male. Talked Jurnigan down. TF1.4

  Captain JG David Stripe: Flag captain of Rear Admiral Rowley. Neocat Male. Captain of the SD Gunhilda, War maiden class.

  Rosilinda: Staff tactical officer of TF 1.1.1

  Commander Shanti Miller: Female human. Bubbleheaded engineer. Former student of Zek. Recently promoted to Commander. Works in a repair slip. Father is a supporter of Draken.

  Rear Admiral Miller: Human male, supporter of Admiral Draken. Recently was promoted.

  Chief Petty Officer Heavenly: Neomutt.

  Commander Ferguson: Human who tried to relieve Childress but was instead arrested.


  Lieutenant McGuire: Terran Lieutenant, first Bekian Marine to get basic ID implants at VA hospital.

  Meat: Neogorilla male. Marine enlisted.

  Lieutenant Colonel Sarabi: Famous Neolioness Old passed over for promotion, near retirement.

  Lieutenant Colonel Gnoll: Neohyena.

  Colonel Chase Talia: Neorottwieler. Assigned to Horatio's case.

  Rebel Opposition:

  Captain Joan Coglin Captain of Cruiser Deathstrike, in TF1.2.2.

  Commodore Ben Ross, flag officer of TF1.2.2. Brother to Reginald Ross. -Promoted to Rear Admiral -detached duty for the trial. Supposed to shift lights to War Maiden SD Slash and Burn

  Captain JG N'll'm'll Captain of the heavy cruiser Deer Horn Knife. Flag captain for Admiral Ross

; Lieutenant Commander Audrey Saint Clair: Captain of the destroyer Strike Fast and Deep. (T'clock). She had been a TO on the DN Shogun.

  Captain JG Reginald Ross -JAG

  Reese Donigan

  Lieutenant Filmore: Commodore Ross's chief of staff. Neogorilla male.

  Mariko Okamato

  Commodore Diao Yashido: In opposition but not out yet. Commands a battlecruiser squadron. Chimera male. Twin brother to Yukio Yashido. Ship Hunting Roar.

  Commander L'v'r'll: Yashido's Veraxin chief of staff.

  Sizuki Oni

  Sonja Zing

  Manito Tang

  Rear Admiral Sharp Reflexes: T'clock carrier admiral. Female. Old but honorable Bek B senior officer after some relieved or resigned. Former pilot. Promoted to Vice Admiral and takes over Admiralty.

  Rear Admiral Hilda Nilsson: Female human. Spent time in JAG and other staffing at Command 1 before being transferred to command a squadron of SD's. Takes over command of 3rd fleet.

  Commodore Perot: Screen commander. Former pilot.

  Commodore Paulette Fournier: female Neochimp. -promoted to Rear Admiral. Head BuPers.

  Commodore Brunswick: Neobear. Rarity in the navy. Engineering officer in charge of the Bek B repair yard. Chafed under restrictions. -Promoted to Rear Admiral BuShips.

  Lieutenant Commander Jeffery Hobart: Commodore Brunswick's chief of staff. Small man, human. Goes by Hobs.

  Commodore Yukio Yashido: Asian chimera female. Quiet. Sneaky tactician. Knows Albacore. -promoted to rear admiral and given command of ONI.

  Captain Ray Houser: Admiral Sharp Reflexe's Neoorangutan chief of staff. Former CAG.

  Captain SG Ace: Neodoberman. Commander of DD squadron. Arafena, Khanda, and Karambit all go rogue from his unit.

  Destroyers: Falcuta, Kukri (both went to intercept Ilmarinen) Claymore, Zweihandler.

  Captain JG Zedd Neotiger male: Captain of Albacore, HC Bek B.

  Commander Tomar Kaltic: Neogorilla XO of Albacore, HC Bek B.

  Lieutenant commander Alice Wallengrad. 1 of 2 engineering commanders sent to upgrade the Bek shipyards. Has keys, was a ship's chief engineer. Alice resented being taken from her ship for the mission to Bek. Alice assigned to Albacore as chief engineer. Transferred to the Bek B repair yard. -Promoted to Captain JG.

  Commander Josh Jurnigan: Arrested captain of Punch Dagger. Lead 12 dd's from TF2.5.3 to try to arrest Childress but was forced to stand down. Mackraka, Katzbalger DD's also involved.

  Rear Admiral Aloysius: Neoorangutan

  In opposition but retired:

  Vice Admiral Georgi Pashenkov: Neowolf/mutt. -senior most officer in the fleet. -Forced out by Childress and Draken. -goes on extended leave.

  Vice Admiral Soar and Strike: Delquir admiral. Rarity in Navy. JAG -Female, old. Forced to medically retire.

  Vice Admiral Odette Champion: Chimera female head of fourth fleet. Gloss black skin, white hair and eyebrows. Long pointed ears. Red eye whites. Tactical track, apolitical. A hard person to work since she expected the best for but well respected. Goes with Admiral Irons to Pyrax.

  Captain Toby: Admiral Champion's chief of staff.


  Commander Jean Onslo: Neochimp ONI section head tasked with monitoring the transplants from Pyrax.

  Commander Felix Lopez: real name and rank Special agent Felix Brudigan: ONI male human commander who owed Childress a favor. Set up the plasma bomb then disappeared.

  ONI Shield team:

  Philippe Colton: team leader -artificial hand

  Cmdr Al 'Mack' Mackenzie engineer/mechanic. Chief engineer on Illiad (carrier) before being transferred to Ilmarinen.

  Skye: Programmer

  Bek senior staff:

  Admiral Omar Childless: Human male. Blue skin, broad shoulders, silver eyes. Mother is Reba Jamie Childress, CEO of Childress Shipwrights. Returned to duty after Caroline visit. Got anti-geriatric treatments. Exerted influence to take over command. Use position to protect his family's control.

  -Ops: Vice Admiral Sherman Draken: Chimera male. Feline gold eyes. Slitted most of the time. Muzzle with elongated head. Predator teeth. Backward facing horns on his head. The look of a dragon. Long thin limbs from High elf ancestor. He has a hairless body with iridescent red skin that glitters like scales under certain lights. He has a long neck with extra vertebra, and long ears. He has long 3 finger clawed fingertips. More like talons. Sharp predator teeth. Slight muzzle. Has a subsonic growl he uses to intimidate. AKA “Drake the snake” or just “Drake”.

  -Vice Admiral Ss'k'ttthhh (Naga) old male. Chief of ONI. The only senior staff member other than Childress to receive anti-geriatric treatments.

  Rear Admiral Patty Hill: Neochimp female. 1 of her civilian Husbands works for Childress Shipwrights. -Intelligence officer, deputy intel

  Vice Admiral N'r'm'll: Veraxin. Head of BuPers.

  Brigade General Sharif Yetmister: Neogorilla Marine White fur. Arctic blue eyes. Furry. “Yeti” or General Yeti or cold miser

  Rear Admiral C'v'll-Academy commandant, supporter of Childress, hates mustangs. -Also head of BuSchools.

  Rear Admiral Bolt: Male, Neomutt, white small with a bolt symbol on his hips. Loud bark. Takes charge of commander Thistle. -head of bulogistics (was deputy head) Resigns. Replaced with ---

  Rear Admiral Helen Sung: Replaces Admiral Bolt. Former captain in fortress command.

  Vice Admiral Creator of Things -T'clock admiral in charge of Buships. A silent supporter of Logan and Zek. -replaced by Rear Admiral Jean Callisto.

  Rear Admiral Jean Callisto: Chimera female: She had long pointed ears dating back to her mixed high elf parentage, and her flat feline nose, downy spotted fur, and split lip. Replacement for Creator of Things

  Captain Prescott -female public affairs head

  Vice Admiral Heals Quickly -male T'clock head of Bumedical. -Resigned

  Rear Admiral Shren -Elf. New head of JAG. MALE!! FIX IN BOOK!

  Rear Admiral Yancy Culberg: Neodog male New head of Bumedical

  Bek Government:

  Bek High Command: On space station/habitat Command 1.

  K'k'R'll: Veraxin Bek Republic President, also governor of Bek A.

  Nibs: Neocat governor of Bek Republic B component. Also vice President. -Female recently elected.

  Attorney General: Raphael Koitz -chimera. Has rippling colors in his skin.

  Chief of Staff: -L'r'kk Veraxin

  Treasurer: Charif Wattage -also a chimera

  In house counsel (lawyer): Spencer -Neomutt.

  Amanda Tanaka -cabinet member.

  Doctor Q'r'll: Veraxin chief medical officer of Bek.

  Alika Zing, sister to Sonja Zing. Press Secretary

  Senator Spencer Atwater: Chimera

  Senator Gisaine Hsiao

  Senator Nicolas Alvine -from Bek B

  Senator Renaud Bowers -from Bek B

  Senator Ch'r'kk -Veraxin female

  Lars Thurgunsson: Senator, chairman of the military oversight committee and industrial board chairman.

  Doctor Haven: Neochimp female doctor assigned to guide Doctor Naroob.

  Charles: aide to L'r'kk. Human.

  Hypatia Kin: Female Reporter

  Sema family:

  Ingrid Sema: Curly red headed, Greek features married into the family. Met Horatio. Married to Sven.

  Sven Sema: Brother to Moira Sema. Assistant Chief of Staff of Administration.

  Monroe: Neojaguar and manservant of the Sema family.

  Draven: human driver. Chatty.

  Maggie, Joffery -niece and nephew of Moira.

  Childress family and Childress supporters:

  Mrs. Reba Childress: Matriarch of Childress shipwrights. Old battleax. -red hair. Beauty despite her age. Wrinkled hands, smooth face.

  Retired supporters of Childress:

  Vice Admiral Latiff Revere

  Vice Admiral Open Eyes: T'clock who retired a decade prior to run a subcontractor company.

  Vice Admiral Fohad Amir: Coun
terpart to Admiral Open Eyes.

  Jules Fabian: Fabian CNC makers.

  Ch'k'n'll -Veraxin CEO of Snipclick Enterprises. (Formally a T'clock company) Snipclick was a supplier of the military and space industry.

  Transplants from the outer Federation:


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