Promised: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 3)

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Promised: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 3) Page 8

by Sabrina Kade

Drazal’s eyes narrow further as Iriel pulls her closer against him, and together they disappear into the lavender fog. I notice with a frown that Iriel does not even bother to pluck a leaf to shield the pale one’s hair from the rain. Some protection.

  “Forgive me for intruding, Hujun,” Drazal says to me with a slight bow. “I was not looking to stir up any trouble. I just noticed that Fee-Bee was not in the Gathering Room, and I assumed she was with him.”

  My lips part, but Ellis steps in front of me before I can answer. “Is he forcing her to do anything? Does she want to hang out with him? If anything’s wrong, you have to tell someone.”

  Drazal holds up his pale hands, palms covered in scales. I know how badly he wishes they were not there. No Sidyth wishes to have scales on his palms or on the bottoms of their feet. Poor Drazal has both. I know they are quite uncomfortable for him, but they are also considered a blessing by the Fathers so he may never have them removed. Luckily, he only winces slightly, familiar with pain even after his short span of life.

  “She wants to be with him, I suppose,” he says, raking that scaled hand through his short, light golden hair. “I want to make sure she’s okay. I remember how he acted with Prince Korben’s Chosen—”

  “I remember that too,” Ellis interrupts. “There’s something I don’t like about him.”

  “You are not alone,” Drazal says, smiling up at me. “Your mate is very observant, Hujun. I’d expect no less from one Chosen by you.”

  “She is not—” I start to say, but Ellis interrupts again.

  “So why doesn’t anyone stop him?”

  Drazal sighs. It is evident Phoebe spending time with Iriel bothers him greatly. “I cannot force her spend time with me when she chooses to spend time with him. The least I can do is make sure she is safe. Unfortunately, Iriel knows what I’m up to. That’s why he takes her to the second lair.” He shrugs. “I am taking up too much of your time. I apologize.”

  “No apologies needed, brother.”

  Drazal’s shoulders relax, curiously looking at Ellis. But not as though he wants to court her. It’s obvious he cares for the pale-haired one, as blank as her expression may be. It makes me feel a little calmer about speaking with him, but suddenly I’m plagued with an overwhelming urge to wrap my arm around Ellis’ shoulders. I do not worry Drazal would try to steal her from me, but this interaction reminds me of what happened with Yayk. Perhaps, despite my words, Yayk would have been less likely to take Ellis if I had put a more obvious physical claim on her.

  Drazal starts talking again, but I cannot focus because of this thought. It irks me. I realize how empty Ellis’ shoulders look without my touch. I realize how strange I feel when I do not have her close to my side. These past few days I could not quite place my finger on why I felt empty despite knowing Ellis was safe. I don’t merely want her to be safe. I want to be the one who keeps her safe. I want her. I drape my arm around her shoulder and pull her close to me, and though she stiffens, she doesn’t move away.

  Drazal stops talking, looking a bit forlorn.

  “You two don’t need to stick around. I’m not doing anything now. If you’d like me to do guard duty until you return, I do not mind, Hujun.”

  “Perhaps a quick walk while the rain is light would not be such a bad idea, yes?” I turn my chin down towards Ellis.

  She flushes again. Moons. How am I only noticing her reactions now?

  “S-sure. A walk sounds nice. And uh, thank you.”

  I nod, gently guiding her toward the fields, but she turns back.

  “Don’t give up,” she says to Drazal, who looks surprised by her words.

  Then he relaxes, smiling awkwardly at Ellis. “I don’t plan to.”

  I can tell this answer pleases her, and for whatever reason, this pleases me as well.

  I suppose we are all pleased.



  The sound of rain is the only thing going on for miles as Hujun guides me away from the main lair, but that doesn’t make the landscape any less beautiful on Hethdiss. I’m sure some of the girls haven’t noticed the lusciousness of this planet, but I sure have. It’s like something from Planet Earth only instead of the standard trees we’re used to; the trees are like palms with dark purple trunks and light purple leaves. The area is always majestic, and despite the humidity and cloudy days, the air smells like fall forests. I steal a look up to the skies, pushing my focus through the thick leaves and inhale as I take in the two moons overhead. As a working woman, it’s always been rare for me to be outside, so I remember always to enjoy these moments because I don’t know how long they will last.

  Hujun has his arm draped around my shoulder, and though I’m frightened he’s going to reject me yet again, I’m happy to see him. I’m relieved he didn’t lie to me. When I asked him what he was doing outside Korben’s room, I could tell how much he didn’t want to admit that he wanted to see me too. He started to lie. But one look in my eyes and he quickly realized another lie wasn’t the way to get me to open up again.

  Like the warm air on Hethdiss, Hujun is slowly shifting to match the atmosphere.

  Once the main lair opening is just a blur, I take a seat on a flat top rock, hardly minding that my thighs and ass immediately get wet. Hujun watches me but doesn’t sit down, staring down at me from that impressive height. I wonder if he’s looking for danger too, and I can’t believe how little animals are on this planet. One would expect more ferociousness, but perhaps Korben’s father knew this place was safe. Still, I decide not to focus on the terrors hidden in the purple trees, remembering Hujun will keep me safe no matter what.

  “Hey,” I say awkwardly, as though we haven’t already made introductions.

  “How are you?” He openly shifts his attention, taking me in with his intense golden eyes. “How have you been?”

  My eyes widen. Hujun isn’t usually open with his curiosity, and this makes me smile up at him. I hope my smile reaches my eyes because, otherwise, he’s going to grow more interested, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to be the complete center of his attention quite yet.

  “I miss you.” He probably doesn’t want to hear this, but I can’t think of anything else truer to say. I’ve been doing better lately. But I miss him. And yes, I’m weak, but I still miss him. “I’ve missed you, Hujun. I’m sorry if that annoys you, but—”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” He lowers himself down to the damp earth, and a large hand lands on each one of my knees. His palms are chilly, and I take in a trembling breath as he inches closer. “Do not think anything you do annoys me, Ellis. I have missed you more than I thought it was possible to miss anyone.”

  “Oh…” I must sound like an idiot, but shockingly, Hujun slowly inches my knees apart, so there’s room for him to kneel between them. “I didn’t know that before—”

  “So now you know.”

  He stares at me in silence, and I can’t help but wonder if he doesn’t know what to do next. My eyes land on his mouth, lips full and pouty with two shockingly sharp looking canines on each corner that are two times longer than mine. It’s an intimidating mouth, but suddenly I want to kiss it. Does Hujun know what kisses are? Would he freak out if I tried to press my mouth against his?

  “Ellis,” he rumbles, pulling me away from this thought. I blink stupidly. “Do you know what my greatest fear is?”

  Not exactly the question I hoped for or expected, but any conversation with Hujun is appreciated. “I don’t.” He licks his lips. God, it’s such a beautiful mouth.

  “I am afraid of being weak.”

  “You? Afraid of being weak? You’re like the scariest guy here! How can you possibly be worried about that, Hujun?”

  He shakes his head, and a few drops of rain escape from his already glistening skin. There’s something he wants to say, but the words won’t come, and I won’t force them to. Being weak. I still can’t quite understand how Hujun even has a thought like that on his radar.

  Until horr
or strikes me.

  “Hujun, do you think I make you weak?”

  He doesn’t answer right away. He doesn’t have to. Hujun is always confident when he responds when he knows the answer. If he’s not saying anything, that means he’s not sure.

  He’s unsure if wanting me makes him weak.

  “Is it because I’m short? Like a kid?”

  He snorts. “You are fine.”

  This makes me blush. That’s Hujun. When he knows something, he doesn’t mince words.

  “So what is it?” I take a chance and edge myself to the end of the rock and wrap my arms around his neck. I expect him to swat me away like a mosquito, but he remains still. “Why do I make you weak?”

  “I did not say you make me weak.”

  “Why do you think I could make you weak?”

  He lowers his head, frowning. I’m not quite sure what his mindset is, but something about being with me, more than simply protecting me, makes him hesitant. And that pisses me off.

  “How about we try a test?” I offer.

  His head lifts slightly. “A test?”

  I nod. “Yes. You’ve seen Blythe and Korben, right?”

  “Many times.”

  I frown. “Not just standing next to each other.”

  “I have seen her laying in their bed. And Korben—”

  “No!” I yelp, pounding him once on the chest. Fuck, he’s built like a rock. I quickly wrap my punching arm around his shoulder again, unsure when he’ll let me touch him like this a second time. I’m already turned on and overwhelmed. “Not just around each other. Have you seen them…”

  “Pleasuring one another?”

  Yes. “No,” I say quickly. “At least, that’s not what I’m talking about. Have you seen them with their mouths locked together?”

  “Kissing?” He frowns. “Yes. Korben is quite comfortable with that type of mouth-to-mouth embrace. Azan, as well, though I am sure it is more uncomfortable—”

  “Do you think them kissing their mates makes them weak, Hujun?” I tilt my head, trying to find his eyes. “Do you think physically showing affection for their mate makes them weak?”

  “They can afford to be weak.” He sounds as though he’s trying to be patient, but his cock is slowly starting to swell and rise. I pinch my thighs together. If I can feel myself getting aroused, then I’m sure Hujun already tastes it. I don’t want him to pull away. I love the feel of him in my arms. At my level. Locking his eyes on mine. I wish… oh, I wish it could always be like this.

  But I know it can’t, so I know if I’m going to push my luck, now’s the time.

  “Can you afford to be weak right now?” I whisper.

  “We are safe here.”

  “So… why don’t you try something… with me?” When his eyebrows furrow, I dare to lean in a little closer. “Kiss me.”

  “What?” He sounds horrified… and yet… excited by the idea.

  “Kiss me and see if it makes you weak.” I lean forward, testing my boundaries. Waiting to see if he’ll pull away in disgust. If he genuinely does find me even the slightest bit attractive, he should be able to endure my lips pressed against his. And though I’m a little frightened as I lean in and horrible memories of Yayk wash over me, I chant over and over again that Hujun isn’t Yayk.

  Focus on the here. Focus on the now.

  Here is Hujun. Kissing is now.

  I don’t give him time to think any longer. I close the final gap and press my lips against his. They’re soft and dry, and he seems a little confused about what to do. He doesn’t purse or push, and he doesn’t shift or move. His lips are just there. Doesn’t he know what to do? I pull away momentarily, locking my eyes with his.

  “Do you feel weak?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “That was the kiss?”

  “Sort of.”

  “Yes. It looked different when Korben did that with his mate. More meshing? More movement?”

  “So move your lips. Don’t think, feel.”

  I close my eyes and go in for a second try, and I swear his cock bursts into an upward position. His mouth is much larger than mine, but I manage to mesh my lips against his, tracing my tongue across the dry, soft surface. He tastes like man, musk, forest, and fire, but even though I’m starting to enjoy myself, I’m worried this is doing absolutely nothing for him. I push harder, lifting my ass off the rock completely and stand. I’m barely taller than him now even when he’s on his knees, but this seems to be working as Hujun’s arms tightly wrap around my waist, thumbs pressing into my hip bones.

  He’s moving on instinct now.

  When his lips part slightly, I finally spot an opening and dare to poke my tongue inside. This surprises him at first, gripping my hips more tightly, and I groan greedily against his mouth as a few stars appear with that intense touch. Scales are scattered over his tongue. I’ve heard York and Blythe say this before but experiencing a Sidyth’s tongue first hand is an entirely new experience. I’ve been forced to pleasure Sidyths in the past, but never mouth-to-mouth, so this is like nothing I’ve experienced before.

  Plus, there’s the whole matter of me wanting to kiss him and not being forced to.

  I’m surprised when Hujun lets me lead, even when he cups the bottom of my ass and lifts me so he can stand. Maybe he wasn’t as comfortable as I thought, but I don’t mind because now I’m in his arms. I still feel safe and protected. And goddamn, I’m aroused. I brush nervous fingertips through his short, golden-streaked hair, afraid my next touch will be the one that breaks him. I’m scared I’ll do something wrong, and he’ll pull away with regret in his eyes. I don’t want him to think that being with me, or even kissing me will weaken him.

  He makes me feel stronger. More confident. Why can’t I give that same feeling to him?

  It’s possible!

  Not wanting to waste this incredible opportunity, I lower my hands from his neck and feel the bulk in his shoulders and neck. Thick, corded muscles coat everywhere along with those unimaginable scales. I’m surprised by the texture. I half expected something hard and rigid, but Hujun’s scales remind me of something a few times thicker than bay leaves and soft like peaches. I run a few of them between my fingers, and Hujun hisses hungrily into my mouth, finally poking his tongue into mine.

  Oh. Fudging. Poopsicle. It shouldn’t feel this amazing.

  He shouldn’t seem like he already knows what he’s doing.

  I want more. I want Hujun in my arms all day and all night. I want to feel what his tongue would be like between my thighs. He’d have me crying out his name in minutes. I’m incredibly aroused just kissing him alone. I keep waiting for him to push me away. Mutter what seems to be a universal complaint similar to “I can’t do this,” or “it’s not you, it’s me,” but Hujun kisses me more and more deeply. He’s groaning into my mouth. He’s holding me up as though I’m as light as a feather and his cock is as stiff as a board, prodding me under my skirt.

  And then… there’s a clumsy rustling in the trees.

  It’s not Hujun or me.

  Someone’s coming, and he must feel it too because he blinks and quickly sets me down on the ground.

  “Don’t move,” he growls, but I know he’s not trying to intimidate me, but for whatever’s made that sound.

  I’m panting hard after he assaulted me with his mouth, but I try to keep my composure for Hujun’s sake. He doesn’t seem the least bit fazed other than his erect dick, and now thanks to this intrusion, I won’t have the answer I desperately crave.

  Will kissing me make him weak? I know I certainly don’t feel weak… well, maybe that’s not fair. My legs feel like jelly, and my arousal is dripping down my thigh, but I don’t feel weak.

  He’s got to feel the same way.

  “Who is there?” Hujun hisses, advancing toward the sound. The few scales on his back are splaying away from his skin. This makes me nervous because it reminds me of my neighbor’s dog back home because she didn’t like strangers. My pulse picks up again,
and I realize we’re not alone amongst the trees. I know it sounds creepy, but I swear I can smell other Sidyths lurking around. Peeping Toms?

  I don’t care what Hujun says, I run up and clutch at his hips. Luckily, he doesn’t freak out, focused on the sound ahead of him.

  But there’s rustling behind us too.


  And they don’t sound familiar to me.

  There’re different voices, possibly ones from the second lair.

  But they sound younger than most of the ones I’ve seen. And though their voices are hushed, my translator is on full blast lately. I don’t want to miss a single utterance by any of these possible monsters in disguise. I look up at Hujun, trying to catch his attention so he can turn around, but whatever’s making the noise in front of him must be a distraction for the voices behind.

  They’re talking as though they know Hujun can’t hear them, but they also don’t think I’ll understand.

  “Human.” One says in a low voice. “Female.”


  “No. Small.”

  My heart stops cold. I turn over my shoulder, ready to cry out in fear. Memories of Yayk. Yayk coming back for me. Back to tear me away from Hujun and the others. Back to get his pleasure.

  But no one comes. No one grabs me.

  Fear still leaves me paralyzed.

  “Yayk was right,” another voice says, and my vision blurs. “The one with Hujun. She’s the one—”

  My knees give out. Everything goes black.


  Yayk was right. The one with Hujun. She’s the one—

  Even before I open my eyes, the hushed words in Sidese rush through my head. Of course, Yayk told someone about what happened. About how Hujun threw him down for the simple act of wanting to be pleasured by a Human Whore. He’s back on his homeland, so he has nothing to fear. The first thing he did was tattle on Hujun for hitting him over something as inconsequential as me.

  I’m terrified to open my eyes.

  With my eyes closed, I’m in limbo. If I open them, I could be anywhere. Anything could have happened. Someone might have killed Hujun. He might have killed someone. I might have been taken to the second lair. Maybe Iriel didn’t like the way I thought he acted around Phoebe. With my eyes closed, I don’t have to think about facing any of these possibilities. Because I know when I open my eyes, all bets are off the table.


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