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Promised: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 3)

Page 13

by Sabrina Kade

  I feel terrible momentarily as he continues to assault my delicate folds because I’m supposed to be exploring him. He’s not supposed to be making me scream like a wild animal. I’m not supposed to be on my back, begging him to give me more.

  But that’s what’s happening.

  More. Fuck. More. I need so much more.

  I’ve never felt like this with a man’s dick before, let alone a man’s finger. I didn’t even think it was possible to get off without a vibrator or my fingers in the mix, but any time I even try to get involved, Hujun hisses and tells me no. Wild lust breaks through his ordinarily calm, golden eyes, but I’m not afraid. I’m loving and milking every single moment.

  I can’t hold on much longer.

  I pound on one of his muscular thighs and try to pull myself up off my back.

  “I’m going to… I’mgoingtocome,” I slur out to him.

  Hujun merely growls and pushes me back to the floor without stopping his finger thrusting.

  And then… an orgasm rocks through me. Hard and borderline painful because even as the aftershocks begin, Hujun keeps pushing through me. He doesn’t know to stop, and I haven’t told him to. But still, it’s hard to focus when I’m coming at the same time Hujun is trying to keep giving me pleasure.

  “Hujun. Please… I…”

  “No…” He’s thrusting harder into my folds.

  A second orgasm hits me before the first one finishes, and the scent of my arousal is so strong that I can’t help but wonder if Hujun is choking on it. I’m trying to find him through the haze of my back-to-back orgasms, but all I see is a massive, pale body hunched over mine with wild, sex-crazed golden eyes. He’s breathing hard as he watches me pant and moan, and I somehow notice he’s more focused on me than trying to find release for himself.

  I want to feel terrible. But when my vision clears, I can see how pleased he is with himself.

  “Look a little smugger, why don’t you?” I grumble, wishing I had some dignity.

  Hujun’s entirely focused on my juices on his fingers, lapping them up like he’s eating buffalo wings at a bar. I think I heard York say that once about Azan’s fascination with pussy, and now I get it.

  “You taste better than anything,” he says, darting his tongue in and out to lap up every single drop. “I want more.”

  My eyes widen. I haven’t given him anything in return, and he’s not expecting it. A weak protest hits my lips as Hujun leans over me again, but no words come.

  His fingers are already back inside me.

  “Yes,” I mutter, not only for him to hear, but for myself. “I want this. I want much more of this.”


  Several hours later I’m utterly spent and laying on my back as the rain picks up beyond the shelter. Hujun seems hesitant to lay down beside me, but the man’s made me come more times than I can count for moon’s sake. If he’s not going to ask me to blow or jerk him off, he should at least feel comfortable enough laying down next to me. I narrow my eyes at him fully, and though the corner of his mouth quirks up as though there’s a chance he may smile, he doesn’t. I don’t mind. Some guys look weird when they smile, and I’m pretty sure Hujun is one of them. He lays down on his side, and without a word at first, he pulls me against his chest. I swear I can smell myself on him.

  Smoky, he said.

  “My Ellis,” he growls/purrs into my hair, making me tingly again.

  “I thought you were supposed to be a virgin,” I try to tease. “No one’s made me feel like that before.”


  I smirk. Such a typical answer for Hujun, but as my mouth opens to ask him to explain himself, he has a question of his own.

  “You were aroused when I touched you, but I detected fear.” He swallows. “Are you scared of me, Ellis?”


  “Remember what we said about lies.”

  I remember, but it’s difficult to explain. I don’t know what Hujun wants to hear, so I decide rambling until I reach an answer is the best decision.

  “I’m worried about Yayk,” I admit. “I’m worried that at some point, he’s going to have to come back with another delivery. For all I know, he wants to come back, you know? And I’m just here. Sometimes I wonder if the best option is for me to leave Hethdiss altogether. At least when I’m traveling the universe, I’ll be harder to track down.”

  His expression shifts slightly. “You are not leaving my side,” he rumbles. “Besides, it is not you he is upset with. It is me.”

  “You?” I try to remember that night. “Is it because you denied him from pleasuring me?”

  “I suppose that is part of it.” He shrugs. “Our belief systems here on Hethdiss are very different from those in the fatherland. As far as Yayk could tell, you were available for pleasure. Not only because you are unmated, but because you are a whore.”

  I wince, but if Hujun notices, he doesn’t correct himself. And why should he? I am a whore. I signed the damn papers.

  “Back at the fatherland, no one would step in to stop a Sidyth from pleasuring a human woman. Perhaps there would be a battle for her, but more than likely, the weaker brother would step aside and take his turn later.”

  I shudder. “And you?” I ask carefully. “Have you…”

  “I am here because I am not like Yayk,” he says shortly. “No. I have never done anything like this.”

  I hum to myself, wondering if he’s telling the truth. But what reason would Hujun have to lie to me? “Are you really planning to do what you said you would do if you find the ones who talked to Yayk about what happened?” I frown at the past discussion, remembering how much Hujun’s eyes lit up like a damn Christmas tree. He’s excited to seek revenge. He’s excited to send a message.

  “I am.”

  “And what if it’s your brother? What if it’s Chentan?”

  He stiffens. “It is not.”

  “What if they’re from the second lair?”

  “They’re not.”

  “How do you know, Hujun?”

  “Because I know.”


  He hisses but doesn’t answer right away. He’s hinting at something all of the girls have considered since arriving on Hethdiss. There’s a reason we’re not allowed beyond the lairs without an escort. There’s a reason there are two lairs set up. There’re hints. Always hints, but none of the Sidyths say anything.

  That stops now.

  “There are others, aren’t there, Hujun?” He takes in a sharp intake of breath, squeezing me tightly to him. He doesn’t have to answer. “A lot?” Another squeeze. “Hujun…” I push myself away from his chest so I can look him fully in the eyes. “If there’s a bunch of others here who may side with Yayk, don’t you think it’s a bad idea to do this? If your plan doesn’t work—”

  “It will work.”

  “How can you possibly know that?”

  “Because I know my people, Ellis. Prince Korben knows how to rule them. Azan knows how to speak to them. I know how to end them.” I shudder. “You do not like it when I talk like this.”

  “I don’t.”

  “It scares you, yes?”

  “A little. Can you blame me?”

  “I suppose not, but you must know, Ellis…” he trails off and cups my cheek in his massive hand, “I am who I am. I am not even going to change myself, even for a mate.” He frowns and pulls himself to me. “If anything, I shall become more of a monster to protect someone I care about as fiercely as I care about you.”

  His words aren’t beautiful. They never are, but I guess I have to accept that. If I genuinely want to be with Hujun (and after what happened just a few hours earlier, I can’t think of anything I want more), I need to accept him for who he is, or at least who he thinks he has to be.

  “I care about you too. I always have.” His eyes widen, and I kiss his jaw, resisting the urge to suck on a stray scale. I think it would be hot, but I’m not sure how he would react. “I like how you’re scary but
soft-spoken. I like how you don’t need to say a lot of words to get a bunch of ideas across. I wanted you from the moment you walked me around the Gathering Room. Do you even remember that day?”

  He nods. “I had never seen such a tiny being before that was not a sprog.” I roll my eyes. “But that did not make you any less of a woman to me. It was odd.”

  “What was?” I’m already dreading his response.

  “I was convinced Prince Korben asked me to watch over you as a test.”

  “What the hell? A test? What for?”

  “To see if I was still strong. To see if I could resist a woman’s advances. I thought you were only kind to me because you wanted to see if I was weak.”

  My eyes widen. So that’s all the nonsense about being weak. He thought Korben was testing his fucking bodyguard. Handing him a dull, young looking human.

  Would he be able to resist? Would he succumb to her feminine wiles? Would he be able to keep the peace in the first lair if he wanted a woman by his side?

  Prince Korben isn’t my favorite Sidyth here, but I want to believe there’s no way in hell he would do that to Hujun.

  I swear to God though, if he is testing him, I may have to kill him myself.

  “It’s not a test. At least not on my end.”

  “I believe you.” He shakes his head. “I found it difficult though. You are beautiful. You are small, but you have a maturity in your eyes many of these women do not. Many of my brothers viewed you as a sprog, but after only speaking to you a few times, it was easy to see you are one of the most intelligent women here. That is why I was shocked when you continued to talk to me. You didn’t have to.”

  “I didn’t,” I admit. “But I liked being around you. Like. Still do.”

  He almost smiles. Not quite. It’s such a beautiful expression, my heart races. When he smiles for real, I’m afraid I’m going to burst out into tears.

  “I am afraid too, Ellis,” he admits in a low voice.

  This isn’t the response I’m expecting and nudge myself a little more deeply into his nook. He’s chilled but warm. I’m not sure how. The rain falls even harder outside the shelter, and there’s faint rumbling of thunder in the distance. But all I can focus on is the Sidyth in front of me.

  Before me, I have an alien. Over seven feet of hard, scaled muscle and he’s admitting that he’s afraid of something.

  “What the hell could you possibly be afraid of?”

  “Seeing you. Seeing me. Killing those who instilled fear in you.”


  “You shouldn’t worry about that now,” I whisper. “For now, let’s sleep.”

  I want to offer him more. I wish I could pull him closer and kiss him until my lips bleed and my teeth shatter. I want to tell him I’ll never turn away from him now that I have him. I want to say no matter how vicious he gets, no matter how brutal he becomes, I’ll never leave his side.

  I also don’t want to lie to him.

  A small voice continues to whisper how dangerous he is. And if he Chooses me and scares me out of my wits tomorrow, where does that leave us? Where does that leave me? I’ve seen Hujun grow excited talking about killing.

  I think about his plan for tomorrow, and I wonder if I’ll be able to handle this side of him. He says his plan will not fail. He says he understands his people, rather, how to end them. He understands how to kill efficiently. He talks about murder and carnage as though it’s a major he took in college.

  It scares me.

  I care about him. I’m falling for him.

  I’m still scared.

  Only tomorrow will let me know how much I’ve changed since arriving here on Hethdiss.

  Since falling for him.

  I’m whispering to myself as I start to doze off. This might be the most peaceful night I’ll have, but my mind continues to race. I try to remember the words Kansas chants at me.

  Focus on the here. Focus on the now.

  Sleep follows, but it’s not pleasant.



  The following morning, Phoebe’s running her mouth like it’s the day after the prom. She keeps whisper hissing, asking if Hujun and I finally closed the deal, and I honestly don’t know how she can be so chipper. For one, there’s no coffee or anything close to it other than gessroot tea on this fudging planet and two, Hujun’s going to kill someone today.

  Or get himself killed.

  Or get us all killed.

  In twenty-four Earth hours, this is all going to be over with. Maybe even sooner than that, and as Hujun and Drazal pack up what can only be described as furry tents, I try tuning out Phoebe and look as far as my eyes will allow.

  Hethdiss itself isn’t a terrible planet. Not really. The colors and vibrancy always take my breath away. The trees and grass are beautiful, something straight out of a National Geographic spread with light and dark green trees mixed in with the lavender and pink morning fog. Shockingly, it’s not raining, and Drazal explains that Chentan knew this would be the case.

  He talked to Chentan? How much did Hujun tell him?

  I’m not convinced someone from the second lair isn’t involved, but Hujun remains confident as always.

  I’m afraid because anything (or anyone) beyond the second lair is a mystery to me.

  “Shall we go?” Drazal asks Phoebe and I, already slinging a pack over his broad shoulder. “We’ve got a bit of a walk ahead of us.”

  “More walking?” Phoebe whines. “My feet are killing me.”

  “How?” Hujun seems fascinated by this.

  “It’s just a figure of speech,” I assure him.

  “We shall soon be finished,” Drazal promises before his expression darkens. “I want to believe the walk back will be far more pleasant.”

  I want to believe we’ll all be alive to walk back in the first place.

  I arch an eyebrow at Drazal’s serious face. I’m not sure how much he knows about what’s going on, and Phoebe most likely knows even less. She hasn’t hinted toward knowing anything about Hujun’s plan to use us, and I suppose that’s one of the reasons Drazal or Hujun don’t stop her from talking so loudly that the leaves rustle. She’s in a good mood, bragging about Iriel and the things he’s done for her. She even mentions Dolan’s horrible Christmas gift where he really did sing an Eric Clapton song at the top of his lungs in front of all the girls in the Gathering Room.

  “It was awful!” she squeals. “And Layla just kept telling him to stop, but he kept going.”

  “She was humiliated from what I heard.”

  “But it was sweet, don’t you think?”

  I frown and look toward Hujun and Drazal who flank the two of us on either side. I’m sure they’re listening in on our conversation, but they’re also watching the trees. We’re not alone. The thought makes me antsy, and Hujun must sense this because he drops a hand to my shoulder and squeezes it gently.

  “It is a while to go,” he promises. “We are more concerned with dilewilers.”

  “Agreed,” Drazal says, not looking down at either of us.

  That seems to be good enough for Phoebe as she starts chattering loudly again. “I didn’t think Dolan was going to be quite so bad, though. I mean, these guys look kind of like humans? I thought he would be able to sing. But he just kept getting worse and worse, and so I figured, I’d lie and tell him he was good, so he could sing the damn song, move on and—”

  “Wait!” I squeak, halting my steps.

  “We should not stop moving,” Drazal mutters as I quickly find my pace again. “The dilewilers will think one of us is hurt. They will come to inspect.”

  “We’re moving, sparky, relax,” Phoebe says, sounding too much like Arizona for my liking, but I can’t even focus on that now.

  “Wait. Are you the one who told Dolan to sing in front of everyone?”

  “I didn’t tell him to sing in front of everyone!” she squeals. “I just taught him how to sing the song. I thought it was cute! My dad sang to my mo
m when he proposed and—”

  “Except Layla’s not interested in him, you dumbass. She likes Exer!”

  “Exer likes Sloane.”

  “The bloody haired one?” Drazal chimes in.


  “That’s true,” Hujun agrees, shrugging.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I hiss toward Phoebe. “Layla thinks Sloane taught him that song. She thought it was part of some conspiracy to humiliate her! Make sure to clear things up when we get back.”

  “If we get back, right?” Phoebe shrugs.

  I stop again right before Hujun nudges me forward. “Still moving,” I hiss, jogging to catch up to Phoebe who’s still smiling like an idiot. “What did you say?”

  “I said… if we get back.” She’s speaking more slowly as though I’m the idiot, and it pisses me off. Just how much does she know?

  “Phoebe, do you know what’s going to happen?”

  “No more talking.” Hujun’s voice is shakier than usual.

  This, of course, makes me clamp my mouth shut and play close attention. We’re stopped now, under the shroud of the trees, but Hujun’s attention is locked on something above my head. Several yards above his head. I get closer to him and dig my fingertips into his hip, trying to peer around his waist to see what’s caught his eyes, but I don’t see anything but colorful foliage.

  I don’t like Hujun to sound crazed with bloodlust but seeing him nervous is something I want even less.

  “What do you think?” Drazal asks in a voice somehow lower than a whisper. “Dilewiler?”

  “Yes,” Hujun whispers back.

  “We should not have stopped,” Drazal says, frowning down at me. As though this whole situation is my fault.

  Well, shit, I guess it is.

  “Is it one of those nightmare things?” At least Phoebe understands now isn’t the time to be chirping loudly.

  “I believe so,” Drazal says back. “Mother. Possibly with sprog.”

  “Teaching them to hunt,” Hujun says.

  “Easy targets, or so she reasons,” Drazal tacks on.

  There’s movement in the trees, and I jump, resisting the urge to scream like a chick in a horror movie, keeping my arms tightly around Hujun’s waist. Fuck, he’s hard with muscle everywhere, not that it’s time to think about that.


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