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Promised: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 3)

Page 19

by Sabrina Kade

  “Gifts?” Yayk asks with a chuckle. “Hujun, you shouldn’t have!”

  “You know these are not gifts,” Drazal says.

  Hujun starts to move toward the trio, but Yayk holds up his hands.

  “Relax, Hujun. Who’s to say I am not armed?” He reaches against his hip, and Hujun stops, narrowing his eyes.

  “You are bluffing, brother,” Drazal says.

  “What if he’s not?” I hiss, reaching for Hujun. “He has a weapon. Don’t get any closer. I won’t lose you today. Not after everything we’ve gone through until this point.”

  “He’s lying,” Hujun rumbles back.

  “What if I am not?” Yayk smiles at the Sidyths flanking him on both sides. “I don’t know if you know this, Hujun, but I’ve been sent here to take care of the mess you created. We…” he gestures at his friends, “… are true followers of the crown. We are here to make sure you never have the opportunity to embarrass our race more so again than you have already.”

  “Hujun, please,” I whisper. “Maybe he’s telling the truth.”

  “He’s lying. A terrible thing to do, yes? You hate lies.” He lowers his chin to look at me, but I’m not comfortable. There’s something in Yayk’s eyes that makes me hesitate.

  “You are traitors,” Hujun finally speaks directly to the trio. “I have already spoken with Prince Korben who has passed a message on to his father. You are here because you are the ones being punished, Yayk. As you can clearly observe, Prince Korben’s father believes in his son. Otherwise, you would not be sent here to die.” He frowns at the strangers. “I feel bad for both of you.”

  Hujun’s words resonate with the trio, because the two others maneuver themselves closer to Yayk.

  I hear their words, but just barely.

  “You said we’d be dropped off away from Prince Korben’s lair,” the slimmer of the two whisper hisses.

  “Why are they here, Yayk? You said we would be safe.”

  “I know I did, Kagin,” Yayk hisses. “I’m not sure why he’s here.”

  I don’t need to hear any more. It’s like Hujun’s said. They’re lying. They’re not faithful followers of the crown. If anything, Korben begged his father to have these three punished for upsetting him. And while he did promise them they wouldn’t be dropped off near Korben’s lair because of the altercation with Hujun, he casually relayed the message to Hujun.

  Sidyths genuinely are a cruel race.

  Yayk, Kagin and the other are merely at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sort of.

  As though the ship realizes this transaction is complete, it starts to hiss and roar again, closing up the entrance doorway. Kagin and the other with Yayk let out weak protests, but within a few tense moments, the ship is airborne, and they are left stranded on Hethdiss with the rest of us. Two humans and two Sidyths face down three Sidyths.

  I shouldn’t cringe, but this isn’t over yet.

  I don’t know if the Sidyths with Yayk are fighters like Hujun.

  I’ll never be able to relax until everyone’s dead.

  Shit. And now I sound like Hujun.

  “Why did you have to fight me over a Human Whore, Hujun?” Yayk asks, though it’s clear he’s unnerved now that the ship is gone. “If you would have simply let me pleasure her—”

  “She said no.”

  “I didn’t hear anything.”

  “Because you grabbed my tongue!” I shout, ears growing hot as I realize I’ve drawn attention to myself. All three of the new Sidyths stare at me with shocked expressions, and I move behind Hujun, trying to gather my nerves again.

  Yayk only laughs. “Ahh, yes. I do recall doing such a thing. Your tongue was strange to me. I longed to touch it. Still, I believe you were the one who flirted with me. You were the one who offered that I spend the night, yes?” He turns toward his brothers. “She asked me to stay, Kagin. Selim, you know better than most of us that Human Whores are good at what they do. I was merely giving her what she was all but begging me for. Perhaps Hujun’s lack of interest was to blame—”

  “Shut up!” I screech, annoyed because he’s not wrong.

  “You offered yourself to me, Whore.”

  “Her intentions—” Hujun starts.

  “I care not about the intentions of a Whore,” Yayk spits out. “And if not for her, and you, brother, I would not be in this predicament. I will not forget this.” His golden eyes narrow at me with a distasteful frown. “Believe it or not, Whore, you are the last being I want to see.”

  I wince, but then remember Yayk has no weapons. No other weapons other than his hands. And Hujun is there with me. And though Drazal and Phoebe are mostly quiet, I’m sure they’re supporting us in their own ways.

  “Tell you what,” Yayk purrs, looking at Salim and Kagin. “This day doesn’t have to end in bloodshed. Why don’t you give me the Whore… or even that one there… and we can all go home. No one has to fight.”

  “You think I’m afraid of you?” Drazal asks.

  Yayk barks out a booming laugh. “I am hardly concerned with you, brother. Though your Whore certainly is different. Light where Hujun’s is dark.”

  “Neither of them is for bartering,” Drazal says, as Hujun remains silent.

  “Look, we’re not trying to start any trouble here,” Yayk says smoothly, and I’m not sure what gives him so much confidence.

  Hujun looks as though he’s ready to end him, but he hasn’t moved. Despite his words, maybe he is a little worried that he has a weapon. Knowing this, I try to keep my mouth shut as Yayk continues talking.

  “Look, we’re all in the same predicament here. We’re stranded on this awful planet. And look at me! I was not exiled to start. I was loyal to the crown and look where I ended up. Give me the Whore as a gift, and I’ll be sure word gets back about how you’ve changed. Everyone knows how much you want to go home again, Hujun.”

  Hujun stiffens. A hiss escapes.

  “Don’t attack. We don’t know if he has a weapon.”

  “No, we don’t,” Drazal says quietly. “We must play this correctly.”

  “I have a plan,” Hujun says, lowering his attention to me. “Do you trust me?”

  The answer in my head is immediate, but at first, I can’t bring the words to surface. I do trust him. I do, but I don’t trust Yayk, and I don’t even know Selim or Kagin. So much can go wrong. But Hujun promised we’d be alive by the end of the day. He promised he would take care of me. He Chose me. I Chose him. I belong to him as much as he belongs to me.

  And yet I hesitate. I hate that.

  “You are worth all of this,” Hujun reminds me in a rumble. “Do you trust me, or not?”

  My eyes water. He’s not telling me what he’s about to do. I’m scared now.

  But I nod, and Hujun lifts his head.

  “Very well. It is true that I want to remain in good graces with the fatherland,” he says grimly. “Take her. The Whore is yours.”

  “What?” I scream as Yayk’s friends start to rush forward.

  “What?” Drazal bellows.

  “What the fuck?” Phoebe screeches. “No!”

  “This is the best way,” Hujun rumbles as my arms are seized in a painful grip. “My loyalty lies with Prince Korben. And as the saying goes, the needs of the many outweigh the selfish needs of the few.” He shoots me a disappointed look. “And you, Ellis, are only one human. A Whore at that. I must think of my prince. I thank you for trusting my judgment.”

  What the actual fuck?


  My eyes haven’t stopped watering since Selim and Kagin rushed forward and grabbed me. Phoebe and Drazal watch the scene unfold as though they can’t believe their eyes. I’m not sure if I’m having a nightmare. He’s not really betraying me. He can’t really be betraying me. But there’s a second voice now, remembering his cruel words. Words only a Sidyth would speak. I’m just a human. One human. A Human Whore.

  Giving me to Yayk and his buddies could mean safety for the rest of the lairs.
  But where the fuck does that leave me?

  “We’ll take our leave,” Yayk says, starting to spin, and I screech loudly.

  “Wait, no! Hujun—”

  “Wait, brother,” Hujun rumbles patiently.

  Relief washes over me. I expect Hujun to rush at the trio, finding them in a moment of weakness, but he’s keeping his distance, looking standoffish even as I try to meet his eyes.

  “What?” Yayk barks. “The transaction is complete.”

  “I am afraid that is not true,” he says.

  I glance up at Yayk. He’s already suspicious.

  This plan, if it even is a plan, is moronic. And if this isn’t a plan, just a way for Hujun to protect Prince Korben, that means I’m about to spend many days and nights getting pleasured without consent. Painful memories of my time on planets with Octonods and Drakens fill my mind, my body sore and stiff and crying out for relief while one or more of them pounds into me, filling every hole. I remember the nights I wanted to die. And knowing Yayk is about to have me, practically with Hujun’s blessing, I’m wondering if it would have been better if I did die. The idea of spending the rest of this assignment with Yayk and his buddies is enough to make me sick. I hold back the bile, afraid of what they’ll do if I retch on their shoes, but the sickness doesn’t fade.

  I can barely hear what Hujun’s said, but Yayk seems to be considering it.

  “You know it is true,” Hujun says confidently.

  “You can relay the message,” Yayk barks back at him.

  “The Whores belong to him,” Hujun says. “He has the paperwork. If he discovers I gave away his property without permission, I’m afraid we’re all going to be in trouble.”

  Kagin frowns. “Where is the lair in relation to this place?”

  “Just through the forest there.” Hujun points a thick finger at the dilewiler territory and hope blossoms in my chest.

  It’s such a relief that it’s painful and finally, I’m able to stand up straight again. The two Sidyths flanking me on either side grip me more tightly, and not wanting to ruin the small chance to be in Hujun’s arms again, I wilt. This seems to satisfy them.

  “This is wrong, Hujun,” Drazal adds.

  Hujun speaks over him. “You’ll find the temperature much warmer through there. Prince Korben has chosen a fine place to set up lairs.”

  “I know about the lairs,” Yayk hisses, looking down at me.

  “It’s warmer there?” Kagin asks nervously.

  “That sounds nice,” Selim mutters. “I’m freezing.”

  “Quiet. Both of you,” Yayk barks.

  Yayk grabs my arm in a painful grip and easily lifts me off the ground. I expect Hujun to dart over, but he’s only watching with a detached expression. Oh God… maybe he is giving me up to keep the peace.

  “I should pleasure you right now. In front of him,” he hisses into my ear. “Can you believe I never got to experience a human? I bet you’re tight down there.” Without warning, his free hand cups my mound, and he squeezes me hard.

  “Don’t do anything you’ll regret,” Hujun says as Drazal grips Phoebe’s arm. “That is Prince Korben’s property. If you ruin it, you will have more problems with his father, and judging by your sudden appearance here, I do not think that is a price you can afford to pay. Come, let’s head back to his territory, and at the end of the day, the Whore will be yours. Perhaps, we can even toss this one into the deal…” He jerks Phoebe out of Drazal’s grasp and flings her at them. “In exchange for something worth my while.”

  “Yayk, I want one,” Selim says.

  “I want one too. I don’t want to share. I like the hair on that one.” Kagin grows excited, openly taking in Phoebe as though trying to undress her with his eyes.

  “This one’s too small,” Selim groans. “Please, Yayk. I want pleasure.”

  “Quiet. Both of you,” Yayk lowers his voice to a dull hiss. As though to provide himself some insurance, he rips a piece of fabric from his shirt and stuffs it into my mouth. “Quiet. This is perfect. Don’t you see? There are only two of them and three of us! We can take both the Whores for ourselves. Perhaps we can even get Korben to send one more over in exchange for Hujun alive. Just barely.” He snickers, but the others don’t seem too sure.

  “Hujun is strong, Yayk,” Kagin says. “And he’s been living on Hethdiss. He knows the woods.”

  “No Sidyth would come this far into the cold. Do you not see how weak they look? We have been on the heated ship for many passings. We can handle them. Hujun is weak, and the other is pampered.”

  “Hujun is never weak, Yayk.”

  “You are a coward, Kagin. Very well. We will play by their rules. But if there is an opening, we take it. Are we in agreement?”

  Kagin and Selim nod before Yayk lifts his head. I want to tell Hujun what their plans are, but my cries are muffled as Yayk takes me roughly by the arm and moves forward.

  “We have graciously decided to take you up on your offer, Hujun.”

  He nods gravely in response and turns toward the forest. I can already hear dilewilers growing excited, and my confidence in thinking they’ll never hurt me wanes.

  It’s not like I have a choice now.

  Neither does Hujun.

  Once under the imposing shade of the light and dark green trees, Yayk tightens his grip around my arm, keeping me all but attached to his hip. I look up at him, remembering his attractive face and my heart breaks in disappointment for myself. Yes, Yayk looks more human than Hujun, but he’s also much crueler. Much more like how I picture an alien. He’s shorter than Hujun, but his muscles are much slimmer and streamlined. He reminds me of a wide receiver. But I cannot say the same for his friends. Selim and Kagin are both considerably shorter than Yayk, but their skin seems to stretch from carrying entirely too much muscle. They’re bulky like heavy little balls, but they’re each over six and a half feet tall, so they’re still daunting to take in.

  And they’re all flanking me, as though I would be stupid enough to try and get away.

  It’s painful to see Hujun, Phoebe and Drazal all in front of me, only a few steps away. They get to walk together, but I’m stuck with a trio of scaled, muscled monsters who look at me as though I’m the latest Victoria’s Secret catalog in a basement bathroom. I swallow hard, trying to keep my fear in check, wishing so badly I could talk to someone, but the fabric keeps shifting more deeply into my mouth.

  “What animals are in these woods?” Yayk calls ahead.

  There’s no answer.

  “I’m talking to you,” Yayk tries again. “What animals do I hear? They don’t sound like anything similar at the fatherland.”

  When Hujun doesn’t answer again, I can tell Yayk is pissed off at being ignored and takes a different approach, stopping in a small clearing. I try to keep walking, but Yayk yanks me back, slamming my body into his, and I let out a pained squeak as the air escapes my lungs.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that night you threw yourself at me,” he says in a thick, husky voice.

  Hujun freezes, looking over his shoulder.

  Drazal goes to place a hand on him, but he wrenches free.

  “We must not stop walking,” he hisses.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Yayk doesn’t sound sorry in the least. “I was merely reminiscing about how badly this one wanted me. I am finally going to have the joy of her pleasuring me. She was begging, after all.”

  My cry turns strangled as Yayk leans in and brushes his scaled tongue against my cheek. It’s not a soft touch, and certainly not pleasant. I’m sure my skin is red when he’s finished.

  “We must not stop,” Hujun says again.

  “Do you know what my plans are with this one?” Yayk continues as though Hujun hasn’t spoken. “Aren’t you curious about what I’m going to do to her once she is legally mine?”

  Hujun stiffens again, and this seems to delight Yayk. He isn’t paying attention to the rough rustling in the leaves abov
e us. Dilewilers are on the move. They are doing just as they did before. Scoping out the scene. Checking for weaklings. Slow movers. Sick ones. Easy targets. I want to keep moving. Hujun said I’d be safe, but if all this food is roaming around their territory, will the dilewilers be able to control their desire, or will they rip us all apart?

  Yayk seems to be in no hurry to move.

  “I think I’ll start with her mouth,” he says, lowering his voice to a seductive purr, but my pussy is dryer than the Sahara Desert.

  He continues to drag his tongue across my skin forcibly, and I moan in pain against the fabric working its way down my throat.

  “When she belongs to me,” he continues, chuckling, “I’ll let her mouth remain open at all times. Easy access and all.”

  The dilewiler sounds in the distance are drawing closer. Yayk’s buddies must feel this and start to nudge and urge him to move on, but he’s enjoying himself too much now.

  “Next, I know humans have two holes down there. I want to fill both of them at once,” Yayk continues, lowering his hand to my skirt. I wince and cry as the memories come rushing back, but Yayk shushes me with a stroke of a scaled hand across my cheek. I’m tender from his licks, and I continue to cry in pain, eyes watering, but trying to look at the scene above.

  “Yayk,” Selim whispers. “We are not alone.”

  “We should move as the others say.”

  Yayk grumbles. “Sorry, I’m getting too excited just thinking about filling this one with my…” He trails off, glancing above his head, and sure enough there are about twenty monkey shaped shadows or silhouettes perched amongst the branches and leaves. The sounds grow louder and a few shapes slowly make their way down the massive trunks of the trees, and Yayk jerks up to his full height. “What are those?”

  “Dilewilers,” Drazal says, not looking the least bit nervous. I wish I had his confidence.

  “Dilewilers,” Kagin whispers.

  “But they… we’ll all die,” Yayk says in a low voice, barely moving. “What is this? Some sort of suicide mission? Did Korben put you up to this? More nonsense about keeping women on the same level as men?”


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