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Promised: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 3)

Page 21

by Sabrina Kade

  A low hiss escapes.

  “You smell clean.”


  “Your hair smells nice, too.”

  I can’t help but smile to myself. It’s such a simple compliment, but the deep rumbling of his voice already makes my thighs wet. I turn around and face him, having almost to turn my chin at a 90-degree angle to make out his face, but I don’t mind. I love how small this man makes me feel. I love how he looms over me but doesn’t intimidate me. My eyes drop down to his exposed chest, and I brush my fingers over a few of the scales there, and he shudders slightly.

  Oh. My alien is a sensitive one.

  “I’m happy to see you’re no longer wearing a shirt, but I think this also needs to go,” I say, curling my fingers around the band of his shorts. “You’re running out of room.” As though to prove my point, I touch his dick that’s pushing up against the fabric as if begging for more space. I don’t want Hujun to change his mind about anything, and I hook my fingers into his shorts and promptly pull them down to his knees where I let him finish off the task.

  He kicks the small bit of fabric to the other side of his lair, and a considerable smile hits my face when I get a full, unobstructed view of the beauty that is my alien’s cock. Under the sun rayers, I see every scale and every delicious fold of flesh. I want to taste every part of him, and I want to take the crown into my mouth to see how deep I can go.

  I flick my eyes back up to his because he hasn’t moved yet.

  “Shall I get naked?” I tease.

  He swallows hard. “If you’d like.”

  “I would like.” It takes less than no time to peel off my top and skirt, and soon I stand before him, staring down at the throbbing length of muscle before me. Hujun is huge. And scaled. And though he’s upset because he’s not as scaled as his brothers, I think his dick is perfect.

  I can’t take just staring at it any longer. I need to touch him.

  “Don’t move.”

  “I am yours to command, Ellis.”

  His rumbling voice makes me shiver. My thighs grow wetter. Hujun has so much strength and power, but it’s a strength he doesn’t force on others. He knows he can kill anyone. He knows I’m powerless to stop him if he wants pleasure. And yet, he doesn’t want to frighten me. He wants me to feel as though I’m in control.

  I’m completely fine with that.

  I’m sure once I’m more comfortable I’ll love it when he takes command. But for tonight? Our first night together in his lair, I want to feel as though I have nothing to fear.

  My heart is racing, but Hujun remains entirely still. He’s watching me, though. He’s curious about what I’m up to, and the fact that he’s nervous turns me on so much my hands are shaking before I touch him again. I close my fingers around his cock, enjoying his jolt of response, but also relieved he’s not trying to put his hands on me forcibly. He knows he could. He knows how easily he could overpower me. And yet he doesn’t. He allows me to take him as I please, reminding me once again that he’s nothing like Yayk.

  He’s nothing like the Sidyths from his homeworld.

  My eyes flicker up to his, relieved by this fact for the umpteenth time since I’ve met him, still keeping the base of his cock circled in my fist. I can’t grip the entire width, but I’m pretty confident I can take the whole crown into my mouth.

  Hujun looks down with a shocked expression. “What are you…”

  “I’m going to blow you.” I wish I could make it sound sexier, but I don’t feel like having to explain myself, only to make things more awkward. “I’m going to take your cock into my mouth and suck on it. Is that okay with you?”

  “I am yours, Ellis.” His voice sounds strangled, and his eyes are wide with anticipation, but I can’t focus too much on that.

  I have a job to do. Literally.

  Gripping the thick thighs on either side of me, I glide my mouth down the length of his dick, taking as much as I can without gagging. Academy training has taught me well, but it’s also shown me my limits, and though I’m sad to admit it, I don’t think I can take Hujun all the way. But I’m going to make sure he doesn’t regret Choosing such a short mate and work my magic, gently dragging my teeth up and down the scales as I continue to suck.

  “Oh… oh…” The sounds coming from Hujun are almost as feral as the dilewiler’s.

  I suck harder, enjoying the satisfying noises erupting from my mate’s throat, hardly surprised when his thick fingers curl into my hair and fist it carefully. He’s either testing his boundaries or himself, but either way, I suck him harder. I kiss the tip a few times, flicking my eyes up to Hujun who’s watching with an almost scandalized expression.

  Do Sidyth women not suck dick?

  They don’t know what they’re missing out on.

  “My Ellis,” he rumbles above my head as though eye contact makes him more excited. “I will not last if you continue… like… like this.”

  I moan into his cock, humming along as I continue to work. My pussy grows wetter, but suddenly, I’m off my feet.

  I squeal as Hujun pulls my mouth away from his dick and slams me onto the furry blankets on his bed. There’s a feral look in his eyes, and I’m more aroused than ever as he cups my breasts and kisses them roughly from above. That amazing, forked tongue works its magic until my tight little buds melt like Hershey Kisses. I squeal as something teases against the folds of my pussy.

  His fingers are cold at first, but he dives deeper, pushing them further, and I bark out a squeak of surprise as he curls them around as though testing the space inside of me. He’s able to fill me easily just with his fingers, and I buck my hips, greedy for more. He keeps working my breasts with his mouth and my pussy with his fingers. I can barely stand it. He must have been a gymnast or ballet dancer on his homeworld. Nothing this massive should be this flexible.

  Now I know what he means about losing control.

  “Hujun. I love you.”

  “I am yours.” His voice is thick and heavy with arousal as he pulls his mouth away and flicks his tongue through his lips several times, easily detecting how turned on I am. “And though you have not asked me, I do have a question for you, my Ellis.”

  My eyes widen as I stare up at him. What is he possibly about to ask me?

  I nod wordlessly, keeping my eyes on his.

  “Are you ready for me to take you again?” He strokes the length of his massive cock as though to explain himself, but I’ve never been one to fail at sex charades.

  I nod once more, excited to have his dick fill me to the brim. I’m not a doll in his eyes. I’m not a pet, and I’m not a toy. I’m a woman. And apparently, I’m a woman who can command him at will. The thought makes me smile, and I nod harder this time to leave no room for miscommunication because I know how important that is to Hujun.

  With a nervous nod, he starts to position himself, spreading my folds with his fingers. He stares at my pussy and then his dick. We may look like we can’t work together, but we do. We love each other.

  “I want you. I want you inside of me.” I push my hips up toward the crown. There’s a beautiful drop of seed already cresting the tip, and as much as I want to taste him, I want him inside me even more.

  He doesn’t wait for me to ask again, pushing his cock sack-deep into me without finesse or patience. I gave him permission to do this, and damnfuckme, he did.

  I squeal when the tip of his cock hits me in places I never thought possible. He’s so fucking big I can barely breathe. I’m wet from his voice and sucking his dick earlier, but I never imagined I would be able to take this much of him. I groan in ecstasy as he continues to fill me, and I realize he hasn’t pushed down to the base yet. He’s not just huge. He’s enormous. He’s fucking epic.

  The Ben Hur of cocks!

  “Hujun…” I manage to croak as my eyes widen. I try to offer him some help, edging closer to him on the bed, but he shoots me a look saying let me handle this. I quickly relax, making sure my muscles don’t tense a
s he continues to shift and move, pressing further and further into my core.

  So good. So full.

  And once he’s finally finished just pushing the entirety of his length inside more slowly and with more finesse, he leans closer, brushing his nose against mine.

  “Are you alright?” he says in a low voice. His cock twitches inside and I blink hard. “Are you in pain?”

  I shake my head. “No…” I meet his nervous gaze and take his face in my hands. “No, Hujun. You feel amazing. You are amazing.”

  “But how do you feel?”

  “I feel… this feels… there aren’t enough words.”

  His mouth curves up into a gentle smile, and I hug his cock by squeezing my thighs together. This elicits a full smile from him, and I do it again. He hisses happily, slowly moving his cock in and out of my folds, testing the rhythm and pacing of our lovemaking. He cups my breast, squeezing my nipple, and I arch my back in surprise, amazed he can make me feel this way.

  Sex with aliens is rarely enjoyable.

  But this? Fucking Hujun? It’s incredible. Human hotties from college and high school need no longer apply to get between these legs.

  The pacing of his thrusts quickens, and we start to find a rhythm together, moving and bucking as though our bodies are one. Hujun hisses and moans, and the more he continues to fill and pull away, the more excited I become. We can have a lifetime of this. I never want it to end. His cock dives into my pussy for a hug and then pulls away again. I’m barely able to keep it together. Soon, Hujun’s thrusting turns wilder and less controlled, and I know we’re getting close to the explosion of shared bliss.

  And then he comes.

  And damnshitfuck, it’s like hitting up the beach on a chilly morning, and the first wave knocks me over. All air escapes from my lungs. The chilled wave of seed fills me, and I’m shivering with joy and delight. It’s borderline painful just like the ocean waves but feels so damn right I’m not leaving the ocean any time soon. Just like the morning waves, I’ll take the chill of Hujun’s seed over and over again.

  There’s nothing I want more.

  And as he gasps out and falls against my chest, I wrap my arms around his broad back, brushing my fingernails against his scales as the rest of the aftershocks rock through both of us.

  “Holy poopsicle,” I whisper, staring at the ceiling.

  “Your deity?” he rumbles into my neck.

  I can’t help snickering. “Not exactly, but after that, Hujun, you may as well be my deity now.”

  He rumbles and shudders, which I’ve now realized is him chuckling against me. Knowing that, I can’t help smoothing my fingers through his short hair, joining in his laughter. No one else will see this side of him. Hujun’s laughter and his smiles. They are mine.

  I’m happy. I’m lying in bed with a Sidyth who’s over two feet taller than I am.

  He can kill with wildness and severity that would bring cage fighter to his knees.

  And yet, I feel safe with him.

  After a few more deep breaths, Hujun lifts his body off mine and rolls on his side so he can face me. With only an opening of his arm, I quickly situate myself into his nook, burrowing my face against his firm chest and inhale deeply. As if he’s not irresistible enough, he smells incredible. Like musk and man, forest and berries. I’ll never want anyone but him.

  I feel his nose in my hair.

  “I must admit, I am looking forward to doing this more.”

  “Are you?” I can’t help but snicker into his chest. My mind races, and I remember Blythe’s prediction about me being next, but not wanting to count my chickens before my eggs hatch, I look up at Hujun with a serious expression. “And… uh… do you think you might one day be able to look forward to me… having…” He doesn’t fill the dead air with an answer, and I wonder if we’re having this conversation too soon. After all, this is Korben’s bodyguard I’m talking to. He probably never thought in a million years that—

  “I look forward to you growing my sprog inside of you if that is what you are asking,” he fills in at last with a sly smile on his face.


  “Really. Is that something you want?”

  I think. Do I want to carry an alien’s baby? Or rather, do I want to carry Hujun’s baby? A little ball of muscle with a smart mouth and possibly a head of curls?

  Hells to the fudging yes.

  “It is,” I say primly, though I’m sure Hujun knows I’m censoring myself.

  “Then it is as I said, Ellis. I am yours to command.”

  My heart warms when a sexy smile crosses his face once more. It’s an awkward look for him, but it doesn’t make him any less beautiful. It’s always been Hujun for me, and wanting him to know this once again, I lower my hand to his cock, brushing the crown. He’s hard, but not as hard as I’d like him to be.

  I can fix that.

  Hujun takes in a deep, trembling breath as I start to work his cock once more, knowing it will only be a few more moments before he goes all alien barbarian on me. He’ll probably never let me finish him off, too excited to give me pleasure. That’s perfectly fine with me.

  There’s plenty of things I need to focus on, and I realize that.

  There’s plenty of other girls in the lair who have their own sets of problems, and I’ll look into them starting tomorrow. Between pleasure sessions with my alien, of course.

  For now? It’s as Kansas says.

  Focus on the here. Focus on the now.

  “I do love you, poopsicle,” Hujun rumbles, and I burst into laughter.

  Hell yes.

  The End

  If you like this book, please leave a review. The only way I can decide whether to commit more time to these characters and this series is by getting feedback from you, the readers. Your opinion matters to me. I have only so much time to craft new stories. Help me invest that time wisely. Plus, reviews buoy my spirits and stoke the fires of creativity.


  Rebels of Sidyth, Book One



  When I volunteered to become an entertainer, I had no idea I would become a whore – let alone one shipped across the entire galaxy. I shouldn’t have been so eager, but the money was too good and signing the contract without taking anything too seriously came easily. The entire transaction was legit. Supposedly. There was nothing I could do once the ink dried on the paper. Who could I ask for help? My parents? My mom’s dead, and my dad’s the reason I signed the contract.

  I could only hope the money promised was as concrete as the contract I had signed.

  How would I know from five billion miles away?

  Would I ever find out if the money I sent helped my dad at all? Did it matter? Would he still smile, in selfish relief, if he knew his oldest daughter had sold herself to become an intergalactic space whore?

  This leads to me to where I’m at right now.

  I glance around the room, taking note of the faces as the ship transports me my next assignment. As usual, everyone’s young, female, and at least somewhat athletic. All the girls train when we have a free moment but having something in common didn’t exactly make us friends. Quite the opposite. We look out for ourselves, save for a few of the high-class entertainers who always manage to work jobs together.

  Frowning, I lower my cup of water. This isn’t a bad room. There’s enough space for all of us to stretch out and there’s a separate space if we need to take a piss. Accommodations have been a lot worse, but there’s still no telling how long this supposed situation will last.

  “Where are they taking us?” one asks, ruining my quiet assessment. I glance and find a pair of piercing blue eyes fixating on my much darker ones.

  That’s how it is on a lot of these journeys. So many girls turn to me for answers. I’m not exactly sure why. Maybe I look old or more experienced. Maybe I’m more approachable than the others. Either way, enclosed in this locked room with nineteen other girls, I’m not surprised
when several of them flock towards my corner. I lick my lips and take in the first who’s brave enough to speak to me, recognizing her immediately.

  Doesn’t mean I have to be friendly about it.

  “I don’t know, Ellis,” I shoot back, dismissing my polite trained ways of speaking I use with clients. I don’t want to let worry show on my face, but this situation is outside the norm.

  Twenty Human Whores locked in pleasant accommodations, if not for the fact we’d all be forced to spread our legs later for whoever purchased us.

  Still though, twenty? It seems a bit excessive. Maybe it’s for another alien bachelor party of some sort.

  Sighing, I remember I deserve this. I signed the papers. I boarded the shuttle without a second thought to my future or safety.

  “There are twenty of us here, you know,” Ellis goes on, glancing around the sterile enclosed room we’re bunked in. She openly expresses all my worries in her submissive, yet obviously intelligent voice. “Twenty. What could anyone possibly want with twenty girls at once?”

  “Bachelor party?” I guess sarcastically.

  “Maybe they’re like the Entlas?” one asks hopefully, and I’m immediately drawn to her young face and near black eyes. “They weren’t so terrible. Some were kind.”

  “Doubt it,” York says before swallowing. “Maybe they’re Sidyths?”

  “You think they’re like the Pluefs? Or the ones with the fins?” The one with dark eyes swallows. “Or Drakens?” She finishes in a small voice.

  A lot of these girls are new to me, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re new to the system altogether. There are formal training academies all over the galaxy, and they’re all buying up humans and humanoids with names I can’t pronounce. Humans are a commodity in the universe because no one cares about a human’s welfare. The mentality was, ‘what could we possibly do? Fly home? Alert the Galactal Federation? Please, go ahead’, followed by chuckling. Earth doesn’t belong to the Galactal Federation. To most, humans are only a few steps better than how humans view dogs. We’re pets. Adorable pets. Pets who can give pleasure.


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