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Alphas for the Holidays

Page 190

by Mandy M. Roth

  “Wow,” Anya said.

  Asmodeus continued to focus on Selina. “I have been summoned to fulfill your deepest desires. All of them that are within my power. Until I have completed this task, we will have to keep the hounds at bay.”

  He shook his head. “I nearly forgot. Anya, have you noticed any thing or anyone strange around your house?”

  She looked surprised. “As a matter of fact, yeah. I swear I saw a werewolf at the edge of the woods this morning. It doesn’t make any sense though. I’ve got wolfsbane growing in several places around the yard.”

  “Anything else?” he asked.

  She hesitated. “You’ll think I’m crazy.”

  Asmodeus sighed and gave her an irritated (yet still charming) look.

  “Fine. It was really early. The sun was behind him, and I’d been harvesting some strong mushrooms.”

  “What did you see?” Selina pressed.

  “He was all wolfed out, and he … looked like he was on fire.”

  “Shrooms, huh?” Selina asked.

  Asmodeus didn’t seem surprised. “That was no werewolf. You saw a hellhound.

  “A what?” the women asked together.

  “You mean they’re real?” Selina asked. “I thought they were supposed to have three heads.”

  “That is Cerberus. He is a specific hellhound, and yes, he has three heads.”


  “He’s that too, but I don’t believe we are dealing with Cerberus.”

  “What are we dealing with?” Selina asked.

  “I’ll let you know once I confirm my suspicions. But a flaming werewolf is the form hellhounds take when they aren’t wearing their human skin. Wolfsbane has no effect. You might want to get to work immediately on those protection spells,” he said the last to Anya. “And Selina, you and I should go do the same at your house.”

  “This is unreal,” Anya said, walking them to the door. “You do realize what a fucked up fairy tale this sounds like, right?”

  The smile Asmodeus turned to Anya made Selina quiver, and it wasn’t even directed at her.

  “How do you get the term fairy tale out of this?” he asked.

  Anya put her hands on her narrow hips and glared at him playfully. “You really don’t see it? I know that demons can observe humans, even though we are in different dimensions. It’s plain from your patterns of speech and sense of humor that you are more than acquainted with mankind. I know things have changed a lot since you were human, but you must have learned about fairy tales. Everyone knows the basics, don’t they?”

  He crossed his arms and rested against the open doorway to the hall. “Pretend I don’t.”

  “All fairy tales, no matter how grim, no pun intended, usually involve a curse. And what is the ultimate curse breaker? True love’s kiss. You said that your curse could be broken through a kiss.”

  “Sure. A kiss that passes part of my demonic soul to another person. That’s not exactly a gift and it certainly would make an awful bedtime story.”

  Anya looked pleased with herself. “It’s still true love’s kiss.”

  “You think so?” he asked.

  “It has to be. Who the fuck would take on part of a demon’s soul if they didn’t love them?”

  Asmodeus gave her a playful smirk and turned toward the door. He didn’t comment and Selina couldn’t think of anything to say. She was still absorbing everything he’d just shared with them.

  “I’m serious about those protection spells,” he said. “Get out all the salt you have in the house and pour it in front of all the doorways and windows. You probably already know this, but it will keep demons out. Oh, and put it across the hearth on your fireplace too.”

  “But what if you need to get back in?” Anya asked.

  He winked. “Do you think something like salt works on someone like me?”

  They had barely stepped onto the porch when Selina sensed a change in the air. This time she noticed something was wrong too. Asmodeus scanned the tree line as he said, “Stay here. Get back inside.”

  The smell of sulfur was strong on the cold breeze. “Has the hound returned?” she asked, backing toward the door.

  Anya wrapped her arms around Selina from behind and pulled her close.

  “Get the salt,” Asmodeus repeated.

  The witches scrambled to do as he said. Anya used salt for casting circles and always had a supply. She climbed onto the kitchen counter in order to reach the top shelf, no time to bother with a chair. She tossed down a box to Selina.

  “Go get the doors,” she said. “I should have enough to do the windows.” She grabbed a second box of salt and jumped down, running toward the living room.

  Selina poured a salt line along the ledge of the kitchen window simply because she was standing right beside it. Next, she raced for the back door. She had just begun to pour salt over the threshold at the front (the door was still open) when she saw Asmodeus standing in the middle of the yard, not far from the front steps. In front of him was what could only be described as a seven-foot-tall flaming werewolf.

  “By the goddess,” Anya gasped, looking out the living room window. “I wasn’t high from gathering shrooms. I swear, I thought I must have accidentally come in contact with a spore or something.”

  She was rambling. It’s what she did under pressure and Selina was used to it.

  “Close the door,” Anya said, coming to stand beside her.

  “I should, but I want to hear what’s going on,” Selina said.

  Her friend gave an incredulous look. “You’re going to get killed over being nosy?”

  “Shut up. Whatever that thing is, it can’t cross this line.”

  “Unless the wind blows the salt away.”


  Anya grabbed a long skinny pillow-looking thing from behind the door and placed it in front of the salt.

  “It’s used to keep the draft out,” she explained. “It’ll protect the salt from the wind.”

  The flaming werewolf moved closer and smoke rose from his footsteps.

  “He’s killing my damn grass!” Anya said.

  “Samael,” Asmodeus said. “I should’ve known Azazel would send you. You always were his favorite hound.”

  The hound cocked his head to the side and Selina got a good look at his teeth. She guessed he was attempting to smile.

  “You’re lucky, Mo. He only sent me to warn you this time.”

  “My ass. He’s pissed that I answered the call before he could. How long has it been now since he got to walk free? Two thousand years?”

  “Shut up,” Samael snapped. He flicked his wolf tongue as if licking his lips. “If you do not heed his warning, I will feast on your soul.”

  “You are not a match for me.”

  “Maybe not when last we fought, but I am stronger now. Besides, your absence leaves Lust with an empty throne. Your legions grow restless.”

  “If I leave, I have the right to choose my successor, and I already have. A thousand years ago when I kicked your ass for trying to take my throne. You will never have it, Samael.”

  “Unless I kill you,” he growled. “When that happens you lose all rights and your chosen bitch loses all privileges. I’ll have Valefar licking the shit from the floors of the lowest pit, not assuming the throne of Lust.”

  Asmodeus seemed unfazed, at least as far as Selina could tell.

  “By the time Azazel gives you leave to put a hand on me, my powers will be stronger. I think you should spend that time sharpening your claws.”

  “Fuck you.” Samael chuckled and it was a frightening sound. Smoke and sparks billowed from his mouth and a sound like crackling fire blended with his laughter. “Being pulled through a portal by request is a lot different than having time to prepare for the journey on your own. I didn’t have to wait for my powers to awaken. You have been here long enough to fulfill any slut’s desire. Have your ass back in Hell in two days, or I will return.”

w a fucking tea party if you like, have some fun while I’m gone. It doesn’t matter. I’m not going back.”

  Samael looked right at Selina and her blood ran cold. His eyes flamed to life in an entirely different and sinister way than when Asmodeus looked at her.

  “You will not break his curse witch,” he said, his voice deep and threatening. “Three days is the maximum time allowed for a demon who has been summoned to fulfill desires. That is not enough time to love him. It isn’t possible.” His grin was evil, especially on that awful werewolf face. “Make no mistake; you would have to love him to accept part of what he is. This,” he said, gesturing toward Asmodeus, “is only window dressing. If you still want him after he takes off his makeup, now that’s love.”

  “How do you know I’m the one who summoned him?” she asked.

  Samael looked as surprised as Selina felt when she spoke. Where did she get the nerve to speak to a hellhound? And how was her voice so steady?

  “I can feel it when you look at him,” he answered. Then, he turned his attention back to Asmodeus. “No one will accept The Eternal Kiss, not willingly. They never do. And if you force her, you lose and she is cursed.”

  “I’ve done a lot of things,” Asmodeus said. “But I have never forced a woman to do anything.”

  “You have tortured many women,” the hellhound pointed out.

  Asmodeus didn’t flinch, but Selina could feel his reaction somehow. He was disturbed to have tortured anyone at all. As he’d pointed out, it was part of his damnation.

  To the hound he replied coolly, “All in a day’s work, and never in a sexual context.”

  The hound waved one long-fingered hand as if brushing aside the comment. “Technicalities. My point is you are well and thoroughly fucked. It’s called damnation for a reason. Get used to it.”

  His fur, which seemed to be living flame, moved on the smoke filled breeze as Samael turned his back. “By the way,” he called over his shoulder, “yesterday counted as your first day.”

  He took two more steps and disappeared.

  “What the fuck?” Anya yelled as Asmodeus turned back to face them.

  “That was Samael, top enforcer for Azazel, another prince of Hell, ruler of the seventh circle, to be exact.”

  “Violence? He’s the ruler of Violence?” Selina asked.

  “That’s just great,” Anya said. “Now you want to tell me what Samael was doing in my yard?”

  “My guess is he was tracking the scent of your spells. He’d be looking for places where a portal was recently opened. You don’t live that far from Selina. He found your place first.”

  Anya looked really upset by this news and Selina couldn’t blame her.

  “Don’t worry,” he added, walking back onto the porch. “Next time, he’ll come to Selina’s house.”

  Chapter 4

  “I think it’s time you leveled with me,” Asmodeus said.

  Selina watched him over the table. They were eating from a bowl of fresh cherries. She couldn’t bring herself to cook, but needed some food to settle her stomach. Recent events had left her pretty shaken.

  “What do you want to know?” she asked. “I think I’ve been pretty straight-forward with you.”

  He leaned forward and slipped out of his coat. When he looked up at her again instead of burning lust, the look in his eyes was kind. It was also very compelling. Passion was what she expected. She was prepared to resist him long enough to answer his questions. However, she was not prepared for compassion. Selina felt her eyes stinging with unshed tears and he hadn’t even asked a question yet. What the fuck was going on with her? She was never this emotional. Selina had never been one of those people who cried over greeting card commercials or got all worked up when she had PMS. That’s not to say she didn’t feel things or show emotion. She simply wasn’t an overly emotional person. That is, until Asmodeus answered her summons. Something about him awakened feelings she could not express. Maybe that was why she wanted to cry? He made her feel like her emotions were overflowing.

  “What is it you really want?” he said softly.

  “I knew it,” she said. “I knew you would ask that.” She braced herself and tried to maintain her composure as she confessed, “I just want to be loved. I’ve dated so many guys.” She paused and wiped a few tears. “Wow. That sounds bad. I feel like I’m missing something. Not because I’m alone, but like a part of me is missing. I’ve always sensed that it was out there somewhere, this connection that I’m supposed to have. That probably sounds desperate and needy, and every other thing in the world that I’m afraid of sounding like, but it’s the truth.”

  She started to cry harder. Asmodeus knelt by her chair and pulled her close. He smelled of leather and incense and she breathed deeply, comforted by his scent.

  “You don’t sound like any of those things,” he said kindly. “You sound human. Everyone wants to be loved. It’s a very basic need. You are not weak for wanting someone who loves and accepts you. What do you think got me into this mess in the first place?”

  She laughed softly at his joke, and wiped a few more tears.

  “I looked in the wrong place for it, but I was also looking for love. I wanted to connect with someone the way you described. What I need to know is, do you still want this? Is it the deepest desire of your heart?”

  Selina thought that over for a moment before answering, “Yes.”

  “Do you think it’s possible to have what you want with a demon? Are you willing to try? I know this is very sudden, but we have a time limit before all Hell breaks loose.”

  “I want you to stay with me,” she said. “Not because I’m lonely or because you want out of Hell. I want you to stay because you feel like I do when you’re close to me.” She pulled back to look at him. “I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without that feeling.”

  Asmodeus put his hands on her hips and lifted her onto the table. Before Selina had time to think, she was unbuttoning his shirt. As soon as his chest was bared, she pulled him against her, devouring him with her kiss.

  She was telling the truth, she could not imagine living the rest of her life without feeling this, without knowing his touch.

  Asmodeus unfastened her jeans and she kicked off her shoes. A moment later her jeans hit the floor along with her coat, shirt, and bra. She wasn’t wearing any panties. The demon was bare from the waist up, and Selina didn’t want to wait for him to take off his pants. She unzipped his velvet pants and moaned as she closed her hand around his length.

  “Right now,” she said.

  Selina wrapped her legs around his hips as she pulled him to her by his cock. Asmodeus growled as he thrust into her.

  “Yes,” she said. “I need it hard.”

  She put her hands back on the table for leverage and rolled her hips. The demon licked his lips as he moved his hands to her ass.

  “You’re so tight,” he said, his voice strained.

  Selina continued to thrust her hips up, grinding against him until his eyes rolled back and she could feel his knees trembling. She had no idea her workouts would pay off in such a pleasurable way.

  “Does my pussy feel good?” she purred. Selina had always liked it when her lovers talked dirty, but she’d never felt bold enough to do it herself until now. She saw no point in having inhibitions with the ruler of Lust.

  By the wicked smile on his face, she guessed he liked her lusty question.

  “You know it does,” he said.

  He moved slowly in and out and she moaned. Until now, he’d been content to let her do most of the work.

  “Then I want you to fuck it for me while I come,” she said. “You think you can handle that?”

  His grin widened as she lay back on the table and moved one hand down to work her clit.

  “Faster,” she commanded.

  Selina stroked herself in faster and faster circles while he moved in and out. The sound of his body, slapping against her wet labia was what finally sent her over the e
dge. She came so hard she could barely see.

  “Come for me,” she said, arching off the table.

  He thrust harder and the bowl of cherries hit the floor.

  “Come for me,” she said again. With those words she felt his body stiffen and knew he was coming. This turned her on more and added to her pleasure.

  As she rested against the table she wondered how the bowl hadn’t broken.

  After several minutes of heavy breathing Selina said, “I don’t know about you, but I need a shower.”

  Asmodeus gathered their clothes from the floor and followed her into the bathroom. While she adjusted the water, he brought up the subject she was dreading.

  “If you’re willing to give this a try, what about my curse? I hate to pressure you, I really do. Don’t make a decision because time is short. If you are unsure, then let me go back to Hell.”

  Selina rounded on him. “How can you say that?”

  She looked at him standing there tall, dark, and glistening with sweat. She couldn’t even imagine sending him away.

  “Your curse, it’s a lot to take in, and you know that. If I accept this Eternal Kiss that you and Samael were talking about, what will that mean for me? Do you really want to spend eternity with me?”

  He reached for her and ran a hand through her hair, caressing her face before pulling back. “I knew I wanted to be with you the moment I heard your call. There was magic in your voice of a completely different kind. I heard your call with my heart, not my senses.”

  “Will I live forever?”

  “It’s possible. You will share my lifetime. If you accept the kiss, you will gain much of my power, even take on some physical aspects of mine.”

  She gave him a questioning look.

  “I would offer to show you my true form so you can see what I mean, but—”

  “But what? You think I can’t handle it?”

  He shrugged. “No offense, but maybe not. What you see now is how I looked as a human, but what’s underneath is what I became in Hell. If you run screaming I’ll understand. Can we please wait on that until tomorrow at least?”

  Selina was afraid to see what was beneath his gorgeous skin, so she had no problem agreeing to wait. “All right.”


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